Author Topic: New efforts!  (Read 7533765 times)


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3100 on: July 05, 2014, 09:05:11 PM »
If you have enough slots, it could be the same as transferring a toon from server to server. If a toon with that name exists you get a rename token. Easy Peasy.

This assumes that the account data is accessible of course.

Look, I get that some people want their old characters, I do too. Heck I actually know people who WON'T play if they can't get everything back. I certainly don't care if others have 50's and I don't.

Let me ask this. What if they could get the game up and running without old data restored in 2 months but if they have to restore data 6 to 8 months.

Would you rather have it in 2 months or 6-8 months?

In that scenario... in all honesty... id wait.. ive already waited this long.. and it would be going into winter.. a slower time of the year for me.. less activities outdoors with the family.. more time to play..

So for me in that scenario.. Id have no issue waiting if Im getting all my stuff.. easy decision for me


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3101 on: July 05, 2014, 09:05:54 PM »
Let me ask this. What if they could get the game up and running without old data restored in 2 months but if they have to restore data 6 to 8 months.

Would you rather have it in 2 months or 6-8 months?
Depends on if the word "never" is involved.   ;D    Do we get the game back in 2 months and never get the old toons back?

If your idea works and they can merge the accounts later then...let's play!   8)


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3102 on: July 05, 2014, 09:07:42 PM »
If not clear...I'm fine with whatever the situation ends up, long as we get it back.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3103 on: July 05, 2014, 09:09:21 PM »
I wouldn't think that either...but I'm seeing several people express a preference for that in this thread.   And not just for themselves....they want everyone to start over. (the ultimate nerf-herder?)   I was just putting out that option so they can see it's not necessary for everyone to start over for them to achieve this goal.

Just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean they want to force you to play CoH their way. You are reading your own agenda into it.

I think the real issue is that you are afraid that the new management will see all these people saying they don't care or that they would enjoy restarting and that they won't even consider all those who have a stable of 50's they want to play and take the easier road and just start with a wipe.

Just relax. I think they will do whatever they can and as I have said, we have no control over it anyway. No need to sling accusations around.

AKA TheDevilYouKnow
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3104 on: July 05, 2014, 09:15:54 PM »

In that scenario... in all honesty... id wait.. ive already waited this long.. and it would be going into winter.. a slower time of the year for me.. less activities outdoors with the family.. more time to play..

So for me in that scenario.. Id have no issue waiting if Im getting all my stuff.. easy decision for me

Not me. I want back in as soon as possible. Maybe you should put a poll and ask what people think.

2 months and get nothing back

4 months and get I24

6 months and get some of it back later.

8 Months and get everything back at start>

It's all pointless speculation anyway/

AKA TheDevilYouKnow
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3105 on: July 05, 2014, 09:22:56 PM »
Not me. I want back in as soon as possible. Maybe you should put a poll and ask what people think.

2 months and get nothing back

4 months and get I24

6 months and get some of it back later.

8 Months and get everything back at start>

It's all pointless speculation anyway/

see i dont need to take a poll to ask what people think... the question you asked was

"Would you rather have it in 2 months or 6-8 months?"

I can wait the 6-8 months if it means that I could get everything back that I had at the time of closure. I am aware many people would not want to wait.. in fact most wouldnt.. and i dont blame them.. nor would I expect them to..

But if that were posed to ME as the option.. Id wait...


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3106 on: July 05, 2014, 09:40:07 PM »
I think people dont realize this isnt going to be...flip a switch and it runs..

Your studio has to be in place.. maybe it is.. maybe it isnt.. we dont know.
You need to assemble your development team and create positions and responsibilties for them...
You need to acquire all the data..
You need to upload it and hope nothing breaks...
You need a new login system.
You need servers...
The servers need to be tested for latency issues.
You need a maintance team..
You need a website and web managers..
You need community liasons.
You need to make an announcement to media outlets..
You desperately need a marketing team...
You need internal tests run..
You need a beta test...
You need a launch..
We know the game runs on XP.. Windows 7?? Windows 8?? Linux ??? whatever Mac version is out now ??
What about the Paragon market.. that was run by a third party company if I remember.. that would need to be re-established

And thats off the top of the head of guy who knows ZERO about building a game..

