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EVE Online

Started by Blondeshell, December 27, 2012, 05:24:35 PM


I'm a little surprised no one's mentioned this game yet as a possible alternative to CoH. I've had free accounts with WoW, Aion, LotR, STO, CO, and SWtoR, but never could keep my interest in any of them. I'd played a trial of EVE about five years ago because I liked the pure science fiction setting, but it was tough to figure out what to do because it was so drastically different from a traditional MMO. I decided to check it out again because the levelless design now intrigues me, there have been significant upgrades for contact missions, and who wouldn't want to be captain of their own spaceship?! (I've also been trying TSW because of the levelless design, but EVE is a lot friendlier to my computer. I don't think I'll be able to seriously get into TSW until I get a new rig, but I really dig that game's ambience.)

The original game intro video (no longer used):

Current pilot training video:

The character creator had also undergone a complete rewrite since I'd last played, and you now get to create a full-body avatar rather than just a bust, though most of the customization is still available just for your head and face. The only "avatar" other people will interact with is what ship you currently happen to be flying, but you do actually get to interact with it while you're docked in your captain's quarters.


  • As mentioned, as in TSW, there are no distinct levels to train. Rather, you develop ranks in individual skills that affect how well your ships perform or how you interact with other players and contacts. You can purchase individual skill books on the market or get them as mission rewards. There are over 400 different skills you can learn (each with five ranks for better bonuses), allowing for extreme flexibility in how you develop your character's strengths.
  • Training happens in real time, even while you're logged out of the game. There's a community-developed monitoring program you can download to keep track of your characters' training queues, progression plans, market status, and other info. (Think HeroStats, but directly linked to your account and useable offline.) If you've got space in your queue, you're wasting time, so you should always be training some skill. (This has been really nice for me over the last couple months. As I've been tied up with RL and PWiki documenting stuff, I can monitor my progress and log in when needing to update my queue.)
  • There are certificates you can earn upon training skills to certain ranks (similar to books in TSW). The certs don't do anything specific on their own, but they do indicate that you've reached a certain level of competence and some are required for unlocking access to ships and equipment.
  • Speaking of that, there's an incredible amount of customization you can do with your ships, depending on the role you want them to have. EVE is basically a min-maxers dream when it comes to calculating how much of a bonus you can eke out by increasing equipment or skills. The role you perform when solo or teamed is primarily determined by what ship you're flying.
  • The game "world" is huge, as in an entire galaxy, complete with stars, planets, asteroid belts, space stations, and more. Each star system is basically its own zone with its own local chat channel. There are regularly 20-40,000 players online at any given time on the single server shard.
  • Depending on how involved you want to get, you can join corporations and alliances (EVE's equivalent of supergroups and coalitions), or join hundreds of other players in epic fleet battles. (


  • You can only have three characters per account. However, because everyone has access to all skills, given enough time and ISK (Eve's inf), you don't need a lot of different characters slots.
  • High-end character builds can take a looong time to train (read: years). Some of the tertiary skills I'm learning now for core certificates take over a week to train from level 4-5, and I saw someone mention in chat that their next skill level would take 31 days. You can get boosters that increase each of your five attributes, thus reducing the needed training time, but be prepared for a long haul.
  • Although the revamped player tutorial makes it much easier to learn the ropes than it used to be, there's still an overwhelming sense of drowning in all the options you have in deciding your career path.
  • The game world is huge and, as you might expect in the real universe, there's a lot of empty space where you won't meet anyone. Travel between systems follows pre-set paths and can take a while to get to your destination. (Auto-pilot helps, but is slower.) With so many possible destination systems, there's not one place (that I've seen so far) where a majority of players congregate.
  • PvP can be a big part of this game, primarily if your corporation decides to go to war against other corporations. You also have people who thrive on ganking you, especially in low-security systems, and some of them have equipment that perma-holds your ship so you can't escape. Watch your scanners.

These are just some of my observations so far. I don't have any thoughts on the finer points of the game yet, as I'm still trying to determine what area(s) I want to focus on, learn different ship designs and roles, and haven't spent any time teaming with anyone. But the game now seems interesting enough for me to stick around at least for a little while.

Edit: A couple nicely-informative reviews can be found here:


EVE Online is perhaps the most tedious game it's ever been my misfortune to play...  which, along with the PVP and heavy dependence on a player-driven economy, puts it at the top of my list of "Worst MMOGs"...

Which is unfortunate, because there are some great things therein.  I'd love to while away the time smiting space pirates, mining asteroids, and building bigger and better ships but PVP and goals that seem nigh-unattainable are the Anti Fun Equation.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


I'll agree that the extreme slow-burn playstyle can be a turn-off, but the fact that you have tangible character advancement while you're not playing (unlike Day Jobs) helps offset that for me. I haven't dealt with the player-driven side of the market yet (everything I've purchased so far has been from standard NPC corps).


I've had my fun (and unfun) in this game.  I met a small group of people a couple of years ago when I first started playing this game.  We formed a corp together and together we have joined big alliances and backed back into our own corp several times over the years.  We've even ventured out and played other games together but always met back up in EVE.  Right now this is the only game I pay for since The Secret World is FTP but I rarely log in to play it.  I mainly keep my characters (2 accounts) on the cooker, keep tabs on friends in my corp via email, and monitor research.  I always end up back in this game but I rarely stay long because it goes from fun to tedious very quickly for me.


Well this is good information for people looking for a game to play. For some, this may be a type of game they are looking for.

For me, it wont do and I havent found it to be enjoyable. Too much in the way of being PvP oriented. I played it and kept thinking that for PvP, I'd have ten times more fun playing Call of Duty and games of that sort without the tedious stuff of EVE.

The player driven econonmy on the level that COX had was a niggle but in EVE it's front center and COX market on steroids and became a main deal breaker for that game for me.

Yet, for people who loved the COX market and player oriented economy and PvP, EVE is an excellent game. It has alot more pros than cons and can be enjoyable for those that find fun in putting in alot of work for little reward at a time. This game, if found to be fun, will keep a person playing for hours. Unfortunately, the main things I find fun and play games for are not there in EVE for me but even then I cannot say it's a bad game at all. It's just not one for me, but I am an oddball when it come to games and what is important fun factors  so many people probably will find it to be very enjoyable. I say at least give it a try if it have a semblence of appeal.


