Author Topic: Where do we stand now?  (Read 31961 times)


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2013, 06:30:19 PM »
I'm always here  (well, not always. I sleep and work and things. But I check in here at least once a day.)

If I have an update, I'll share it.

If I'm not posting except to answer questions, it's probably safe to assume there is no update :-p

Having said that, as someone wrote above, in the pitch I asked them to contact me if they were completely bewildered as to why they'd been sent it, and to the contacts at Paragon if they were interested in pursuing it further. All I can surmise from that is that they weren't completely bewildered by me sending it to them :)
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Blue Pulsar

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2013, 07:34:17 PM »
...I don't get how you can say that and then speak down about an entire nation for trying to know everything.

I don't want to get too off subject here, but in response to TJ, I generalize, not a nation, but the loudmouths in it. The people in the nation that are always crying about not knowing the inner workings and decision makings of government and big business. As if the daily decisions and who's talking to who, where did that $50 dollars get spent, how much money did they get last quarter, etc, were their business. The moment you start to make a dollar or get elected, it becomes the job of the media to perform a lifelong body cavity search. BUT, as for people that are demanding to know what goes on behind closed doors, tell them that some organization might have listened to them talk to their girlfriend on the phone last night, and heads will roll.

Frankly, I am just tired of it. The idea that the American people have an automatic "need to know" simply because they think they do. I know this well, because I am American. I have been since the day I was born, and I'm proude to be one. Just not the kind that think they are entitled to every piece of knowledge out there.

And that is what I see here often. There is a reason doctors shut the blinds and doors to a room when a code is called. Knowing that people are watching your every move has it's detriments. Being pestered about every decision is annoying, and it sure as hell doesn't help. Maybe I didn't come off as the nicest guy, but I guess that really isn't my intention. I appreciate TFHM and everything they do. But, badgering them for updates only shows our lack of understanding of how this whole thing works.

I think most posters in this thread get it. Sorry, Jaguar, if I came off as a bit of an ass. I just know how it is when you're trying to do something and it ends up taking longer than expected.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 07:44:09 PM by Blue Pulsar »
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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2013, 11:58:43 PM »
As an individual that's had more than my fair share of friends all over the world, I can personally attest that the demand for information is -not- inherently American. And that the loudmouth bullshit of an ignorant population, adamantly demanding explanation, is a thing that happens all over the whole planet.

Furthermore, often people won't even accept the explanation given. Instead opting only to believe the one that works best for them. American media just sensationalizes this aspect with all the bullshit reality shows and news outlets that have greater interest in the personal lives of our world leaders than in the actual issues at hand.

That said; I think people just want, or even -need-, something to continue rallying behind in this initiative. When all this started, we had a lot of presence from higher up folks like Victoria and TonyV. Now there's a lot more silence. And silence is sometimes worse than bad news.

The air is tense. We don't know what's going on. I compare the sensation akin to that of being in the waiting room while someone is being operated on. We don't know how things are coming along, if they're coming along, or if the operation is already a success or failure. We're twiddling our thumbs in the waiting room, and with nothing to show for progress, we're getting anxious about it. Sometimes someone will burst up and scream that the operation is taking too long because the patient died. Or maybe demand that the doctor come out and explain progress right in the middle of operation. (It actually happens). Best we can do is be patient.


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2013, 12:29:13 AM »
Let us not forget that we don't OWN CoX.  Google has to figure the logistics on how to approach a company the has shown to be resistant to selling IPs IF and it is a big if they even want to try.  NCSoft from it's track record may be a factor in causing a delay.  My 2 Infl.
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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2013, 07:27:02 PM »
And, for all we know, the core of the TFHM team could be dealing with all that right now. What is it with Americans that they think they need to know the inner workings of everything the second it happens?

Hey, that's really friggin' rude.  I'm an American and I asked what I asked because I agree that he has no particular right to know anything about what's going on in this case.

You're better than that.  So do better.
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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2013, 07:43:43 PM »
Wow, this wasn't the sort of tone I expected without someone using excessive emoticons and an Alpha Complex mentality being involved...


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2013, 05:21:49 AM »
The moment you start to make a dollar or get elected, it becomes the job of the media to perform a lifelong body cavity search. BUT, as for people that are demanding to know what goes on behind closed doors, tell them that some organization might have listened to them talk to their girlfriend on the phone last night, and heads will roll.

Frankly, I am just tired of it. The idea that the American people have an automatic "need to know" simply because they think they do. I know this well, because I am American. I have been since the day I was born, and I'm proude to be one. Just not the kind that think they are entitled to every piece of knowledge out there.

