How are you handling the loss?

Started by AeternalDreamer, December 03, 2012, 06:51:49 AM


Quote from: srmalloy on September 13, 2013, 05:35:42 PM
I went through and took screenshots of all of my characters, and in addition to being squirrelled away on disk, I have them all in a folder on my tablet where I can pull them up and look through them to keep the memory... and the hope... alive.

Heh, that's the way. ^^ I've taken a lot of screenies in the Icon and been using them as Icons and such.
I am the gun that rains judgement. I am the chill in the spine of evil doers. I am the flame that burns with justice. I am the teal angel that rises from death! I! AM! KAIT0!


Now why on earth would anyone want to delete screenies of a beloved alt??? I lost about 5000 screenies in a hard drive crash shortly before shutdown announcement. I still mourn those mementoes THAT I CAN NEVER REPLACE.

I took about 3000 more before shutdown and I am still taking them in Icon. Your alts are treasures. Cherish the mementoes you have; especially the last shot you have. I would slice off a pinky before I deleted that!!


I don't know when we will get our city back, but when we do....I'd like to think this will happen
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
-Lex Luthor

Twisted Toon

We have an anonymous request that goes out to NCSoft.

<Plays song>
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. - George Weinberg

Hope ... is not a feeling; it is something you do. - Katherine Paterson

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. - Cynthia Nelms


This gave me a thought....

COH Theme: We Weren't born to follow.

We weren't born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe

-Bon Jovi
"Frank! It's the love boat to Cuba! Shuffle board and pineapples filled with rum. Know what they do? They put little paper umbrellas sticking out the top so that when it rains, it don't thin out the liquor."


Wow...didnt realize the anniversary was so close?  I too and finding myself wanting CoH back.  Started jones'n for a superhero fix, havent played a superhero game since the shutdown, and found myself actually clicking on the CoH icon still on my desktop.  It was my go to hero fix.  So i downloaded and logged into DCUO for the first time and started looking for a way to "remake" my D3 Defender and found utter disappointment :(.  I know D3s werent the "best" but dang it i loved that toon.  I remember one day while leveling, I was around 47ish, and decided to see just how many rikti I could stack on me without getting defeated.  Man that was great, had so many a blaster flew by, stopped, watched for a min and whispered me if I needed help.  My reply? It was this, "No im good thanks :)....actually could you kill em for me :)" haha.

I wasnt very active in the community but man I regret that.  Still even a year later this community proves to be the closest and strongest of any game ive played....EVER.  I miss you guys! :(

J. Artigron (D3 Defender; Freedom)


I will continue to feel the loss until we get out City back. Other games are ok/terrible/fun but will never replace The City.
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Have to remember to make sure I fire up Icon and spend the last bit of November 30 in the plaza of Atlas Park.


The time is 1:00 a.m.  In two hours, almost to the minute, we reach the anniversary of the game's closure in the early hours of December 1, 2012.

I really, really miss City of Heroes and all it entailed.  I might try Icon, but I haven't yet; the music files, my HeroClix pieces, the CCG cards, my reminiscing with friends and girlfriend all mean that the game is still very fresh in my mind.

If I didn't have church in the morning, I'd likely stay up 'til three a.m. Eastern thinking back and reflecting, but I do, and I have a lot of papers to grade tomorrow, so I can't really do that.

As I think I've said before, there have been many games that I've backed off playing--simply slid away from over time to where I didn't really care to go back to play them as much.  Some of these have been online games: The Kingdom of Loathing, Graal Online, Gunz Online, Diablo 1-3.  For the first three, there was some sense of closure, some sense of completion.  For the Diablo series, I still install and play a little of those from time to time.  I don't know if the first two games in that list (The Kingdom of Loathing and Graal Online) are even still around, as I haven't checked them in ages, and Gunz closed quietly without my knowledge.  I simply tried to log in, and it wasn't there, and it didn't really hit me, as I hadn't played it in months.  When I lost my level 45 Warrior (Diablo 1) to a botched reinstall and my tweaked out 92 Paladin to not playing long enough to keep it active, there was a sick feeling in the stomach--regret--but not like the loss of City of Heroes.  I don't know that any of us who was actively playing in the months near the end was truly ready to see the game go.

All we can do is look to the future, with the various options available in the light of spiritual successors.  It's obvious that, by this time, the push to get NCSoft to reopen the game is likely a lost cause; it would be a wonderful, blessed miracle if they DID, but their track record is notoriously poor in these matters.

So here's to holding hope for the future of this community and for the future of the offshoots being brought up to honor the memory of City of Heroes.  May they all flourish and do well in years to come.

But for me?

I miss our City.

-- Tubbius of Justice Server

Thunder Glove

It may not make you feel better about CoH (it certainly didn't for me), but Kingdom of Loathing is alive and well (and still getting constant updates), and the annual Crimbo event starts today.  In fact, playing the Crimbo content last year is one of the things that helped me get through that first month.

In the meantime, keep holding a torch for for CoT, VO, SCoRE, and even HaV.


Well, it was in July the last time I checked into this thread. I'm beginning to believe that I will never get past City of Heroes.

I've tried a baker's dozen of MMO's. Some better than others but none that really gripped me like City of Heroes did.  My computer gaming right now is all single player and much of it retro (pre-2000 is my arbitrary cut-off for retro). I even started replaying the first computer game I ever played back in 1981.

TonyV posted on another thread that things are happening, but slowly, in That Project Which Must Be Named. But it was great to hear anything.

I load up Icon and play around for a little while just so I can keep current on it's state. Finally got the popmenus to work. (one stupid missing 's' was keeping it from working).

Other than that, it is on the list of things I have lost in life that I think about every day.
AKA TheDevilYouKnow
Return of CoH - Oh My God! It looks like it can happen!


I've been sick with a severe cold/flu since last Thursday, with no medicine able to stop the coughs that prevent me from getting more than an hour or so of sleep at a time, so my brain is frazzled as much as my body at this point.  I've tried playing other games, but they are either too simple to relieve my boredom or too complex for my currently limited faculties.  CoX would have been the perfect emotional prescription for me right now.  Man do I miss that game!


Trying to get the stuff that made CoH great into other online RPG's.

Other than that, not handling it that well since I'm posting here after all.


Well, today I got a cover art idea request from my publisher for the 14th book in the series.  And for the first time in years I couldn't log on to COH to give a little bit of background landscape.  That's another first for me, and I didn't like it.  :'(
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


I confess I haven't read this thread in months, but this made me smile:

Quote from: Twisted Toon on September 20, 2013, 12:11:18 AM
We have an anonymous request that goes out to NCSoft.

<Plays song>
Thanks, Twisted!   ;D
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine

Twisted Toon

Quote from: johnrobey on January 23, 2014, 07:16:44 PM
I confess I haven't read this thread in months, but this made me smile:
Thanks, Twisted!   ;D
Sometimes, there's no school like the old school.  ;)
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. - George Weinberg

Hope ... is not a feeling; it is something you do. - Katherine Paterson

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. - Cynthia Nelms


Quote from: Twisted Toon on September 20, 2013, 12:11:18 AM
We have an anonymous request that goes out to NCSoft.

<Plays song>
Although this song was originally about warmongers (i think), the refrain was stuck in my head the day after the closing

If I had a rocket launcher, I'd make somebody pay - Bruce Cockburn
History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of men


I got a doll made by laylarei. It really cheers me up to have Hyakki lurking around again.