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First Surprises in COH

Started by Risha, December 27, 2012, 05:15:07 PM

General Idiot

I always got a kick out of knocking those guys off their perches with power thrust. Not killing them, just tossing them off the side so they'd have to climb all the way back up.


Quote from: General Idiot on March 25, 2013, 12:30:24 AM
I always got a kick out of knocking those guys off their perches with power thrust. Not killing them, just tossing them off the side so they'd have to climb all the way back up.
I loved doing it on REALLY TALL buildings. By the time they climbed back up to their spawn point (down a few hit points), they had deaggroed. Repeat for maximum giggles until they finally die.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Even better with an archer.
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


I squeeeeeeeeed outloud the first time I saw Confuse. Seeing the baddies turn on each other or help me fight against their own was awesome! (I didn't even care about no xp.)
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Quote from: healix on March 26, 2013, 11:04:24 PM
I squeeeeeeeeed outloud the first time I saw Confuse. Seeing the baddies turn on each other or help me fight against their own was awesome! (I didn't even care about no xp.)
Taking my mind controller into RV and finding I could confuse a turret to shoot one of the other turrets was humorous.

Having a toon killed by his confused heavy was even funnier.


Quote from: healix on March 26, 2013, 11:04:24 PM
I squeeeeeeeeed outloud the first time I saw Confuse. Seeing the baddies turn on each other or help me fight against their own was awesome! (I didn't even care about no xp.)

I used to Spore Burst mobs, run into the thick of them and /e sleep, before exclaiming into teamchat how I was 'sleeping with the enemy'.

General Idiot

Five and a bit years playing the game, and I still giggled like an idiot when I saw a Vahzilok bomb zombie blow up most of his spawn after I confused him. So many little things you wouldn't consider that significant, until you have to play games that don't have them. :(


Doing the long form Positron TF with a character with confuse is.........amazing :)


My first pvp trip to Bloody Bay (Freedom) was interesting....this was back when BB was packed and I thought it was going to be chaotic pvp'n.  It was chaotic, but it was also a trip seeing peeps just hanging out on the roof top socializing and hardly anyone bothering them.  So in a way it was laid-back too.  Then BB pvp'n fell off hard.  I gotta say that BB pvp'n was fun.


Quote from: r00tb0ySlim on March 28, 2013, 02:35:31 PM
My first pvp trip to Bloody Bay (Freedom) was interesting....this was back when BB was packed and I thought it was going to be chaotic pvp'n.  It was chaotic, but it was also a trip seeing peeps just hanging out on the roof top socializing and hardly anyone bothering them.  So in a way it was laid-back too.  Then BB pvp'n fell off hard.  I gotta say that BB pvp'n was fun.

BB pvp represent! I was there in those days, either on my spines scrapper Rumble Grrl, or my rad/psy Simone Says or Mercury Jones my fire/rad 'troller. Back in the days when zone pvp was king and SO's were the best enhancements you could buy. There was a good fun crowd there and we all used to laugh at the people that came in that 'weren't there for pvp'. To this day I still think that's a ludicrous thing to say. You're in a pvp zone!

Some of the early surprises I remember were logging into AP for the first time and seeing other people running around on their characters, doing the same things I was doing nd realizing that these were other people from all over the world also playing the game together with me. (This was my first foray into MMOs) It was a mind blowing experience. Also seeing freakshow get up after being defeated was a real surprise. And back in the pre-ED days, seeing my first tank aggro just about every Outcast in the Hollows and having about a million of them mobbing around him and chasing him through the zone. I recall sending him a tell saying 'You're my hero'. :D


A la PVP, learning the hard way that "everyone is set to level 38" in Warburg did NOT mean equal footing. Level 50 SO's still made a huge difference...
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Quote from: glimmershade on March 29, 2013, 03:21:10 PM
To this day I still think that's a ludicrous thing to say. You're in a pvp zone!

I never went for pvp, only badges and shivans and nukes and such, but I always accepted that, hey, yeah. I'm in a pvp zone. People are probably gonna be trying to kill me. I never complained about it, that I can remember. But, I probably did at one point at least. >.>


Quote from: Perfidus on March 29, 2013, 08:44:45 PM
I never complained about it, that I can remember. But, I probably did at one point at least. >.>

I complained about it once. And then later I realized, "Oh yeah. Right. *I* chose to go there. Durr."

Doh. >.<


I suppose the first thing that really impressed me was the first time I saw an enemy get Levitated. I was a mere scrapper, just kicking things, and here's some hero just FLINGING dudes into the air without touching them! I stopped what I was doing and was all "WTF was that?!"

