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First Surprises in COH

Started by Risha, December 27, 2012, 05:15:07 PM


Quote from: Night-Hawk07 on May 08, 2013, 08:23:27 PM
Having played a Scrapper as my main toon for the whole 5 and a half years I played, I'm now dying with laughter knowing there's a name for that condition. ;D

I found this picture a while back and it always cracks me up  ;D


Scrapper Lock = Leeeroooy Jenkins!!!!!!!!!! :)

Man, I miss my scrappers.

--- Hercules - Freedom Server ---


Although I will say I made sure to hold back when I did group play as I didn't want to be that Scrapper that ran into a room, then ran back out just as quickly with a mob 50 goons strong in hot pursuit. :D  Solo play, however, was different; until I discovered Crane Kick (because knockback) and started encountering Sappers. Then tactics came into play.


Technically, shouldn't the Tab button be the scrapper lock key? :P


Quote from: Perfidus on May 09, 2013, 03:23:35 AM
Technically, shouldn't the Tab button be the scrapper lock key? :P

Why?  If you keep spamming your attack chain it automatically jumped to the next victim in range.  Of course camera angle needed to be set not look into the distance (more top down than behind PoV) and pulled back slightly.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


I remember standing in Atlas Park and seeing my first flying hero.

I was completely blown away.


Having to learn the quirks of teleport by trial and error the first time I picked it for a travel power was a memorable experience.

Frustrating but certainly memorable.

Golden Ace

Quote from: Twylite1 on May 09, 2013, 07:46:12 AM
I remember standing in Atlas Park and seeing my first flying hero.

I was completely blown away.

Level 6, on my first hero I got hover.  I thought it was so cool just flying everywhere, even though it was slow I didn't care.   I loved the view with fly and got it with almost every character.   Superjump would sometimes make my stomach go flip flop when I was landing.
♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


I used to love jumping off the top of the tower in Mercy Island, just for that feeling. It's one of the things we made sure we did on the Last Night.

I was also probably one of the few people who hated that you could take a travel power at level 4. Unless it was part of the character concept, I usually stuck with the "old" schedule. (Yes, I was a CoH old fart! :) )
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


How about standing on top of the Globe in AP. That was way cool (for about a minute)


Quote from: dwturducken on May 09, 2013, 11:57:49 PM
I used to love jumping off the top of the tower in Mercy Island, just for that feeling. It's one of the things we made sure we did on the Last Night.

I was also probably one of the few people who hated that you could take a travel power at level 4. Unless it was part of the character concept, I usually stuck with the "old" schedule. (Yes, I was a CoH old fart! :) )


When they came out with those ninja runs and various other travel things, I most toons after stopped taking travel pool powers. Yeah it was a little slower but hey, I liked the scenery. But ironically due to my usual quick loading times I never got to the mission first (couldnt match the SS-SJ combo) but usually 3rd or 4th so there was really no holding the team up on account of me being slow. The ones that did though stuck to the old travel schedule and for pure nostalgia, three toons I created used power combinations that was around in i5 and no ninja run or the likes and followed old schedule of travel powers  ;D. Actually that was pretty fun. Of course with fitness being inherient was a little different but hey even when restoring a 1958 Cadilllac Eldorado, sometimes people add a CD player and seat belts even though they didnt exist originally. Man, I miss that game.


I do admit that I liked Ninja Run. I stuck to the "does it really fit the character concept" philosophy for a while, but, when my powered armor tank could use it because his armor "had super-fast hydraulic legs," I had to admit defeat. Besides, my character's Ninja Run was usually as fast as a teammate's Flight, unless it was someplace like Sharkshead or Faultline, where there was a lot of steep terrain variation. Eventually, in more than a few cases, Ninja Run was the character's travel power. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Super Firebug

Quote from: Electric-Knight on December 30, 2012, 09:59:52 AM
I was sitting here, somewhat saddened by my lack of response to this question...
But I just realized what really pleasantly surprised me from within the game!

NPC Citizens exclaiming things about our characters!!
"Hey, Electric-Knight, we love you!"
"I can't wait to tell all my friends that I saw Electric-Knight!"
"Way to go, Electric-Knight!"

That surprised me, too. I was running to another mission door, and someone says, "My first day here, and I see someone like Super Firebug. What a town!" I loved it!
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


Speaking of Malta. Remember the Titans?

Two of the smaller Hercules Titans were capable of combining to form a Zeus. I was never certain of what triggered it - obviously it was due to a certain level of damage, but precisely where that trigger was... it seemed to vary based on circumstances. (Plus it might've been tweaked by the Devs over time.)

Still - I recall that - like the Warwolves, I'd never seen it HAPPEN or even heard about it until I was on a solo mission. I'd dealt with enough Malta by that point that I knew - despite appearance to the contrary - the biggest threat in any group is NOT the giant robots, it's that GODDAMN SAPPER.

