How are you handling the loss?

Started by AeternalDreamer, December 03, 2012, 06:51:49 AM


Basically im not playing anything right now.. havent played a video game in months.. have a new rig and nothing to play.. no interest in anything...

what I hate the most is that I made some of my best toons right before they annouced the end..

Shiv'R Ice/Thorn Dominator with Perma-Dom and soft capped to S/L

Reactor Rad/Fire Blaster softcapped to S/L/E.. he was a PbAoE monster... he could melt most mobs in three attacks..

sigh... I hate you NCSoft...


Handling a loss like this?
Nearly impossible for me!

I didn't play when November arrived. Something I still regret every day!

After I had to leave Paragon City in 2009 because of financial issues, I went into a small depression. Something my wife can acknowledge. I was bad tempered more often, couldn't vent my stress or frustrations properly and finding a replacement for CoH proved impossible. I tried F2P mmo's of all kinds. I tried single player games like Splinter Cell and Assassins Creed to find distraction. But images of Atlas Park, Peregrine Island, Talos Island and the Chantry kept appearing in my mind.

Then CoH went F2P...I was saved! Once again I could enter the world I loved more than my real life (yes it's true). The day CoH went F2P I reactivated my 2 accounts. All my characters were still there. I had to delete a few because I was now a Premium player and not a VIP. But my most precious characters were all there.

Entering Atlas Park with my main felt so good! The view was stunning!

And then it was all blown to 'bits' by NCSoft!
I felt if stabbed in the back by a 4 year old that doesn't want to share its toys.

I never gave up though. My characters live on and have their adventures in stories I write.
And once I learned about Icon, the offline character creator, I decided to put my CoH Fansite back online.
Now I'm redesigning the site, pulling data from CIT about my characters, rewriting stories and soon start learning how to
code demos so I can make videos.

Even though I'm nearly heartbroken with NCSoft's action...CoH was never dead to me. I could never get it off my mind.
It will never leave my heart!
playing on Reunion as Star Jewel, Emberflair, Lumitia, Novaspark, Dawnshade, Mystfure, Ion Blaze, Heatstrike, more...


ok, I still have loss handling issues................................................................

I am not handling this well at all.... I admit, I geniuely love City of Heroes, it was a great game even as a game critic I could find nothing in it's gameplay or atmosphere/context to complain about..........

and thats saying allot especially seeing as I complain about the smallest tiniest little thing that could have been better!!!

city of heroes was and still is, the only way for me to live my superhero fantasies... and of coarse the only place I can ever communicate with such fine people and generally have fun messing around defeating evil or joining it or even siding with tyrant heheheh.

the straw that broke the camel's back for me is that CoH was the only game my Girlfriend would play with me, no other MMO's interest her, infact I will say this, in many ways City of heroes was the best long distance relationship counselor I could ask for. weather it was playing the game and forgetting about the distance between us for a few hours, or weather it was the contextual support from the players, It helped so tremendously and every day my girlfriend is away I struggle to keep her sane about the relationship without CoH and my friend(s) help.

I don't care what it takes to get CoH back, I don't care if I have to side with an enemy of the USA, maybe we should introduce Kim Jong Un to the game and have him attack S Korea and demand the surrender of CoH to annother company, heck I'd take a bullet for the guy who does that!

without CoH, my life, relationship and me are in an insane turmoil that I don't see a way out of easily, and believe me I'm trying every day to figure out a way!!
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.


Horribly.  I miss COH so much that it physically hurts sometimes, and there is no other game that comes even close to it.  I tried so many and even thought I could stick with a couple, but no. It's COH for me.  Or nothing.  So I guess it's nothing.  It makes me so sad.


Yea, I'm not dealing with it all that well, either...  I've been sitting here in front of the machine listening to the music-files from CoH...  and when the original title-screen music cycled to the top of the queue I just about choked up a little bit.

I'm not a very emotional person at heart, generally pretty relaxed, easy going with a 'F-it' sort of attitude with things I can't change.   But I haven't managed to do that with CoX.  Not even close.

CoX held a really special place for me.  It was my home away from home for years while I was off working so far from home.  Even when GDN hit in Issue 5... and then ED right after in Issue 6 set things on their ear I never let my paid account run dry.  (I did, however, cancel out of protest each time... but re-subscribed before my paid time ran out.)

... and while the game was changing pretty quickly with new issues, powers, and such coming out... I never felt like the rug was pulled out from under me.

*sigh*  And as I was about to post, the 'Villain mission-complete' just played.   Ironic. ;)

Thunder Glove

I just started playing League of Legends, for various reasons (none of which involve actually enjoying MOBAs or any sort of PvP at all - so far, all my games have been against AI bots, who usually pound me into the dirt).

