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The Big Giant Icon Thread

Started by Codewalker, December 11, 2012, 02:51:44 PM

Energy Aura

Nice work CW.  Another step towards a reawakened dream of a playable CoH!!!

Hats off to you


Stop being so awesome dammit!!!


Really Sweet!

First thing I did was to bring my 2nd Main character, Frankie Fusion (Kin/Rad Def) into Atlas to report for upgrade training from my Favorite character Sugoi (Emp/Psy Def).  Hmm now I have to find a good image server to load some of these things up online to share em!

Yay Photobucket!


Quote from: downix on June 11, 2013, 07:28:40 AM
There went any productive work tomorrow...

Lol! You said that right!
Thank you, Codewalker!



Quick question: McAfee went bugsh*t when I went to download this, gave me a big red warning pop up about detecting trojans and viruses.
Ran a scan, McAfee said it was clean.
Comments? Suggestions? Advice?


Quote from: Dasher on June 11, 2013, 12:13:13 PM
Quick question: McAfee went bugsh*t when I went to download this, gave me a big red warning pop up about detecting trojans and viruses.
Ran a scan, McAfee said it was clean.
Comments? Suggestions? Advice?
False Positive. I had it with version 1.6 and AvG. I'd imagine it's because of how Icon modifies the City.exe; it's picking it up as viral activity. I had similar behaviour with the Halo Editing Kit.


This is really great!

I was wondering, to have the cars and pedestrians walking, is that server side as well?


I want to pay my supergroup rent so I can go inside.  :(

Thanks again, Codewalker.  Excellent work.


Quote from: skippy7721 on June 11, 2013, 12:41:50 PM
I was wondering, to have the cars and pedestrians walking, is that server side as well?

Pedestrians are purely server side. They use AI pathing, which the client has neither the code to handle, nor the data for the path nodes.

Car routes do technically exist in the client-side maps (you can even see them with F4 on). I'm not sure how much code it would take to simulate that, but my initial feeling is that it would be a lot.

The Fifth Horseman

We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


Quote from: Codewalker on June 11, 2013, 06:55:26 AM

  • New command: /load_costume Filename
    By popular demand, this command loads a costume from a .costume file. The file should be located in the "costumes" subfolder of your COH install -- this is the same one that is used for loading or saving costumes from the character creator. You should not include the .costume extension in the name, just use the name of the character that the costume was saved for.

    If you are targeting an NPC when you use this command, it will load the costume onto that target instead of yourself.

....aaannd cue the group shots!

This is really quite fantastic. Seriously, your work on Icon is nothing short of amazing. Not only am I getting to rediscover the City with all the graphic bells and whistles turned on (got a new iMac), I'll finally be able to have an all-star team of all my favorite characters. Very cool.

Time to rebuild all the costumes I did not save...unless someone has figured out a smart and easy way to extract the costume files from the Sentinel files??? I think someone was working on that...


I'm really curious about the access level commands. Is there any way to find a list of these commands?


Hit the backtick (`) key, may also be tilde (unshifted ~) on your keyboard to bring up the console. cmdlist will show you most of them, though there may be too many to scroll through the whole list. cmds [name] will search. That's all built into the client (if you have AL>1) and not new commands added by Icon.

One thing that definitely won't work is the map editor, since Icon overwrites part of its UI code in order to steal the coordinate editor for F3. However the map editor doesn't work without a server to handle the commands that it sends anyway.


Awesome, thanks! I'll check it out.


Quote from: Codewalker on June 11, 2013, 06:55:26 AMIcon now includes the patch that allows the game client to load any files as overrides from data/. This should make loading custom maps, geobins, and other mods easier in the future.

To showcase this, I've prepared a zip file. Add its contents to the data/ subdirectory of your City of Heroes installation.

IMPORTANT: This is only for the Issue 24 client.

It will add a new map of Atlas Park that uses the original, 2004 launch data, complete with old-fashioned Atlas statue.

To get to it, use the following slash command:

/loadmap maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01_Echo.txt


Once again CodeWalker , i am at a loss for words ... awesome job does not even cut it  :)

thank you very much ...  :)


Quote from: Codewalker on June 11, 2013, 05:28:36 PM
Hit the backtick (`) key, may also be tilde (unshifted ~) on your keyboard to bring up the console. cmdlist will show you most of them, though there may be too many to scroll through the whole list. cmds [name] will search. That's all built into the client (if you have AL>1) and not new commands added by Icon.

One thing that definitely won't work is the map editor, since Icon overwrites part of its UI code in order to steal the coordinate editor for F3. However the map editor doesn't work without a server to handle the commands that it sends anyway.

You can also sort commands by letter using cmds a, cmds b, etc IIRC.

I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder

Waiting for an invitation to arrive
Goin' to a party where no one's still alive

Zombie Man

Arachnion and I got the Titan Icon wiki page updated.

Cyclone Jack

Quote from: Codewalker on June 11, 2013, 06:55:26 AM
The file should be located in the "costumes" subfolder of your COH install -- this is the same one that is used for loading or saving costumes from the character creator.

Just an FYI, my costumes are saving to:

C:\Users\%currentuser%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes Icon\costumes

If I am in C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes Icon\costumes I have to click on Compatibility Files, which redirects me to the above path.  Not sure why it is doing this for me, but if other users find that their costumes are saving, but cannot be found in the default path, they know where to look.