Author Topic: WildStar Online  (Read 57731 times)


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #140 on: January 16, 2014, 11:34:22 PM »
When I beta tested COH I didn't know crap about the builds or roles, I just got in there and had fun with it. COH was great because it was so different from any other MMO, Wildstar is cut from that same cloth.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #141 on: January 17, 2014, 05:06:39 AM »

If that is a concern I will happily take that beta key off your hands.  They are trying to keep the things secret a little bit.  Plus a lot the developers said they don't just want people to know the whole game before playing it.  One of the comments while the game was in early development was they might not even have skill trees(they do though).  Every class has 2 roles they can play

Warrior - Tank DPS
Esper - Heal/DPS
Spellslinger - Heal/DPS
Stalker- Tank/DPS
Engineer -Tank/DPS/(tiny support I think too)

The first step is deciding what roll you want.  Then what class looks like coolest in filling that roll. The rest is for you to figure out.  Its a new game with new classes and they want them to be interesting to people.  If you read some of the developer notes though they don't want just a bunch of clones of the same class.  Example: 1000 warriors with the same armor and same skill sets and spec.  They want each persons character to be just different enough that it feels like your own personal creation.  They also are doing things like changing PvP and raid mechanics on a regular basis so people can't memorize strats.  They want us using our heads as much as possible which I think is awesome.  No more just everyone looking up "Warrior tank build"

Because I have played all of those classes, in a hundred different games, before I play a class in a game these days I want to know what that game does differently.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #142 on: January 17, 2014, 06:04:15 AM »
Because I have played all of those classes, in a hundred different games, before I play a class in a game these days I want to know what that game does differently.

Welp, if you don't want to take a chance and possibly waste your time. Maybe you can do like I do. Wait until it's out and watch gameplay videos on Youtube to see if it's for you. That's what I do for console games so I don't waste 50 bucks.

Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #143 on: January 17, 2014, 04:26:16 PM »
... I don't see what's so awful about wanting to know the specifics of how a class works before choosing one.  Especially when, by those role descriptions, there's only two classes (Heal/DPS and Tank/DPS), and what little descriptions are for the classes are vague and confusing (e.g., apparently the guys with dual pistols are healers).

Really, now is when they should be emphasizing what makes their classes DIFFERENT (both from each other and from similar classes in other games), not going out of their way to hide the details and only release information that makes them look samey.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #144 on: January 17, 2014, 07:24:00 PM »
Nothing awful about wanting information, but Wildstar is still in Beta, play-testers are subject to NDA, and the details are subject to change.  If you're in the Beta or joining the Beta, then you'll just have to discover these details yourself.

There's 3 classes with support/healing, Esper, Medic, and Spellslinger.  The Esper doesn't use 'guns', but the other two use gun-like devices.

Be Well!


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #145 on: January 17, 2014, 07:52:31 PM »

it is just so adorable to see all the people talking down to anyone who doesn't foam at the mouth with rage at NC Soft. I formerly  apologize that my life did not become broken when COH closed it's servers. I came back here to try to drum up a little enthusiasm for something I think captures the fun that COH had, because I didn't think such an awesome community deserved to sit around feeling sorry for itself.

so yeah..get over it.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #146 on: January 17, 2014, 07:54:09 PM »
Nothing awful about wanting information, but Wildstar is still in Beta, play-testers are subject to NDA, and the details are subject to change.  If you're in the Beta or joining the Beta, then you'll just have to discover these details yourself.

There's 3 classes with support/healing, Esper, Medic, and Spellslinger.  The Esper doesn't use 'guns', but the other two use gun-like devices.

Be Well!

Esper healing feels like Thermal healing, hella fun


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #147 on: January 17, 2014, 08:09:33 PM »
it is just so adorable to see all the people talking down to anyone who doesn't foam at the mouth with rage at NC Soft. I formerly  apologize that my life did not become broken when COH closed it's servers. I came back here to try to drum up a little enthusiasm for something I think captures the fun that COH had, because I didn't think such an awesome community deserved to sit around feeling sorry for itself.

so yeah..get over it.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #148 on: January 17, 2014, 10:48:39 PM »
... I don't see what's so awful about wanting to know the specifics of how a class works before choosing one.  Especially when, by those role descriptions, there's only two classes (Heal/DPS and Tank/DPS), and what little descriptions are for the classes are vague and confusing (e.g., apparently the guys with dual pistols are healers).