Playing it just reminds me once again how much of a gigantic gap there is between a CoH Tanker (an indestructible stone wall - possibly literally - who is usually the last to fall, if he falls at all) and any other MMO "tank" (a slightly-less squishy character who has to have at least one person dumping healing spells on him all the time).

It also makes me realize that part of the reason I liked CoH so much is that not only did any team combination and powerset combination work, it also didn't require you to be a master strategist to win every single fight.

I want CoH back.  More and more every day.


while i still long for coh, im not so much sad anymore as i am extremely bitter and angry at ncsoft, they have burned their bridges and given me a good reason to hold a grudge against them until such a time as they release the game, even if they release it i cant say that i wont ever forget what they did and not be angry at them

in the meantime though im basically going through my massive list of steam games to try new things, cant really get into any mmos though as all of them are disappointing to me and just dont fit my playstyle


Quote from: NecrotechMaster on April 28, 2013, 07:24:45 AM
while i still long for coh, im not so much sad anymore as i am extremely bitter and angry at ncsoft, they have burned their bridges and given me a good reason to hold a grudge against them until such a time as they release the game, even if they release it i cant say that i wont ever forget what they did and not be angry at them

in the meantime though im basically going through my massive list of steam games to try new things, cant really get into any mmos though as all of them are disappointing to me and just dont fit my playstyle

Thunder Glove, I too have gravitated to LoL.  I think because it is easy, and I am not emotionally invested.  With CoH I was...  with every single toon I had...  Interesting point...

And, I don't like the fact that others have decided what I can, or in this case, cannot do.  I "Cant play City of Heroes", no matter what I do...  Not used to Not Getting My Way...


There's certainly a hole, but I really only hurt the night it went down. I guess the worst thing now is when I feel the itch to be heroic, there's nothing out there that scratches it. CoH did it better than any other. CO and DCUO just don't get the job done for me. I tended to take breaks in my play time, primarily cause I would play so much I'd burn out, but one way to get me back in was a crisis in the real world. Since I can't be a superhero and face off said crisis, I would jump into CoH and be that hero facing any number of crises. After what happened in Boston and West, Texas, I got that itch again, but due to our situation, I had to jump into CO. However, I'm still feeling pretty empty even after playing for the past week or so. CO, and to a greater extent DC, just doesn't cut it, doesn't make me feel heroic like CoH did. I think that's what I miss most. I sure hope the "spiritual successors" can pull that off, and be able to quench that thirst.

Ashen Fury

I recently reset my phone, and it seemed like a perfect time to make a couple new ringtones / notification tones.

So now, whenever I get a message or email, I get the hero mission complete tune, and I have the "new" atlas park theme as my actual ringtone. Makes me smile.
Permanently Scrapperlocked.

Love CoH music? Want EVERY SINGLE FILE?,7192.0.html

Von Krieger

I'm still getting urges to play. CoH was my go to game for when I wanted to watch some TV or listen to a podcast or something.

I want to play so damned badly I'm actually DREAMING about playing the game and/or it being back.

It happened in three different dreams last night.


While it will never fill the gap in my heart I have fell in love with my characters in DCUO and Champions. Sadly everytime I go to Arkam Island I think about Mother Mayhems hospital or when I goto ACE Chemicals I think about Crey's Folly. And then encountering brainiac npcs; especially the green and black ones remind me of headman gunman rikti. MY god I want to run an MSR so badly.

Thunder Glove

Quote from: Amph on April 28, 2013, 08:26:22 AM
Thunder Glove, I too have gravitated to LoL.  I think because it is easy, and I am not emotionally invested.  With CoH I was...  with every single toon I had...  Interesting point...

I don't know if "gravitated" is the right word.  I'm not really enjoying it.

I die way too much because CoH has skewed my perception of how survivable a Tank should be.  Every time I die I want to scream at the other players "This guy you claim is a tank takes 45% damage for six seconds and 100% damage the rest of the time!  That is not a tank!"  It really says something about CoH vs. other games that their "ultimate" Defensive Mastery skill is a whopping 3% reduction in damage.

And I hate how difficult the so-called "Beginner" bots are.  I can only kill one if I have at least one other person helping me.  One-on-one, I just die (even if I started the fight with more health).  I don't know how I'm going to handle Intermediate bots, let alone actual players without predictable patterns. I don't find the game easy at all.  Every fight is an exercise in frustration, and, while my team has won fights, I haven't had any direct influence on those victories.

And I hate how gear-focused the game is.  Mastering all the +Health skills nets you 31 extra HP at level 1 (or 138 extra HP at max level); a cheap amulet at level 1 adds 180.  And yet even the gear with the best bonuses never seems to help me survive.

