What are you playing now? Share with everyone

Started by therain93, April 23, 2013, 12:28:37 PM


Single: Age of Empires II (sometimes III, but II is favorite), Civilization 5, Majesty 2, Settlers 6.

Tabletop: Pathfinder, Traveller (which I'm running), occasionally Runequest.

Online: STO (mostly log in long enough for Duty Officer re-assignments), and trying CO out for the 3rd time and actually got past level 10.  Still not CoX, and I just cannot play any CoX characters in it as they do not look the same, so made a new character.  CO's environment is okay, but characters look saggy, and I miss a couple of faces from CoX (okay, there's 2 female favorites I love).  And if I see another female character with the "do me" (er, vixen) stance I'll ... I'll... sigh, again.  :roll:  ;D


Injustice: Gods among us
Sonic Adventure 2
Jade Cocoon

And every now and then some CO.
I'm bad and that's good.
I'll never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me.

...unless I could be Batman, of course. Everybody wants to be Batman.


Warthunder & Warframe, mostly.  Some MTG:Planeswalkers 2013, 2014 is coming out in a couple weeks and I'll buy it then.   RIFT as well.


Let's see...

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Pokemon Platinum
Final Fantasy X
Occassionally Terraria and Minecraft.
Some Final Fantasy XI and XIV.
Few random other games depending on mood.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
"Scrappers might not exist any more, but scrapperlock is forever."   -Kaiser Tarantula


Since the demise of CoX
.. tried CO, TSW, ST
.. now just reading books.


Mainly Sims 3.  My daughter got me hooked on it.

But, when I want to go online I've been going to CO.  I bought a freeform slot and it's a much better game that way.  I "ported" one of my CoX toons over (Scott Comet, a hyper-mall security officer from the 30th century who got shunted back in time due to an accident with a "Time Displacer 3000 (tm)" at Radio Shack) 

Occasionally, I'll log into DCUO long enough to remember how boring I find it.

I tried Star Trek Online, but found it so dull I almost fell asleep while playing it.

I've also loaded up some old games like Civ 3 and Tropico and am having a good time with those oldies but goodies.


Star Trek Online now and then, but quite often I find myself tinkering with uniforms and alien heads at the tailor rather than playing. After a bit of that, I might join a "team up" PvE space mission, then swap to another character after...and fiddle with their crew's uniforms for a bit too, lol

Other than that I've been messing with City of Steam, but my hopes for that game are on a knife edge since the dev team at Mechanist got into bed with the publisher Reality Squared. Ever since then Mech seem to have developed an allergy to anything that might, potentially, by a wild stretch of the imagination, conceivably, just possibly be remotely regarded as an exploit - to the extent they totally removed direct player to player trading and the attachment function of ingame mail.

On top of that, in the latest version of the client, the skill tree has been reduced to a twig, and the gear modding system has come to resemble a peg-and-hole Fisher Price toy "because some people found the old system too complicated and we want to appeal to a wide audience". Evidently they believe the financial success of their game depends on skewing it towards the toddler market.

So...not looking very hopeful really. Pity, because CoS's underlying world and background story is simply the most innovative I've seen for ages. Ah well :(


So does playing Avengers Alliance on Facebook count? :roll:

Thunder Glove

Quote from: Mandu on June 16, 2013, 07:02:58 PMSo does playing Avengers Alliance on Facebook count? :roll:

I hope so, because I am addicted to that thing.  (Though I haven't given them a dime.  Everything I have in that game has been earned purely though gameplay and luck.  CoH's closing has soured me on online-only games.  If I can't download it, I'm not paying for it)


Thunder Glove.  If you haven't done it already then go to the Alliance Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/avengersalliance?fref=ts

They are constantly giving out inspirations (all instant effect boosts will forever be inspirations to me) and most of the old links are still active.  I have been going through the page for the first time.  I'm only back to mid May and I already have about 15 each team blues and greens along with a lot of others.

For those not playing alliance yet it's a turn based combat game.  Unless you are willing to invest money (which I'm not) leveling and recruitment are slow but it's still fun.  They also have pvp which I haven't tried yet.

Thunder Glove

I've long since been on their fan page, and grabbed every small bonus they've given out.  (There's also a "Free stuff for all" thread on the Playdom forums)

Their PvP isn't too bad (and I say that as someone that normally hates PvP).  There's no actual face-to-face fighting; each player sets up a team, and then attacks other players' teams, chosen by the computer.  The opposing team is controlled by the AI, so a lot of the "defensive" strategy is setting up a team that the AI can actually use.  Team members are always available for PvP fights, even if they'd normally be unavailable.  Even if they're on the flight deck, or training, or on a Deploy, they're still usable in PvP.