I am sure there are tens to hundreds of other things that need to be in place so that it is a successful return..

Let's look at these. I don't dispute them, but I think a large part of which groups NC$oft would listen to and which they were ignoring when it came to overtures to buy the game was the ability for the prospective buyer to have this exact sort of ability. CodeWalker could speak to this with more technical savvy, but some of these pieces are "as simple as that."

Transitioning software from one version of Windows (Server, in this case; I believe someone stated that 2003 was the version that Paragon/NC$oft had the server side running on) can be a headache, but it can also be surprisingly easy. Hardware can be a bigger issue, though. I have no trouble, to use a grossly oversimplified example, getting the original Baldur's Gate to install, load, and even run in Windows 7 (@#$% Windows 8 :P ) from my original CDs, but it's virtually unplayable because the dual-core processor and all of the hardware associated with that is vastly more powerful than the 233Mhz machine that I had when it the game came out.

I know that's a bad literal example, but the idea is you don't know what, if anything, is going to be a problem until you actually try it. There's no forum out there where someone has had this problem, had trouble with it, asked a community, and had someone else who'd already been through it share how they overcame it. In point of fact, I seem to recall War Witch saying, in one of the last video streams, in response to a Lore or story question, that they would often refer to Paragon Wiki if they were having trouble with details or continuity. I wouldn't be surprised if some people here (with dots under their names colored something other than yellow) Receive The Call once the game is acquired. Then, within reason, we'll definitely know a lot more about time frames and feasibilities. Also, how much Tums Codewalker and GuyPerfect can consume in one day...
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3107 on: July 05, 2014, 09:44:27 PM »
Not me. I want back in as soon as possible. Maybe you should put a poll and ask what people think.

2 months and get nothing back

4 months and get I24

6 months and get some of it back later.

8 Months and get everything back at start>

It's all pointless speculation anyway/

I think this is getting a little too "Facebook." We've waited this long. Give it back as "right" as possible, no matter how long it takes. I'd rather wait a year, at least knowing that it's coming, than to have something broken and glitchy rushed out the door. The group doing this is putting a lot on the line, and they are going to be under pressure to show results (read: profit) as soon as possible, but, hopefully, they found benefactors who understand that rushing it out will alienate more players than will stay, guaranteeing failure of the game.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3108 on: July 05, 2014, 09:46:10 PM »
All this talk of "it'll be months before it's up!" ?

Oh, p'shaw.

The game can be 'lightswitched' on.  It's just a program, and all it needs is the proper servers and setting up, IP addresses changed for the downloading and communications, the proper authorizing servers for login purposes (credit card/time card/? method of payment, and the account info, which as I understood it were all on a different authorization server from the game servers), and of course the pipe to the internet... put the startup command on 'auto', and turn it/them on.

I don't even know how the servers worked beforehand.  But I do know this:  OS has to be up.  Databases have to be ready to go, and any software needed to run them if applicable.  Then you run the servers. 

Done.  Game is up.


Of course, there's the old servers themselves such as Protector and Pinnacle and Champion and such, as well as the authorization/login servers with the account information, I think... But you just run 'em.  After you get all the hardware/OS/other software done. 

Shouldn't be more than a week.  I'd say two days, but that's me. :)

It would depend greatly on if we're talking about them getting the code and databases, as well as specifications at end of game of the server hardware and internet needs, and the instructions for getting it to work... or if we're only talking about the IP, and nothing to do with the code/databases. 

