What are you playing now? Share with everyone

Started by therain93, April 23, 2013, 12:28:37 PM


XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PC - Steam)

I pre-ordered Bio-Shock Inifinite through Steam while I was playing Bioshock and it came with a free copy of Firaxis' XCOM:Enemy Unknown.  Now, I'm a huge fan of the original X-Com, and I have to say, they did a pretty nice job with updating it (although I'm disappointed that they omitted base raids).  I'm basically playing this about 5 times a week -- it has some mild customization and, like the original, you can name your soldiers, so naturally my CoH toons live on here too.  It's heart-wrenching when they die, but I have more than enough toons in the wings ready to fight back the alien incursion ( ' ;

Eventually I may switch back to finish the orignal Bioshock, which itself is a pretty rich storytelling experience.
@Texarkana - March 5, 2004 - December 1, 2012 -- Imageshack |-| Youtube

You don't know what it's like.... |-| Book One. Chapter one...

Golden Ace

WoW.  have a subscription. 

Age of Empires II HD Edition is my current love though.

♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪




Subscribed to EVE Online.

Drop in on Champions and The Secret World every now and then.


DDO on Saturdays, mostly.

A little SWTOR here and there on the weekends this month while the 2xXP has been running, but not much.

Honestly, that's about it.  I'm spending far, far fewer hours playing games than I was before shutdown.  And yet, I still seem to be short on spare time for other things.
Titan Twitter broadcasting at 5.000 mWh and growing.
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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Lately I've been playing X-COM: UFO Defense and a bit of Halo 1 PC multiplayer.


Pretty much, nothing on PC.  I pop in to STO once in a while.  There really aren't any other games I am interested in right now.  Kind of want to try out Secret World.  It looks quite promising.


im playing the new simcity its fun but need more friends if any one plays im lighthoof

The Fifth Horseman

We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

Star Wars: Battlefront


Taceus Jiwede

A few different things for me. 

Starcraft II
Injustice Gods Among us (Pretty darn good for a fighter)
A little Endless space when I have time (which is never for that game :P)
Worms Reloaded
Just started up another game for Mass Effect 3
And in 2 days Neverwinter nights Open beta:)


"Motorcycle Restoring 1.0"

Once I finish that game, I'll move on to "Mustang Seat Covers 2.0", but I may have to run around in "Ford 2pc Spark Plug Removal 2.0 SP 2", which I hear is insanely difficult the first level or two, and gets messy at level 5, but after that is relatively boring.

After that?  Probably I'll be in a long term MMO called "Riding Motorcycle:20XX EXTREME TOURING", with breaks for the realtime "Housework Chores 56", "Paybills 4123" and "Fracking Work 7.0 SP 12", with a few "Going Out 247" sessions here and there.


Champions Online mainly here and The Secret World as a bit of a side thing.

Feel free to look me up in either, global in CO is @PzTnT and i generally play Kazara when I'm in TSW.


I just finished up Bioshock Infinite.  Fantastic game, really well-crafted setting, engaging characters, and a really cool ending.

This friday I'll be playing a lot of Poker Night 2.  Looks like it's going to be really funny, and earning a bunch of TF2 and Borderlands 2 items certainly doesn't hurt.  Brock Samson(Venture Bros), Ash Williams(Evil Dead/Army of Darkness), Claptrap(Borderlands), and Sam the Dog(Sam n' Max) playing poker with Glados(Portal) as the dealer?  Aw yeah sign me up.

But, as it's been since the game came out, Team Fortress 2 remains my top played game... or, well.  It was my second most played until CoH shut down.  I made a Scout loadout that looks like my CoH main did in his casual outfit(green hair, fingerless gloves, oldschool sneakers), which wasn't something I figured I'd be able to manage at all, but it actually looks pretty good in TF2.  On the BLU team he's pretty much spot-on.  Needs some sunglasses but otherwise he's good.  Hope they add another cosmetic loadout slot sometime soon!

I've been experimenting with trying out a bunch of different MMOs, mostly Neverwinter, CO, STO and DCUO, and nothing's hitting the same thing CoH did for me.  Nothing else has that same ease of teaming, that same perfectly scaling encounter setup, nothing lets me take on 10 dudes at once and smash them to bits and have fun doing it.  CO was good for a bit but it doesn't have a lot of staying power once you hit lv40, STO is pretty fun but the lockboxes get annoying and I don't feel like I understand the gear at all, and DCUO... well.  DCUO would be a great game if it wasn't an MMO.  They've got a solid foundation for a superhero sandbox game there, and it's all wasted on shitty "kill 10 gang members, gather 10 trinkets, bring them to me, then do it again somewhere else" mission content.  There's some cool moments, and the instanced missions seem pretty fun since you're just fighting your way through a villain's lair(which is what I liked in CoH), but there's too much dumb boring stuff in the exterior world to deal with.
green hair


Me & Mamma are playing SWTOR. Gets somewhat repetitive, but fills the "game" need for now. Totally hate that we can't make a guild unless we have 4. Miss having our own little "sg base" like in the good ole CoH days.... sigh....


TSW is my "main," although I've not been playing as much. Still very engaged...but I'm waiting for a bit more mission content. I'm also still climbing the dungeon raid ladder and many of the missions I've done are very repeatable...similar to CoH in that aspect. Still lots to do, but I've gotten a bit sidetracked by Defiance. TSW remains very immersive and RP-friendly, with the best writing in gaming. Still has a so-so combat system (good for a "regular" MMO combat system...I guess). Still worth subbing to (although the free play isn't really very limited at all).

As said, I've been playing a lot of Defiance, which is terrific if you enjoy third-person shooters with reticule aiming in an MMO setting (but which needs way better social tools). I also play Fallen Earth and (very occasionally) log into GW1.

Some of my COH and TSW friends have jumped into SWTOR, but I'm having a hard time getting past my indifference to the IP. Nothing really looming on the horizon as a "must play" for me.


The Phoenix Project fills my time...

Oh you mean games everyone can play instead of under development?

SWTOR and DCUO, although I do log into TERA and CO every so often.


Champions Online.


Going to get Heart of the Swarm for StarCraft II at some point.

Looking forward to Neverwinter.

Want City of Heroes back.
Serkana The Wise
Primal Praetorian