Heh, just saw this. EVE's version of Holiday celebration:


I like the game for the most part, it's just after a while things get a bit tedious and it becomes like a second job. Haven't been on in a while (maybe a year or so).

Kaiser Tarantula

The game rewards grief-oriented PvPers by letting them shoot down your escape pod after you die.  If you lack a backup clone of your character that can hold all of your character's skills, you can lose those skills permanently, forcing you to retrain them.

As mentioned in the OP, this retraining can take weeks or months at higher levels.

I'll pass, thanks.


Quote from: Kaiser Tarantula on December 29, 2012, 09:17:10 AM
The game rewards grief-oriented PvPers by letting them shoot down your escape pod after you die.  If you lack a backup clone of your character that can hold all of your character's skills, you can lose those skills permanently, forcing you to retrain them.

As mentioned in the OP, this retraining can take weeks or months at higher levels.

I'll pass, thanks.
This can happen but rarely does to even people who regularly PVP.  When your pod dies, your clone is activated.  Your clone holds a specific # of skill points that you can upgrade at any time but because training happens in real time, you sometimes have months to even years before you outgrow your clone's capacity. 

Losing skill points only happens to very forgetful people who aren't paying attention to things.

Catching pods in PVP is very difficult too.  I pvp with one of my characters and haven't lost a pod in almost a year.  My other character that I've had for almost 3 years has never lost a pod.  Sometimes when I ugrade my clone in that character, I feel like I am waisting my i$k (but I know I better do it).

Mistress Urd

I played EvE for 3 years it is the only game to come close to CoH in terms of keeping me playing it.

If I was going to play an MMO again, it would be my top choice. However, I have to deal with Genre limited friends who apparenly won't play a sci-fi game and pvp paranoid ones who won't play a game where its possible to have pvp anytime even in high sec. In 3 years of EvE I had 2 high sec incedents which resulted in some very silly person to die a very quick death. I have one friend who will only play an MMO if it is Superhero based and he says DCUO and CO sucks. Oh well, I can only shrug. At some point I may have to just go that road alone. Maybe we can get some ex-CoH folks and form our own corp.

Of course if CoH comes back, I would probably go back to CoH. CoH is a much more casual game with a much better and friendly community. Many of the things in CoH that we take for granted are simply not in other MMOs.

Its not like EvE doesn't have flaws although I like the player driven economy. PvP is like many games with open pvp aka pvppppppppppp. I could do without all of the cloak and dagger stuff. Some corps demanded screen shots of my login screen and required me to be on teamspeak and have a valid e-mail account. Spying and corp theft is common enough that it is one of the reasons why I left the game. Once I was able to do "everything" the game felt more like a second job, not a fun way to spend time to take my mind off the real world. I found the most fun of the game is the first few months while you see your character grow in skills and you learn them quickly. The other odd thing about EvE is how common it is for players to have more than 1 account. Players have between 1 and 8 accounts. I had 3 of them which I used regularly and a 4th one for 2 months.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on December 31, 2012, 01:42:55 AM
The other odd thing about EvE is how common it is for players to have more than 1 account. Players have between 1 and 8 accounts. I had 3 of them which I used regularly and a 4th one for 2 months.

This is something that I noticed today in the CAS corp channel, how people were talking about their alts and multi-screen setups like it was second-nature. I suppose it's because having extra accounts comes in handy when you're scanning/mining/hauling at the same time, or if you want an alt to pvp or check for gate camps or spy on other corps.

They were also talking about the upcoming change to the Battlecruiser and Destroyer skills of making them racial instead of generic. So now there's a rush for everyone to make sure they're trained up because they'll be given the racial versions at the same skill level as the generic ones when the change comes.

Mistress Urd

I think all of mine have that trained to level 5 already. After a certain point skills start taking more than a month to hit level 5. Skill queues helped quite a bit. It was never fun to have to rush home from work or get up early to select another skill. Funny that DSL and server crashes always seemed to happen when you had to change a skill.

It certainly helps to have 2 accounts. After that its disminishing returns. As I said before, I like the early part of the game when each time you login you get something new to try out. After a few months skills start taking a couple of weeks to finish.

The game has been doing a rebalancing on all of the ships. I looked over the changes and they look good. 

Mistress Urd

I started up a 14 day trial account to try out the new tutorials, new character creator and see all of the changes to the ui/ships etc.

Well, I am a bit rusty on the controls and interface, but after a few hours its starting to come back to me. Its still the same old eve, just looks more pretty.


Aw, you should've contacted me first. I could've given you a buddy code for a 21-day trial.

Mistress Urd

I was mostly trying to playtest the 14 day trial. Its quite lucrative for a new player to complete the tutorial/career path missions. I made 2.5m after the first day and have assets around 4m. So the game is much better at jump starting a new player to EvE. Now some of that is because I know the basics of the game already and some of the known "tricks" still work. Even taking a Caldari in the most crowded sector of space I had no issues with lag or overwhelming crowds of players hogging up the industry lines. Oh yeah, one thing I did notice is that they got rid of learning skills and gave players the attributes of any player who has maxed out learning. That makes new player experience much better.

PvP can be easily avoided, if you are in high sec "empire" space you are very unlikely to have a PvP grief encounter. Its standard darwinism here, don't make yourself look like an easy suicide gank target that's profitable. Keep a low profile and don't smack talk.

If I am going to resub I would probably turn one of my old accounts back on.

I did like the full body avatar part. However, you can make something look pretty awful. I think I managed something that looks acceptable.

Mistress Urd

Well 10 days back into the game and I am having fun, but missing CoH. I like the building part of new characters, I am going to resub the new one. I love the revamped frigates and cruisers alot. The Caldari gunships are no longer split weapon jokes, I'm still trying to decide if I want to stick with hybrids and maybe crosstrain Gallente or go start working on Minmatar or Amarr.

