Author Topic: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...  (Read 27374 times)


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2013, 05:34:55 PM »
I do my best to monitor all threads daily for new updates.  Little posting as of late, nothing constructive or uplifting to add from my viewpoint.  On the lantern spectrum, I tend to swing a lot more toward Red than Blue lately  >:(


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2013, 05:41:58 PM »
(disclaimer that this is my opinion), As I see it this community needs better goals. As long as our goals are tied to NCsoft we will continually fail and grow more and more bitter and discouraged.

I do support the Banners project. I think if nothing else they will get the attention of the gaming press. "ex-CoHers buying ads to get their game back." style headlines. We may even get an interview or two out of it that might might MIGHT get the attention of NCsoft. Even if it fails, its a great last hurrah for our community and our legitimate attempts to get our game back. It's unprecedented as far as I know and I'd love to see our community pull it off.

However, where NCsoft is concerned here's what is most likely true: NCsoft will never sell CoH. This is their style of business and how they function. NCsoft is an incredibly stout company with a LOT of money. It will take mountains moving to change their mind on this.

So here's what I'm doing: focusing on what we can control. I've decided if I'm going to have something to put my hope in and support as much as I can it will be the community server projects and TPP. TPP and the community server(s) are projects entirely in our control and I believe they have the greatest chance of getting CoH or something like it back.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2013, 06:18:09 PM »
Here are the issues we face:

1. Most companies will not let us know whether they made an offer or not for CoH. If they did make an offer they are unlikely to tell anyone how much they offered or whether NCSoft replied with serious counter offers.

2. As time passes life pulls us away at times. Deaths, surgeries, marriages, jobs lost/gained, children and all of these things are in all seriousness more important than any game.

3. We only have one company that has shown interest in hearing from us - Google.

4. Human patience and time. Time passes and our patience wears thin and we start to drift - it is understandable.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2013, 07:40:17 PM »
Uh. That's been acknowledged. There's a difference between having a presence and lurking.

The concern is community. So when image of community comes into play, the fact that people supportive of the game aren't active posters means we really can't prove just how active things are. We had, what, 20,000 independent signatures in a petition to keep CoH going? Out of all those, only 30 people are active on the main forum for saving it? What does that say?

Nobody said that lurkers aren't following the threads. In fact, I think that was a paranoid delusion for a while, that we had a ton of NCSoft lurkers keeping track of us.

Yeah there probably are lurkers but cant count lurkers too much as far as activity anymore than a person count an channel that have two people talking as very active channel even if one hundred people are watching. As far as people that go through that channel of two, it's two people having a conversation and not very active.

Now even if 50 of those hundred peeped in and said something as simple as hi, then that is 52 people on the channel and the then the channel may look active.

And usually activity inspires more activity.

In this case if someone was looking to join and they see the same people that comment on the articles talking about savecox, and they come here and see the same people there saying savecox, and they see those same people again saying savecox, it looks like as if outside those few, not many people are buying it especially when the population of the community is put out there as being once 150,000 players or 60,000 playes at closing or even with Matt saying that it was the largest populated game at shut down. And then people come here and only see 20-30 people active? That looks like as a whole the community dont give hoot about the game closing especially when we advertise ourselves as being the hub of the movement and or this is the place that community congregated to. 

We have more to offer than SaveCOX or hate NCSoft. We have comic converation section, hell we even have converation titles about other games including NCSOft titles. But most people probably dont know that because when they see SaveCOX usually Titan Network follows in the statement. Thus that is what they think TItan network is all about and only about. Now not everyone will bite on the movement, but that doesnt mean there is nothing here for them. I think we can also reconize the people that may be or may not be fighting outside Titan Network but just isnt here. That make the movement and acknowledges that the movement is not only in and by Titan Network but much wider than that. Travelig across the net and lookign at articles, mostly I see saveCOX from the same peopel that are already active here. And many other ex-coxers talking about moving on and missing the community. Ok, they can move on, I dont think any less of them. But that doesnt mean they shouldnt be able to come here and be part of the community they miss. Even if they moved on that doesnt automatically mean they lost all hope and slipped in to reversible despair. Maybe if they are welcomed here, and feel welcomed, they might catch some hope. But they wont go where they feel they are not welcomed and that does is build on their hopelessness and more into it's a lost cause. They still can come here and chat even if it's about comics. In the end as a side effect makes the movement look more lively and active which can attract more.

