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The Corner Store

Started by Golden Ace, December 08, 2012, 09:43:19 PM


*fills the bins with Chia Heads and Shake Weights*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Paragon Avenger

"Healix."  He said as he walked into the store.
"Who are you?"  Healix asked.
"I bought the place, lock, stock, barrel, and you."  He replied.
"You're the new boss?"  Healix asked.
"Just call me, Super Fire Dragon.  Now, go stock the cheese alise."  Super Fire Dragon said.
"We don't have a cheese alise."  Healix exclaimed.
"We do now, alise 3, 4 and 6."  SFD replied.
"What about alise 5?"  Healix asked.
"That will be for Super Fire Dragon Crunch breakfast cereal.  Part of this delicous breakfast."  SFD said.
"Don't mind if I do."  Healix said taking the breakfast from SFD.

Paragon Avenger

Healex, get in here!  We got a new shipment of Stateman Bobble Heads, I need to sale then quick.  There's a rumor that they explode, but that's just a silly rumor.  Now, go stock the shelves, I'll be several miles away at the country club, if you need me.


*dons a store apron and marks the bobble-heads on sale for $3.99 each, or 3 for $.50.*
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Paragon Avenger

Hears a distant explosion.
Orders another Brandy

Paragon Avenger

"Hey that crazy corner store just blew-up."  Someone said walking into the country club.
"Any survivors?"  SFD asked.
"Unknown."  was the reply.
"I own a corner store, I sure hope it wasn't mine. *wink* *wink*  I was here all day. *wink* *wink*"  SFD said.
"Is there something the matter with your eye?"  Someone asked.
They all laughed.

Paragon Avenger

Healix crawled from underneath one of the bobblehead bins.
"Man, I gotta stop eating Tostada Bell for lunch."  Healix said to no-one.
Through the smoke and disorder Healix found the door and made a phone call.
"Super Fire Dragon here, who's there?"  Super fire Dragon answered the phone.
after a short pause.
"I see, well put everything on sale, 9% off."  SFD continued.
"No.  No, no, no, no!  You get no time off!"  SFD said and hung up the phone.

Paragon Avenger

"Hey Dragon."  The Voice said.
"Who said that, and what do you want."  Super Fire Dragon replied.
"I heard you got a store.  Well I gots some merchandise I need sold."  The Voice continued.
"Ok, send your jobber, stictly on consignment."  SFD stated.
"No, you don't understands, you buy for me then you gots to sell them on."  The Voice threatened.
"Look, pally, That ain't the waze I does dings.  You sale on consignment and your jobber sets up the space.  I charge 30%."  SFD countered.
"Thirty percent!  That's highway robbery!"  The Voice responded.
"Take it or leave it."  SFD shot back.
"Hows about 10%, you pay shipping, and you set it up with your stock help?"  The Voice offered.
"No way, Manuel!"  SFD replied not terrible familar with American slang.
"Ok, ok, 15%, FOB to your store, but you stock the shelves."  The Voice said ignoring the dragon's mistake.
"Look, if I got to stock the shelves, I want 35%."  SFD countered.
"The only way for us to pay 35% would be for you to pay shipping."  The Voice argued.
"Ok, ok, I'll stock the shelves, but I want free shipping and 25% with a gurantee that spoiled mercandise will be hauled away in a timely manner."  SFD bargined.
"Oh, this merchandise don't spoil."  the Voice replied.
"Breakage?"  SFD asked.
"Not a problem."  The Voice reassured.
"Well, in that case, FOB, my jobber, and 17%."  SFD offered.
"Let's be gentlemen about it, see.  Free shipping, you stock your own shelves, and 15% commission.  But you gots to promise to put my product in a prime location for sales.  We will be checking up on you."  The Voice demanded.
"Ok, 15% - Done!  Free Shipping - Done!   My stockers - Done!  But, I say where the stuff goes."  SFD shot back.
"Look, we just want to make sure people can see it and buy it without being distracted by better cheaper product."  The Voice explained.
"Oh, don't worry about that, my place ain't got no better merchandise."  SFD reassured.
"Well, in that case, you decide where it goes, but with our input." The Voice responded.
"Deal."  SFD said.
"Deal."  The Voice replied.
"Oh, by the way, what is this merchandise?"  SFD asked.
"Teddy Bears."  The Voice said pulling a very cute Teddy bear from his pocket.
"What have I gotten myself into?"  SFD asked hisself out loud.
They all laughed.

