Author Topic: The Bard is Back!  (Read 48458 times)

Luna Eclypse

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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2012, 11:09:59 PM »
All right so, in terms of other publishers, who would be in OUR best interest to get the attention of if this comes to pass?
"The Remarkable Dazzling"
Luna Eclypse

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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2012, 11:13:43 PM »
All right so, in terms of other publishers, who would be in OUR best interest to get the attention of if this comes to pass?
Private investors. I don't want to have my eggs mixed in a backet of anybody, this game is its own beast, and we have private parties willing to do this investment, and volunteer souls ready to ready the game to sail under these new captains.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2012, 11:44:14 PM »
They are trying to sever contracts, so we should keep it a secret or else those contract will be tempted to try to modify it to keep their coins even if the game closes.

There are no secrets on the Internet. Now, we wait and see if it matters that this one is "out."
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2012, 12:34:17 AM »
Private investors. I don't want to have my eggs mixed in a backet of anybody, this game is its own beast, and we have private parties willing to do this investment, and volunteer souls ready to ready the game to sail under these new captains.
Ideally someone who'd hire some of the former PS Devs to run and develop the game - and hopefully ones who aren't misguided and hoping to achieve another "WoW".
Though honestly I wouldn't mind if it was another publisher, as long as they get a devoted team to take care of it - which I believe most publishers do for their games.

Luna Eclypse

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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2012, 12:55:32 AM »
Ideally someone who'd hire some of the former PS Devs to run and develop the game - and hopefully ones who aren't misguided and hoping to achieve another "WoW".
Though honestly I wouldn't mind if it was another publisher, as long as they get a devoted team to take care of it - which I believe most publishers do for their games.

An advertising budget wouldn't hurt either. That was something we sorely needed over all these years.
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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2012, 02:13:24 AM »
An advertising budget wouldn't hurt either. That was something we sorely needed over all these years.
They had budget, tried advertising, and it failed to prove worthwhile.

A single TV ad campaign (not one ad, but one campaign) just in the US alone can cost upwards of $100 million.  Before you do it, you need to be sure then that it will be guaranteed to bring in $200 million as a result - which is more than CoH made in profit in its entire history.

Seriously, do you honestly think that paying for a month of ads to run during shows like Big Bang Theory and Arrow are going to do more in a month than 9 whole years of coverage in the gaming press, word of mouth, etc?  Really?  Or do you think they'd more likely be spending $100 million to make back $20 million in new subscriptions, losing $80million and closing the game within a year as losing money.

WoW can advertise on TV because it is a more accessible, sticky game.  It is more mass-market, doesn't take much thought, etc.  They know that they can afford to spend the equivalent of $30 per customer to attract them and make it back with profit.  WoW is the market leader, the brand everyone knows, and is the exceptional winner in MMO that no other MMO has ever come close to.  Noone knows quite why, or they'd have emulated it.  Hundreds of companies have tried.

CoH tried various forms of advertising, starting with the most targeted and effective you'd think - games mags, comics, conventions, etc.  Of those, only going to conventions wasn't a total waste where it cost more to advertise than they made back.  Now if advertising in games stores, magazines and comics, where you are appealing only to actual fans of the genre or gaming didn't pay back its cheaper advertising costs, why would anyone try a TV ad campaign to a less qualified and targeted audience that costs more per eyeball to reach?

City found that its most effective means of advertising was word of mouth.  So they incentivised you lot to share it more.  They gave free coverage to fan sites to encourage people to make them.  They printed fan-fiction, because that tends to make the writers tell their friends about getting published, even friends that don't play.  And they gave free subscription time for each person you referred.

