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Project Awakened

Started by P51mus, February 04, 2013, 09:54:33 PM


Quote from: Joshex on March 12, 2013, 04:53:20 AM[bottom line] don't argue with me on this, Metroid should never have been an FPS and nintendo agrees, they feel shamed over it and dont want that to go public it's why retro studios was cutoff from working with nintendo. in internet speech; Metroid Prime = fail. Metroid other M = fail nintendo no know what do??. [/bottom line]

You're right that it's not worth arguing with you, but not for the reason you think.  It's because you're talking completely out of your ass.

A quick check of wikipedia shows that Retro Studios is still working with Nintendo after the 3 Prime games.  Since the Prime games they've made Donkey Kong Country Returns and Mario Kart 7.  They're also working on an unnamed project for the WiiU for Nintendo.

Btw, I don't know where their numbers are from, but according to VGchartz, Metroid Prime sold better than the original Metroid, and 2 and 3 sold about as well as Super Metroid.

So, you can believe whatever weird crap you want, but I don't have to talk to you anymore.  You've proven yourself not worth it.


Quote from: Joshex on March 12, 2013, 04:21:46 PMalso I guess I jst got steamed at the first few pages of comments where the game inquestion in this topic is being referenced as a FPS from an FPS stdio and is 'based on CoH' in the fact that it has the ability of costume design. if you want to know why I object so heavily to this is because some FPSers might abandon CoH over this other game, and when CoH is reborn that will mean less players which will hurt our cause.
1.  No one said that quote in this thread that I recall or can find.  The closest thing stated was that elements of the game was "inspired by" CoH.  The developers themselves stated in multiple interviews that it was the customization elements of the MMO genre they wanted to cross into their more first-person action space, and they specifically mentioned City of Heroes by name as an exemplar of that customization and as a specific source of inspiration.  But neither they or anyone in this thread I can find suggested that Awakened would be explicitly like City of Heroes in a game-play sense.

2.  At the moment there is no playable CoH for players to abandon.  Its not reasonable to expect City of Heroes gamers to stop playing games while they wait for a successor project.

3.  Any game design school that claims FPS games are the "easiest" games to make are probably not worth attending.  Firstly because the statement has no meaning without context, and secondly is unlikely to be meaningfully true under any reasonable context.  Farmville-like games are the easiest (computer) games to make.  Excluding them, side-scrollers and top-down scrollers are much easier to make than FPS games.  Its not even clear to me that FPS games are easier to make than MMOs.  MMOs are potentially harder to *operate* but that's a completely different thing.  Its relatively easy to make a bad FPS, but its also not that difficult to make a bad MMO.  About the only thing that's true is that the average MMO is much more rapacious when it comes to consuming budgets than the average FPS.  And separate from creating the game, MMOs have more complex publishing issues than single player games in general.  But if you want to make a good, state of the art, well designed game, I do not believe that in principle its harder to make an MMO than an FPS, or a first-person action game in general.

There's also the question of what is "easy."  One of my favorite games, from the perspective of game design, is Ogre.  You can make that game with some hex paper, some tic tacs, and a felt pen.  On the other hand, it has a level of asymmetric balance I have almost never seen replicated.  How hard would it be to create a similar game with similar playing balance?  Really, really hard, I think.  I sketched out the basics of the CoH custom critter point system in a weekend.  I've been thinking about Ogre off and on for thirty years, and I still don't know how I would go about replicating its asymmetric balance in a game of equal simplicity.

4.  I'm not a big Metroid fan, but I do know that the three Metroid Prime games were not failures by any standard.  All three were critically well reviewed, and all three made a ton of money.  Also, Metroid Prime 3 was announced very early as being the last in the series, not only over a year before release but also while Metroid Prime 2 was still selling.  So its impossible that the decision to end the Prime series was based on the popularity of the game.  The controversy surrounding Metroid purists seems unlikely to me to have had any real impact on Nintendo's IP strategy.  They generally consider games to be a success if they are popular, not if they are gameplay-pure.

Also, Retro is still making games, and as far as I know still has an exclusive deal with Nintendo, which means they are still making Nintendo games.  And they are hiring.

Taceus Jiwede

Quoteor amybe I should get you incontact with actual people at nintendo and have them personally tell you that what I am saying is true
Yes I would like this actually. Because I know they wouldn't say this.

Quotealso I guess I jst got steamed at the first few pages of comments where the game inquestion in this topic is being referenced as a FPS from an FPS stdio and is 'based on CoH' in the fact that it has the ability of costume design. if you want to know why I object so heavily to this is because some FPSers might abandon CoH over this other game, and when CoH is reborn that will mean less players which will hurt our cause

As many people have said this game has no relation to COH.  That is why it is in the "Other game" section.
The game isn't a FPS, nor are any of the games the studio has made. They worked on the UE4 WITH epic, they didn't make gears of war(still not even a FPS).  The games their studio has made aren't FPS's, and when the majority of the team worked at Midway they weren't making FPS's either.  Also it is possible to play more then one game at a time.  I was playing CoH while playing several other games all different styles FPS, RPG, Puzzles, other MMO's.  You claim to know a lot about games, but you didn't research the team making this game, the "facts" you were stating, or even the game it self.  One look at the KS showed that it was in fact not a FPS and that it has no relation to CoH.