It is, unfortunately, dominated by players that have bought their way to the top.  You get higher PvP stats by having higher-level heroes (each class buffs a different stat), and by putting special PvP items into an "armory".  Most of the top players just spend real money on a crapton of Gold and fill up their armory with the best PvP items.  I've never gotten past Diamond ranking (third place out of five), and I haven't gotten past Gold ranking (fourth place) since last year.


Most recently I was drawn back to The Secret World with their double AP weekend. It made me realise how much I had missed the story of that little universe. I absolutely love the writing. I just wish I had an active LGBT, casual PvE Illuminati cabal to join.

When I have time to game (rare) and I am not playing TSW I also have a TR in Neverwinter. I have not leveled far, maybe L23, but I do enjoy the game.
"I kept running, kept hoping for a change
kept moving the pieces kept shifting the blame
he said my time now runs short let's play
just keep breathing baby one more day"
--Episode 6 Many Happy Returns by Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling


I have four games in my stable now. Each has a slightly different reason for being there.

1. Neverwinter-  It's become my new hack and slash action game. When I want to go in and beat the holy snot out of something, I grab my rogue and start slashing.

2. The Secret World-  Dark, moody, and Lovecraftian, it's my puzzle game. When I want to spend the time thinking my way through problems, I call for my Templar and go.

3. Lord of The Rings Online-  Epic in scale and history. This is my exploration game. When I'm less concerned with fighting and just being a tourist, this is the perfect place to go. My Loremaster has a horse and Rivendell is just over the horizon.

4. Star Trek Online- My childhood friend, the Trek universe is one of my first loves and there are times when it's just simply fun to beam aboard my own personal starship and go to all of those strange new worlds seeking out new life, and new civilizations.

Paragon is my once and future home, but all of these others are fun to visit.
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


My friends have turned me onto "the Hidden", which is a Source Mod (http://www.hidden-source.com/).  It's a bit unique -- basically, 1 person is a "vampire" who is practically invisible, very mobile, and has a dagger that can do some serious damage while everyone else (up to 8 people as I've seen) are hunting the Hidden, using a variety of weapons and items.  It's pretty fun and at times horrific ( ' :
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You don't know what it's like.... |-| Book One. Chapter one...


Champions, RIFT, Defense Grid and Age of Empires HD

Kaiser Tarantula

Oh boy.  Since CoH's shutdown, I've gone through a lot of games that otherwise wouldn't see the light of day on my hard drive otherwise.

Stuff I played then quit, temporarily or permanently

  • Dungeon Fighter Online - Forced off the game when they shut down the North American servers last June.
  • Star Trek Online - My computer doesn't like this game.  I should probably give it another go when I get a better PC.
  • Champions Online - Would have loved it, except that archetypes are gimpy for anything but DPS roles, and I don't have the spare cash for a recurring sub.
  • Phantasy Star Universe - Forced off the game once when they closed the United States PC servers in March of 2010, and again when they closed the Japanese servers late September of last year.
  • Everquest - Still look into this every now and again.  Had previously amused myself with a couple heavily-customized private servers, until I couldn't stand the inter-guild drama and ever-increasing prevalence of donor items and the de facto necessity of having such items.
  • Ragnarok Online - iRO remains garbage, most private servers are either ultra-highrate full-PVP BS, or are midrates involved with ratings site drama.  They may or may not have overpowered donor items that their custom content is designed around having - you can't realistically hope to engage in PVP or custom content material without it.  Best played with friends; ignore PvP and crowds like the plague.
  • Dark Age of Camelot - Played just long enough to find out, and then mourn, what EA did to this once-great game when they took it over.
  • Earth and Beyond - Played the revived Earth and Beyond Emulator, which I was intermittently involved in the development of.  I'm happy to see they're still around.  I come back to them every couple of months - this was one of my first MMOs and one of the first games I was ever forced off of by its sudden closure.  That closure is a big reason why I despise EA.
  • System Shock 2 - Was engaging in a multiplayer co-op playthrough with a friend, until horrible bugs brought it to a screeching halt.
Stuff I'm Currently Playing