I really do wish people would stop with this myth that TV advertising is some magic wand.  It is hideously expensive, poorly targeted, and only the most mass-market or high profit stuff can afford it.  NCsoft experimented with various forms or marketing and found most were complete washouts.  But giving high-paid devs time in their paid day to do streaming TV, work on youtube videos, attend conventions, and run competitions are all advertising.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2012, 02:17:19 AM »
Proper advertising is more than television. So why don't we nip that myth in the bud right now, hmm?
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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2012, 02:24:18 AM »
Proper advertising is more than television. So why don't we nip that myth in the bud right now, hmm?
That's the myth I'm on about.

Because NCsoft did the other forms of advertising (except for radio).  They just didn't keep doing it when it cost more than it made.  In fact, in the market they knew best of all (Korea), and had the most publicity and advertising know-how in, City of Heroes failed so badly it didn't even successfully launch.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2012, 02:40:53 AM »
Steam, that is who you want to buy this.

Seriously, they have the money and the love of gaming to run it properly. They have built in advertising and a huge budget.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2012, 03:08:54 AM »
from what ive read valve has already tried to put an offer out for coh, but was turned down or ignored (cant remember)

if what fansy is saying is whats happening then i still have hope that the game can still be saved

fansy is one of those poeple on this forum that i trust with rumor mill worthy information


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2012, 03:21:41 AM »
It has been stated already that, on the off chance that NCSoft is doing this because they have no choice rather than because they truly are being unwise, we will owe them a big apology.

This is true.

When the game shuts down, we will need to ramp up our volume and pressure, one way or another. Should we discover we have unfairly targetted NCSoft, it will be time to show our true mettle as heroes (and villains who value the willingness of others to work with us and do as we demand): we will need to work hard to reverse any damage we have done and recast NCSoft more fairly.

Should we discover that they're exactly as we thought, we must stun them with our lack of silence.

Either way, our work is only just beginning. Do not, regardless of outcome, abandon this cause, LEAST of all if we get what we want out of it! Because then we will need to prove that working WITH us was worth it.

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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2012, 04:22:21 AM »
"It has been stated already that, on the off chance that NCSoft is doing this because they have no choice rather than because they truly are being unwise, we will owe them a big apology."

They could have taken steps to explain themselves even if they could not have disclosed anything that could have got them into trouble. If they would have been open and honest from the beginning, they wouldn't have the PR nightmare THEY created. You don't take a dump on your customers and expect them not to respond. We played nice and look where that got us... they still remain silent and the the game closes November 30th. We collectively put millions of dollars and thousands of hours of time into the game and all we get is a 'we are taking our ball and going home..CYA'. If people want to argue "its just business", fine, business' get boycotted all the time for shady tactics.

We certainly DO NOT owe NCSoft an apology...EVER! They are in business to serve us as customers, not the other way around.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2012, 05:16:40 AM »
"Colette, the part you quoted was in answer specifically to Atlantea's post."

Thank you, Ammon. I'm dreadful with Bardic.

"Until someone puts a name and facts to this, we stay our course, and keep the pressure on NCsoft."

Check and check! Our efforts appear to be bearing some fruit.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2012, 07:08:13 AM »
Between this on one side and Starburst on the other, my hope levels are higher than they've been in over a month.  Not HIGH, but higher.

The quote that comes to mind, however, is "It's not the despair, I can handle the despair.  It's the hope that's killing me."

I'll take it, though!

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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2012, 08:45:28 AM »
Indeed.  It'd probably be easier to move on if these little glimmers of hope didn't keep surfacing.

But I don't want to move on.  I don't have anywhere to move to.

So I'll keep following the glimmers of hope.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2012, 09:21:48 AM »
Well if its true then I'll be picking up more NCsoft goods. And of course writing Kim another letter.


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2012, 10:39:16 AM »
You, Good Teamer!

You CAN have it before your eyes yourself, good lad as you are! You just have to do a little research and maybe have a helpful friend to sing you open a path.

Search out those in the Headquarters, knock on enough doors, send out too many emails, and beg for assistance long enough and you'll find that someone will of heard of the cause and will courteous to oblige in whatever manner they can. I cannot just give out the names of those who have offered it against their will but I would highly suggest sending out an email to every employee or former employee you can get your hands on. The closer to Korea or in Korean interests you go the nearer you become to your final treasure. I wouldn't come here to spread false rumor or to plague the ears with an ill wise tale. I can only phrase what was given to me and sing true to its words back to you.