For example, if TonyV (i know he would probably do this) came here and said "Alright guys, we done all we can, time to turn it in." How many, dont have to reply out loud but think deep, would also just give up? I have a feeling many would give up too. I also havea feeling some will go on fighting.Sometimes seeing other people have hope gives others hope which give other hopes and give other people may have little hope if any may inspire them to do something anyways.

It's good getting the word out that Titan network is trying to save COX but also put out the other stuff and a person dont have to be a pure angry boycott NCSoft to join here and have a good time liek the old days.  Do anyone know even of the CO forum that Titan Network have a CO section outside people that is here already? Or GWs topic? Or art section? General chat section? Or do they think it's all saveCOX and if not trying to savecox dont bother coming around here? And from the looks of it, they took heed to that. We all humans, we come and go. We already had number disadvantage, money disadvantage, IP disadvantage, lets not add this continued division as a disadvantage. Because thinking like someone that want to to see us fail and fall, I would love to keep the division as it's easier to counter. I would egg on people to get pissed and show how easily they lose their temper on other websites just to make a monkey out them to show them that Titan consist of a few nutcases and chip at their credibilty and make it look like they are not very friendly outside their inner circle. Then to top it off, I'd paint them in a light that make it seems that anyone not part of the saveCOX movement is not welcomed, even if they were ex-coxers. Which further the division, and once the lines are drawn, I'd instigate a war between the sides to ensure that all sides hate the other sides and kill any chance that the community will rise up as one. Then I'll sleep good at night knowing that I can rest in peace and not worry about them rising anywhere besides a few making noise until they lose hope too when they realize they are on their own. Divide and conqour. As long I can keep it saveCOX vs everyone else, and pit hopefuls against the non-hopefuls, and people in between against both, as I would do if I was enemy, then there would be nothing for NCSoft to worry about as long I keep them blind from what they have in common. They miss COX.  It's even easier when they would do the job for me, which seems have happened. Maybe it was all inevitable. In the end regardless we only can do what we can do on top of dealing with real life. So if we can, including lurkers, please do. If ya cant, it's ok too.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2013, 09:08:45 PM »
Dwturduken I have been here all along and have no plans of leaving until the final curtain is called. I do not usually have a lot to say so I am pretty quiet. Once in a while someone will say something to spark something in me and I will speak up, but then I lie back down. At any rate, I am not much support for any of the projects, however, if there is donations to be given, I will surely do my part. I miss this game so much that I still get angry at NCsoft for what they did, but when I do, I come here and read the positive notes for all of my community and i somehow feel a bit better.

To all that is busting hump to get us back up in some form, please know, my hats off to you and if I can help in anyway (donations). I am in.

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2013, 12:08:25 AM »
I actually think that the people who are lurking have the complete right to do so.  Just because they don't post doesn't mean they aren't contributing.  They are the ones giving things thumbs up, possibly sharing it with their friends, and like in the above post donations.

Just because they don't jump on every runaway train or every call to action doesn't mean they aren't helping when they can.  I choose which Calls to action and things to take part in just like anyone including the forum lurkers.  The difference is the volume of posts I make, but that doesn't mean I do any less or more then people who choose not to post as often.

And I really hate to say this but quiet frankly in my opinion the whole "crush NCSoft" thing is a runaway goal that will never be achieved and was a huge detour from our original goal to Save CoH and for awhile that was the focus of our goals it seemed.  That lost a lot of supporters for us, some people just wanted CoH back and could care less what NCSoft did.

