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Project Awakened

Started by P51mus, February 04, 2013, 09:54:33 PM


So, a game studio local to my area is starting up a kickstarter for a customizeable hero game.

QuoteFor the first time in a modern AAA action game, you will have the opportunity to completely define your dream videogame character, from abilities to aesthetics, all while playing in an action-packed world that responds to your personal playstyle.

The language they're using reminds me a lot about what I loved about City of Heroes, and I'm really hoping they can pull this off.


So this is a FPS type game?
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Looks like a shooter for me just with an costomized character. Yes, I want and need a good character creation, but a little bit of gameplay is important for me too...


I don't know all the details about the project and what they might change, but fps/third person shooter is gameplay too.  Infamous made for a pretty good hero game, even though it was playing someone else's hero. 

They mention in the kickstarter wanting to make a lot of powers to use, and the video demonstrates some pushing powers, some kind of flamethrowing power and a tornado power.  There is, yes, quite a bit of gun shooting shown off.  Probably because it's (relatively) easy to do and show off in a prototype, because that's what the engine was built for.


Check out this kickstarter for the game Project: Awakened. While it is definitely darker and rated M, there is definitely a feeling of CoH here. Super-powers, weapons, and most importantly massive amounts of customization, I've got a good feeling about this :)

Project Awakened is being developed by Phosphor Studios which if I'm correct involves a lot of the same team from Psi Ops which was a pretty solid game. This is definitely something to keep an eye on.


Sounds interesting.  And the best part is it seems to be a single player game that they *might* add multiplayer to.
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Quote from: Tenzhi on February 05, 2013, 12:45:51 PM
Sounds interesting.  And the best part is it seems to be a single player game that they *might* add multiplayer to.

Yeah, I just now noticed that, I assumed it was at least Co-Op but apparently that's a "stretch goal". Either way looks like a fun game to play superhero dress up in, hoping it actually happens.


Welp just now noticed I missed the other Project Awakened thread, my bad!


Thunder Glove

For me... yes, a fast-paced shoot-em-up with lots of weapon choices is indeed "gameplay", but it's not even remotely similar to the gameplay I loved about CoH.  Unless there's some updated information about defensive powersets, buffs, debuffs, mezzes, and Mastermind-style pet summoning, I'll pass.


Quote from: Thunder Glove on February 06, 2013, 05:13:30 PM
For me... yes, a fast-paced shoot-em-up with lots of weapon choices is indeed "gameplay", but it's not even remotely similar to the gameplay I loved about CoH.  Unless there's some updated information about defensive powersets, buffs, debuffs, mezzes, and Mastermind-style pet summoning, I'll pass.

Personally I don't think pets are a hugely important part of the CoH experience. Yes, they are there, and I had a Mastermind character I enjoyed playing, but Mastermind wasn't always there and wasn't there for heroes before Freedom. There were other pets, but I still don't think they were a major aspect of the game.

I agree though that things like being able to have a freezing power which slows down enemies or freezes the ground under them to make them slip is something I would like.

The single player game has no chance of feeling like an MMO, and that's something that can't be expected. Co-op is a stretch goal, and that would be where most of the features you mention would start to make sense. The great thing about Kickstarter is that it fosters communication between developers and players. So if you like the concept, but want something more, go ahead and contact the developers and tell them.

Personally as someone who mainly soloed through CoH I like the idea of Project Awakened a lot. It does promise to give me a lot of what I enjoyed in CoH, although I would still like to hear more about the story, because playing stories was for me the highlight of CoH.

Rotten Luck

I feel the same way ET3D.  I ran mostly solo game play wise, but hanging out with friends was also a big part of CoH.  If they get Awakened out of bed and rolling I be more then happy to add it to my gamer library.  However I do want story not just action. 
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Quote from: Technerdoc on February 04, 2013, 10:36:12 PM
Looks like a shooter for me just with an costomized character. Yes, I want and need a good character creation, but a little bit of gameplay is important for me too...

I'm getting the same impression too.  If I can't play this guy then its not good enough of a replacement to get me to wander away from CO.


Well, there's an update that tells a bit about what they want to do with powers now.

Can someone tell me if it's visible to people that aren't backers?

Anyway, mentioned there is a power that recharges a target's energy while it's used on them, so they have some ideas for support powers at least.


I can see the update page.  I'm not a backer, but I am a Kickstarter member.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.

General Idiot

I'm neither a backer nor a member and I can see it. Looks interesting.


NOTE:  I've merged the two ongoing discussions for this game into a single thread.

Carry on!
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


This PA Report article goes into a lot of depth on the project.

QuoteIf you're a City of Heroes fan mourning the recent server shutdown, good news: Sineni said that the game was heavily inspired by Cryptic Studios' MMORPG. "Some of our first inspirations were that we looked at MMOs. Stuff like City of Heroes. We thought, 'It's too bad there's no action game like this,'" Sineni told the Report.

One thing they mention is they want to go a more minecraft style of development, where they keep working on the game based on feedback they get from users.

This article does a much better job of going into what they want to do than the kickstarter page does, read it now.


Quote from: P51mus on February 08, 2013, 11:35:58 PM
This article does a much better job of going into what they want to do than the kickstarter page does, read it now.

Thanks.  That article did make this endeavor sound more interesting.  I'll back them and see how it goes.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.

Thunder Glove

Quote from: ET3D on February 07, 2013, 12:18:05 PM
Personally I don't think pets are a hugely important part of the CoH experience. Yes, they are there, and I had a Mastermind character I enjoyed playing, but Mastermind wasn't always there and wasn't there for heroes before Freedom. There were other pets, but I still don't think they were a major aspect of the game.

The way I played, they were.  I've always loved summons, and CoH was the first and only game to do pets right.

This game might be interesting, but it'll have to do a lot to win me over.  Right now, it's not doing it.  (Especially since they seem to think you had to click on enemies in CoH to attack them)