Paragon Avenger

"Hello?  Hello, Healix are you there?"  Super Fire Dragon asked into his phone.
"Yeah, boss."  Healix answered in repliy.
"How's things."  SFD asked.
"Well, one of the Statesman bobbleheads exploded."  Healix surmised.
"Oh, they aren't supposed to do that."  SFD said.
"Anyway, I got the mess cleaned up."  Healix said proudly.
"Great, just great."  SFD stated.
"Thanks, boss."  Healix retorted.
"By the way, expect a shipment of Teddy Bears soon."  SFD continued.
"Ok, will do."  Healix stated satisfied that he could handle just about anything.

Paragon Avenger

Healix heard the thunderous sound of big-rig trucks approaching.
"What the?"  Healix said to hisself out loud as he made his way to the front of the store and peered out the window.
There were a dozen semi trucks coming towards the tiny corner store.
Healix watched as the trucks parked and the drivers hoped out and started unloading their cargo.
But when they started coming into the store with hand-carts stacked with boxes, he got panicked.
"Where do you want them?" Asked one of the delivery men.
"How many boxes do you have?"  Healix asked.
"Each truck is full of boxes for this place, now sign here."  The delivery man demanded.
"Super Fire Dragon!"  Healix exclaimed.

Paragon Avenger

"Healix!  Calm down.  Tell me again what the problem is."  Super Fire Dragon asked over the phone.
SFD was thinking that buying this corner store might not be the easy tax write-off that he was lead to believe.
"Teddy Bears!"  Healix shouted.
"So put them some place for quick sell, they are on consignment."  SFD said pleased with hisself.
"THERE is no PLACE to PUT THEM, you stupid DRAGON!"  Healix shouted into the phone forgetting that he was talking to his employer.
"I can tell that you're upset about something."  SFD said.
"There are teddy bears everywhere, what should I do?"  Healix asked.
"How many teddy bears are we talking about, twenty-fish, Eighty-Sleeve, eleventy-twelve?"  SFD asked hoping to buy time.
"Let's see, 1-2-3-4, GOBS!"  Healix reaffirmed.
"What do these teddy bears look like?"  SFD asked for no reason.
"Well, they are a bit...creepy looking."  Healix confessed.
"I've got it.  Teddy Bear Halloween Sale!"  SFD said putting words together almost randomly.
"Brillant, I get right on it, boss."  Healix replied.

Paragon Avenger

Are you tired of the same old same old that everybody else hangs for Halloween? 
Skeletons, done that.
Ghosts, been there.
Spiders, as if.
Witches, boring.

Be the first on your block to have ... Teddy Bears.
Teddy Bears?  You might ask.
Yes, creepy Teddy Bears with ill-matching eyes and lopsided mouths.
Cute and cuddlily these ain't.
Teddy Bears that will scare the stuffing out of anyone; under the right light and sound effects.
(the right light and sound effects sold separately)
So hurray into the Corner Store, tell them Healix sent you and get a special discount.
(special discount is for future purchases made at a later date, subject to management approval)

That's Teddy Bears, Creepy Teddy Bears for Halloween!

Paragon Avenger

Forget creepy clowns.
Creepy Teddy Bears will scare the stuffing out of you!

"Mommy, my teddy bear made me have a bad dream."  Little kid said.
Who wouldn't want to hear those words?
get yours today!

Paragon Avenger

Did you ever see the movie "Ted"?
Well, imagine that, but much worst!

Paragon Avenger

"Yo, Healix, my man, what it is, dog?"  Super Fire Dragon said trying to sound street.
"Who is this?"  Healix replied over the telephone.
"It is I, Defender of Justice, Protector of Truth, Hero of the City, Your Boss, and all-around great dragon, Super Fire Dragon!"  SFD said turning on the echo reverb when he said his name.
"Oh great, just the guy I wanted to talk to."  Healix countered.
"Really What ... "  SFD said with the echo reverb still turned on.
"Dragon?"  Healix asked.
"Really what did you want to talk to me about?"  SFD said after turning off the echo reverb.
"Teddy bears!  I'm up to my armpits in defective looking teddy bear rejects."  Healix informed.
"Ok, you have my permission to get rid of them anyway you can.  Do not burn down the store."  SFD cautioned.
"Ahhh, man."  Healix blurted out.
"And remember that they are on cosignment, so if we don't make money, we might lose more than our money."  SFD warned.
"Understood"  Healix replied and hung-up.
He is finally free to put his plans into place.

