Author Topic: Ko's Twitter 'Rant' About #COH, #SaveCOH, and What the Community is Becoming...  (Read 55250 times)

no hero

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Why did you play City?   "To be a Hero."

Why did you join Titan?   "That's what Heroes do."

My demeanor needs to be inline with those answers.
In other words... You could not be more correct Samuraiko.
Thank you!
Samantha:  "I have to ask you a question. It's a good one so think about it. If a Player and a Game love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?"

Jerry:  "Never."

Peregrine Falcon

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People like being jerks on the internet. Just because they played City of Heroes doesn't mean they've somehow become saints.

Letting jerks on the internet upset you is what they want. Trying to convince people to stop being jerks on the internet is an exercise in futility.
Paragon City refugee - "We're heroes, it's what we do."


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Jerks are everywhere...even some in one's own family, sometimes *cough cough*
My wonderful dad once said, "If you don't think God has a sense of humor, just look at the person sitting next to you."
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

no hero

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So is being a Hero.

Ha! Modified to reflect that this is my 33rd post. Go Atlas!
Samantha:  "I have to ask you a question. It's a good one so think about it. If a Player and a Game love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?"

Jerry:  "Never."


  • Underling
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"The #COH community has long since been acknowledged as mature and friendly, a generally classy bunch..."

You say this and then you complain about how the community is acting juvenile, spiteful, angry and generally very crass and uncouth.

I think people are showing their true colors.

Yes, some are mature, friendly and classy, but many are not and those were the people I had issues with who were sticking their noses in everyone else's business ratting out the AE farmers, thinking they were the game police, or they were acting like VIP snobs and insultingly out-casting people who dared not spend as much cash as they did.

I think we need to be realistic and understand that the CoH community is no different than any other because there are both good and bad in the group. And just like a squabbling family, you pick and choose who you want to associate with and who you want to bring on Jerry Springer and throw a chair at.


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"The #COH community has long since been acknowledged as mature and friendly, a generally classy bunch..."

Probably ironic that I stumbled upon this earlier today, covered in dust in a long forgotten section of the forums...

Originally posted by KariTR
Best - CoX (I only played the trial, but the community really stood out for me as one of the nicest I ever met)Worst - WoW (hands down the least inviting for anyone new going in alone. Even had I loved the game (I didnt)  the community would have put me off subscibing - not that Blizzard need worry about that )
Honourable mentions to LoTRO - nice community, sad game - and L2 which manages to have the best and the worse community all in one; thats PvP for you
Free MMOs
Best - 12 Skys (aeria game version). The GMs really look after their "customers" and that transmits throughout the whole community.
Worse - Kal Online

And the link in case someone assumes I just invented that quote.

Edit: Argh! When I noticed it was a poll I went to vote... and thinking the vote was for best community I accidentally chose CoX - turns out it was for worst community! On the bright side, that means CoX WAS the lowest on that list, until I ruined it.  :'(
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 02:29:13 PM by Knightslayer »


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Sammy... bubelah. I think the only mistake you're making is:

reading the comments section on a gaming site

Places like that never harbor positive or mature discussions. Occasionally one starts out that way, but they quickly fix that.

For your own well being, girl, step away from the comments section.

Rotten Luck

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Unicorns could also be saying they are from COH when in truth they aren't.  Then again there was a reason some CoH players I know called Freedom, Freedumb.  Lets not forget the Pocket D surprises. 

Yes we as a community is one of the best out there.  (Still is in my book) but that don't mean everyone that played or even considers themselves part of the community lives up to the Image.  We are Human after all and when stressed we tend to be jerks even if otherwise we are good folk. 
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


  • Plan Z: Interim Producer
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In my experience, the best way to engender the positive response that we wish our community to be putting forth is to have something new and positive about which to talk. At the risk of sounding self-serving, I will note that the Phoenix Project will be having a panel at Norwescon at the end of March; I hope that will give us at least something to look forward to and instill some optimism and excitement in the positive aspects of our community.

There is also the continuing efforts of Task Force Hail Mary; they're re-working their prospectus for Google, or at least that's what I'm gathering from my admittedly less-intensive-than-before perusal of that subforum here on Titan. (TPP is taking more of my off-work hours and work has picked up during on-hours, which is largely why I've been posting here less often in the last month.)