Really, now is when they should be emphasizing what makes their classes DIFFERENT (both from each other and from similar classes in other games), not going out of their way to hide the details and only release information that makes them look samey.

As Fireheart said. It's still in Beta so players are still under NDA, also things could change between beta and launch.

ryuplaneswalker, you may have missed it being mentioned ealier or they might not be doing it anymore. But there was someone in "this" thread who said. That some streamers (people who live stream game play over the internet) had the NDA lifted "up to" level 15. Now that's not much compared to level cap and end game content but I think it's enough. For you to be able to get an idea of how the classes play and you can actually watch them in action. So you'll be able to "hopefully" see the answers to your questions in detail.

If your not sure where to look for gameplay life streams. is a popular website.

Take care. :)


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #149 on: January 22, 2014, 08:16:42 PM »
Really, now is when they should be emphasizing what makes their classes DIFFERENT (both from each other and from similar classes in other games), not going out of their way to hide the details and only release information that makes them look samey.

I'll field this if you like. The key points about WildStar's class system that makes it feel different (for me) are...

  • Limited Action Set (LAS) - You get eventual access to about 10 Assault, 10 Support and 10 Utility powers. However, you can only use 8 out of that 30 power total at once.
  • AMP System - On top of the LAS you get the AMP system, which allows you to further differentiate your character. Some have to be unlocked through play, and not immediately available
  • Multiple Ability Sets - WS makes it easy to swap LAS/AMP sets out of combat. You're able to spec up for PvP, PvE, Solo'ing, etc.

As to class differences then I'd point you to the following guide:

Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #150 on: January 27, 2014, 04:29:37 PM »
it is just so adorable to see all the people talking down to anyone who doesn't foam at the mouth with rage at NC Soft. I formerly  apologize that my life did not become broken when COH closed it's servers. I came back here to try to drum up a little enthusiasm for something I think captures the fun that COH had, because I didn't think such an awesome community deserved to sit around feeling sorry for itself.

Will I be able to design my character's appearance?  If not, it won't capture the fun of playing a character that is uniquely mine, rather than just the same races in the same sets of armor.

Will I be able to mix-and-match millions of combinations of abilities per class?  If not, it won't capture the fun of playing the same class a dozen times and having it play differently every time.

Will it run on a mid-range Mac laptop I've had for nearly five years now (and can't afford to replace)?  If not, it won't capture the fun of anything, because I won't be able to run it at all.

I've been playing games since the days of the Atari 2600, so when I say that CoH was my favorite game of all time, I don't say that lightly.  If WildStar wants to impress me, it has to step up its game.

so yeah..get over it.

One of my least favorite phrases in the world (second only to "deal with it"), because it's meaningless.  People "get over" things in their own way, and that way is not necessarily going to involve jumping right into a WoW clone published by the same company that has unceremoniously killed more games than it's kept running.  It's not even a "I hate NCSoft" thing, it's an "I don't trust NCSoft to keep it running, so even if I did wind up liking it, there's no guarantee it'll still be there two years after launch."
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 05:34:38 PM by Thunder Glove »


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #151 on: January 27, 2014, 06:20:53 PM »
Will I be able to design my character's appearance?  If not, it won't capture the fun of playing a character that is uniquely mine, rather than just the same races in the same sets of armor.

Yes. Perhaps not as easily as City of Heroes, but there is a costume system and dye system which enables you to wear any class of armour (Light Armour wearers could pop on Heavy gear as a costume [no stat benefits]) and change the colour readily once a dye is learned.

Will I be able to mix-and-match millions of combinations of abilities per class?  If not, it won't capture the fun of playing the same class a dozen times and having it play differently every time.

You will be able to earn 30 abilities (10 Assault, 10 Support, 10 Utility) but you can only use 8 (total) at any one time. Each ability has 8 Tiers but at max level you will not be able to have everything at Tier 8 so you will have meaningful choice to make there.

You also get 4 builds you can have as a preset to switch between out of combat, and the abilities/tiers selected can be modified freely out of combat as well.

On top of this, you have the AMP System which modifies you abilities/grants new passive abilities. This can be set per build, but not modified once selected without paying for a respec.

So actual, yes - there is a massive amount of builds and combinations to be had.

