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Anyone Playing Guild Wars 2?

Started by Peregrine Falcon, December 05, 2012, 06:46:16 AM


I'm three months now with my Sylvari thief, Skoryy. He dinged 80 a month back, he's got his endgame gear, he's been actively keeping my altitis at bay, he's getting into a lot of fun RP, and with the latest patch I've finally made him into the John Woo action hero to put all my CoH/CO DP alts to shame.

The game isn't perfect, and its not City, but its delicious fun. And Tarnished Coast is the best server. ;)


Quote from: Maya Iceflame on June 18, 2013, 05:10:24 PM
I Play GW2 and I like it, I may hate NCsoft but i don't see or have any reason to hate Arena Net. I was a Virtue Player on CoH and I play on Tarnished Coast (The RP Server) in GW2 with a Ele as my main. I Open up a GW2 Chapter of the Justice Girls in GW2 (Yes even in GW2 the group was called The Justice Girls) and We were doing good, a good size group, Doing Armor (Costume) Contest. But We hit a wall at somepoint and Merge with another Group a few weeks ago. needless to say, I'm having a good time in GW2. Plus if let go or don't think of the NCsoft BS, GW2 is a great game.

I thought the Justice Girls sounded familiar. Who'd you merge with?


Well I can't speak for everyone that was in the Justice Girls, but I know that Maya and at least 2 others joined the guild I'm in, 'of Quiet Resolve' [QuRe]. It's a pretty active and helpful group, though at the moment, it's rather light on the RP... I'm (slowly but surely) trying to help fix that...
Not that I think it should be 'IC all the time every time!' mind you, but I personally like getting into character at least once in a while...
Always remember... The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...

Maya Iceflame

Yea the Justice Girls Merge with 'of Quiet Resolve' [QuRe] and i say around 2/3 of the group join them. I'm also a member of a Jade Quarry Group call "Heroes of Paragon" [COH], My home server is Tarnished Coast The RP Server. The server Feels almost like Virtue, And i do miss using ICON but I always find a way to make my characters look good. The Living Story Arcs (GW2 Version of CoH Signature Story Arc) are good and help make the world feel more alive, While most it is temporary they leave a permanently changed in the GW2 World. And i guess the reason why its Mostly Temporary is because Anet really wants to make the World to feel more Alive then all the other MMO Plus some of the things from the living story is Staying too like the Aetherblades (Sky Pirates with Steampunk Armor). Its a ongoing evolution. Oh yea and as for trying to tank in GW2, Try to keep this in Mind "your Not Super anymore, But you can Give it all you Got and Show them You Don't need super powers to be the Best!" Playing that Your the Best Song may help too. :D

PS: one more thing about trying to make your Character look good with Limited Armor Sets, If there a Will, There is a Way... A WAY TO MAKE YOUR CHARACTER LOOK GOOOOOOD! XD.


My Elementalist with Staff and Glymph of Lesser Elementals and Greater Fiery Sword (names might not be totally accurate), I can take down a Veteran solo, no problem.  Some are actually easier then others for some reason. 

I still have 32% of the map to go too.  And I have jumping puzzles.  I did finish the Dragon Bash but then they came out with the Pirate thingy.  So much to do.

I do collect the dyes and get as many costumes as I can.  I wear different ones in the lower zones where I know that they will suffice for the baddies in that zone.  I miss COH's costumes creator.  But I do the best I can with what I got.

I sure do miss my Ice/DM tank a whole lot though.

Maya Iceflame

My Elementalist Also use a Staff too and is my Main Using Knight set Armor with Sentinel/Soldier Jewels I got my Elementalist set up good. I Build my Elementalist to be a All round type of Elementalist from PvE to Dungeon to WvW and is my most used Character too.

And I do miss my Dual Pistol Blaster and using a HVAS on missions too.