General Idiot

Don't feed the trolls, people.


Wow this thread took a turn for the worst.

Still hoping to hear some post kickstarter news about this. I know I'd heard development would continue, just not as fast.


Quote from: P51mus on March 12, 2013, 05:50:39 PMBtw, I don't know where their numbers are from, but according to VGchartz, Metroid Prime sold better than the original Metroid, and 2 and 3 sold about as well as Super Metroid.

Factoring in the changes to the business-scape, that's probably irrelevant. The gaming populous had probably amplified by a factor of 10 between Metroid and Metroid Prime. And if they're going by the $ of sales rather than the number of units: inflation, much?


Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on March 14, 2013, 07:34:05 PMThe gaming populous had probably amplified by a factor of 10 between Metroid and Metroid Prime.
Are you counting individuals, or raw tonnage?

Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: Lightslinger on March 14, 2013, 04:43:07 PM
Wow this thread took a turn for the worst.

Still hoping to hear some post kickstarter news about this. I know I'd heard development would continue, just not as fast.

They sent out a survey to the backers you may have gotten.  To get a feel for how much money they could raise the second time around they asked backers what they would be willing to pledge again.  If it was over 350K they would do another fundraiser.  If it was under though they would go back to working on it as a side project pushing back their ideal release date.  I'm hoping they start another KS soon and can meet their goal.  I would love to see this game reach its full potential.

Also I should probably put this in a new post but you guys should out Destiny as well.  I've heard it suppose to be a pretty huge game with a ever changing story.  MMO-Style but not quite MMO.

Taceus Jiwede

Some news.  They posted on their website that the survey is over and from the looks of it they reached their survey goal and are starting another fund raiser back up.  It said to check in today the 21st for news but I didn't see anything on their website, ill post a link here if they change this.


All right.  I did log on the KS late and did pledge, and did take the survey in which I promised more than I pledged before, but have marked down that I promised that amount.  I'll go again, especially since I now have fiber optic, and just tried Neverwinter to find out movement doesn't use the arrow keys, which I consider important.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance

Taceus Jiwede

So today they sent out emails saying you can start pledging again.  If they make less then $250,000 then it goes back underground.  If they make over that they will start two projects.  One will be released this year and it similar to what they have shown so far, it will allow you to make your character, customize some powers, and some multiplayer and modding depending on how much they can raise.  Then the actual full game will be released in 2014.  If they can make I think over $500,000 it will be released June 21st 2014. And then again the more money raised the more options.  If they don't make the $250,000 though you will be refunded.  You can start now with the founder deals or you can wait until Monday when they go official with it.

But check it for yourselves and see what you think. More info at their website linked below.

Lady Entropy

They made a few changes to the project, after I went there and checked it: first, I think (think) that on monday, the new Kickstarter will come up. They opened an early "fundraising" too, at their site, I think tobe able to get some money without amazon and kickstarter getting any fees from it.

Furthermore, they divided the project into two: the first goal, the Danger Room, is needing only 250k to suceed and will be released on November this year. The second game, the single player campaign will need around 400k, and will show up late 2014 (earlier if they manage to get the funds).

They're asking for feedback and ideas in the Founder forum, and I'm soooo tempted to just ask them to import versions of the COH wardrobe.

What? A girl can dream, right?

Taceus Jiwede

Hey all I am guilty of bumping here.  I just wanted this to be back in plain sight.  If anyone is interested in helping fund this game now is the time:) They could use the help.  You can pledge at there website

I am not sure if an actual Kickstarter will be started.  But they say they will refund everyone if they don't make the 250k.  I like to believe they are telling the truth.  I don't think they would ruin their companies reputation but that is just what I like to believe.


just wanted to let people know. they apparently have abandoned the second crowd funding attempt.  they said that recent alternate funding options have become available, so i'm hopeful, but it seems  to be vanishing for now.  the concept was something I really wanted so i'm hoping the new funding gets it gone.


ok, i felt this was important enought to keep ti rolling.  while the second kickstarter failed.  p:a has apparently been greenliit on steam, which is at least good news about the game having some sort of stability rather than just being the pet project of a bunch of devs who got burned by midway's demise (yeah, that sounded cynical, but gaming often justifies cynicism)  at any rate, as per their forum administrator, they are still chipping away, so while its not the return of coh, it's customization and power diversity seems like it will spiritually have many of coh's best points.