This is a pretty sharp memory - I was in one of the tech labs in one of the large rooms. And there's a group there with 2 Hercules, a Sapper, and a couple of those guys who drop turrets. So I drop the sapper with an Eagle's Claw kick and a couple of stacked red inspirations, then take out the two turrets and their handlers, all while the Titans are blanketing everything with corkscrewing missile trails and blue energy beams. I was on my MA/INV scrapper (Same one as in that previous story with the 5th Column early in this thread) and this was before the INV nerf for scrappers, so she was pretty darn tough enough to weather the damage from the Titans until she could get to them.

And I start bashing on the first one pretty hard. The other is standing about 3-5 meters away. I think it was down to about 1/4 health, and it turns away from me and - I thought it was going to be a "runner"  - but no -

He turns only to run directly at the other Herc. And then the first Herc JUMPS and... FOLDS... in mid-air around the other Herc, until they form the Zeus. (A boss at full health of course).

You know... You can tell when you are obviously a truly hard-core geek when you get taken out because you're too busy gawking at something and having a "nerd-gasm"...

"Oh my GOD THAT IS SO COOL!! Look at the way that folded! I never knew! It makes so much SENSE!

One torso stacked on the other and it's PERFECT. I can see exactly where the arms fold up around the chest!

And there's the feet! So that's why a Zeus has those up there!

...and... and...

...and damn. I'm dead...


... Screw it. It was worth it."


Of course, if you've never had any warning ahead of time, encountering the KRONOS Titan for the first time isn't just a surprise, it's a full-on OH CRAP IT'S GODZILLA moment... God help you if you were solo-ing that run... 

Fortunately, I didn't have THAT happen to me. But even so - even knowing it was coming. Even having been warned... To see that thing stomping over the hills toward you in Founders Falls for the first time...


"mommy!..." :o

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Ya know, I think they must have changed something, towards the end, like I22 or something. I know I was encountering different Titans, and you could tell that there were two or more combined to make one big gestalt, but I don't remember the last time I saw the actual act of combining. I think they were making them just spawn already combined, or something.

I do remember that being one of the cooler "Oh, pancake" moments, though, seeing it happen that first time. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Super Firebug

I remember a Kings Row incident, on Protector, that felt exactly like I was watching a superhero. Remember that rooftop across the street to the north of Wentworth's in KR - the one that always had Clockwork on it? Well, I was running a new lowbie in there, and saw VERY purple Crey standing on that roof. In retrospect, it must have been some high-level's ambush that he had outrun. (This was before I had any toons near Crey level.) I stood by Wenty's, watching the Crey Cryo severely one-shot every sub-10 toon that innocently flew by. We were all talking about it in Broadcast for several minutes, wondering what to do. Someone must have either gone to another zone and asked for help, or logged to get a better toon. Suddenly, a player toon showed up, a couple of levels higher than the Crey, and took them down in about half a minute, to the cheers and admiration of all of us lowbies. I wish I had a video of it; it was totally thrilling to watch.
Linux. Because a world without walls or fences won't need Windows or Gates.


Quote from: dwturducken on June 29, 2013, 12:24:43 AM
Ya know, I think they must have changed something, towards the end, like I22 or something. I know I was encountering different Titans, and you could tell that there were two or more combined to make one big gestalt, but I don't remember the last time I saw the actual act of combining. I think they were making them just spawn already combined, or something.

I do remember that being one of the cooler "Oh, pancake" moments, though, seeing it happen that first time. :)

I can vouch for the fact that they were still combining as described up to the end, because my last 50 went through a bunch of Malta missions just before shutdown, and he had to ensure that he kept the mechs separate and held/KDed or else get both of them to about half hp and then hit em together with every AoE he had to keep 'em from joining up.

There were some missions that had the big 'bots as the placed bosses -- could those have been the combined ones you were seeing?


Maybe it was just a combination of the placed bosses and the others showing up in places where so much was going on that I didn't notice them combining. Honestly, the only time I ran into them was on a team of four or more, mostly because we didn't go after Malta with less, if we could help it. With a larger team, the mobs would be so big, I would be "scapper-locked" and not really noticing a lot of nuance in the behavior of the baddies.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


I had forgotten about the Malta Titans.  Although things like the Freak rezzing tend to stick in my mind more in the early days because I was still new to the game, I think the combining of the titans was one of the greatest moments of surprise I ever had in the game.  One, because I had no idea it was going to happen, and two, because it was just so damn COOL.  After the first time I saw it happen, I did everything I could to try and get it to happen more.  As much as I HATED dealing with those freaking Sappers, I would continue to take Malta missions every chance I got, just so I could watch them combine.

And yes, the Kronos Titan was beyond cool the first time I saw it.  Not part of my own mission, I just stumbled upon it one day.  I had heard about it, but I was not prepared for just how impressive it was.


Quote from: adarict on July 01, 2013, 03:29:59 PMAnd yes, the Kronos Titan was beyond cool the first time I saw it.  Not part of my own mission, I just stumbled upon it one day.  I had heard about it, but I was not prepared for just how impressive it was.

I'm still kicking myself for spacing on that question for the last Loregasm -- the Kronos Titans looked like scaled-up versions of the Zeus Titans, complete with the second set of feet; I wanted to ask whether there was a smaller 'monster' Titan, perhaps called an Ouranos Titan, that could combine to make a Kronos Titan the same way that the Hercules Titans could combine to make a Zeus Titan.