Might I suggest our #SaveCoH community attempt to come up with fan-based, positive, self-and-public engaging activities? Whether it's public gatherings at conventions, dressing up as superheroes and going to do charitable work as a group, or inventing CoH/V-style LARP events or ARGs (but be careful with those; plan them carefully and don't disrupt lives of people who wouldn't be interested and would find it more nuisance than entertaining)...we can bring CoH/V into the real world if we act like heroes.

Actually, I recommend looking up an anime called Durarara! I won't spoil it, but watch it at least through to episode 11 or 12 (that's as far as I got; I need to watch the rest at some point). See what the "Dollars" are. There's a spoiler-y twist that I won't ruin for you, and recall that I would never, ever, even with a wink-and-a-nod, suggest even slightly illegal activity. Least of all to this group. (I hope my moral and ethical positions are by now clear from my prior posts on this forum.) I say all of that caution-word stuff mainly because it takes the twist to see what I'm aiming at, and not to potentially misinterpret it badly. But I do suggest taking a look at it.

Spoiler after a wall of blank lines for those who don't want to watch it or don't care:

Think "flash mob" of good Samaritan work. Cleaning up litter in a public place overnight so it mysteriously is clean. Cleaning graffiti off of walls, also in secret. Again: nothing illegal or even gray-area; just good works done semi-anonymously. Since avoiding being caught at all might be impossible, super-hero costumes might be in order. ^_~

But above all: stay POSITIVE and stay BLUE SIDE!


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Again, not pointing fingers at anyone, and yes, I should know by now not to read comments.

And I admit that Arcana's right - every group has its fair share of a**hats.

My rant is really a serious wish for the ability to reach through a monitor and smack someone across the back of the head with their own keyboard before they go off on a tear and post a bunch of poorly-spelled smack talk in the name of 'defending COH.'

The game may be gone, but the videos are still here...


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.  We are Human after all and when stressed we tend to be jerks even if otherwise we are good folk.

And that is habit that probably should be broken. When stressed sometimes people come along with a heart wantign to help, but being a jerk to them because of stress turns them off. And not only with helping you but also they might be hesitant about helping someone else, and so on as it spreads. In the end, the stress only gets bigger, more jerks come out to play and a simple problem turns into a mountain and a mountain turns into a dead planet sized of a problem. When sometimes all it takes is to realize that we are all are human with different view points, breathe, and try to stay calm. And try not to be a jerk to anyone else, no matter how "valid" the reason look if you dont want them to be a jerk to you for their "valid" reason. As of course as humans we tend to view someone being a jerk towards us was being unreasonable and being a pure jerk, yet quick to be a jerk to someone else because we view our own reason as valid reason to be a jerk. We human forget sometimes the other person is also human too. Note I did not say clone, thus of course they will be different in many ways even views and definition of valid reason to be a jerk.

Ever seen a group of people "trying to solve a problem" by yelling and screaming and putting too much focus in who is right and who is wrong or who is more important and who is insignificant? No? Well let me tell you, what usually end up happening is that the problem isnt solved and only thing gained is people pissed, sweating, angrier than before, and a few injuries. Yet original problem still remains.

General Idiot

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But above all: stay POSITIVE and stay BLUE SIDE!

So if I were to say, burn down NCSoft's HQ.... at night, while no one was there... that'd still be blueside, right? Taking out a corrupt coporation, same as fighting Crey. Right? :p


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So if I were to say, burn down NCSoft's HQ.... at night, while no one was there... that'd still be blueside, right? Taking out a corrupt coporation, same as fighting Crey. Right? :p
I think Crey did some actual illegal things. Like human experimentation without a license, building weapons of destruction without a permit, and supplying cyborgs and killer robots for themselves and other groups without proper registration.

NCSoft-closed a game, frowned upon but not illegal.


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This thread reminds me of a conversation I had in a dungeon group in Guild Wars 2.  This is from memory, no chat logs in GW2 (I don't think there are, anyway).  Names are changed because apparently one of them posts here, or at least lurks.

Team Lead: Anyone have any friends that could fill the last spot?
(the 5th person on our party had to leave because his kids were acting up)
Me: Let me ask my guildmates.
Member: What guild?
Me: JC.  A bunch of us came over from City of Heroes.
Member2: I loved City of Heroes.
Me: Me too.
Member: Didn't play it much, I was more into DC.
TL: Any replies?
Me: Not yet.
Member2: I miss CoH so much.  You know they're making some new games though, right?
Me: The Plan Z stuff?  Yep.  I check on them about once a week - I really miss CoH, I play with the character creator & Mids still.
Member2:  So you are on the Titan Forums?
Me:  Yeah, virtually same name as my name here.
Member2:  So in other words you are a [bleeping] traitor.
Me:  No, I don't think so.
TL: Whoa
Member: Chill
Member2: You go on and on [I don't remember everything he said, but it was a bile-filled verbal rampage calling my sexuality, my ancestry, and potential progeny's feelings towards me into question] but when it comes down to it you are supporting the company that closed our CoH
Me:  What game are you playing?
Member2: [ All capital letters, swears ] YOU [bleep] YOU [bleep] YOU
TL boots Member2, asks if we can find 2 members.

