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EVE Online

Started by Blondeshell, December 27, 2012, 05:24:35 PM


I have never played and have a couple RL friends who recently got into the game and enthuse about it constantly. It has gotten me tempted but I'm still unsure. I don't know if I'm ready for my life to get sucked away by a game again. lol
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Mistress Urd

I'm sure there are a couple of us who would be happy to send you a 21 day free trial. (Although I suspect you have some RL friends who can)

Lets get a few things straight, CoH is still the gold standard (for me) on how a game should be designed. After playing several other MMOs while CoH was around the only game to come close to CoH was EvE. It still handles things differently and made different design choices. I played some other MMOs recently but I decided that EvE is going to be my home until the CCP devs drop the ball big time or CoH comes back.

From the CoH perspective what is different? Well now that I have two RL friends playing EvE after 8 years of CoH, the first reaction is the UI. Its quite complicated at first and the tutorial is a must. If you skip it and ask questions that could be answered in the tutorial, expect the nice players to suggest you run the tutorial. (meaner players might actually put a bounty on you)

Eve is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Yep, its not a nice place and this is a game where the worst griefing in CoH is nothing compared to the stuff that goes on in EvE. Non consentual pvp can happen anytime and anyplace (except in stations). There are very helpful people in the community and there are some pretty bad apples too, but in general the community isn't as friendly as CoH. If you carry around loot, people in the game will notice and you will be a target if its profitable. Even just asking a question in Rookie Help can get bounties placed on you, war decs or people there even giving you false information.

Crafting and marketeering is very deep. If you like crafting and being a builder, EvE makes CoH look pretty silly. The reality is that the markets in EvE are very competitive and some of the really serious traders use "market alts" to avoid wardecs and griefers.  It also takes money to make money so if you want to be a builder, you have to find ways to make in game money so you can build.

EvE is an international game and the largest group is European. Those of us in North America will be on during the "dead" hours of the game. If you live in the US and login noon local time you might see twice the number of people on. However you will see players from just about everywhere.

If you decide to play, PM me here I would certainly welcome fellow CoHers.


I did play at the beginning of last year, with a sub going from 2008 before that so i know the game pretty well. I used to live in wormhole space with a few friends, tho we were kicked out by another corporation and none of us wanted to rebuild that operation again, so i quit due to boredom a couple of months later.

The thing i really loved to do was to build "POSes" (Player owned space stuff" but they cost a small fortune to operate, around 300-400m isk/month for a large one when i left.
But as i always liked helping out it is VERY tempting atm to restart my sub and show off my fleet, perhaps the new AI will make missions interesting again?

*Runs off to sub for a month*
See you in game, ill be on "H4Ng M4n"  ;)

Mistress Urd

PzTnT: Yeah missions are interesting if you like being perma jammed, damped and TDed from 105km away. Because target painting is so weak, Angels have become the games punching bags. Drones have been nerfed in missions to the point where you might as well not bother. NPCs will insta-pop them. The only drones that can really be used are lights and sentries. Heavy missiles were nerfed big time. Hopefully, they will fix this since people from high sec to 0.0 space are hosed. Apparently some of the hardest sites in the game can now be beaten by two ships instead of a whole fleet thanks to flaws in the new AI. The new AI makes it tough to solo missions and the new aggro rules make logistics ships a liability.

They removed all of the Meta 0 drops to stop the reprocessing that happened from NPC drops. Drone poo was removed which means all high and low end ores must be mined. Its been a boon for miners now that the stocks of minerals have run down.

Its not all roses in EvE, no game is free of bugs and design mistakes, but I am voting with my wallet and telling companies I want monthly subscription and avoid the free to play model.

I got to team with one of my friends last night. He shot at me more than the enemy, I had to go "Shoot the enemy not me!". 8 years of CoH spoiling a player....

Mistress Urd

I should highlight a few of the other things that EvE does well vs CoH which I have not seen mentioned here.

EvE has a built in teamspeak client. It was added in a few years ago and while its not the best one out there, it does work.
Eve servers are always full of life. Yep, for those of you folks who are vampires who sleep while the sun is up, the game is quite full even during the wee hours in the early AM.
The game was designed from the ground up for pvp. Pvp also makes it possible for a crafter to make a living because pvp = business
Space is 3 dimensional, you have to really look around.
You know the prices that people are willing to pay on the market. No mysteries you see all the buy and sell orders.
You can be a pacifist if you want. The game does not require the "defeating" of NPCs for advancement.


Well, i went in and so far i can say its not THAT bad, but then again i still have my rather pimped ship from before i left and never used missiles, tho i'm stuck with lasers. The drone poo nerf and the loot nerf etc went just before i stopped playing.

I really missed flying fast ships tho and i never really cared for the isk/hour over the fun factor.

Mistress Urd

People have figured out some of the flaws but the consensus is that you need 2 accounts to pull it off.

Eve is much more of a social game than CoH but you see both ends of that too. There were lots of players who liked going into L4s with their really fancy ships and feeling super. Well, when the next round of nerfs happen which was delayed until the next expansion hit, we will have to see what happens. Although I suspect most will move to Minmatar space or 2 box.