Paragon Avenger

Healix was supposed to come up with a brillant plan to dispose of the teddy bears and still make money.
Good help is so hard to find these days.
They all want benefits.  Benefits!  I'll show them benefits, right in the keister, if I had my way.
And Health Insurance, they say that the gov'ment promised them health care.
Well, go work for the gov'ment then!

It's so hard to find good help these days.

Paragon Avenger

One morning at the corner store...
"Healix, get in here!"  Super Fire Dragon yelled from his manager's office in the back of the store.
"Thank you come again."  Healix said to the customer as he headed for the office.
"You wanted to see me, boss?"  Healix inquired.
"What did you do with all those Teddy Bears?"  SFD asked puzzled.
"Well, you gave me a free hand to dispose of them as I saw fit."  Healix began.
"yeah-yeah-yeah."  SFD countered with interest.
"So I sold them all to the store at a reduced mark-down."  Healix beamed.
"Brillant!  But where are they?"  SFD snorted.
"Well, we needed heating fuel."  Healix said coyiy.
Super Fire Dragon put his face in his palms.
"Well, we did make a profit on the deal."  Healix explained handing the dragon an invoice.
"Wow, do you know what this means?"  SFD asked.
"I get a generous Christmas bonus?"  Healix hoped.
"That's why I keep you around, for the sheer comic value."  SFD laughed.
"I was afraid of that."  Healix said.
"Christmas bonus, ha, that's rich.  No, it means I can get cool new jet boots."  SFD laughed.
"But, you have wings, you can fly.  Why do you need jet boots?"  Healix asked.
"All the cool superhero-store-owners are wearing them these days."  SFD informed.
"Great, just great."  Healix said.
They both laughed.

Paragon Avenger

"So Healix, did you enjoy your Christmas holiday?"  Super Fire Dragon asked as he walked into the store.
"Yes, boss, very much so."  Healix replied.
"You didn't mind keeping the store open all Christmas eve and Christmas day?"  SFD asked.
"Nope, me and my family had Christmas here."  Healix explained.
"Well, according to the books, being the only place open Christmas day really helped sales."  SFD noted.
"Now boss, can we talk about holiday pay?"  Healix inquired.
"Well about that, funny story, see, you had your family down here and that meant that you volunteered."  SFD stated.
"No I didn't!"  Healix raised his voice.
"Ok, ok, you will get triple-time for the holiday."  SFD said.
"Oh, thank you, sir."  Healix replied.
"Of course, working Christmas made you 'special help' which I can pay at a much reduced rate, say 1/3 your regular wage."  SFD calculated.
"Hey, I thought that you didn't understand human numbers."  Healix exclaimed.
"That's right, human numbers confuse me, but this is money."  SFD fired back.
They all laughed.

Paragon Avenger

"Helix, do you have any promotion ideas for Valetine's?"  Super Fire Dragon asked walking into the store where Helix was working.
Helix the enterprizing, although somewhat dim store keeper rubbed his chin in thought.

Paragon Avenger

"Healix!"  Super Fire Dragon called as he walked into the corner store.
"Over here, boss."  Healix called after him.
"Healix, I have a mother of an idea for Mothers' Day."  The little dragon stated.
"I'm all ears."  Healix replied.
"No you're not.  You have arms and legs and hands and feet and ..."  SFD started ranttling off body parts.
"I mean that I'm listening."  Healix interrupted knowing that the dragon wouldn't have stopped before he had named every body part.  Healix had made the mistake of using that expression before.
"Oh!  Good, I knew that.  Anyway,  what if we give away a baby with every $100 purchase?"  SFD said pleased with his business sense.
"What?"  Healix said in disbeleaf.
"Babe-bees.  What don't you understand?"  SFD repeated.  He couldn't believe that Healix didn't understand such a simple and brilliant promotion.
"You can't give away babies!"  Healix shouted.
"Of course not, they have to purchase at least $100 worth of stuff."  SFD explained.
"Dragon, you can't give away babies no matter how much people spend."  Healix countered.
"Oh yeah, who says?"
"Every decent law abiding citizen everywhere."  Healix shot back.
"Oh, it must be one of those silly human rules you people have."  SFD said annoyed.
"I'll come up with a killer promotion for Mothers' Day."  Healix suggested.
"So we won't be giving away babies?"  SFD asked.
"Afraid not."  Healix replied.
"I have to make a phone call."  SFD stated.
They both laughed.