I'm in the process of getting 3 friends to join up as well, so i'll have to see what happens next. If I see you in game, I'll say hi. I prefer to team up in Eve and I'll probably be forming a new corp to get out of the 11% tax on being in the newbie corp.

Mistress Urd

For those wanting to play Eve Online, the community has made some nice tools to help you.

Eve Mon to planout your character skills.

Eve Fitting tool to plan out your ships.

From spending lots of time in Mids I find these tools to be just as valuable.

Mistress Urd

Apparently the December 4th patch to the game (Retribution) for the new tougher AI for NPCs isn't working as intended. NPC enemies will need to be readjusted and range on electronic warfare will need to be reduced. Its much harder to solo missions now but 2 players can make the new "AI" wimper. Never mind that drones were nerfed pretty hard due to the NPCs activly killing them.

I made a player corp and I have a couple former CoH players I know in RL in the corp. If you are interested PM me here and I can point you to the corp.


There is also another tool that I used to prefer back when I was still playing, called EvEHQ, it is like those two tools combined and a LOT more as well.

Link here:

Part of me wants to go back and see what has changed but I doubt anyone I knew is still around and eve solo isn't fun at all imo.

Mistress Urd

Thanks for that PzTnT, I'll have to try it out.

Eve is still Eve except there have been many nerfs to reduce how much players earn in game. For all of those other games studyng Eve, they should take note on another game called Pirates of the Burning Sea. Anyways, with changes players adapt quickly and it would appear a few players have found serious flaws in the new AI. I certainly hope that the folks at CCP are in crisis mode and are working to fix things. I can see prices of Plex dropping slowly suggesting less demand. Since the best way to make money in high sec seems to be mining atm. A week old character in the new mining frigate can pull down 4m/hr which is pretty decent.

I don't know how long ago you played, but for me it was 3 years and the game has certainly changed but not that much. Most of the missions are the same, the new AI makes missions harder and if you are playing a new character you will be in for a surprise. I talked with a few old timers who have been playing for 5+ years and they were surpised to die in L4 missions because of the new AI changes and broken electronic warfare.

I am having fun because at the lower skill levels every time I login I have some new ability. The game gets into more of a rut when I look at my next "short" skill only taking 31 days. Oh, how I miss ghost training. 


I have never played and have a couple RL friends who recently got into the game and enthuse about it constantly. It has gotten me tempted but I'm still unsure. I don't know if I'm ready for my life to get sucked away by a game again. lol
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Mistress Urd

I'm sure there are a couple of us who would be happy to send you a 21 day free trial. (Although I suspect you have some RL friends who can)

Lets get a few things straight, CoH is still the gold standard (for me) on how a game should be designed. After playing several other MMOs while CoH was around the only game to come close to CoH was EvE. It still handles things differently and made different design choices. I played some other MMOs recently but I decided that EvE is going to be my home until the CCP devs drop the ball big time or CoH comes back.

From the CoH perspective what is different? Well now that I have two RL friends playing EvE after 8 years of CoH, the first reaction is the UI. Its quite complicated at first and the tutorial is a must. If you skip it and ask questions that could be answered in the tutorial, expect the nice players to suggest you run the tutorial. (meaner players might actually put a bounty on you)

Eve is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Yep, its not a nice place and this is a game where the worst griefing in CoH is nothing compared to the stuff that goes on in EvE. Non consentual pvp can happen anytime and anyplace (except in stations). There are very helpful people in the community and there are some pretty bad apples too, but in general the community isn't as friendly as CoH. If you carry around loot, people in the game will notice and you will be a target if its profitable. Even just asking a question in Rookie Help can get bounties placed on you, war decs or people there even giving you false information.

Crafting and marketeering is very deep. If you like crafting and being a builder, EvE makes CoH look pretty silly. The reality is that the markets in EvE are very competitive and some of the really serious traders use "market alts" to avoid wardecs and griefers.  It also takes money to make money so if you want to be a builder, you have to find ways to make in game money so you can build.

EvE is an international game and the largest group is European. Those of us in North America will be on during the "dead" hours of the game. If you live in the US and login noon local time you might see twice the number of people on. However you will see players from just about everywhere.

If you decide to play, PM me here I would certainly welcome fellow CoHers.


I did play at the beginning of last year, with a sub going from 2008 before that so i know the game pretty well. I used to live in wormhole space with a few friends, tho we were kicked out by another corporation and none of us wanted to rebuild that operation again, so i quit due to boredom a couple of months later.

The thing i really loved to do was to build "POSes" (Player owned space stuff" but they cost a small fortune to operate, around 300-400m isk/month for a large one when i left.
But as i always liked helping out it is VERY tempting atm to restart my sub and show off my fleet, perhaps the new AI will make missions interesting again?

*Runs off to sub for a month*
See you in game, ill be on "H4Ng M4n"  ;)

Mistress Urd

PzTnT: Yeah missions are interesting if you like being perma jammed, damped and TDed from 105km away. Because target painting is so weak, Angels have become the games punching bags. Drones have been nerfed in missions to the point where you might as well not bother. NPCs will insta-pop them. The only drones that can really be used are lights and sentries. Heavy missiles were nerfed big time. Hopefully, they will fix this since people from high sec to 0.0 space are hosed. Apparently some of the hardest sites in the game can now be beaten by two ships instead of a whole fleet thanks to flaws in the new AI. The new AI makes it tough to solo missions and the new aggro rules make logistics ships a liability.

They removed all of the Meta 0 drops to stop the reprocessing that happened from NPC drops. Drone poo was removed which means all high and low end ores must be mined. Its been a boon for miners now that the stocks of minerals have run down.

Its not all roses in EvE, no game is free of bugs and design mistakes, but I am voting with my wallet and telling companies I want monthly subscription and avoid the free to play model.

I got to team with one of my friends last night. He shot at me more than the enemy, I had to go "Shoot the enemy not me!". 8 years of CoH spoiling a player....

Mistress Urd

I should highlight a few of the other things that EvE does well vs CoH which I have not seen mentioned here.

