How are you handling the loss?

Started by AeternalDreamer, December 03, 2012, 06:51:49 AM

General Idiot

See my earlier comment about it definitely being CoH.


I wanted to go surfing in Talos today.  calamari for lunch.  hamburgers on the pier.  beers at pocket d.  man, I miss this place.
Baja Mercury:  Accelerator.


I was driving in my car this morning, put on the youth-culture radio station, and the song in this video was playing:

The memories made my eyes water.


Today I would have received my 8-year badge -- well, if Freedom hadn't broken the anniversary badges -- so I'm especially missing the game at the moment.  :(


Quote from: Todogut on July 28, 2013, 02:47:04 PM
I was driving in my car this morning, put on the youth-culture radio station, and the song in this video was playing:

The memories made my eyes water.

That was a very nice video. I didn't recognize every single character. What a shame. Such a wealth of characters.

Golden Girl

Quote from: General Idiot on July 28, 2013, 11:12:36 AM
See my earlier comment about it definitely being CoH.

I think that you missed the point a bit :P
"Heroes and Villains" website -
"Heroes and Villains" on Facebook -
"Heroes and Villains" on Twitter -
"Heroes and Villains" teaser trailer -
Artwork -

Fire Star

I am still not handling the loss well.  I have played a lot of games and will continue to roam until CoX comes back or another rises to replace it, but I am still extremely sad.  I know it is "just a game" to some, but for me it was home.  My toons were like my pets or children if you will.  I invested a lot of time in the game, made great friends and I always knew I would have fun when I logged in.  I still feel like I have lost a good friend.  I have been told that I need to get over it and perhaps I do, but it will not be any time soon.


Latest update?  I still think about the game and talk it over with friends regularly.  One thing that's helped some is reassembling most of the core members of the SG from City on Marvel Heroes.  I'm missing two: a friend of mine and his girlfriend; his computer can't handle Marvel, and she won't go for it without being able to create her own characters.  Otherwise, I've gotten me, my girlfriend, the SG cofounder, and a couple of the more active members (and a couple friends of one of those members) to join up and recreate The Omniscients, from Justice.  :)

One step at a time, right?  We ALL still want City back, of course, but Marvel's the next best thing, for now, for me and mine, it seems.


Quote from: Twisted Toon on July 26, 2013, 06:26:18 AM
You don't remember me (Agent Standin, Emerald Radiant, Arilou, Dark Dave, and several others) from Infinity?!?  :'(

Not surprising really, since I usually ran around solo.  ;D

Whenever I saw Taxibot Belle on Infinity, I would send her a PM saying "Thank you for your contributions to helping others." Or something along those lines. I really appreciated what the Taxibots did, especially when the Hollows was still new and sparkly. Belle just happened to be the first Taxibot I ever saw.

Ah...memories...  :)

To true that. Belle was one of the greats, and the memories are really fantastic.

And as for not remembering you, I might. Have a screen shot? I'll be the first to admit I remember costumes better than names most of the time.  ;)

Twisted Toon

Quote from: Ellscry on July 30, 2013, 06:36:12 PM
To true that. Belle was one of the greats, and the memories are really fantastic.

And as for not remembering you, I might. Have a screen shot? I'll be the first to admit I remember costumes better than names most of the time.  ;)
Like I said, I usually played solo most of the time.

But, here's Agent Standin, Bio and all.

Agent Standin was the back-up agent when someone in the group couldn't make it on Agent Night. Also, as a Lobster, he was the back-up Tank for the team. There were times when he was the only one ...wait for it....Stil Standin.  ;D
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. - George Weinberg

Hope ... is not a feeling; it is something you do. - Katherine Paterson

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. - Cynthia Nelms


Quote from: Todogut on July 28, 2013, 02:47:04 PM
I was driving in my car this morning, put on the youth-culture radio station, and the song in this video was playing:

The memories made my eyes water.

Neat video, but I had to mute the song.


Quote from: Twisted Toon on July 31, 2013, 04:13:48 AM
Like I said, I usually played solo most of the time.

Hi-larious.  ;D

I'll have to admit I do not remember Agent Standin, and I think I would had I read that bio. I had an unfortunate habit of soloing most of the time (at least until they came out with the incarnate trials and I lost my mind running them).

The one toon that really tickles my memory is Emerald Radiant. I swear I saw that toon several times in Dark Astoria, or maybe Atlas, and noticed the costume...But then again my memory could be made of mush.

Twisted Toon

Quote from: Ellscry on July 31, 2013, 01:38:28 PM
Hi-larious.  ;D

I'll have to admit I do not remember Agent Standin, and I think I would had I read that bio. I had an unfortunate habit of soloing most of the time (at least until they came out with the incarnate trials and I lost my mind running them).

