What are you playing now? Share with everyone

Started by therain93, April 23, 2013, 12:28:37 PM


Neither game holds my attention like the former game that was set in Paragon City.
Neverwinter looks promising.
I also hope that the Marvel game is decent.
If the World of Darkness MMO ever actually happens....

Without my City, I just don't have the same gaming mojo.

Spellcaster Hana

I'm juggling on and off between Aura Kingdom, DCUO, and Onigiri...

I miss City of Heroes...no other MMO can fill the void I'm feeling right now  :gonk:
"Sometimes, crossing the line is necessary in order to move forward."
My Deviantart: http://hanariblue.deviantart.com


I've been jumping a lot, but right now most of my time has been wandering between FFX, Defiance (And a reminder that I am not good at shooters), Starcraft II, and whatever else on my computer sounds good at the time, mostly Terraria or Minecraft.

Oh, and a bit of beta testing for something.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
"Scrappers might not exist any more, but scrapperlock is forever."   -Kaiser Tarantula


I'm a "traitor" playing Guild Wars 2 almost exclusively.  However I'm getting to a point to either take a break or roll something new. 

I have a Sim City 4 deluxe box set sitting in my pile of old but cheap games that is whispering to me every since that horrible explosion in West, TX where a children's park, the middle school, the "new" high school, an apartment building, the local hospital and a retirement home were built within 1/4 mile of a fertilizer plant.  All I could think of when I brought up the satellite view in Google Maps was "what horrible zoning, haven't any of you played any of the Sim City games?"
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


new vegas

dragons dogma:dark arisen

skylanders, way too into skylanders.

champs and dcou on rare occasions.


Quote from: FatherXmas on April 25, 2013, 05:46:04 AM
I'm a "traitor" playing Guild Wars 2 almost exclusively.  However I'm getting to a point to either take a break or roll something new.

Now where did I put that pitchfork...?

On topic, I've spent most of the last couple days on SWTOR and (surprisingly) DCUO, though I'll log in to STO and CO occasionally (F2P is good thing).

Thunder Glove

Last couple of days, League of Legends.  ... I don't like it very much.  (And, as it turns out, my computer's OS is just a little too old to play it properly)

Last week, it was Final Fantasy IV for the SNES.  (I didn't finish it. I got as far as rescuing Rosa and then drifted off)

I never finished Tales of Phantasia, either.  Lost interest after the fan-translators decided to turn it into a parade of curse words.  Couldn't finish Live a Live, either.  (I spent an hour setting up traps in the Western scenario, but almost nobody got caught by them and I wound up fighting 14 of the 15 outlaws anyway, and dying miserably.  And I only managed to beat one opponent in the Wrestling scenario, getting thoroughly trounced by all the others.  And then I said "Right, I'm done.")

Throughout it all, I've been slowly leveling on Dofus (which still annoys me for not being CoH, but I can usually push through it) and - for my superhero fix - Marvel Avengers Alliance on Facebook.

I am enjoying MAA a lot more than I expected to when I started playing months ago at a friend's urging, mainly because it has a real - and rather complex - turn-based battle system, and it really does seem to let you unlock everything without having to pay for it (though much more slowly).  And it has enough heroes released that I don't have to use overhyped characters if I don't want to.  In fact, even though I have a roster of more than two dozen characters, I haven't even unlocked Wolverine, Spider-Man, Hulk, or Thor yet.  After unlocking all the cheaper characters, my first 90-point unlock was Captain Britain.  My second was the Black Knight.  I'm sure there's lots of people who can roleplay a wovernine like no one else can, but I'll pass.  I love putting third-stringers in the limelight, even if it's only on the limelight of my own screen.

It even has two classes explicitly called Scrappers and Blasters.

It's sad that MAA is the game I'm really enjoying the most right now.  I miss my superheroes.


Thunder Glove

I have to mention Off, an indy RPG.  It was originally French, but there's an English translation by the same people who fan-translated Mother 3 - mainly because it's a similar combination of surreal, silly, and insanely dark as the Mother series (actually.. it's probably darker)

It also involves a protagonist wielding a baseball bat.

I tore through it the other day.  It's not a long game.  But I ... maybe "enjoyed" is the wrong word.   IT HAUNTS ME.... but in a good way.  Yeah.  That's a better way to put it.


Ticket to Ride (PC / steam)
This was on sale on Steam for like 5.99 -- it's a fun adaptation of the boardgame that requires a good bit of strategy to connect various cities together using trains.  The computer isn't nearly as fun to play against compared to a real person (especially at living room table), but there is an online component too .
So now it's this and Xcom.  ( ' :
@Texarkana - March 5, 2004 - December 1, 2012 -- Imageshack |-| Youtube

You don't know what it's like.... |-| Book One. Chapter one...


Mainly Guild Wars 2, though I've been poking at Neverwinter over the weekend.

Olde Glory

Always, always, ALWAYS Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. It has the James Woods hook (Oh! Piece of candy!). I wish that I could STOP playing it long enough to finish Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2, L.A. Noir, Skyrim and about twenty other 360 games that I have waiting. On the PC side, I've been trying Neverwinter along with the occasional CO fix.

Sometimes I wish that we would all just pick a game and que up together on the same night. At heart, WE were the ones that made our game so great to play. (Mechanics, capes and power sets aside ;)) I would love to jump on with you all again even if the setting isn't right. In any case, I'm really excited that BOTH Project Z games are progressing along. Someday I hope to be truely torn when CoH resurfaces with a new publisher and I'm fully invested in those as well.


hmmm, no new games?

I picked up Red Dead Redemption (PS3) on sale and gave it a brief whirl, but since beating XCOM I've been playing Ticket to Ride and replaying Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (the original) on PC/Steam.
@Texarkana - March 5, 2004 - December 1, 2012 -- Imageshack |-| Youtube

You don't know what it's like.... |-| Book One. Chapter one...


I'm not sure why, but after getting Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for Christmas in 1998, I never beat it. I think it was just a case of ADD and I moved on to something else.

Finally righted that wrong yesterday, woot! When I heard there was a OoT remake for the 3DS that practically sold the system for me. I found a used model on Craigslist and got OoT right afterwards. Extremely good remake, the higher resolution, the excellent use of the 3DS' dual screens and 3D were great additions.

Now on to Sonic Generations (came with the system from the guy I bought it from).


Still playing CO

but uploaded some older games and games I havent played in a while like Fable 1 and 2 and Saints Row 2, Doom 3, and GTA 4 and looking into purchasing Duke Forever.


Bouncing around between:

Star Trek Online (PC)
Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising/Retribution (PC)
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (PC)
State of Decay (Xbox 360)
Poker Night at the Inventory 2 (Xbox 360)
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


I've been playing a bit of Team Fortress 2 the last few days. On a related note, the Baby Face's Blaster is an awesome scout weapon.


I have been picking up older games off of Steam's Mid-Week madness. I'm currently fighting my way through the USG Ishimura on Dead Space.


Not much.  Still waiting on ESO (Anything you can tell me SuckerPunch???   ;))  They are saying end of year now, but who knows.
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...

Thunder Glove

Just finished Bastion.  I enjoyed it a lot.