Will it run on a mid-range Mac laptop I've had for nearly five years now (and can't afford to replace)?  If not, it won't capture the fun of anything, because I won't be able to run it at all.

This I can't answer for you - if it meets the games' minimum specs then I presume you could BootCamp it or try to use something like Wine to get things rolling. No doubt some other closed beta types could be working on it.

Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #152 on: January 29, 2014, 12:58:18 AM »
Yes. Perhaps not as easily as City of Heroes, but there is a costume system and dye system which enables you to wear any class of armour (Light Armour wearers could pop on Heavy gear as a costume [no stat benefits]) and change the colour readily once a dye is learned.

That doesn't really "capture the fun" of designing my character from scratch right at level 1 and making him (or her!) look just the way he appeared in my head, and instead captures the tedium of having to farm for materials so that my generic guy (who looks just like every other single character of his race) can wear armor (that looks just like the armor that everyone else is wearing) that is a slightly different color.

Why would you wear armor if it doesn't give you stat benefits?  You just have to take it off and put on your real armor anyway when you're done parading around town.  CoH divorced appearance from ability entirely; this sounds like a half-assed system that pretends it's letting you look the way you want while actually still forcing you to wear the "right" armor for your class when it's time to actually do some adventuring.

You will be able to earn 30 abilities (10 Assault, 10 Support, 10 Utility) but you can only use 8 (total) at any one time. Each ability has 8 Tiers but at max level you will not be able to have everything at Tier 8 so you will have meaningful choice to make there.

You also get 4 builds you can have as a preset to switch between out of combat, and the abilities/tiers selected can be modified freely out of combat as well.

On top of this, you have the AMP System which modifies you abilities/grants new passive abilities. This can be set per build, but not modified once selected without paying for a respec.

So actual, yes - there is a massive amount of builds and combinations to be had.

Yes, but that's still vastly less than CoH.  Can I create two characters of the same class with as much difference in playstyle as there was between, say, Empathy vs. Traps?  Or Force Field vs. Storm Summoning?  Or Dark Armor vs. Super Reflexes?  Or Mind Control vs. Illusion Control?  That's one of the things that made CoH fun to me, being able to play the same class over and over but with vastly different abilities each time.

In WildStar, will I be able to I create two characters of the same class where each one has a different set of 30 abilities to choose from, or is it the same 30 abilities for every member of the class?

Because THAT'S the sort of variety I'm missing in other MMOs, not just "every character of the same class gets exactly the same abilities, you can just choose to emphasize different ones!"   That's how 99% of existing MMOs already do it.  That's how tabletop D&D has been doing it since I started playing in the late 1970s.

Why is this different?  What makes it "capture the fun" of CoH, where I had a half-dozen Brutes and none of them had a single attack in common (except maybe Air Superiority), rather than like WoW, where every single Warrior gets the same 34 abilities as every other Warrior (but you can use some more than others depending on whether you want to emphasize Arms, Fury, or Protection).

And limiting it to only 8 powers is a "feature"?  That's a drawback.  I like getting more powers and incorporating them into my existing move pool, not being forced to pick and choose eight and ignore the other twenty-two.  I used to have four or five full trays in CoH, and even in Dofus I have twenty powers on my main tray and another dozen on a secondary tray.

I wouldn't mind all this WildStar hoopla so much if people weren't pretending it was so different and unique and original.  But, really, other than the design of its races (thank goodness there's not the same generic elves and dwarves and orcs), I'm not seeing any information here to convince me that WildStar is not just WoW In Space (Plus Long-Tailed Bunnygirls).

And if it's going to blatantly copy other games, why can't it copy the game that I still miss after more than a year, rather than copying one I got tired of back in 2007?


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #153 on: January 29, 2014, 01:08:36 AM »
Why would you wear armor if it doesn't give you stat benefits?  You just have to take it off and put on your real armor anyway when you're done parading around town.  CoH divorced appearance from ability entirely; this sounds like a half-assed system that pretends it's letting you look the way you want while actually still forcing you to wear the "right" armor for your class when it's time to actually do some adventuring.
You have armor (the stuff that gives you stats) and you have 'costume pieces' (the stuff that doesn't give you stats, but changes what your armor looks like). My cloth-wearing spellslinger is currently "wearing" a giant mech-looking suit of heavy armor because it looks totally swanky to be shootin' pistols and throwing spells around from space plate mail. He's actually wearing a bunch of cloth items I don't even remember what they look like, which gives him all the base stat stuff, and then the heavy armor is in the costume piece slots.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #154 on: January 29, 2014, 01:33:56 AM »
Hm.  A more-versatile version of WoW's Transmogrification system, then.