Of course we're hearing the code comes with... Wouldn't surprise me if it's just the IP, and NCSoft says "go make your own."  :P
Now, that doesn't have *anything* to do with getting a studio up and running, getting a new dev team up.  It's JUST getting the game operating again.  That's all. 
The bigger problem will be the hoops to get the accounts working.  As in the credit card/time card/? way to pay or just get the account started in the first place.  The logistics behind THAT might need a little time.
So we'll go with 1) Game is purchased by unnamed entity.  2) Entity gets colocation, servers, and payment methods hammered out.  3) Hire enough staff to deal with GM in the game and payment tech support.  4) Website to deal with new accounts, or reloading old ones if possible, however that's going to happen  5) Start the game servers up.  6) Invite people to make accounts and play the game as it was pre-shutdown, no changes, no additions, just whatever was running at shutdown.
WAAAY simplistic on that.  Still, should be only a month or two after the dotted i's and crossed t's, if people are serious about it.  The rest of it, the additional lore, the new missions, the new zones, etc, ad nauseum, will come 3-6 months afterwards... or more.  Studio doesn't need to exist to keep the game going.   
That was proven with the 3 month shutdown.  :(
The biggest hurdle, I think, is 4). For that is the stickler to any of this, I believe... account authorizations.
Besides getting the game from NCSoft that is. Heh.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 09:55:28 PM by houtex »


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3109 on: July 05, 2014, 09:57:14 PM »
Not me. I want back in as soon as possible. Maybe you should put a poll and ask what people think.

2 months and get nothing back

4 months and get I24

6 months and get some of it back later.

8 Months and get everything back at start>

It's all pointless speculation anyway/

The sale will either include account data, or it won't.  That data will either include character data, or it won't.  It won't be "data coming in 6 months", so your scenarios just will not happen.

If we get the game back, it will either have your chars waiting, or it won't. Simple.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3110 on: July 05, 2014, 09:58:15 PM »
I wouldn't think that either...but I'm seeing several people express a preference for that in this thread.   And not just for themselves....they want everyone to start over. (the ultimate nerf-herder?)   I was just putting out that option so they can see it's not necessary for everyone to start over for them to achieve this goal.

Uh...I don't recall seeing anyone say "I don't want my account(s) back, thanks".  Unless I missed it in the 154 pages I read through.  I do however see many people (including myself) say "If it comes down to it" as in "If it's between having the game with no old data and not having anything", we'll gladly take the game.  That's a huge difference from what you're saying.

Now, there are certainly posts encouraging starting over since the likely outcome will be no account data.  Still not the same thing you're describing.  The sad reality is, NCSoft either won't have the data anymore or won't release it.  At least not without a ridiculous fee and or condition.  Imagine walking into a farmer's market and purchasing some fruit.  You then turn to the seller and say "I'd also like all of the personal information of each person who's ever come in contact with these fruits".  Pretty much not going to happen.

All that being said, it amazes me how many people here truly are greedy/selfish and really do enjoy (as someone put it earlier), looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Reminder: No game = No data, no characters...nothing.  However, no data/characters != No game.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3111 on: July 05, 2014, 10:30:55 PM »
Okay...I had to create a new account because the old one went to an email I no longer have, so even though I look new, I'm not. Although I have not posted much honestly.

That said, I have some questions & points:

 1 - IF we get account information back, will it include supergroup badges and bases? One of the main reasons I played was the base building. It would be important to me that we get that ability back.

2- IF we start over, I'm fine with it so long as the base building feature is still present. I would suggest, however, that all supergroup badges be instantly given, because it takes forever to earn them back and it takes a very active SG to do it, which might not be possible, depending on how active the game is.

3 - I do not mind starting over a character if needed. I don't mind starting an SG over if needed (aside from the SG badges). I can earn the prestige easy enough. I can level easy enough.

4 - About account retrieval: thinking on it, getting the account information back might be a bad thing. That would mean a LOT of unused accounts stored on the server, taking up data AND character names. Maybe a name wipe and give one free rename would be in order to free up some names? But my thinking is that fewer unused accounts might make the server run smoother, am I wrong?

