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EVE Online

Started by Blondeshell, December 27, 2012, 05:24:35 PM

Mistress Urd

Blondeshell: The skill change isn't going to happen until summer(tm). We don't know the exact date yet but its not going to happen for the Retribution 1.1 release on Feb 12th. 

Quoting your link "All of this will happen for the Summer 2013 expansion. That's a lot to take on, which is why we wanted to give you as much of an advance notice as possible so you can react accordingly. We do hope this will clear any confusion on the matter – all of this is final and should not change at this point."

So you are allowed to train a few other skills and not go all out for BC5 and DD5. Although one of my friends called me a "parking lot valet" since I can fly so many ships (not very well)

I was just talking to another player who runs 5 accounts. Apparently he runs a mining fleet himself and says he pulls down 500-600m per day.  :o

Yeah, that was a bit crazy. Since you can "buy" characters in Eve, he went on character bazaar and picked up 2 miners, an orca pilot and an obelisk pilot. I prefer to make my own, it feels wrong playing something created by someone else.

I got one of my 8 year CoH vet friends to really buy into the Eve game. The other 8 year vet is having a harder time with the game and is more on the fence.

I am not doing too bad, after 6 weeks I have 4 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 BC, retriever and a procurer. I have 100m in liquid funds for the next big ticket item.

Hope to see you around.

Mistress Urd

Character "farming" is an interesting thing that goes on. I looked over the characters for sale and want to buy section. I can think of a couple of times where that might have been a nice service in CoH, although I would never buy or sell one of mine.

Mistress Urd

I've moved to a veteran corp who have a high sec research and manufacturing POS.

Eve is still Eve, don't logout in Jita on the weekends!


Indeed, or you may end up being forced to log in elsewhere as in one of the neighboring systems. I'm not really a fan of that area of space myself, around Jita i mean, as there are usually many of these "l33t pvpers" there that pretty much only play to make life miserable for others. I still live there tho as I can't be bothered to move :P


Did a little research on this game. It looks interesting for a sci-fi game but sci-fi is not my thing. No wonder it's successful. Seem like they know what they are doing with that game.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: JaguarX on February 25, 2013, 10:54:59 PM
Did a little research on this game. It looks interesting for a sci-fi game but sci-fi is not my thing. No wonder it's successful. Seem like they know what they are doing with that game.

The big thing is that its one of the few games have lots to offer to many different types of players. The other thing is that it has relativly little competition. Star Trek Online and the upcoming Star Citizens come to mind. It will be interesting to see how Star Citizens plays, but until a game is in open beta and reviewable by me its just hype.

Another fact about EvE Online, its a very international game (except China who gets their own server). Americans who are the largest % by country are not the majority of the playerbase, Europeans are.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: PzTnT on February 25, 2013, 10:37:09 PM
Indeed, or you may end up being forced to log in elsewhere as in one of the neighboring systems. I'm not really a fan of that area of space myself, around Jita i mean, as there are usually many of these "l33t pvpers" there that pretty much only play to make life miserable for others. I still live there tho as I can't be bothered to move :P

Well sometimes you can use the jita thing to help you. If you are in a freighter, one or two jumps in the right direction helps.  :P

I don't worry too much about them, there are two 7+ year vets in my corp so they have quite a bit of SP, and blowing up some low skill suicide gankers is no big deal. Also, have an afk gang booster behind POS shields to mess up their calculations.

Mistress Urd

Since I merged corps with another we have more people on to run things. The other corp had their main base only 5 jumps from where I was at, so no big deal to move.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on February 26, 2013, 08:26:50 PM
The big thing is that its one of the few games have lots to offer to many different types of players. The other thing is that it has relativly little competition. Star Trek Online and the upcoming Star Citizens come to mind. It will be interesting to see how Star Citizens plays, but until a game is in open beta and reviewable by me its just hype.

Another fact about EvE Online, its a very international game (except China who gets their own server). Americans who are the largest % by country are not the majority of the playerbase, Europeans are.