My experiment of starting off from scratch as a new player has been going well. I'm over 120m in assets if I sold everything and my character is about a week from turning a month old. No teaming other than helping out a couple of newbies in the rookie systems on career missions and helping out a couple of RL friends on their career missions.

Have you tried out the micro jump drives?

Yep, Megapulse lasers are gross, I loved the Apoc. The CEO of my old corp was a total 'Geddon freak though, his other favorite ship was the Maelstrom.


My own favorite ship has to be the machariel or a nightmare fitted with tachyon beams, but the geddon is still nice.
Tried a bit now and had no real trouble with missions, except when i tried to run a lv3 in my untanked talos, that got ugly as i'm a bit rusty.
Still need to get my hands on a micro jumpdrive tho.

Mistress Urd

I can confirm that Guristas can permajam you from 110km away in level 1 blockade. Not exactly new player friendly. I had to gut the ship and use one with ECCM then I was only jammed 50% of the time. I'd rather not train missiles (been there done that) and resort to FoF missiles. Hopefully, they will fix this or I'll just move to Matar space and shoot Angels who target paint.  :P

I used eve survival so I was able to pick off the sansha frigates who Tracking Disrupt before they aggro on me. However, a new player probably would not know about that resource.

I got 2 friends to play it and while they were overwhelmed at first I think the game is growing on them.


Apparently there was recently a massive battle involving Goonswarm?

That first screenshot is sheer chaos.  Like someone was trying to make a fractal out of a destructive space battle.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


One of my friends is a Goon and flooded Facebook to the point of me temporarily removing her from my feed. LOL
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: Tenzhi on January 31, 2013, 06:07:17 AM
Apparently there was recently a massive battle involving Goonswarm?

That first screenshot is sheer chaos.  Like someone was trying to make a fractal out of a destructive space battle.

There are a couple of videos posted.  It was like watching paint dry as the server slowed to 10% speed to handle the player load.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot

Mistress Urd

If the devs know in advance of a big fight they can beef up the servers in that area. Welcome to Blob warfare where the bigger blob wins such as the nature of open pvp. Not that CoH didn't have issues with lag during events and such. Probably why I liked CoH instances rather than lag back in the old street sweeping days.

There was a second big fight in Poinen where 11,000 14,000 ships went poof. Its good for business, lots of miners and industrialists want huge fights to happen more often. Just like in anime where there has to be some company who has pre-cast high school that can be assembled in the matter of hours so class can start the next day after the school gets leveled. 


Quote from: Aggelakis on January 23, 2013, 06:33:53 AM
I have never played and have a couple RL friends who recently got into the game and enthuse about it constantly. It has gotten me tempted but I'm still unsure. I don't know if I'm ready for my life to get sucked away by a game again. lol
Go ahead and give it a whirl and you might enjoy. You dont need to get sucked get sucked away by a game in order to enjoy it. Well unless in order for you to enjoy a game you must get sucked away by a game.


Quote from: JaguarX on January 31, 2013, 07:40:08 PM
Go ahead and give it a whirl and you might enjoy. You dont need to get sucked get sucked away by a game in order to enjoy it. Well unless in order for you to enjoy a game you must get sucked away by a game.
Exactly. I have a problem with 'in moderation' ;)
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Mistress Urd

Actually in EvE Online the way you can tell how into the game people are is by how many accounts they have.

5 to 7=Eve-o-holic
8 or more=Eve *IS* my life.

Aggelakis: When you get to about 4 accounts, that is about when you should worry. When you have 16 accounts and 6 PCs on your desk, then you really need help.

I had 4 briefly but I find 2 to be my self imposed limit now. (Must resist)


I had two back when i was playing for real and i almost got to one of the signs of having played eve too long... When your cyno alt flies a carrier.


Mistress Urd

For now its just 1 new account with a brand new character.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on February 01, 2013, 06:27:57 AM
Actually in EvE Online the way you can tell how into the game people are is by how many accounts they have.


This is definitely where I am. In fact, today was the first I'd logged on in about two weeks. I wanted to see if there was any more info about the skill/ship rebalancing that was coming in the next update. Turns out there was. (Dev blog is here.)

The part that I was particularly interesting in reading was how reimbursement was going to happen for training Destroyers and Battlecruisers. I was previously under the impression that training those up to level 5 would automatically grant the racial versions at those levels. However, I noticed this section:

QuoteIt is noteworthy to point out that if you don't have a racial Cruiser at 3, then you won't receive the corresponding racial Battlecruiser skill. It is thus worthwhile to train all Racial Cruiser skill at 3, then focus on maximizing Battlecruisers before the reimbursement happens.

"Oh crap!" I'd been going full-bore at having Battlecruiser 5 trained, but never trained the other three racial Frigates past 1, much less training the Cruisers. Doing some quick time math, I figured that I have just enough time to switch to training the racial Frigates to 4, get the racial Cruisers to 3, then resume training Battlecruisers to 5. I think I'll be about 1.5 days short of finishing it, but since:

QuotePartial skill training will be properly be saved and duplicated. If you are halfway between Destroyers 3 and 4 when the change hits, your progress will be properly copied to all the racial Destroyer skills you are eligible for.

... I'm okay with just that little bit left for each of the racial Battlecruisers rather than 26 days each. I'm just glad the update was pushed back a week, and that I happened to catch this today with time left to change my queue.

/em fingerscrossed