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Project Awakened

Started by P51mus, February 04, 2013, 09:54:33 PM


Quote from: Thunder Glove on February 10, 2013, 04:50:34 AM
The way I played, they were.  I've always loved summons, and CoH was the first and only game to do pets right.

I'm a fan of summons, but I prefer them to be largely autonomous and I certainly don't want them to be a couple of levels lower than me and by extension a good deal lower than the enemy.  A pet that just gets smooshed is a worthless irritation. 
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


Another update explaining more stuff

Video shows character creation prototype and some power prototypes.  Includes eye lasers.


Something that I've read on an article about this game,

"If you're a City of Heroes fan mourning the recent server shutdown, good news: Sineni said that the game was heavily inspired by Cryptic Studios' MMORPG. "Some of our first inspirations were that we looked at MMOs. Stuff like City of Heroes. We thought, 'It's too bad there's no action game like this,'" Sineni told the Report. That being said, the team wanted something that felt more active." - Penny Arcade ( )

This is pretty much the closest thing to a 'City of Heroes' Kickstarter I've seen, and if it doesn't work, I don't think too many people will put stock in putting up any other City of Heroes inspired Kickstarter anytime soon.

So if you've got some spare cash and like the idea of a City of Heroes inspired game that isn't Champions Online going around, why not pledge a bit?  If it doesn't make the pledge goal, it doesn't take any money, so it's low risk, pretty much.

Another quote about it that caught my eye, too.

"I say more power to developers who focus on potentially game-breaking, well, powers. Stuff like Dishonored, where the basic mission statement is "We made this meticulously constructed world, but you know, go wild. Figure out cool things we don't even know about. BREAK EVERYTHING."" - Rock, Paper, Shotgun ( )

If that doesn't sound awesome, I don't know what does, so if you haven't pledged yet, break out the wallet.


Some more information about powers, also they're going to have an AMA on reddit tomorrow:


I was just reading the update email.  Customizeable attacks is interesting.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Reminds me of the create a custom hero stuff in Freedom Force.  Except this is the whole point of the game.


AMA is up, stuff is being answered.

QuoteThe one reason Project Awakened keeps going is our passion to it. Even now, all our guys are working around the clock on kickstarter, not because we force them to, but because they love the idea and want it to happen

If we weren't super passionate about making this game happen, it would have died a long time ago. It would have died early in Midway greenlight committees. It would have died in executive reviews. It would have died when Midway shut down. We just keep forcing the idea to live because we see so much potential in it.
If the kickstarter doesn't happen, we will still find a way to make it live. It will just take more time.

Again, this game has many features, and we want to expose all of them on first beta release. Worst case scenario and Phosphor gets hit by a stray Russian meteorite after the kickstarter release, the game could easily continue through modders growing it to be whatever.


OK, I just came here to post about this.  good to see its been covered.  Given how much I said a single player coh would be my dream game,i hopped on this fast.  will try to spread the word on the CO grounds too.


Here's another attempt to get publicity for this project,

QuoteMass Twitter:

Goal: A "WTF is Project Awakened!" review by Total Biscuit! It's gonna happen in 28 mins... get on twitter, or create one... we'll do this!

GMT+0100, and 08:00 PM! (27 mins from now)

Let's show him that we mean it! All those in favor, please do it!



I just had an email from one of two City of Heroes SG's where we're keeping in touch (tho rarely see one another here on Titan) who just alerted me to this.   I am glad this is being discussed here.   8)
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


I am a huge forum stalker and never post anything here so excuse my "uno post" status. I finally created an account just to post about this and found that you guys already have done so! But really, how awesome does this look? Obviously there is a whole lot of work that needs to be done still, but the overall concept is well, new.  A little searching tells me it kind of plays out as instanced missions rather than a more 'gigantic area for every hero to go to'. So that kind of has me a tad worried, as I enjoy how CoH had the whole MMO feel to it, whereas this seems more like Guild Wars (which isn't a bad thing), except cooler. 