The reason I post this is because I don't think, and haven't seen any yet, we should have ill-wishes towards lurkers and checker iners.  Or speak about them as if they are part of the problem.  It is their choose when to speak and when not to speak.  And for all we know they are still taking part in the calls to actions.  I truly, truly only say this because I don't want people who are lurking around to think "Screw this" and take off because they don't post 20 times a day.  I have been saying this for awhile but the last thing we want is to become a "with us or against us" type of community.  I am not saying this post or anyone is going that way.  But threads get hot fast and we can't afford to lose anymore people.  Including those who are behind the scenes so to say.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2013, 12:45:47 AM »
Anyone else notice how many on that top 10 were no customization?

Fusion Fall is very restrictive for your trainer holding nanos(gear based looks after hair, skin, and eyes)
DC Infinite Crisis by Turbine is Champions based(and not even in beta yet though they just sent out preferred beta code access emails)
Marvel Heroes/Super Hero Squad NO customization at all by Gazillion
Avengers Alliance you barely get the customize your shield agent in the beginning then swap in and out on the rest of your team
gotham city imposters is fps so probably not much customization there

never tried Hero Smash but it's by dragonfable creators artix

This list is not making me feel real good on custom chances since only real customization ones on there is Champions and DC UO as well as City of Heroes

I just wanted to say Gotham City Impostors actually has a pretty impressive amount of character customization.  Not anything on par with CoH of course, but it's got five bodytypes (Speedy, Female, Male, Burly, and Brawny if I recall), a ton of different outfits for both factions(everything is Batman themed for the Bats and Joker themed for the Jokerz but that's out of necessity), and even selectable and pitch-shiftable voices, in a number of languages, and of course plenty of different faces.  And you can even reskin your weapons, of which there's a ton of, to look different.

GCI was a pretty solid game with a TON of really fun mobility (spring shoes, gliders, jetpacks, grappling hooks, roller skates, etc) and customization, and it made me think of it as the closest we'll see to an FPS adapting any of CoH's concepts.  It's also free, so if any of this sounds interesting check it out on Steam.  It's obviously not even the same kind of game as CoH, but it kind of fell by the wayside without getting the sort of recognition I think it deserved.
green hair


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2013, 01:41:07 AM »
I actually think that the people who are lurking have the complete right to do so.  Just because they don't post doesn't mean they aren't contributing.  They are the ones giving things thumbs up, possibly sharing it with their friends, and like in the above post donations.

Just because they don't jump on every runaway train or every call to action doesn't mean they aren't helping when they can.  I choose which Calls to action and things to take part in just like anyone including the forum lurkers.  The difference is the volume of posts I make, but that doesn't mean I do any less or more then people who choose not to post as often.

And I really hate to say this but quiet frankly in my opinion the whole "crush NCSoft" thing is a runaway goal that will never be achieved and was a huge detour from our original goal to Save CoH and for awhile that was the focus of our goals it seemed.  That lost a lot of supporters for us, some people just wanted CoH back and could care less what NCSoft did.

The reason I post this is because I don't think, and haven't seen any yet, we should have ill-wishes towards lurkers and checker iners.  Or speak about them as if they are part of the problem.  It is their choose when to speak and when not to speak.  And for all we know they are still taking part in the calls to actions.  I truly, truly only say this because I don't want people who are lurking around to think "Screw this" and take off because they don't post 20 times a day.  I have been saying this for awhile but the last thing we want is to become a "with us or against us" type of community.  I am not saying this post or anyone is going that way.  But threads get hot fast and we can't afford to lose anymore people.  Including those who are behind the scenes so to say.



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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2013, 01:53:25 AM »
I actually think that the people who are lurking have the complete right to do so.  Just because they don't post doesn't mean they aren't contributing.