I think you are misrepresenting the passion and longing for COH to exist again as self entitlement. It's not the same thing.

Anytime even a sliver of information on what is going on comes out most of us are just a little giddy and given the passion that COH has generated that's fine. We all want as much info as we can get. It's the reason I started this new topic because I wanted more information.

I understand your concerns about a heavily propagandized citizenry in the United States but that happens all over the world as well. Since this forum isn't political in nature I'm not sure what relevance singling out Americans from the rest of the media manipulated populations of the world is suppose to accomplish here. From what I've seen the majority of posters in this forum are pretty good about keeping such biases out of their posts and staying on the topic of reviving COH. It does creep in from time to time but it usually gets quickly pointed out by others.

The one exception to this is Tim The Enchanter's blatant acceptance of the distortions and outright lies from the Judean People's Front that he constantly posts about in these forums.

Anyone with half a brain can see that the People's Front of Judea is the only honest party who genuinely cares about the rights and welfare of all people. Well,... everyone but the members of the Judean People's Front because they are clearly brainwashed idiots that don't deserve a second thought.

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Thunder Glove

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2013, 03:29:08 PM »
Yeah.  Basically... what he said.

I'm dying for information as much as the rest of you.  (Maybe moreso than some: I still consider CoH the closest thing to a perfect game I've ever played, and I miss it more and more every day)

I just know that these things are conducted in great secrecy.  We won't know anything until all the negotiating is done.  (And possibly not even then, until and unless the game re-opens under the new banner of whichever company takes on the task of re-opening it)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 07:20:28 PM by Thunder Glove »


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2013, 11:05:45 PM »

I'm really thankful with all the effort that TFHM folks have put in to save the game.  Above and beyond couldn't begin to describe it IMO.

Regarding the whole nosy american thing.. yes there's a need to know the inner workings of government and Big Business.  Why?  Because those positions of power have a huge impact on our rights and daily life.  If business is getting tax breaks, kick backs whatever, that type of thing matters.  If politicians are acting against the best interests of the people that elected them, that matters.  Figuring out how things are going is relevant.  Transparency in government (and it's relationship to business) is not the same thing as invasion of privacy. 

If these things don't matter to you, ignore them.  But bitching about other people actually wanting to be informed about what is being done in their society just makes you look like a jerk. 

I don't want to get too off subject here, but in response to TJ, I generalize, not a nation, but the loudmouths in it. The people in the nation that are always crying about not knowing the inner workings and decision makings of government and big business. As if the daily decisions and who's talking to who, where did that $50 dollars get spent, how much money did they get last quarter, etc, were their business. The moment you start to make a dollar or get elected, it becomes the job of the media to perform a lifelong body cavity search. BUT, as for people that are demanding to know what goes on behind closed doors, tell them that some organization might have listened to them talk to their girlfriend on the phone last night, and heads will roll.

Frankly, I am just tired of it. The idea that the American people have an automatic "need to know" simply because they think they do. I know this well, because I am American. I have been since the day I was born, and I'm proude to be one. Just not the kind that think they are entitled to every piece of knowledge out there.

And that is what I see here often. There is a reason doctors shut the blinds and doors to a room when a code is called. Knowing that people are watching your every move has it's detriments. Being pestered about every decision is annoying, and it sure as hell doesn't help. Maybe I didn't come off as the nicest guy, but I guess that really isn't my intention. I appreciate TFHM and everything they do. But, badgering them for updates only shows our lack of understanding of how this whole thing works.

I think most posters in this thread get it. Sorry, Jaguar, if I came off as a bit of an ass. I just know how it is when you're trying to do something and it ends up taking longer than expected.


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2013, 04:21:04 PM »
Emotions run high when dealing with something we love.  I can't state enough how much I appreciate all the efforts of my fellow CoH lovers.  And despite differences of opinion on the nuances of these efforts to recover CoH, I know we all share a passion for the game that makes us all family.   :)


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2013, 06:18:51 PM »
Emotions run high when dealing with something we love.  I can't state enough how much I appreciate all the efforts of my fellow CoH lovers.  And despite differences of opinion on the nuances of these efforts to recover CoH, I know we all share a passion for the game that makes us all family.   :)

Very nicely stated.


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2013, 08:43:31 AM »
Emotions run high when dealing with something we love.  I can't state enough how much I appreciate all the efforts of my fellow CoH lovers.  And despite differences of opinion on the nuances of these efforts to recover CoH, I know we all share a passion for the game that makes us all family.   :)

 Totally agree.  ;D

Thunder Glove

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2013, 01:09:26 PM »
Emotions run high when dealing with something we love.  I can't state enough how much I appreciate all the efforts of my fellow CoH lovers.  And despite differences of opinion on the nuances of these efforts to recover CoH, I know we all share a passion for the game that makes us all family.   :)

Hear, hear.