I presume you actually have to acquire the heavy armor you want to use as costume pieces (as if you were going to actually equip it, even though you can't) on top of the cloth armor?

So still not as good as designing the character at level 1.  Having to grind for two entire sets of armor (one to wear, one to use as costume pieces) is not making me love the sound of this.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #155 on: January 31, 2014, 06:51:51 PM »
Fair enough Thunder Glove, I'm guessing that WS just isn't the game for you - I see all those things as allowing a pile of complexity and I'm excited for it.

That said I've never said that WildStar is any kind of successor to CoH - but I feel that many features will feel comfortable and familiar to ex-CoH'ers (like me). Warplots are similar to Supergroup Base Raids, Housing feels similar to Supergroup Bases (but personal!), Commodities Market feels similar to the CoH Auction House (with the Buy and Sell Orders).

There's a lot of touchstones that CoH'ers will probably like. But, at it's core, it's a gear-centric MMO and if that's something you need out of your game... then WS is not for you.

Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #156 on: January 31, 2014, 07:04:57 PM »
Yeah... I was mostly reacting to Tazz there and his insisting that it "captures the fun" of CoH without understanding what made CoH fun for many people.

I might wind up giving it a try, if my computer can handle it.  It probably can't.

General Idiot

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #157 on: February 05, 2014, 06:41:19 AM »
Yeah... I was mostly reacting to Tazz there and his insisting that it "captures the fun" of CoH without understanding what made CoH fun for many people.

Long story short, at least for me:
 - Can I team up with any of my friends no matter how many levels above or below me they might be?
 - Can I then take those friends into any mission any of us have without being punished somehow? (Little or no xp, sidekicking down but not up, zones with hard level restrictions, solo missions that don't adjust to still be challenging if you bring a team, etc etc.)

If no to either question, it's not capturing the fun of CoH. It could be the most fun game ever made to actually play (Which it won't be, because action combat + New Zealand internet = Nope), but I'll still enjoy it less than CoH if my ability to play with friends is restricted by arbitrary numbers next to my character's name.


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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #158 on: February 06, 2014, 01:58:47 AM »
Yeah... I was mostly reacting to Tazz there and his insisting that it "captures the fun" of CoH without understanding what made CoH fun for many people.

I might wind up giving it a try, if my computer can handle it.  It probably can't.

To me the fun in COH was not playing with costumes like I little girl dressing her dolls, I was never an ICON guy, those people made me laugh. It wasn't fun because you could drag your friends into high level zones, or MA and PL the crap out of them. THE FUN for me was the feeling of being part of something larger than life and feeling powerful, lol but not too powerful. Sort of like the awe you felt when you went into the hive for the first time and you felt that if you made one wrong move something was going to one shot you.  Even something as small as just looking up at the globe in Atlas park. "Wow this is big , he looks cool." There is a great deal of comedy in this game, funny NPC names, cool looking costumes, silly things you can do in PVP. There were A LOT of different things that made COH fun for people with many different tastes. I found myself playing this game and saying "lol that was like the time I did.. COH" or "this reminds me of the old school hamidon raids".. You can't just say that "ok so this is my idea of what was cool about COH, so it must be true for everyone". Don't take it as an insult "it captures the fun of COH" is meant as a pretty high compliment, but it sure as hell doesn't mean just one thing.

Thunder Glove

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Re: WildStar Online
« Reply #159 on: February 06, 2014, 01:28:08 PM »
Is it possible for you to make posts without snidely insulting the person you're talking to?

Nobody said anything about playing dress-up, nobody said anything about PLing anyone.  I said I like a character that looks unique, not one that looks like every other character of the same class and species, and General Idiot said that he likes being able to team up with his friends rather than going "Okay, Bob, this is the game I like.  I'd show you around, but I'm seventy levels higher than you are and we can't go to the same areas.  Have fun by yourself!  I'll be doing endgame suff."

If you love the game for your own reasons, that's wonderful.  But don't mock what other people loved about CoH with your "that's so adorable" and "playing dress-up with dolls" snarks.