Yep, this is very true. You're not always in control of how much time you have, and even if you are, not everyone wants to spend all their time in one place. Good ideas don't just come from people who talk a lot, and caring doesn't just come from people who show up a lot.

To all you lurkers: It doesn't matter how often you post, or how often you stop by to catch up. Just know that we're here when you do feel like it. So check back now and again, cause one of these days we might just have good news. And hey... once in a while, feel free to jump in on a conversation too, or just say hi. Talking to some (mostly) nice people about some (mostly) interesting stuff isn't the worst way to spend your time. :)


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2013, 02:44:24 AM »
<---- I'm a lurker. I'm not a frequent poster.

But I do check here every day to see what's going on, what everyone's been up to, read the linked articles, participate where I can. The banner ad gave me new drive, so I fiddled with some pieces. It wasn't that we couldn't get banners posted anywhere, it was "where is it going to link to?" I felt another push, I want to help here.

Ironwolf, we should use the domain you nabbed. I need help with coding. My strength is graphic design, and  I've only just scratched the surface with html. I can make design mockups with the community's input We should be forward-thinking now.

If we renew our efforts toward a new, informative, not whiney website, then we can make players love the game again. We can create interest for those who have never heard of us. We should strengthen the game's fanbase.

Those that I've shown my mockups to outside of this forum had no idea about the expansiveness of our game. They were blown away by the screenshots, the range in costumes, and are also confused by how our game closed. They wanted to know what happened, they shook their heads too, and asked the same questions we do, "Why?" But most of all, they were sad they missed out on being a part of it, because they didn't know it even existed.
Save City of Heroes |


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2013, 04:37:25 AM »
VyoletRose, I also have found that many ppl had no idea of the scope of City. I was recently talking to a group of gamers at work about their game (league of Legends) when they asked me what i played. I choked a bit and said well I used to play City of Heroes. Some had heard of it but then I was asked about the game. I went in to detail about the assets that our game had/has and the extent that you could go to when designing a costume or building a SG base. They were blown out of the water and a couple of them even told me later it was too bad it wasn't still here they would have liked to tried it.

So my point here is yeah, we need to let people outside of our community know what OUR WORLD was all about and how much it had to offer.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2013, 12:16:06 PM »
I actually think that the people who are lurking have the complete right to do so.

Nobody here has said anything about rights. Please check out the points made by myself and Jaguar. -Lurking- is not a bad thing. And it's good that people continue to attend this forum and stay informed.

We're not talking about what you do and do not have a right to do. Not talking about choices. I don't know where exactly you got the idea we were, but I'll clarify here in a better way.

There were 20,000+ people on that petition. It may or may not have represented the actual number of people that wanted to save the game. There are clearly not that many active posters on this forum. This is not to say we don't have 20,000 people reading it.

In regards to -image-, the issue is a matter of someone coming in, only seeing 30 people out of those 20,000, and considering it a lost cause because the effort has so few active -public- players. Every topic I read here is largely the same names over and over, so what does that say 'out there' to the larger masses? Statistically, that's less than 1% of the old guard that seems to want to keep their game. (Once again, public image. And unfortunately as a community, to get much of anywhere we need image, not just people working silently)

Don't get me wrong, I think it's fantastic we're getting people here. And it's even better that even those that're not active thread-post contributors are contributing where it counts. IE: Calls to Actions, letters, etc. The matter is simply a matter of what others will see when coming in here. I may come here every day, but I don't post here every day. (Just a single look at my post count should make that clear)

Now, in regards to letting people outside our community in on things... This is a hard task to perform. The game isn't there for anyone to try anymore. We can brag about its features until blue in the face, but any rational-minded person will always be skeptical on just how good a game is that it was canned.

