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The Corner Store

Started by Golden Ace, December 08, 2012, 09:43:19 PM


*penguins waddle in to check out the store*

Golden Ace

Welcome to the corner store!

*Hides book titled "To Serve Penguins"*

♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


The penguins need to repair their house  *sells them a few blocks of ice and some Purina Herring-Flavored Penguin Chow*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


 ;D *penguins pay in USD and snack on the food after paying*


*watches them dance, just like in the movie...applauds*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Oh, do you also rent out DVDs? I'm looking for a "feel-good, heartwarming" holiday movie starring Rhea Perlman and Ann-Margret....

Golden Ace

Quote from: Ad_Astra on December 18, 2012, 01:45:08 PM
Oh, do you also rent out DVDs? I'm looking for a "feel-good, heartwarming" holiday movie starring Rhea Perlman and Ann-Margret....

Ann Margret and Rhea Perlman?...

you do of course realize there will be extra charges involved for such a rare feel-good, heartwarming movie.
♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


*nods* and well worth it...after you watch it you'll want to hug yourself.
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Golden Ace


I guess there is no putting this off.

*Puts on radiation suit, and then puts on special powered armor*

*puts on special over-sized oven-mitts and carefully picks up snow globe from off the shelf*

*takes snow globe into the lead-lined safe room*

If I'm not back in 24 hours you will come in after me.  *glare*


*goes to office and grabs everyone's paychecks and heads back into the vault*

If I'm not back in 24 hours you will come in after me or you will not get paid.  *glare*

*grumbles something about Ann Margret and Rhea Perlman*

*closes door*

*after a few minutes bright multicolored lights can be seen coming from under the door and screams can be heard from the safe room*

♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


Uhhh........................we need three more of those.....ok, boss?   Boss?
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Rotten Luck

:Walks into the store dressed in black pants, black shirt, brown belt and straps on both pants and shirt.  Top it off with a black tench coat.  Of coarse he's a bit on the undead side of things.:  "Excuse me where are the Zombie Care Products."
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


*points to the death row....*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Well this all seems very familiar....

Heya gang!

Golden Ace

*Walks out of safe room and places globe back on the shelf*
remind me next time to bring ear plugs.  that darn globe starts screaming once it see's the electrodes and acid spray.

in any case we have a heartwarming feel-good holiday movie starring Rhea Perlman and Ann-Margret.  I got extra copies just in case.

*looks up and see's Thor*

Hey Thor!

Merry Christmas! 
♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I can spend ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Eve watching DVDs and eating pickled herring.


*thinks it is animal cruelty for Ad to get his fish drunk*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Golden Ace

drunken fish taste better, and they are funny to watch. *nod nod*
♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪

Golden Ace

Last year despite my best efforts ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus for us here at the Corner Store™ did not go as envisioned in a few areas.  So this year I'm going to bring the ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus back into ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus. By eliminating everything that went wrong last year.  Most notably I will be eliminating the Worry about ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Bonuses and The ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Day Nativity Scene.

The Worry about ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Bonuses
To begin with as you know ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus is a time of giving.  Last year, despite numerous hints, I never received ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus bonuses from you people. This year I have taken the worry out of it by eliminating the whole expectation thing on ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Bonuses.  My bonuses have been deducted from your pay checks. Thank you. It was most kind of you all, and much appreciated by me.  I'm sure you all feel better for your act of giving and kindness.  You are all most welcome.

The ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Day Nativity Scene and the non-alcoholic Eggnog.
Last year I put much time and effort into locating 3 wise men and a virgin to beckon last minute ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus day shoppers and entice them to buy the Corner Store™ brand of non-alcoholic Eggnog. It did not go well. Instead of beckoning them in and enticing them with Eggnog, they physically blocked the entrance to the store and drunkenly accosted all perspective shoppers. Furthermore the virgin had triplets a few months ago and currently has 3 restraining orders against the wise men.  So even if I wanted to I couldn't use them again.

The Non-alcoholic Eggnog
It appears the Corner Store™ brand of non-alcoholic Eggnog ferments several months after it expires and becomes alcoholic, and more valuable.  This year the Corner Store will be not be selling non-Alcoholic Eggnog.  We now sell the Corner Store™ brand Alcoholic Eggnog.  Corner store Employees will not consume the Corner Store™ brand of alcoholic Eggnog while on duty...

Thank you all for your patience and have a Happy ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus everyone.

♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


*pulls the Bacon ChrisHannuKwanzFestivus Day Nativity out of the oven and sets it up put front*

*fixes a light that went out on the tree that Golden Ace decorated*

*Samples the latest batch of eggnog*'s fine

Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


May I have some eggnog wthout egg?