And I hate how long each battle takes.  (Especially since I spend so much of each one faceplanted)

Most of all, I hate that I can't play the character I actually want. Before I started playing the game, I looked over the Champion list, found one who sounded interesting, and said to myself "There. That's my main.  When I get into the game, I'm choosing that one!"

... only to learn that the character I wanted is not available to new F2P players (and in fact is one of the most expensive Champions in the game), so I'm stuck with playing goofy-looking scarecrows and blatant 8-Bit Theater ripoffs.  I like creating my own characters, not having to pick from a limited pool of preselected characters (and that pool will change in a few days, so any tricks I've managed to pick up so far will be useless to me).

On top of that, it turns out my computer's OS is a little too old to properly run the game, and so I can't access the in-game store to unlock any Champions, even though I have enough IP for a couple of Heroic-tier characters so I could at least have something resembling a "main" until I save up enough IP to get the character I actually wanted to play.  Or so I thought.

... part of how I'm handling the loss is ranting about how much other games seem to be doing their best at being exactly the OPPOSITE of everything I loved about CoH.


at times I still feel......................
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Ice Trix

Quote from: healix on April 29, 2013, 05:34:05 AM
at times I still feel......................

The same. Then I come onto these boards and not sure if it makes it worse by recalling memories or better for reminding me of the fun I had.


Played the mp3s for coh today while playing gw2.  didn't realize how the villain music fit gw2 so well especially M1 and M9.  M9 is the opener for cov during toon selection and M1 is played when you enter Ghost widow's base in mercy island.

Brought back some memories.
No Surrender!


Bored out of my freakin gourd  tried to go back to rift boring snooze not able to raid on a regular basis and if I could I was behind on gear the grind to get gear was painful and boring.

Diablo III snooze fest better to play the market then to play the game more interesting to many powers are worthless at higher levels.

I tried a really really old game Horizons but no real aoe everything is a 1 monster grind fight. Only nice part is multi classing but just to blah after playing COH.

I mean the best i ever did at any game prior to COH was two max level toons. Until coh then I got 9 toons to 50 and 5 of those before IO's. The replay factor made it fun and if I stepped away for a bit I came back and it was still great.

Right now I have no clue everything coming out looks so blah. I am about to be back to playing solitaire for fun it is more entertaining than most the MMO's coming out


I play Left For Dead 2 - running a Campaign game is similar to a TF!


Quote from: Thunder Glove on April 28, 2013, 05:00:07 AM
It also makes me realize that part of the reason I liked CoH so much is that not only did any team combination and powerset combination work, it also didn't require you to be a master strategist to win every single fight.

I want CoH back.  More and more every day.
This.  Gone were the days of WoW where you had to get a tank and a healer...even in the days after the dungeon finder it was pretty annoying. 
I remember going through some missions with my katana/willpower scrapper Serkana and one of my friends with an invulnerability tanker.  We were facing the Lost, so he was pretty much resistant to everything BUT Psionic attacks, but as I had Willpower I was immune to most of it.  So the two of us cleared out some missions with the difficulty raised with him tanking and myself off tanking when he would wipe (due to psi attacks).  In what other game can I have a character that can DPS and Off-tank long enough for the tank to rez and come back?  Also, I would be having fun the entire time and not have a lick of frustration.

Man...Other MMOs just do not even come close to CoH in so many regards. :-\
Serkana The Wise
Primal Praetorian


Quote from: DJMoose on May 01, 2013, 07:15:27 PM
This.  Gone were the days of WoW where you had to get a tank and a healer...even in the days after the dungeon finder it was pretty annoying. 
I remember going through some missions with my katana/willpower scrapper Serkana and one of my friends with an invulnerability tanker.  We were facing the Lost, so he was pretty much resistant to everything BUT Psionic attacks, but as I had Willpower I was immune to most of it.  So the two of us cleared out some missions with the difficulty raised with him tanking and myself off tanking when he would wipe (due to psi attacks).  In what other game can I have a character that can DPS and Off-tank long enough for the tank to rez and come back?  Also, I would be having fun the entire time and not have a lick of frustration.

Man...Other MMOs just do not even come close to CoH in so many regards. :-\

I loved the ease of teaming. I loved jumping on to random teams. I've not seen such a vast teaming community as I did in CoH

I also loved how specing made SENSE. AND you didn't HAVE to have set IOs. I can't tell you how many toons were fanke-SO'd ... And you didn't have to grind yourself senseless JUST for the chance of 1 piece of gear o.o ... Plus, tell me how many of us had those friends who were like "oh, you need xyz? Here you go! I have tons."