Seriously tired of the vitriol.


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This thread reminds me of a conversation I had in a dungeon group in Guild Wars 2.  This is from memory, no chat logs in GW2 (I don't think there are, anyway).  Names are changed because apparently one of them posts here, or at least lurks.

Team Lead: Anyone have any friends that could fill the last spot?
(the 5th person on our party had to leave because his kids were acting up)
Me: Let me ask my guildmates.
Member: What guild?
Me: JC.  A bunch of us came over from City of Heroes.
Member2: I loved City of Heroes.
Me: Me too.
Member: Didn't play it much, I was more into DC.
TL: Any replies?
Me: Not yet.
Member2: I miss CoH so much.  You know they're making some new games though, right?
Me: The Plan Z stuff?  Yep.  I check on them about once a week - I really miss CoH, I play with the character creator & Mids still.
Member2:  So you are on the Titan Forums?
Me:  Yeah, virtually same name as my name here.
Member2:  So in other words you are a [bleeping] traitor.
Me:  No, I don't think so.
TL: Whoa
Member: Chill
Member2: You go on and on [I don't remember everything he said, but it was a bile-filled verbal rampage calling my sexuality, my ancestry, and potential progeny's feelings towards me into question] but when it comes down to it you are supporting the company that closed our CoH
Me:  What game are you playing?
Member2: [ All capital letters, swears ] YOU [bleep] YOU [bleep] YOU
TL boots Member2, asks if we can find 2 members.

Seriously tired of the vitriol.

Wow. Now how is it he is on your case for playing GW2 when it appears he is playing it too? Man, glad those people like that are far few and in between here but even stuff liek that I bet more people paid attention and remember more of what  that guy's rant than what Adelante was saying or said.


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There are jerks everywhere, it's a shame that they are the ones that stick in our minds the most.


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There are jerks everywhere, it's a shame that they are the ones that stick in our minds the most.


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Member2: You go on and on [I don't remember everything he said, but it was a bile-filled verbal rampage calling my sexuality, my ancestry, and potential progeny's feelings towards me into question] but when it comes down to it you are supporting the company that closed our CoH
Me:  What game are you playing?
Member2: [ All capital letters, swears ] YOU [bleep] YOU [bleep] YOU

That, uh, that's some serious cognitive dissonance there. I'm not sure if Member2 was serious or trolling.


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I'll be honest, I want NCSoft to fall. I really do. And I wish that didn't have to involve some honestly pretty decent games falling with them, but the fact of the matter is with the way the company seems to be run it's going to. The further down they get, the more good people are going to get cut loose to protect the ones who're dragging them down.


It amuses me that other gamers think they are somehow noble and emotionless, and the closure of thier favorite game will be no biggie, easy come easy go and all that. This is a thing you have to actually endure, to get the full flavor of it. Thier turn will eventually come, and woe betide the day - because they will like it no better than we did. We will see how noble and emotionless they are on that day.

It is sad to see good people dragged down with the NCSoft ship. But I do believe, the long-term viability of this gaming "house" is by no means a settled question, largely due to their own stupidity. I played villains for two years before ever I went blueside, and I admit it: I want revenge. I'm not anywhere else going on about it, but I do. That NCSoft boat has a few large holes below the waterline - and let's see how fast they can bail. Given management's level of intelligence, they are probably trying to bail with sieves.

When evil acts are perpetrated, a lot of times the innocent get some of the fallout. i think its almost inevitable, and while I regret human casualties I will be celebrating.



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Member2:  So in other words you are a [bleeping] traitor.

Me:  No, I don't think so.

TL: Whoa

Member: Chill

Member2: You go on and on [I don't remember everything he said, but it was a bile-filled verbal rampage calling my sexuality, my ancestry, and potential progeny's feelings towards me into question] but when it comes down to it you are supporting the company that closed our CoH

Me:  What game are you playing?


Member2: [ All capital letters, swears ] YOU [bleep] YOU [bleep] YOU

TL boots Member2, asks if we can find 2 members.