EvE has a built in teamspeak client. It was added in a few years ago and while its not the best one out there, it does work.
Eve servers are always full of life. Yep, for those of you folks who are vampires who sleep while the sun is up, the game is quite full even during the wee hours in the early AM.
The game was designed from the ground up for pvp. Pvp also makes it possible for a crafter to make a living because pvp = business
Space is 3 dimensional, you have to really look around.
You know the prices that people are willing to pay on the market. No mysteries you see all the buy and sell orders.
You can be a pacifist if you want. The game does not require the "defeating" of NPCs for advancement.


Well, i went in and so far i can say its not THAT bad, but then again i still have my rather pimped ship from before i left and never used missiles, tho i'm stuck with lasers. The drone poo nerf and the loot nerf etc went just before i stopped playing.

I really missed flying fast ships tho and i never really cared for the isk/hour over the fun factor.

Mistress Urd

People have figured out some of the flaws but the consensus is that you need 2 accounts to pull it off.

Eve is much more of a social game than CoH but you see both ends of that too. There were lots of players who liked going into L4s with their really fancy ships and feeling super. Well, when the next round of nerfs happen which was delayed until the next expansion hit, we will have to see what happens. Although I suspect most will move to Minmatar space or 2 box.

My experiment of starting off from scratch as a new player has been going well. I'm over 120m in assets if I sold everything and my character is about a week from turning a month old. No teaming other than helping out a couple of newbies in the rookie systems on career missions and helping out a couple of RL friends on their career missions.

Have you tried out the micro jump drives?

Yep, Megapulse lasers are gross, I loved the Apoc. The CEO of my old corp was a total 'Geddon freak though, his other favorite ship was the Maelstrom.


My own favorite ship has to be the machariel or a nightmare fitted with tachyon beams, but the geddon is still nice.
Tried a bit now and had no real trouble with missions, except when i tried to run a lv3 in my untanked talos, that got ugly as i'm a bit rusty.
Still need to get my hands on a micro jumpdrive tho.

Mistress Urd

I can confirm that Guristas can permajam you from 110km away in level 1 blockade. Not exactly new player friendly. I had to gut the ship and use one with ECCM then I was only jammed 50% of the time. I'd rather not train missiles (been there done that) and resort to FoF missiles. Hopefully, they will fix this or I'll just move to Matar space and shoot Angels who target paint.  :P

I used eve survival so I was able to pick off the sansha frigates who Tracking Disrupt before they aggro on me. However, a new player probably would not know about that resource.

I got 2 friends to play it and while they were overwhelmed at first I think the game is growing on them.


Apparently there was recently a massive battle involving Goonswarm?

That first screenshot is sheer chaos.  Like someone was trying to make a fractal out of a destructive space battle.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


One of my friends is a Goon and flooded Facebook to the point of me temporarily removing her from my feed. LOL
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: Tenzhi on January 31, 2013, 06:07:17 AM
Apparently there was recently a massive battle involving Goonswarm?

That first screenshot is sheer chaos.  Like someone was trying to make a fractal out of a destructive space battle.

There are a couple of videos posted.  It was like watching paint dry as the server slowed to 10% speed to handle the player load.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot

Mistress Urd

If the devs know in advance of a big fight they can beef up the servers in that area. Welcome to Blob warfare where the bigger blob wins such as the nature of open pvp. Not that CoH didn't have issues with lag during events and such. Probably why I liked CoH instances rather than lag back in the old street sweeping days.

There was a second big fight in Poinen where 11,000 14,000 ships went poof. Its good for business, lots of miners and industrialists want huge fights to happen more often. Just like in anime where there has to be some company who has pre-cast high school that can be assembled in the matter of hours so class can start the next day after the school gets leveled. 


Quote from: Aggelakis on January 23, 2013, 06:33:53 AM
I have never played and have a couple RL friends who recently got into the game and enthuse about it constantly. It has gotten me tempted but I'm still unsure. I don't know if I'm ready for my life to get sucked away by a game again. lol
Go ahead and give it a whirl and you might enjoy. You dont need to get sucked get sucked away by a game in order to enjoy it. Well unless in order for you to enjoy a game you must get sucked away by a game.


Quote from: JaguarX on January 31, 2013, 07:40:08 PM
Go ahead and give it a whirl and you might enjoy. You dont need to get sucked get sucked away by a game in order to enjoy it. Well unless in order for you to enjoy a game you must get sucked away by a game.
Exactly. I have a problem with 'in moderation' ;)
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Mistress Urd

Actually in EvE Online the way you can tell how into the game people are is by how many accounts they have.

5 to 7=Eve-o-holic
8 or more=Eve *IS* my life.

Aggelakis: When you get to about 4 accounts, that is about when you should worry. When you have 16 accounts and 6 PCs on your desk, then you really need help.

I had 4 briefly but I find 2 to be my self imposed limit now. (Must resist)


I had two back when i was playing for real and i almost got to one of the signs of having played eve too long... When your cyno alt flies a carrier.


Mistress Urd

For now its just 1 new account with a brand new character.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on February 01, 2013, 06:27:57 AM
Actually in EvE Online the way you can tell how into the game people are is by how many accounts they have.


This is definitely where I am. In fact, today was the first I'd logged on in about two weeks. I wanted to see if there was any more info about the skill/ship rebalancing that was coming in the next update. Turns out there was. (Dev blog is here.)

The part that I was particularly interesting in reading was how reimbursement was going to happen for training Destroyers and Battlecruisers. I was previously under the impression that training those up to level 5 would automatically grant the racial versions at those levels. However, I noticed this section:

QuoteIt is noteworthy to point out that if you don't have a racial Cruiser at 3, then you won't receive the corresponding racial Battlecruiser skill. It is thus worthwhile to train all Racial Cruiser skill at 3, then focus on maximizing Battlecruisers before the reimbursement happens.

"Oh crap!" I'd been going full-bore at having Battlecruiser 5 trained, but never trained the other three racial Frigates past 1, much less training the Cruisers. Doing some quick time math, I figured that I have just enough time to switch to training the racial Frigates to 4, get the racial Cruisers to 3, then resume training Battlecruisers to 5. I think I'll be about 1.5 days short of finishing it, but since:

QuotePartial skill training will be properly be saved and duplicated. If you are halfway between Destroyers 3 and 4 when the change hits, your progress will be properly copied to all the racial Destroyer skills you are eligible for.