  • Treasure Adventure Game - Freeware 2D indy metroidvania, starring an amnesiac young man with no hair, a fondness for hats, a hook for a hand, a parrot companion and the ability to talk with animals.  Way better than it sounds.  You can get it here.
  • OFF - A creepy and very, very weird freeware RPGMaker-made JRPG, made by a French developer and translated into English.  Stars a hero by the name of The Batter on a quest to purify a world containing four Zones.  Your allies are circles and attack names make no sense.  Can be obtained here, but I've heard some people tell of malicious popups.  I haven't seen any, but if you're worried, here's an alternate download link, thanks to PanzerSkank of the SomethingAwful Forums.  Consider reading her  LP of the game here if you don't feel like playing it yourself.
  • Terraria - An old standby ever since a friend got it for me - the game that turned me on to the block-based build-and-craft genre.  Currently helping a friend who's kinda clueless about the game to develop his world and progress through it's content.  I'm kinda excited and yet apprehensive about Terraria's upcoming 1.2 update.  New content is wonderful, but Redigit's got a bit of a checkered history as a developer - he's not the straightest of dealers.
  • Minecraft - Another old standby ever since a friend got it for me.  I mostly play this in single-player and Creative mode these days, building various monoliths and giant statuary.  Used to have a giant statue of Statesman until the Horse Update made that world unplayable.  Considering how long it's been since I last actively played this one, this one might be joining the "played but quit" list for a while soon.
  • Elona - A freeware indy JRPG/Roguelike/Life-Sim hybrid game.  Has some kinda suspect material in it (distinctly-Japanese style perverseness, mostly) but if you can get past that, it's a very nice game.  Has an inverted difficulty curve; balls-hard at first, gets easier as you go on.  Unlike other roguelikes, death isn't permanent, but it will permanently cost you some stat points, which can gimp you in the long run.  It's available here, if you're interested.  Some advice: don't get involved in the community - it's full of people who witch-hunt constantly and will accuse you of scumming or hacking if you so much as mention a decent run.
Stuff I'm Looking Forward To

  • Starbound - Really hyped for this.  I've already pre-ordered the game, and I'm hoping they open Beta up soon.  If it's everything it's promised, it could be the game that puts both Terraria and Minecraft on my "played but quit list" for the forseeable future.  You can find out about it here.
  • CoH's Private Server - Probably still a ways off, but the potential of seeing an i24 private server for CoH would be the holy grail for me.  I want my crab spider pack and my office in Cap Au Diable back.
  • The Phoenix Project - With the unveiling of their Kickstarter, I'd say they're the closest of any CoH successor-project to completion.  I really hope my computer's ready for whatever they put out, and I hope it's everything I'd imagined and then some.


I just can't find a game that has the elements I want. Most new games seem to be action based combat which gets boring so quickly due to having so few abilities and so little customization. Most older games I have either played quite a bit of or have significant flaws (I don't want to go back to early 2000s graphics).

Most games also seem to have totally done away with any form of social contact. LFG queues just mean people jump into an instance play through it and either complete it or ragequit. I want to have fun while I'm playing not just get loot.

Got a real downer on MMOs at the minute and can't see any upcoming ones that will reverse the current trends.

Thunder Glove

I played Off a month or two back, and loved it.  This past week, I played a bit of Home, the fan-sequel, but got annoyed with it about midway through Zone 2.  (Unless it gets darker later, it's basically a fix-fic for Off.  You play the Judge in an alternate timeline, and you're racing to get to the Zone Guardians before the Batter does.  At the same time, it has some serious balance issues in gameplay, giving the monsters much, much higher stats than in Off.  I don't recommend it, and I don't think I'm going to finish it)

And I got a bit of a video gaming jolt this week, learning that my favorite console game series is finally coming back - in the worst possible way.  I've been waiting for a new Breath of Fire game since BoF5 in 2003, and they finally announced BoF6 the other day - as a social browser-based touch RPG.  So there's a game I'm looking forward to hearing more about just so I can properly be revolted by it.

Anyway, other than Home, I'm not really playing anything new.  Dofus, Kingdom of Loathing, Avengers Alliance, and MUGEN, with the occasional emulation pitstop into NES, SNES, and old arcade games.

Edit: After reading this topic, I think I may throw a few dollars at Hoard.  I'll have to try the demo.


Wishing I could afford to buy the PS3 (or at least justify it as I have an XBox360) just to play The Last of Us.  Yes, I know, zombie games are a dime a dozen, but this one looks awesome.
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...


I've been playing a lot of Marvel Heroes.

Which reminds me, why hasn't anyone mentioned it? I never see a post about it, not even a thread mentioning it. It's an online superhero game. Seems kinda relevant.