Perfect example of ignorance of people outside this community? While discussing CoH matters with people in Champions, the subject of money and success of the game came up. The majority of people involved in the discussion were former CoH players, but the topics of Star Trek Online's new expansion came up and how Synapse was supposedly responsible for some of the dynamic. (For those in the unawares... The new expansion is apparently slated to work similarly to the way Going Rogue worked, where  you play for X number of levels as a Romulan, eventually to pick sides)

The native Champions crowd, who've been dealing with Cryptic and their negligence towards Champions for a long time, apparently didn't like discussion on City of Heroes. In our discussion, only a few present individuals were native CO players. And when it came to discussing the monetary gain of City of Heroes and how Going Rogue brought in decent numbers, one of the quotes I heard: "Yeah? Well look where Going Rogue got your game."

It was... Aggravating. I couldn't tell if it was an angry troll remark or a statement born of ignorance, but it's clear that people outside this community have no idea what's really going on here.

In another example, I spoke to a former CoH-player (this individual left the game in early 2012) who seemed convinced that CoH was shut down because "NCSoft is already developing CoH2, probably didn't feel like competing with itself." At first I thought this was a troll move, too. Until I showed him a few websites and suddenly it clicked, causing him to change tunes real quickly. I have no idea how he thought a sequel was being made...

Thinking of this... What -is- the outside opinion on City of Heroes? I mean... Not to fans, nor to nay-sayers involved with us in any way. Has anyone read material from an unbiased reviewer or journalist somewhere that lost nothing from this, nor has anything to lose by speaking for or against anything?


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2013, 12:58:00 PM »
Responding to the last post here

Honestly I find the attitude of the champions online crowd is often somewhat aggravating in general at times.  I've found roleplayers there to be mature but you also have alot of people there who've done nothing but doomsay the game, and then claim city of heroes sucked because they hated city of heroes for some reason or another.  One group I know of in fact often complained of enhancement diversification who often didn't know anything about city of heroes(a group I rarely speak with anymore for that very reason).  The champions online crowd in zone chat is often some complaint about vehicles or the lack of content and how the game is going to be shut down.

Other times you have CO players who certainly show the level of ignorance as to why city of heroes was shut down that we've grown familiar with.  But I sometimes feel the champions online crowd has a lot of players who like champions online because they feel powerful in the game for stomping near-harmless henchmen.  The game has no depth and is honestly to easy 90% of the time.

Honestly though City of heroes being started back up would be good for champions online, as I feel the lack of competition has already caused the game to grow more stagnant then ever before.  It's good there is at least an effort here to revive city of heroes.  Some people have said this game's being shut down has been hard on the mmo community and I think it's been even harder on super hero themed mmo's.  They no longer have a good example, just other mmo's that are the grind no one in there right mind wants to really play.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2013, 02:22:58 PM »

Honestly I find the attitude of the champions online crowd is often somewhat aggravating in general at times.  I've found roleplayers there to be mature but you also have alot of people there who've done nothing but doomsay the game, and then claim city of heroes sucked because they hated city of heroes for some reason or another.  One group I know of in fact often complained of enhancement diversification who often didn't know anything about city of heroes(a group I rarely speak with anymore for that very reason).  The champions online crowd in zone chat is often some complaint about vehicles or the lack of content and how the game is going to be shut down.
Well to be honest, there have been claims that CO sucked here, the old forum, and inside COX. I just viewed it as personal choice of what is considered a good game or a bad game to that particular person. IE-there are posts even here where people say that cant play or dont play CO because simply of the artwork.

 Doomsayers are in just about any game. I Many players of CO played COX many others didnt. Even within COX not everyone was keen on ED and it was the topic of some pretty heated debates throughout the times and these were from the COX forums.

I dont think there will never be one game that is made for everyone nor one measurement that is agreed upong that makes a good game.

 Other times you have CO players who certainly show the level of ignorance as to why city of heroes was shut down that we've grown familiar with.  But I sometimes feel the champions online crowd has a lot of players who like champions online because they feel powerful in the game for stomping near-harmless henchmen.  The game has no depth and is honestly to easy 90% of the time.