... I'm okay with just that little bit left for each of the racial Battlecruisers rather than 26 days each. I'm just glad the update was pushed back a week, and that I happened to catch this today with time left to change my queue.

/em fingerscrossed

Mistress Urd

Blondeshell: The skill change isn't going to happen until summer(tm). We don't know the exact date yet but its not going to happen for the Retribution 1.1 release on Feb 12th. 

Quoting your link "All of this will happen for the Summer 2013 expansion. That's a lot to take on, which is why we wanted to give you as much of an advance notice as possible so you can react accordingly. We do hope this will clear any confusion on the matter – all of this is final and should not change at this point."

So you are allowed to train a few other skills and not go all out for BC5 and DD5. Although one of my friends called me a "parking lot valet" since I can fly so many ships (not very well)

I was just talking to another player who runs 5 accounts. Apparently he runs a mining fleet himself and says he pulls down 500-600m per day.  :o

Yeah, that was a bit crazy. Since you can "buy" characters in Eve, he went on character bazaar and picked up 2 miners, an orca pilot and an obelisk pilot. I prefer to make my own, it feels wrong playing something created by someone else.

I got one of my 8 year CoH vet friends to really buy into the Eve game. The other 8 year vet is having a harder time with the game and is more on the fence.

I am not doing too bad, after 6 weeks I have 4 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 BC, retriever and a procurer. I have 100m in liquid funds for the next big ticket item.

Hope to see you around.

Mistress Urd

Character "farming" is an interesting thing that goes on. I looked over the characters for sale and want to buy section. I can think of a couple of times where that might have been a nice service in CoH, although I would never buy or sell one of mine.

Mistress Urd

I've moved to a veteran corp who have a high sec research and manufacturing POS.

Eve is still Eve, don't logout in Jita on the weekends!


Indeed, or you may end up being forced to log in elsewhere as in one of the neighboring systems. I'm not really a fan of that area of space myself, around Jita i mean, as there are usually many of these "l33t pvpers" there that pretty much only play to make life miserable for others. I still live there tho as I can't be bothered to move :P


Did a little research on this game. It looks interesting for a sci-fi game but sci-fi is not my thing. No wonder it's successful. Seem like they know what they are doing with that game.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: JaguarX on February 25, 2013, 10:54:59 PM
Did a little research on this game. It looks interesting for a sci-fi game but sci-fi is not my thing. No wonder it's successful. Seem like they know what they are doing with that game.

The big thing is that its one of the few games have lots to offer to many different types of players. The other thing is that it has relativly little competition. Star Trek Online and the upcoming Star Citizens come to mind. It will be interesting to see how Star Citizens plays, but until a game is in open beta and reviewable by me its just hype.

Another fact about EvE Online, its a very international game (except China who gets their own server). Americans who are the largest % by country are not the majority of the playerbase, Europeans are.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: PzTnT on February 25, 2013, 10:37:09 PM
Indeed, or you may end up being forced to log in elsewhere as in one of the neighboring systems. I'm not really a fan of that area of space myself, around Jita i mean, as there are usually many of these "l33t pvpers" there that pretty much only play to make life miserable for others. I still live there tho as I can't be bothered to move :P

Well sometimes you can use the jita thing to help you. If you are in a freighter, one or two jumps in the right direction helps.  :P

I don't worry too much about them, there are two 7+ year vets in my corp so they have quite a bit of SP, and blowing up some low skill suicide gankers is no big deal. Also, have an afk gang booster behind POS shields to mess up their calculations.

Mistress Urd

Since I merged corps with another we have more people on to run things. The other corp had their main base only 5 jumps from where I was at, so no big deal to move.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on February 26, 2013, 08:26:50 PM
The big thing is that its one of the few games have lots to offer to many different types of players. The other thing is that it has relativly little competition. Star Trek Online and the upcoming Star Citizens come to mind. It will be interesting to see how Star Citizens plays, but until a game is in open beta and reviewable by me its just hype.

Another fact about EvE Online, its a very international game (except China who gets their own server). Americans who are the largest % by country are not the majority of the playerbase, Europeans are.

Star trek lore and the likes is one thing that hold my interest less than watching grass grow. So hopefully EVE isnt too much or anything like Star Trek. Not sure what is this Star Citizen is like, I'll go read up on it.

I'll dig deeper into EVE and see what else it has to offer.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: JaguarX on March 09, 2013, 01:16:43 AM
Star trek lore and the likes is one thing that hold my interest less than watching grass grow. So hopefully EVE isnt too much or anything like Star Trek. Not sure what is this Star Citizen is like, I'll go read up on it.

I'll dig deeper into EVE and see what else it has to offer.

Star citizen is a long way from coming out. There is probably some nostalgia from old fans from the Wing Commander/Privateer days that are hoping for a twitch skill MMORPG flight sim type game. I saw what that did with DDO, some players were just so good at all of the "Super Mario" stuff and could dodge spells and arrows and make monsters look silly in melee. Then I saw people where they seemed to mange to dodge into spells and missiles and had a hard time with melee.  :P I guess I'll start a topic on it and leave this for Eve.

Eve isn't the "utopia" universe that we see in Star Trek. None of the 4 empires are "saintly". Its more of a harsh cruel world that you find in game. Just when you feel safe in Eve is when you experience your first suicide gank.

Mistress Urd

I've been leading a few mission teams and blasting stuff away. I sadly seem to like doing lots of different things in game so while I can do many tasks I suck at all of them.  :P

Don't do what I did and have 144 skills with 3 million SP. Once you get out of the career agents try to stick with a plan. At this point I should try and see if I can hit 200 skills with 5 million SP.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on March 10, 2013, 08:41:02 PMEve isn't the "utopia" universe that we see in Star Trek. None of the 4 empires are "saintly". Its more of a harsh cruel world that you find in game. Just when you feel safe in Eve is when you experience your first suicide gank.

TBH this was the thing that turned me off of the game. Not that I have a problem with 'paranoid' worlds where anyone can backstab me at any moment.

