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For any in SW:TOR

Started by jbazzrea1, December 07, 2012, 03:46:47 PM


On harbinger server the Republic Paragons welcome any former CoH players with open arms.

We have teamspeak 3 setup at

We have a guild website up at

Website has a forum and the guild is also expanding into games like guild wars 2 and others can be added to the website should you have suggestions.

In game contact Zutharan or Hagimond republic side or Peregrin-noir and Gyrok imperial side.

If you hop on teamspeak someone will likely be on there to help you get added to the guild.


It's a shame I'm already well established over on Begeren or I'd join up. Maybe if they EVER get actual server transfers working.  :roll:


So far I have a Sith Warrior to 10 and a Jedi Warrior to 8 on Harbinger, and I keep running up against things that CoH did better... all of the "go do this" missions that are open-world where you are competing for your mission goals against everyone else in the zone with that mission, for example. And I keep thinking to myself "this is why I almost always picked Flight for a travel power..." as I'm running through zones -- although my experience with BlasterStealthâ„¢ in CoH is serving me well in being able to skirt the edges of the aggro radii. And the whole concept of the Jedi -- driven by the desire for peace and balance -- gaining level from combat is a little grating. And the continued existence of the "three minions = 1 player" meme that CoH blew apart so well. The absurdly-limited amount of personal-appearance customization, even within the "you look like your gear" MMO standard.

I suspect that I'm going to be comparing games to City of Heroes and finding them lacking for a long time to come...


I have no idea what server I set up on, then I got a server merger notice the next week. Therefore, less idea what server I'm on. I think Positron tweeted that he was on Begeren, though.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Actually posi is on harbinger...we have friended each other...

Any of you are welcome to join us...we have casual players, dedicated players, soloists and group players for pve and pvp.


I'm there on Harbinger with a smuggler type.

Liking the feel of the game in the very early stages, very good Star Wars feel.

Loaded up Teamspeak for the first time in years and got that sorted out too, and joined the website.
The final line of a post  by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."


Hpw do you tell what server you're on, and how do you change?
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Yes Bob, welcome aboard...glad to have you! I saw your application on the website and it looks like Kevin got you added to the site. If you start any imperial toons let me know...I will invite them to the guild imperial side.


When you login to the game and your characters are up on the main screen, in the bottom left corner are a set of buttons. There should be one that says back, and when you back out the top server listed is the one you were on, if you go to another server you can start new characters on it. Let me know if you're on harbinger or want to come to harbinger, we can get you setup.


I am about to have a full-on snit! Everything has to update!
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


What classes would you need?  I've been playing over on Shadowlands since the closure, but haven't really grown roots yet.


Quote from: srmalloy on December 09, 2012, 01:25:26 AMThe absurdly-limited amount of personal-appearance customization, even within the "you look like your gear" MMO standard.

I suspect that I'm going to be comparing games to City of Heroes and finding them lacking for a long time to come...
That's sort of something I hold against many games, and I don't just mean video games in this regard.  Style should not dictate substance, and yet in so many game systems it does.  SW:TOR does better in that regard than most, in that some blaster types can heal, and some cloth-y types can tank, but it is still the case that how you want to play determines how you look and what you wield.

This is something that Champions Online is actually slightly better than CoH with regards to in that there exists in CO the fabled "ranged tank," who can look like pretty much anything you want, and can utilize any of some 60 powers to be a good tank.  (OK, yes, your slotted passive needs to be one of three things.  You're limited in that.  But that's mostly it.  It's also highly recommended that your primary Super Stat be Constitution, but even that is somewhat negotiable if you're willing to be a pseudo-tank for the first 20 levels of your life.)

It's something that Dungeons and Dragons is horrible at.  If you want to be a tanking type in D&D3.5, you either have to play a Crusader from the Tome of Battle, you have to be a Cleric, or you get to suck at your role and pray your GM plays his monsters as stupid.  If you want to play a sword-and-board character, you will be a tank, and if you're not a Crusader you're still going to suck at it.  If you want to play a Cleric who wears cloth, instead of chainmail, you are degrees more vulnerable than if you just wore the armor, with no effective benefit for wearing cloth.  If you want to wield a bludgeoning weapon, you will deal less damage on average than if you wielded a similar piercing or slashing weapon.  Et cetera.