5 - So far as servers...If we cannot access account information, I think it is best to start with 1 or 2 servers, since we would all be starting over. This would reduce overhead costs and would assure active servers. IF we can access account information...and have all servers back, I think it wise to do some server merges shortly after the relaunch, just to keep costs down.

Primary concern: get game back
Secondary concern: get all pre-existing features back, including base building
Thirdly: Account info

In that order in my opinion.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3112 on: July 05, 2014, 10:36:16 PM »
Just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean they want to force you to play CoH their way. You are reading your own agenda into it.
Am I misreading things like "I would prefer everyone start over from square one"?   Is there any other way to take statements like that?
I think the real issue is that you are afraid that the new management will see all these people saying they don't care or that they would enjoy restarting and that they won't even consider all those who have a stable of 50's they want to play and take the easier road and just start with a wipe.
True.  I want to lend my voice to the proceedings so it will be known that some of us do not prefer a wipe.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3113 on: July 05, 2014, 10:37:27 PM »
As far as names that are taken. you can give an amount of time ( say 6 months ) for accounts to be reactivated.. if its not activated within that time.. names get generic'd and the account gets a rename token.. simple IMO


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3114 on: July 05, 2014, 10:42:33 PM »
Uh...I don't recall seeing anyone say "I don't want my account(s) back, thanks".  Unless I missed it in the 154 pages I read through.  I do however see many people (including myself) say "If it comes down to it" as in "If it's between having the game with no old data and not having anything", we'll gladly take the game.  That's a huge difference from what you're saying.

Now, there are certainly posts encouraging starting over since the likely outcome will be no account data.  Still not the same thing you're describing.
I just read a post last night where the poster said they would prefer we all start over from scratch.  I'm not making this up.   I can go find it when I get time if you don't believe me.    ;)
All that being said, it amazes me how many people here truly are greedy/selfish and really do enjoy (as someone put it earlier), looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Just expressing my feelings about 8 years of playing.   The game I miss isn't just the's the game I spent 8 years making.

If me expressing that will somehow cause this effort to fail, I'll stop.   ;D

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3115 on: July 05, 2014, 10:46:19 PM »
Not me. I want back in as soon as possible. Maybe you should put a poll and ask what people think.

2 months and get nothing back

4 months and get I24

6 months and get some of it back later.

8 Months and get everything back at start>

It's all pointless speculation anyway/

I would love to have 8 years of my stuff back but I can't so be it. I would love to start at I 24 or I 23 from scratch . I really just want play.

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3116 on: July 05, 2014, 10:55:03 PM »

I would love to have 8 years of my stuff back but I can't so be it. I would love to start at I 24 or I 23 from scratch . I really just want play.

^ 100% agreed  8)
50's: Necro/Dark, Fire x3 Dom, Plant/Savage Dom, Ice/Time Blaster, Arch/TA Blaster, SS/Elec Brute, Rad/Rad Def.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3117 on: July 05, 2014, 10:56:15 PM »
Cart is a mile or two in front of the horse here,  folks. Before we split into warring factions, lets see if we are getting our game back first.

I will take anything i can get. I will like it in a box, i will like it with a fox. I dont care, Sam I am. I just want to watch the sun set over IP again, I want to listen to those Bane Spiders speaking Russian in the Tangle again.

I want to go home. I dont care how i get there.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3118 on: July 05, 2014, 10:57:33 PM »

I would love to have 8 years of my stuff back but I can't so be it. I would love to start at I 24 or I 23 from scratch . I really just want play.

I'm in the same boat, though perhaps 5 years of my stuff,considering my starting in Issue 8.  But I'd be happy to start over.  At best, if things have to go that way, it'd save me the trouble of the retcon project I was starting anyways on my account.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #3119 on: July 05, 2014, 11:00:43 PM »
Personally, I don't care that much about losing old characters. It would be pretty lame to lose things like vet rewards, cash shop things, etc though.