It's up to you to do the rest, and see where and if what I am told, a conduit for their message, can be got some truth out of or not. I will not know for sure, just like you, until the time comes. But any rays of hope I can shed I will. To show that I have not been dodgy just because the situation looks bleak.

You have more power than you're executing or maybe you've just not had the time. It's up to you tho to really put action to words, and I wish you the best in this. I will do what I can on my end but even with a thousand letters sent all I have got is two replies, subtle as they write but stern is the message. In either case, do not give in.

To my song I go!

First, I'm very glad Fansy posted here (saves me copying from the CoH Official Forums) and second, glad some here have had opportunity to comment.  I never heard of Fansy before this post, but I take it some on Titan Network know who this is and that there is reason to believe this Fabulous Tale.  (I wasn't sure of this not a being a hoax/prank, or simply bad information though whimsically delivered a la Bard.)  Provided it's legit (my hope) then Fansy's advice that we email every employee of NCSoft we can is clear.  (Indeed, I'd rather thought we'd done so, but apparently not enough or as effectively as we'd hoped.)  As to having "more power than [we're] executing" and "really put action to words" is too vague for me--but I hope not for TonyV and the other Titans.

Here's a link to Fansy's thread on the official forums wherein Fansy responds to some skepticsim about the OP:  (you'll be wanting Page 2 of this thread most likely.)

I'm too tired and with other irons in the fire to attempt to glean more from Fansy's fanciful posts.  Looking forward to reading more about this tomorrow and hoping for some clear direction after the SMOFs have had opportunity to digest this Tale and co-ordinate our next efforts.

Re: Apologizing to NCSoft.  When the time is right, I'm happy to (assuming I've done or said anything for which apology is due) but presently I feel my criticism of how the matter of Sunsetting CoH was handled and how Customer Relations to we soon-to-be-former customers was handled remains valid.

Additionally, I thought I read earlier that Steam offered NCSoft US$3 million for the IP but said offer was rejected (assuming it was even heard) but Steam's offer (if true) was prior to the 11/30 sunset date and End of Contracts.

(Damn, but I find myself hoping Fansy is "War Witch" Bianco or "Positron" Miller.)

Thanks again for the help and the hope, Fansy!  (And grrrrrrr, most cruel and unfunny if this is a hoax!)
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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #37 on: November 11, 2012, 10:44:37 AM »
If they sell the CoH IP, that doesn't give them instant redemption.

Remember, they've shut down other games and still hoard those IPs. If they let those go too... perhaps their heads aren't quite as far shoved up their butts after all.

On the theory of closure being a way to get rid of legal issues tied to CoH:

Where is the logic in taking a damaging hit to reputation and finances from losing customers, potential customers and stockholders just to skirt some legal trouble? Was the Marvel issue something with worse consequences?

 Or is that some kind of joke about NCSoft being logical that went over my head?


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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2012, 12:12:38 PM »
NCsoft already had the rep of being the MMO killer and sitting on the IPs. 

If they done this for legal reasons well... that seems odd.  More one offer been made for the IP and been turned down as far as we know.  Okay for legal reasons you turn down a Good offer so you can sell it later with less red tape for less?  I'm sure some business wise person could think of things to make it fit.  But I'm thinking why would there be so much legal issues over an IP that's 8+ years old. 
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Re: The Bard is Back!
« Reply #39 on: November 11, 2012, 12:26:37 PM »
To the Famous bard, I was down had about given up. I came on a late night whim being very tired even a possibility of hope is better than nothing. Thank you good sir this is enough to make me get back off the ground hit the port medivac and get back into the fight even for a little bit longer. That makes this message alone worth it.  I pass out but feeling little better.

/em Hold torch