Honestly, the best game at letting you be whatever the hell you wanted and still function however the hell you wanted to function was Mutants and Masterminds, which no one in their right mind would ever be able to translate into a video game.  But it's great at that; if you want to be a shapeshifter whose powers change with your form, you can do that.  If you want to be a hero made of electricity who contributes to party efforts by gathering information and making everyone else super fast or teleporting heroes around the city, you can do that.  If you want to be an inventor who has no intrinsic powers but can jury rig whatever device the team needs in 30 seconds, you can do that.  If you want to play a teenage kid whose psychic powers make him capable of lifting cars and shrugging off bullets, you can do that.  If you want to play a US Army General who, due to a weapons project gone wrong, no longer has corporeal form, you can do that.  And all of these things will be useful to the party.  (And if your GM's good, everyone will feel like they're the MVP.)
Aram:  "Man, just look at all this.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that we get to live surrounded by such wonder."
Gamal:  "We don't live over there." Aram:  "We don't?"
Gamal:  "No.  We live over there." Aram:  "... But it's all on fire."
Gamal:  "Yes it is, Aram.  Yes it is."


Huh. On The Harbinger, the name "Rikti" has already been taken. Weird. ;)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Am on Shadowlands. Sith inquisitor, Jagan.


Paid server transfers coming with rise of the hurt cartel expansion.

Any and all classes welcome...a good thing to have would be more healers though...


Quote from: faith.grins on December 16, 2012, 03:58:33 AMThat's sort of something I hold against many games, and I don't just mean video games in this regard.  Style should not dictate substance, and yet in so many game systems it does.  SW:TOR does better in that regard than most, in that some blaster types can heal, and some cloth-y types can tank, but it is still the case that how you want to play determines how you look and what you wield.

Then there are the various disconnects between the gameworld background and the actual gameplay. All of the jumping puzzles to get to datacrons -- you have Jedi and Sith that can force-leap more than a hundred feet to attack someone, but they can't jump on top of a ten-foot-tall shipping crate? And while it's entirely within character for Sith characters, the premise that Jedi -- espousing an ethos of peace and justice -- advance in level by going out to attack and kill people (preferably with surprise). Or how the Imperial Agent and Trooper classes -- actively in government service -- not only have to pay for their own equipment and its repair out of their own pockets, but pay for it by scavenging off the bodies of the people they kill and selling what they can't use themselves -- and because you're outfitting yourself with what you buy and what you take off your victims, the concept of 'uniform' goes right out the window (which may be acceptable for an undercover agent, but not for active military personnel). And even though the Empire/Republic is too cheap to supply uniforms and gear to its personnel, they've got enough spare starships on hand to give you one of your own -- although you do have to buy fuel for it out of your own pocket.

Even more curiously, the ship my Trooper got has an armory room full of weapons -- none of which she can even pick up, much less use, Also, despite all the room in your ship, if you want to modify your weapon or armor, you have to land somewhere and find a modification station if you don't want to perform a field modification and destroy what you already have slotted in your gear, even though there's plenty of extra space in your ship to have put such a station aboard. You also have to leave your ship to find a terminal to check your email; you can't simply check your email from your ship's comconsole, even though your ship's holoterminal lets you have real-time conversations with someone halfway across the galaxy.

There are just so many 'WTH?' things about SWTOR that I have to shove aside when I'm playing the game that it sometimes feels as if Bioware didn't do much planning when they were designing the game...


You only need the modification station to add an can rip armor/mods/enhancements/crystals without a's always been that way. Once you've added your augment slot you can change those out without a station too. Just make sure you rip the old mod first...if you put the new one in on top of the old one it does destroy it. To take it out just open your inventory and right click the mod you want to remove:)

Through your legacy you can buy upgrades to put an email and a gtn and a vendor Droid on your ship as well.