The issue was that I was apparently supposed to be obsessed with making more money than everyone else, because that's the only purpose anyone in that galaxy has.  Sorry, but that's a bit too much like real life.  :(

Mistress Urd

There are plenty of things to do in the game rather than worry about isk per hour.

When I got a couple of my friends to try the game out, I made a new character to "experience" what a new player has to go through and frankly the early part where you get new things to try out everytime you login is when the game is most fun.
The game has been out for 10 years, I'm very unlikely to ever come close to having the most money in the game. You can go around and help people with the Dagan storyline mission and just chat it up with players.

Mistress Urd

Heh, the CEO of the corp I merged with is leaving the game, so I am now co-CEO with 2 other players. He did alot of the behind the scenes stuff which means those of us who are left have to help out more.


I hope that works out for you, running a corp in EvE can be very rewarding imo. Ran one myself back when the wormholes were introduced and me along with a few friends took off into the new areas right away (as the server was falling apart) to put down a base.

Spent the next year working in there and had a lot of fun and memorable moments.

Mistress Urd

Yep, helping out the newer players.

Joined a couple of level 3 missions with one of the newbies who is just now flying a BC. I then organized a quick mining op and mined about 50m in roids in about an hour. Reminds me of City of Heroes sometimes, no one wants to organize something but everyone wants to join in when you say something.

Mistress Urd

Heh, had a one day wardec. one man corp didn't expect the a whole corp "bots" to activly come after him. He corp dodged.


One other thing to mention about EVE is it's relationship with DUST 514. DUST 514 is a free-to-play first-person MMO shooter available exclusively on the PS3 that is wholly integrated into the persistent EVE Online universe. Your squad of mercenaries will join with (or fight against) EVE Online players as they battle for control of planets and systems, whether by ground-based combat or called air strikes from an orbiting fleet. Based on what I've read on the FAQ page, I can't think of any other games that have this level of integration between PC and console systems.

DUST 514 goes live on May 14, 2013.


Here's the new EVE video celebrating the beginning of their second decade.

Mistress Urd

If you join one of the militias you can go and orbital bomb some poor Dust 514 people for lulz.


So is there any point in playing this game if you're feeling extremely anti-social and don't wanna have anything to do with other players except through the local equivalent of the auction house? Because all I hear about the game is stories of at least small-scale corp stuff. But I'm really not in a mood to play with strangers and don't have any friends who want to get into the game.


You can definitely play EVE solo, doing contact missions and mining to your heart's content. You can't ever NOT be in a corporation, though, even from character creation, but there's nothing that says you have to go off on your own player corp. Granted, as with CoH, there'll be some things that you can't do if you don't team up or join a player-run corp, but I've not gotten that far into the game to decide if I miss it or not.

The other thing that's nice for the solo player is the real-time character progression that continues when you're off-line. It lets you train even when you're not logged in, so there's less of a sense of having to run in teams (fleets) for "mad eXPees." As long as you've got skills training in your queue, your character's advancing right along with everyone else. (Granted, you do have to purchase most skills before you can learn them, so you'll still have to be doing something in-game to be able to pay for them.)

The one thing EVE doesn't do is encourage you to create alts in the same way CoH did. You only get three characters per account, and only one character per account can be training at any given time. EVE's solution to that is encouraging having multiple accounts, which was talked about up-thread. Since any character can learn any skill, it's up to you to decide if you want separate characters to specialize in different areas, or if you want to be able to it with just one.

If you decide you want to check it out, PM me your e-mail and I'll send you a buddy code for an extended trial period.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: Exxar on May 05, 2013, 07:24:50 AM
So is there any point in playing this game if you're feeling extremely anti-social and don't wanna have anything to do with other players except through the local equivalent of the auction house? Because all I hear about the game is stories of at least small-scale corp stuff. But I'm really not in a mood to play with strangers and don't have any friends who want to get into the game.

You can most certainly play the game solo.

Creating your own corporation isn't that expensive at all and only requires a few minutes of skilling. There are player run corps that cater to the casual player in Eve. If you prefer to just stick with the game solo you can most certainly survive and do well.


Thanks for the info guys. I'm not sure I could use an extended trial code since I already did a 7 day trial (or was it 10 days? anyway, it was short) 4-5 years ago and I'd like to keep that account name. I'll probably give the game another go in a couple of weeks then.

Mistress Urd

There are players who are still in the starter rookie corporations even after 5+ years. So you can stay there.  :)

Mistress Urd

Quote from: Blondeshell on May 05, 2013, 12:31:07 PM
The one thing EVE doesn't do is encourage you to create alts in the same way CoH did. You only get three characters per account, and only one character per account can be training at any given time. EVE's solution to that is encouraging having multiple accounts, which was talked about up-thread. Since any character can learn any skill, it's up to you to decide if you want separate characters to specialize in different areas, or if you want to be able to it with just one.

Some (many?) players will have a 2nd or "nth" account for training specialists. Some will be transferred to an empty slot on their main account or sold in character bazaar. There are players in the game who "grow" pilots and then sell them as their in game income.


Well, the anti-alt ways of EVE aren't really a problem since it's a totally different kind of game. So instead of rolling new toons I'll just do different stuff haha.

Thanks for the buddy key Blondeshell, I'm downloading the game right now and will take a peek soon.

Mistress Urd

A good player corporation will help teach you the deeper parts of the game. These are the folks you will teach you the tricks of the trade and help you survive. Unlike CoH, the help channels in Eve are a mixed bag of good and bad. This isn't the same type of community we take for granted in CoH, there are players who troll for help channels for griefing targets. Even if you don't team, your corp is usually there to help you. (Yes, their are griefer corps in eve who invite new players just so they have easy targets to blow up) Good corps will have you test fly with them so they can see how well you do in their system and you see how they do things.

Much like CoH, teaming is good with good players.