Hmmm interesting this is. I guess what is hard for one is easy for another. I see a lot of both complaints. I see some on one side sya the game is too easy then I see just as many saying the game is too hard and their character is too squish and how in COX they could round up rooms full of minions in COX (mostly pre-ED and before aggro caps people) and let off an AOE, kill them all, then rinse repeat while trying that in CO get them faceplanted.

Me personally I think CO is just more oriented towards solo players than COX was. On a team, I dont think 98% of the game was in any way difficult or required anything more than smash a aoe  andm ove on to the next group even on highest settings. And even easier to not even a challenge anymore after IOs billion dollar toon teams. Solo, COX was difficult at all in most content to me. There been times and mind you I didnt do IOs, so all SOs, that I could leave my toon in the midsts of a group of mob go afk go to the store, drink my drink then come back and they are still pounding away and my health havent dropped below 10%.  I couldnt imagine it getting much easier than that. In CO, I probably can do the same inside missions and many out door areas with a lot of my toons and still not using any special gear. To me CO is not easier nor harder than COX overall. And it's hard to say really what is harder from outside looking in when one side there is a crowd taht is saying it's too easy on the other, saying the toon is too squish and they cant even build a proper tank to withstand the damage they could in COX.

Honestly though City of heroes being started back up would be good for champions online, as I feel the lack of competition has already caused the game to grow more stagnant then ever before.  It's good there is at least an effort here to revive city of heroes.  Some people have said this game's being shut down has been hard on the mmo community and I think it's been even harder on super hero themed mmo's.  They no longer have a good example, just other mmo's that are the grind no one in there right mind wants to really play.

I think lack of competition makes any product potentially stagnant. It's like running race with yourself. No matter if you run a 1 mile in 5 minutes, or 3 minutes or 94.5 minutes, you still ocme in first place. It seems that in CO case even when COX was around it still was nearly the same as it is now. First it was that CO wasnt pulling in enough money because of competion from COX now that it's gone, it's because there is no competiton. SOunds liek to me, they rae dancing aroudn the real issue that the game is not recieving proper attention and features that even the other games are getting that are based o nthe same game engine. From what I hear, although it's same engine, it's not same version. Just like you have the Chevy 350 engine, that in the basis been around at least since the 70s but things you can do with and how the 70s version run compared to the say the mid 90s version is different. But just asmany people dont know about car mechanics many dont know much about game mechanics. As far as they concerned is that a 350 Chevy engine is a 350 chevy engine and dont understand why this superchager is compatible with the 1999-2001 version but incompatible with the 70s-80s version. And in many cases even if a person manage to get the same part bolted on to both, they dont understand why that one part on the 70s version boost the hp/torque output by one number while on the updated version pushes it to another number and causes rough idle and running rich problem.


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2013, 02:57:54 PM »
Vyoletrose - I will forward to you the website login info so you can use it as you will. I am only paying $7 a month or so and have it paid for the next 6 months in advance.

It is - Imagine a wise group seeing the end coming and gathering heroes into an ark and trying to Teleport them out of a failing universe...........

I have a long term plan of my own as well in developing a game - I just have a lot to learn on using the SDK and so this summer I will start taking some classes on it. I have plans to retire in the next 7-10 years and having a game developed and published prior to that might make a great retirement project to keep me rolling.

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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2013, 10:36:53 PM »
Mako, please read mine again because you only read what you wanted to read.   Then if you would like me to read your post and not just skim it.  Start it out in a way that isn't worded like an attack on me.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 10:44:29 PM by Taceus Jiwede »


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2013, 11:50:23 PM »
I have nothing against lurkers, and you don't have to post to participate. I think nat o' virt made that point nicely. Some of us are busy bodies, and some of us have to speak up more often than others. I know we're in the minority. I wasn't actually looking for a literal roll call, but thanks for piping up. :)

That said, I think the most vocal of us are the ones who are the least busy, as far as the various projects. I know that's the case with me. I have no industry contacts and am not a journalist of any flavor. I have no writing or art/programming skills, so I wait for the calls to action. If there's an ideas thread, I chime in with anything that seems worthy, even a few things that don't. You never know.