My emotions have been frazzled since the game went down, and they weren't doing so great from the end of August to the end of November.  It still hurts when people say (true or not) that the game's not coming back.  It feels like they're just dismissing my very real need to have the game back (again, true or not - and probably not, I'm well aware), and I overreact.  I just want our City back so much.

Thanks again to TFHM, and to all the Plan Z projects, and to the Secret Community Server developers.  I'm keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for all of you.

Blue Pulsar

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2013, 06:41:40 AM »
That said; I think people just want, or even -need-, something to continue rallying behind in this initiative. When all this started, we had a lot of presence from higher up folks like Victoria and TonyV. Now there's a lot more silence. And silence is sometimes worse than bad news.

Point taken, but I still find it annoying.

You're better than that.  So do better.

Pestering is rude and your text "tone" is unwarranted. I simply called out my own countrymen. Not to mention, you have no idea how good I am. ;)

I understand your concerns about a heavily propagandized citizenry in the United States but that happens all over the world as well. Since this forum isn't political in nature I'm not sure what relevance singling out Americans from the rest of the media manipulated populations of the world is suppose to accomplish here.

Perhaps, but I don't think I'm the only one with the opinion that Americans are exceptionally good at it. Also, loved the Life of Brian reference. Wish I could have made a witty retort in the form of some other Python mumbo-jumbo, but alas, it's quite late.

Regarding the whole nosy american thing.. yes there's a need to know the inner workings of government and Big Business.  Why?  Because those positions of power have a huge impact on our rights and daily life.

And being up to the minute on trivial minutiae does what for you?

Figuring out how things are going is relevant.  Transparency in government (and it's relationship to business) is not the same thing as invasion of privacy.

There is a difference in trying to understand how things are generally progressing and wanting to be apprised of every detail. Sure, it satisfies our curiousity, but it does little good, and sometimes even harm, to the cause. I think we can well trust the TF:HM team with the reigns of this project. Poking our noses in and demanding constant updates is pointless. When they have something report-worthy, we will hear it.

If these things don't matter to you, ignore them.  But bitching about other people actually wanting to be informed about what is being done in their society just makes you look like a jerk. 

My "bitching" was more wanting to see Team Wildcard let alone. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Oh, and I already look like a jerk. I might as well act like one too.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 08:10:07 AM by Blue Pulsar »
Blue Pulsar - 50 nrg/kin def - first toon - Liberty
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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2013, 01:42:35 PM »
Yup, that is the way to express where do we stand now.  :P


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2013, 01:15:44 AM »
Perhaps, but I don't think I'm the only one with the opinion that Americans are exceptionally good at it.

You won't get any argument from me on that point but again that's a topic for a different forum.

However given your enthusiasm on the topic of propaganda and mass media manipulation,...and at the risk of derailing the topic of this thread :P, you might want to have a look at this:

You may already know who this guy is. However if you don't given your interest in propaganda and mass media manipulation you really should know who he is.
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Thunder Glove

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2013, 01:58:29 AM »
... every time someone bumps this topic, I keep hoping it's for an actual update on CoH. :(

(Yes, I know that I'm among the people who said that we probably won't hear anything until and unless the game comes back, but ... that doesn't stop me from hoping that we'll hear something anyway)


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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2013, 05:13:46 AM »
... every time someone bumps this topic, I keep hoping it's for an actual update on CoH. :(

(Yes, I know that I'm among the people who said that we probably won't hear anything until and unless the game comes back, but ... that doesn't stop me from hoping that we'll hear something anyway)

yeah, something like this (Warning the following is currently fictional):

"Rae: Great news! I heard back from the google contact today, they said they negotiated with NCSoft and have obtained the rights to City of heroes and are currently working on getting it running on a test server and reconfiguring the paragon market to pay out to google. No news yet as to when the title will be released on a public server."
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2013, 01:14:01 AM »
yeah, something like this (Warning the following is currently fictional):

I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

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Re: Where do we stand now?
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 10:29:26 PM »
If someone did buy the IP, what becomes of the various Plan-Z projects? I imagine that it'd be up to them, but I'm wondering what their decisions would be if it happened now. (I'm hoping to get responses from folks involved in the projects.) I think I'd feel a little more secure if at least one kept going, in case the buyer also shuttered CoX (having had the rug pulled out from under me once already).
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