Mistress Urd

attention all you alt fans, they are going to add dual character training to eve.  :o


Yep, looks like it's going to be a paid service for 30 days at a time, similar to how you could purchase a month's worth of AE or WW access for premium accounts in CoH. Not sure how much I'll use that, but at least it's something.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: Blondeshell on May 19, 2013, 05:53:39 PM
Yep, looks like it's going to be a paid service for 30 days at a time, similar to how you could purchase a month's worth of AE or WW access for premium accounts in CoH. Not sure how much I'll use that, but at least it's something.

I generally prefer to use the power of 2 deal which they have going on right now where you get 6 months for 49.95. then xfer the character over to your main account(s) just before the clock expires. That way would save you $50 vs plexing a 2nd character on the same account and it gives the bonus of having both characters on at the same time.  :)

However if you already did that this would allow you to train up some without having to turn off training on your main.

Mistress Urd

Eve recently changed its launcher and many players experienced issues logging in. What did the devs do? They awarded each active account 50,000 Skill Points (roughly 1 day of training). See, this is how a little bit of a positive PR can really go a long way.  :)

I didn't have issues but it was a nice that they did that.

Mistress Urd

When I saw this promotion for eve Vegas I had a brief flashback to when David Nakayama was coming up with some new costume packs based on player suggestion during the meet and greet.


Information about EVE's winter update, "Rubicon," has been released. This looks to be the start of a long process of giving players much more control over the EVE universe. Interesting and exciting stuff, to be sure.


I'm still going strong in EVE.  My corp and I are formulating plans for the future of our corp with the new winter update in mind.  We're considering making a run at some highsec customs offices and would like to more people to work with in the form of either new recruits or an alliance.  We are pretty excited about the changes and are completely aware we could have to fight to defend our stuff.  If anybody currently playing is interested in cooperation through either joining our corp, alliance, or just working together with blue status then send an in-game e-mail to my character Horrorshow Ellie.

Mistress Urd

I'm still playing this, they keep making tweaks to the game, most recently they added more new ships, redid the graphics on some that badly needed it. Another new expansion coming in July with huge changes to the crafting system.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on July 02, 2014, 10:13:45 PM
I'm still playing this, they keep making tweaks to the game, most recently they added more new ships, redid the graphics on some that badly needed it. Another new expansion coming in July with huge changes to the crafting system.

And it's out, to the howls of protest that accompany any change to any MMO ever and mean absolutely nothing :-)

(In CoX, I used to think of them as the "Statesman ate my dog" brigade).

I'm gently encouraged by Crius (the release in question). The manufacturing interface is a bit less of a nightmare, the release is functionally a nerf to the leftover T2 BPOs [1], and the howls of protest mostly mean that people's nice cosy situations got a bit of a shakeup.

More generally I've been enjoying EVE, but I think that's partly because STO made me realise that I have no interest in running such-and-such to grind purples to use to run such-and-such again, which is not unrelated to my dissatisfaction with CoX in later years...

[1] For non-EVEies, these are overpowered items from the dawn of time; you can't get any more, but the ones that exist are still in the game, sometimes trading for enormous prices.


I wouldn't exactly say EVE is devoid of grinding, in fact I'd say grinding is a huge part of EVE (especially when one's new to the game). That and long travel times.


Quote from: FlyingCarcass on August 04, 2014, 08:54:54 PM
I wouldn't exactly say EVE is devoid of grinding, in fact I'd say grinding is a huge part of EVE (especially when one's new to the game). That and long travel times.

Not in quite the same way. Sure, getting faction standings can be a nuisance - or not; not that I have, but you can throw a stack of ISK at one of the standings services and go about your business while they run L4s, move your business out of empire and not care about standings, skill Connections to V and enjoy reasonable standing everywhere with zero effort. And while people who enjoy Skinner boxes do mine, which is about as grindy as it gets, I've never so much as fitted a mining laser outside of the initial tutorials.

But what I'm really getting at is running Imperious (or Infected Space Elite, in STO terms) where ultimately the purpose of the exercise is to improve one's ability to run Imperious. That's not why I played CoX (short of friends needing a hand, ordinarily I'd run each TF/trial once on each toon), but it was increasingly why other people did; and it didn't take long with STO's Reward Marks before realising that was just the same exercise.

Of course, in EVE, one _can_ run highsec security missions to improve one's ability to run highsec security missions; but the game does not particularly incentivise you to do it. There was a certain amount of platitudinous noise about "playing CoX any way you wanted to", but the game's structure definitely did implicitly what STO's Reward Marks do quite explicitly.


There's a cool new EVE trailer with player-submitted voice comms. Gives you a decent overview of the different activities you can do. I've let my sub lapse, but I've kept up on the improvements. Unlimited skill queue? Yes, please!

"This is EVE"


Well, I've played EVE for a week and a half now (thanks to Blondeshell for the buddy invite!) and it hasn't been as bad as its reputation had led me to expect.  I was really apprehensive going in.  Of course, I'm still flying around in the High Security systems doing beginner things. 

The Rookie Help chat channel has been really helpful.  I'd say it is up to COH standards in politeness.  But then again, it is moderated.  The only problem I have with the chat is that you can't stop the scrolling, so it's hard to keep track of what's being said.  One thing I have noticed while monitoring the Rookie chat is that there is a consistent inflow of new players.  Every day, different people are asking questions about the same tutorial missions, which admittedly are vague so their briefings need to be re-read, plus occasionally one needs to psychically to know about using never before mentioned UI controls.  I don't know if this new EVE trailer is the cause.  The game's Launcher shows the count of online players and I see that it ranges from a low of 21K near mid-night EST weekdays to 35K prime time weekends.  (EVE only has one server.)

I've only been shot at once by a player when I ventured out into a medium-ish Sec system to look for an ore for a tutorial mission.  He sent an in-game email that it was an accident by his deployed Drones acting on automatic aggressiveness.  I haven't tried Drones yet, so I don't know if this was BS. 

I've also did a run with a Corp hosting a PvP for Rookies night.  I don't intend to PvP on purpose, but since the game is heavily about PvP, I figured I need to understand how its done here.  They provided a free ship with gear and Skill books (so the gear could be used) to all who participated.  The host gave a brief lecture on targeting, maintaining range and constant movement, scanning a system for ships, fleet communications and movement.  The most important thing I learned that night was renaming my ship so I wasn't labeling myself as fresh off the boat!  After the basics, the 3-4 Corp vets led us up a string of Low Sec systems to hunt.  Unfortunately, it was the night before Thanksgiving so the pickings were slim.