People come and go, but I don't think anyone is giving up. I wouldn't say that morale is high, but a casual cruise through the forums of some other games out there will show that there are active games where spirits are lower and frustrations definitely higher than they are here. We still have each other to get us through to whatever lies ahead.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #57 on: April 27, 2013, 01:00:53 AM »
I have nothing against lurkers, and you don't have to post to participate. I think nat o' virt made that point nicely. Some of us are busy bodies, and some of us have to speak up more often than others. I know we're in the minority. I wasn't actually looking for a literal roll call, but thanks for piping up. :)

That said, I think the most vocal of us are the ones who are the least busy, as far as the various projects. I know that's the case with me. I have no industry contacts and am not a journalist of any flavor. I have no writing or art/programming skills, so I wait for the calls to action. If there's an ideas thread, I chime in with anything that seems worthy, even a few things that don't. You never know.

People come and go, but I don't think anyone is giving up. I wouldn't say that morale is high, but a casual cruise through the forums of some other games out there will show that there are active games where spirits are lower and frustrations definitely higher than they are here. We still have each other to get us through to whatever lies ahead.

Well put dwturducken :)


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #58 on: April 27, 2013, 01:30:14 AM »
I am also a lurker who does not post a lot.  However, I check in almost daily....just in case...


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Re: CoH #1! if we didn't already know...
« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2013, 02:47:49 AM »
I think lack of competition makes any product potentially stagnant. It's like running race with yourself. No matter if you run a 1 mile in 5 minutes, or 3 minutes or 94.5 minutes, you still ocme in first place. It seems that in CO case even when COX was around it still was nearly the same as it is now. First it was that CO wasnt pulling in enough money because of competion from COX now that it's gone, it's because there is no competiton. SOunds liek to me, they rae dancing aroudn the real issue that the game is not recieving proper attention and features that even the other games are getting that are based o nthe same game engine. From what I hear, although it's same engine, it's not same version. Just like you have the Chevy 350 engine, that in the basis been around at least since the 70s but things you can do with and how the 70s version run compared to the say the mid 90s version is different. But just asmany people dont know about car mechanics many dont know much about game mechanics. As far as they concerned is that a 350 Chevy engine is a 350 chevy engine and dont understand why this superchager is compatible with the 1999-2001 version but incompatible with the 70s-80s version. And in many cases even if a person manage to get the same part bolted on to both, they dont understand why that one part on the 70s version boost the hp/torque output by one number while on the updated version pushes it to another number and causes rough idle and running rich problem.

The reasons behind Champions' issues are actually a separate thing entirely. As I understand it, it's largely the developers and distribution of talent in Cryptic.

People in Champions might notice that some of the hideouts are unfinished. (Much like SG bases in CoH technically never got finished) The reason is because developers tasked to this, the ones familiar with the code, were moved away from Champions to Neverwinter. The current hope in Champions is that once Neverwinter is released, they'll get their old developers back to make more content.

The problem is, if Perfect World and Cryptic are smart, they'll do no such thing. Pulling away all the developers is what damaged CO was badly back in 2009, when Atari thought the game would work like a single player RPG in that they would only need to leave a skeleton crew to continue work on it.

As it stands, it largely appears to be a failed project that they're keeping active because people are still playing and enjoy it a lot. Which is a real shame because I've been playing CO since the day of the announcement and... Well... It had... It -has- fantastic potential, if they ever decide to delve into it.

Actually, does anyone know the numbers that CO generates? In all the time I've been there, I don't think I've seen nearly the same number of players as I was last summer on CoH. I'm curious what money it makes with such a diminutive developing crew, and a player base that generally appears to be unhappy with what they've been getting. Versus City of Heroes which didn't seem to come even close to that level.