Star trek lore and the likes is one thing that hold my interest less than watching grass grow. So hopefully EVE isnt too much or anything like Star Trek. Not sure what is this Star Citizen is like, I'll go read up on it.

I'll dig deeper into EVE and see what else it has to offer.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: JaguarX on March 09, 2013, 01:16:43 AM
Star trek lore and the likes is one thing that hold my interest less than watching grass grow. So hopefully EVE isnt too much or anything like Star Trek. Not sure what is this Star Citizen is like, I'll go read up on it.

I'll dig deeper into EVE and see what else it has to offer.

Star citizen is a long way from coming out. There is probably some nostalgia from old fans from the Wing Commander/Privateer days that are hoping for a twitch skill MMORPG flight sim type game. I saw what that did with DDO, some players were just so good at all of the "Super Mario" stuff and could dodge spells and arrows and make monsters look silly in melee. Then I saw people where they seemed to mange to dodge into spells and missiles and had a hard time with melee.  :P I guess I'll start a topic on it and leave this for Eve.

Eve isn't the "utopia" universe that we see in Star Trek. None of the 4 empires are "saintly". Its more of a harsh cruel world that you find in game. Just when you feel safe in Eve is when you experience your first suicide gank.

Mistress Urd

I've been leading a few mission teams and blasting stuff away. I sadly seem to like doing lots of different things in game so while I can do many tasks I suck at all of them.  :P

Don't do what I did and have 144 skills with 3 million SP. Once you get out of the career agents try to stick with a plan. At this point I should try and see if I can hit 200 skills with 5 million SP.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on March 10, 2013, 08:41:02 PMEve isn't the "utopia" universe that we see in Star Trek. None of the 4 empires are "saintly". Its more of a harsh cruel world that you find in game. Just when you feel safe in Eve is when you experience your first suicide gank.

TBH this was the thing that turned me off of the game. Not that I have a problem with 'paranoid' worlds where anyone can backstab me at any moment.

The issue was that I was apparently supposed to be obsessed with making more money than everyone else, because that's the only purpose anyone in that galaxy has.  Sorry, but that's a bit too much like real life.  :(

Mistress Urd

There are plenty of things to do in the game rather than worry about isk per hour.

When I got a couple of my friends to try the game out, I made a new character to "experience" what a new player has to go through and frankly the early part where you get new things to try out everytime you login is when the game is most fun.
The game has been out for 10 years, I'm very unlikely to ever come close to having the most money in the game. You can go around and help people with the Dagan storyline mission and just chat it up with players.

Mistress Urd

Heh, the CEO of the corp I merged with is leaving the game, so I am now co-CEO with 2 other players. He did alot of the behind the scenes stuff which means those of us who are left have to help out more.


I hope that works out for you, running a corp in EvE can be very rewarding imo. Ran one myself back when the wormholes were introduced and me along with a few friends took off into the new areas right away (as the server was falling apart) to put down a base.

Spent the next year working in there and had a lot of fun and memorable moments.

Mistress Urd

Yep, helping out the newer players.

Joined a couple of level 3 missions with one of the newbies who is just now flying a BC. I then organized a quick mining op and mined about 50m in roids in about an hour. Reminds me of City of Heroes sometimes, no one wants to organize something but everyone wants to join in when you say something.

Mistress Urd

Heh, had a one day wardec. one man corp didn't expect the a whole corp "bots" to activly come after him. He corp dodged.


One other thing to mention about EVE is it's relationship with DUST 514. DUST 514 is a free-to-play first-person MMO shooter available exclusively on the PS3 that is wholly integrated into the persistent EVE Online universe. Your squad of mercenaries will join with (or fight against) EVE Online players as they battle for control of planets and systems, whether by ground-based combat or called air strikes from an orbiting fleet. Based on what I've read on the FAQ page, I can't think of any other games that have this level of integration between PC and console systems.

DUST 514 goes live on May 14, 2013.


Here's the new EVE video celebrating the beginning of their second decade.