Money-wise, generating steady income through mining is pretty easy.  One of the Tutorials gave me a mining frigate with decent capacity.  Mining the ore that sells for the best price in my region of space nets me about 1 million ISK per 25+ min run.  So none of the beginner ship gear and Skill books are out of reach.  Even replacing a beginner ship is affordable.  I already lost my first mining ship when some NPC pirates blew it up while I wasn't paying attention.

Speaking of ships, after doing the 5 Career Path tutorials, I ended up with 10 free ships of assorted types.  For a casual player who'll spend most of their time in the High Sec systems, I'd say they're pretty set.  The aggressive types who are raring to go into the Low Sec systems will probably hook up with a Corp specializing in whatever play style they're after and the Corp can provide them with aid.  Speaking of Corps, I haven't seen a lot of in-game recruiting SPAM, so that's nice.

Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Well, there's a recruitment channel pretty much dedicated to recruitment spam.  :P

Just a heads up, you'll be automatically kicked out of Rookie Help after (I believe) 30 days; I highly recommend joining the regular Help channel after that to continue asking questions and seeing answers to questions you didn't know to ask (there's a lot to learn in EVE).

And aye, the unlimited skill queue is glorious!

Mistress Urd

Good to see other CoH folks playing EVE.

If you would like to team up for something PM me here.

SerialBeggar: I think that e-mail was legit, while EVE has it share of griefers out there, they can get busted for griefing a new player. There was some discussion by CSM and the dev team about removing other grief mechanics that new players will get burned by. One popular one is that players in your corporation can freely shoot you. So there can be a problem of someone joining a corp then shooting other corp members or even worse a corp where they grief new members. They are in the works of removing that "feature"

Mistress Urd


So far, I do not see the benefit of developing an alt on the same account.  The cost of multiple character training using PLEX cost more than just paying for a separate, 2nd account.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Thanks for the heads up MU, hadn't seen that. I've been training an alt as a purely industrial/trading/PI character (mostly because I initially misunderstood what the additional training queue was, thought it'd let me train two skills at once on my main. whoops!) whereas I've been training combat/exploration skills on my main.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: SerialBeggar on December 20, 2014, 01:13:12 AM
So far, I do not see the benefit of developing an alt on the same account.  The cost of multiple character training using PLEX cost more than just paying for a separate, 2nd account.

There are reasons for it. Anonymous trading alt in a popular trade station. It means you don't have to be near there to change prices .01 isk or advertising you are the guy undercutting someone else's sales. Unlike CoH, it says who bought and sold the item.

Neutral Hauling Alt: So you can move stuff anonymously.

Other Activity Alt during the weeklong wardec: Yep wardecs happen so have someone else ready to play for a week.

You can also swap characters between accounts or buy them. (Seems weird but people do it all the time in eve) So lets say you bought a miner and its the 2nd character on your account, but you find out you need to train up a few more skills or they changed something and you need to spend some time training a new skill.

Mistress Urd

Good call selling the implants Blondeshell. They are giving away the ones you sold for the game's 12th anniversary.


Quote from: SerialBeggar on December 05, 2014, 02:23:53 PM
I've only been shot at once by a player when I ventured out into a medium-ish Sec system to look for an ore for a tutorial mission.  He sent an in-game email that it was an accident by his deployed Drones acting on automatic aggressiveness.  I haven't tried Drones yet, so I don't know if this was BS.

Bit of a necro-reply, but "aggressive" drones only counterattack when their owner is attacked - the choices the game calls "aggressive" and "defensive" are actually "defensive" and "passive". So, I don't know if they were lying or confused, but you were misinformed.

Drones are very useful - in particular, nearly all PVE types fly sentry drones in L4 missions.

While Multiple Character Training costs more than a second subscription, the advantage is that you can stop - train up an alt with MCT for a specific skillset, and then it costs you no more in the future to keep them available. For some alts - reprocessing, say - that's best; for others (cyno, scout, etc) you need a second account.


Quote from: Blondeshell on November 23, 2014, 03:48:56 AM
There's a cool new EVE trailer with player-submitted voice comms.


"This is EVE"

I like the fan-made parody of that video:
(warning, 70% profanity, 30% epic screaming)


Heh, so this evening I was scouting out a low sec route in my stealth bomber to make sure there weren't any gate camps (before I moved a new ship I wanted to try out) when I arrived in a particular system with a number of local pirates and a cynosural field up. Out of curiosity, I warped to the cyno to find that a battle had just taken place on a gate and there was a juicy Archon carrier wreck just floating there with a CVA Hyperion  battleship and Phoenix dreadnaught standing sentry. After a moment the pheonix left, leaving the hyperion alone with the wreck.

I realized that someone from CVA would be along soon to loot the wreck... but why should they have the loot, just because they won their battle?  ;) I also realized that the hyperion has a slow lock-on time, so I could easily loot the wreck in my bomber and be off. Like a majestic vulture, I swooped in and liberated about 100 mil in loot (out of around 300 mil, the rest of the loot to survive was firbolg fighters, which I did not have the cargo space for). Of course, the hyperion pilot took umbrage with my actions and called me out in local, so after depositing my spoils I returned to destroy the wreck of the archon and the firbolgs within while the hyperion impotently tried to lock on (I warped off before he could get a lock).

I'm finding the cloaky ninja playstyle to be enjoyable, sneaking around via wormhole connections and pouncing upon unsuspecting targets (mostly explorers). Had a nice kill a few days ago where I spotted someone running sleeper sites in an Eos battlecruiser while a heron frigate looted for him; after waiting for the Eos to warp off I ambushed the heron and took the loot from the site.

It's also quite challenging getting on grid without alerting targets; one has to narrow down where the target will be via d-scan before probing down the likely site (and thus revealing to anyone paying close attention that they're being hunted... gotta' probe quickly before the target notices). Once a player gets spooked it becomes nearly impossible to catch them.