I absolutely love customization in games and this really takes it to that next level that the other Plan Z projects are hopefully aiming for as well. I hope these games revolutionize the gaming industry and go away from that "if it works, don't change it" mentality. Because I have played so many WoW clones, i'm a bit turned off from online gaming now. I think Project Awakened (and the other hero projects) will change that. Granted were a few years away from them coming to us.

Long story short, back this bad boy up with a few bucks!

Thunder Glove

Okay, that video, showcasing a "tank" with bullets just bouncing off of him and a "mentalist" making the enemies fight each other ... now I'm starting to get interested.


you know. one thing for this game.  given that this game has such a heavy emphasis on moddability, this really might be a stable platform for the project phoenix folks to look at.  would clear out a lot of the heavy lifting and allow them to focus on actually making mods to bring back some of the coh feel.  just a thought.


Is this really an FPS? I know there's 3rd person FPS games but this feels more like it uses auto-targeting. Or semi-auto anyhow. If not, the game really needs a targeting reticle.

And if anything, this reminds me more of Bioshock than CoH. Though Bioshock could probably be traced back to the Jedi Knight games. You get conventional weapons as your main attacks, but with powers that you could use as wildcards without even putting the gun away. In Jedi it was all very force-centric, but Bioshock's powers were pretty interesting. Fire, ice, lightning, psycho-kinetics (pull an object to you and then throw it at someone - pretty sure you could catch bullets in a mind vortex and throw them back too), insect swarms, wind, illusions, hypnosis, hacking...

Btw, that mentalist demo... I don't think you actually 'confuse' the targets and watch the fur fly. I think you actually invade their minds and temporarily take control of their bodies, from their perspective. That's pretty darned cool.


Here's the latest Update with a link showing examples of modding that will be available to the community.

Quotelike it uses auto-targeting.
On of the examples (particularly the ranged weapons), you can see a little "+" at the center of the screen, so it appears to be your basic FPS targeting.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on February 21, 2013, 09:03:28 PMIs this really an FPS? I know there's 3rd person FPS games but this feels more like it uses auto-targeting. Or semi-auto anyhow. If not, the game really needs a targeting reticle.

This is really really really early prototype stuff, so not everything would be in.

Quote from: SerialBeggar on February 21, 2013, 11:49:14 PM
Here's the latest Update with a link showing examples of modding that will be available to the community.


Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: Lightslinger on February 05, 2013, 12:20:28 PM
Project Awakened is being developed by Phosphor Studios which if I'm correct involves a lot of the same team from Psi Ops which was a pretty solid game. This is definitely something to keep an eye on.

!!!!!!!!! The Psi Ops team is still out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man that is the best news I have heard in awhile.  I have been waiting for several years sense Psi Ops to hear something new from these guys.  I was hoping Psi Ops 2 but anything would work and be awesome.


Alright checked out project awakened. It looks like more like a call of duty game skinned with hero. Or rather more accurately looks alot like something made from the game Bioshock. Not saying it's a good or bad thing, neutral. But think they will get that last 300,000 and some change in 6 days? But it's nice to see an effort for a single player based game that is of the super hero genre. Just wish some of the current offerings or more future offerings offered the best of both worlds. One could play solo with nothing, I mean nothing at all gated for them nor against them with no bonuses for them nor bonuses that they lack for not teaming

While at the same time, being able to join up with a team when ever a person feel like if they choose with nothing at all gated for or against them with no bonuses for them nor bonues that they lack for not soloing.

That would be my heaven but is probably someone else hell that might team not for chat, or socialization, or to be with friends or even care about the team members, but merely to use them to level quickly due to the xp and inf bonuses certain games gave to teaming compared to soloing.


Project Awakened will come out regardless of meeting the goal/deadline. The Kickstarter is to fund a full development team full-time instead of having their current development team doing this in their spare time like they've been doing so far.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...