What restrictions are on f2p players? I've been getting mixed reports of that. I'm moving into a new house and the budget is a bit tight...

Most recently active as Blue Baron

Guardian Server


Well, the TLDR version would be simply: They seem to have confused the terms "trial" and "free to play".

Here's what I've encountered since going F2P:

* If you had more than two quick bars, you'll have to unlock the third and fourth using the Cartel Market points to get them back.

* If you want to unify your colors on your equipment, that's another purchase (but can be bought for all characters on your account instead of per character if you want.)

* F2P is limited to 2 character slots per server, but if you already have more slots in use on a server, you can still log all of those characters in.

* No fleet pass for non-VIP

* Although the number of crew skills is supposed to be limited to two, my characters who already had three crew skills still had all three.  You can still send your companions out to run missions on those skills without any limitations.  It wasn't until I went to actually scan something in the environment that the game made me choose which two skills to keep.  (You don't lose progress on a crew skill when it becomes inactive.)

* F2P accounts cannot send credits through in-game email.

* F2P accounts earn XP at reduced rates compared to VIPs

* F2P players get five free medical probes to revive you in the field. After that, you have to buy more from the market. Subscribers get unlimited probes.

* You cannot select a title for your character without unlocking the ability to do so in the store.  (Not even my "Founder" title.)

* PvP and flashpoint participation are limited for F2P players.  (I never got into the PvP, so I'm not that familiar with the limits.  I believe flashpoints are two per week or something like that.)

* When a quest provides a lockbox of any kind as a reward, F2P players can not receive it

And not directly related to F2P:

* there have been a few rounds of server consolidations, so you may have to rename some characters

Titan Twitter broadcasting at 5.000 mWh and growing.
Titan Facebook

Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov

Mistress Urd

After playing SWTOR for two weeks, it makes me want to play CoH again. Nice to visit to see that the grass is in fact not greener.

I can safely say this game does not pass the CoH test or EvE online test.

Lily Barclay

Quote from: eabrace on January 11, 2013, 12:46:17 AM
Well, the TLDR version would be simply: They seem to have confused the terms "trial" and "free to play".

Here's what I've encountered since going F2P:

* If you had more than two quick bars, you'll have to unlock the third and fourth using the Cartel Market points to get them back.

* If you want to unify your colors on your equipment, that's another purchase (but can be bought for all characters on your account instead of per character if you want.)

* F2P is limited to 2 character slots per server, but if you already have more slots in use on a server, you can still log all of those characters in.

* No fleet pass for non-VIP

* Although the number of crew skills is supposed to be limited to two, my characters who already had three crew skills still had all three.  You can still send your companions out to run missions on those skills without any limitations.  It wasn't until I went to actually scan something in the environment that the game made me choose which two skills to keep.  (You don't lose progress on a crew skill when it becomes inactive.)

* F2P accounts cannot send credits through in-game email.

* F2P accounts earn XP at reduced rates compared to VIPs

* F2P players get five free medical probes to revive you in the field. After that, you have to buy more from the market. Subscribers get unlimited probes.

* You cannot select a title for your character without unlocking the ability to do so in the store.  (Not even my "Founder" title.)

* PvP and flashpoint participation are limited for F2P players.  (I never got into the PvP, so I'm not that familiar with the limits.  I believe flashpoints are two per week or something like that.)

* When a quest provides a lockbox of any kind as a reward, F2P players can not receive it

And not directly related to F2P:

* there have been a few rounds of server consolidations, so you may have to rename some characters

If you have been a subscriber in the past you get six slots per server. The language in the patch notes lead me to believe that of you have more characters than that, you will retain access to all existing characters. My sub runs out on Monday, so we shall see.

You also get 4 quick bars as a former subscriber.

A lot of the unlocks can be bought for credits on the gtn, although some will be above the credit cap for free players. (cap is 150k freem 350k preem)

A lot of these things just went into effect with the patch this week. F2P is a lot more tolerable now for former subscribers.