"Levitate, from the Mind Control set!"

My next toon, which remained my main character for the rest of the time I played, was a Mind/Kin.

Also, count me as one of those "One enhancement type per power" folks. =)


Quote from: glimmershade on March 29, 2013, 03:21:10 PM
BB pvp represent! I was there in those days, either on my spines scrapper Rumble Grrl, or my rad/psy Simone Says or Mercury Jones my fire/rad 'troller. Back in the days when zone pvp was king and SO's were the best enhancements you could buy. There was a good fun crowd there and we all used to laugh at the people that came in that 'weren't there for pvp'. To this day I still think that's a ludicrous thing to say. You're in a pvp zone!

Not so ludicrous. People, myself included, came into those PvP zones not to fight but to collect the badges that were in there. If someone did attack, well, like you said it IS a PvP zone so I would fight back and usually loose! :) It was all just good fun and I didn't see any reason to complain. Trip to the hospital, get a little debt, get cured and back out to the next badge to see if I could make it or end up in the hospital, with more debt, again! To me Debt was just another badge. My best badge collector in PvP zones was my stalker. HURRY get that badge, wait to be hidden again, did someone see me!!  ;D
Keeper of the toons from the SG, Sugar Coated Suicide, Freedom
Older'n Dirt and proud of it!


I didn't have a problem with being attacked in a PvP zone when I was after badges, Shivans, nukes for a Hami raid, etc.  What annoyed me was being attacked by the same player over and over and over again because they knew I wasn't there for the PvP, made an easy target, and would be back in a few minutes to try for the badge again, so all they had to do was camp out and wait for me.  There's "OK, I'm in a PvP zone, so I was fair game for that one," and then there's "OK, now you're just being a jerk."
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Quote from: eabrace on March 31, 2013, 05:15:45 PM
I didn't have a problem with being attacked in a PvP zone when I was after badges, Shivans, nukes for a Hami raid, etc.  What annoyed me was being attacked by the same player over and over and over again because they knew I wasn't there for the PvP, made an easy target, and would be back in a few minutes to try for the badge again, so all they had to do was camp out and wait for me.  There's "OK, I'm in a PvP zone, so I was fair game for that one," and then there's "OK, now you're just being a jerk."

Yea...I usually got a "first" kill from the badge hounds, shivs, etc...and then figured what's the sense for the next 5 minutes and knowing those peeps were not there to pvp, I left them alone from that point.  Didn't want to be "that guy" who was camp killing, although I did see that a lot.  Heck, I was a badge hound too, but hide made it pretty easy in pvp zones most of the time.  In WB I usually helped the peeps get the nukes after I ran thru them to see if I could get a recipe drop.  For some reason I always thought the SC was the hardest pvp zone, especially the last year or so....I do miss it all though :-[


Quote from: dwturducken on March 29, 2013, 03:49:10 PM
A la PVP, learning the hard way that "everyone is set to level 38" in Warburg did NOT mean equal footing. Level 50 SO's still made a huge difference...
Level 50 SOs were the same effectiveness as level 25 SOs (33%) - I think you meant "being level 50 and having way more slots" made a huge difference, because THAT certainly is true.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: emperorsteele on March 31, 2013, 03:54:15 AM
"Levitate, from the Mind Control set!"

Okay, for a second I thought you were talking about Lift from Gravity Control. That made me think of Propel. First time I saw that little beauty I was like whaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuudge... did someone just throw a phone pole?!?!?

I didn't even like controllers but I rolled one just so I could use Propel. I'd fly around Atlas and Kings throwing stuff at random mobs, yelling out "I have become Gravity, litterbug of worlds!!!" Oh, you're stealing an old lady's purse? I'll arrest you by throwing a forklift at you. Of course the punishment fits the crime, what are you talking about?

Oooh and then there was the time I filled up that little pool in front of the Steel Wentworths with Propel junk. No reason; I just like doing unusual things for giggles. Took a while too, first you had to fly around a bit to respawn the mobs closest to the Wents. Then you had to kick each separate piece of junk over to the building, up the little ramp, and into the pool.

*sigh* Good times :)


My first surprise was realizing CoH was an MMO...
My second surprise was realizing that just because Zapp (and my other blasts) could accept an Accuracy, Range, Damage, end redux, end mod, recharge redux and interrupt redux(Zapp only) - did not mean I was SUPPOSED to use one of each. When I finally got to Zapp and realized I couldn't get 7 slots to fit the interrupt SO....
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