The one toon that really tickles my memory is Emerald Radiant. I swear I saw that toon several times in Dark Astoria, or maybe Atlas, and noticed the costume...But then again my memory could be made of mush.
I looked through my photos that I have hosted and couldn't find it. It seems that I lost my folder of screen shots that I had on my computer as well.

Anyway, this is an approximation of what his costume looked like. He never made it to the Incarnate Dark Astoria.
Emerald Radiant was created as a Radiation/Energy Defender. All his powers were colored Green as well.

I'm sure no one could guess the inspiration for THAT character.  :roll:
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. - George Weinberg

Hope ... is not a feeling; it is something you do. - Katherine Paterson

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. - Cynthia Nelms


Quote from: Twisted Toon on July 31, 2013, 02:33:07 PM
Emerald Radiant was created as a Radiation/Energy Defender. All his powers were colored Green as well.

I'm sure no one could guess the inspiration for THAT character.  :roll:

Nice :)

That reminds me of a character I made for a costume contest once. The theme was "amalgam", basically you take two different comic book characters and blend them together. I made a Green Lantern / Ghost Rider outfit for him, and a Captain America / Iron Man outfit. (I also made a Doctor Doom / Joker outfit, but that turned out much less impressive, hehe.) I called him Genepool... loved the name, but I couldn't think of a powerset that worked with it so he just sat there collecting dust bunnies. (In his defense though, he farmed the heck out of them. At one point he hit the cap on dust bunny salvage. Whee!)

Twisted Toon

Quote from: Triplash on July 31, 2013, 04:09:22 PM
Nice :)

That reminds me of a character I made for a costume contest once. The theme was "amalgam", basically you take two different comic book characters and blend them together. I made a Green Lantern / Ghost Rider outfit for him, and a Captain America / Iron Man outfit. (I also made a Doctor Doom / Joker outfit, but that turned out much less impressive, hehe.) I called him Genepool... loved the name, but I couldn't think of a powerset that worked with it so he just sat there collecting dust bunnies. (In his defense though, he farmed the heck out of them. At one point he hit the cap on dust bunny salvage. Whee!)
Those look great.  :)

You should try Captain Green Iron man next.  :P
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it. - George Weinberg

Hope ... is not a feeling; it is something you do. - Katherine Paterson

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. - Cynthia Nelms


...How am I handling it? Still not very well, sad to say. As more time passes it sinks in further: our home is gone. If it were not for Icon and my at least being able to SEE facsimiles of my characters, I don't know what I would do. Icon is the last little straw I am holding onto.

My oldest character would have been seven years old this May. I hate NCSoft to the bottom of my soul. I know that is not seen as correct, but I do.


How am I handling it? Now well at all. When the game was shut down, I wasn't even able to be there, because my computer had crashed and would not reinstall the client properly. (I have 256k DSL, so while I could log in and play the game, having to redownload it was night impossible at times) So I missed out on the final Halloween festivities, the final runs, the raising of the torches.

I deleted all my screenshots a month later. too depressed to look at them and remember all the fun I'd had. for the next few months, I sputtered on, basically ignoring all the talk of the game except for occasionally checking the news in hopes that NCSoft had rescinded its edict or at least explained once and for all why they killed my home. they never did, which just left me to fester over the scum of the earth that are business people who will look at a thing that is thriving and say "nope, it's not making ME enough money, kill it and pay me the difference."

The last few months have been pretty rough IRL for me, and more than once, I've thought, "you know what would feel better, "Let's go save the city!" only to remember a moment later on looking for the Launcher icon... oh, that's right, some greedy asshole firebombed The City and then pissed in the ashes and salted the earth behind them. like a kindergarten bully who doesn't want anyone else playing with his toys.

So I started actively looking for more news. Like so many others, I found all the old, dead links, the ones from 2008 that pointed to long dead private racks. the fanciful lies of people claiming to be playing on private servers only made me angrier still. I knew of Phoenix Project. I had actually joined their message board way back in February, but there was little I could contribute to it. I chattered a bit in one or two threads but that fell off as well.

These past few weeks have only grown worse. I've tried the other Hero RPGs out there since I don't do swords and sorcery, after hours of downloading each through borrowed connections, none of them trip my trigger remotely. In fact, I'd say after 3 weeks of playing Champions Online, it makes me all the angrier for that game coming from the same team that originally created our game, but that it falls flat in the areas I enjoy like the stories told and the encompassing world-building or the free form play.

but worse, are the states of the revival projects. SEGS is a badly broken bizzaro world that barely functions in one guy's garage server rack. Icon is a morose ghost town utterly devoid of other people having fun and of much of anything to do which just reminds me of what's been lost. And Phoenix is schismed into two projects now, neither one of which seems to be moving along much beyond concepts, and even if they are, I am not a coder and I have no money to donate, and both already have writers out the ying yang and so no ways for me to be involved.

all my opinion, but that's what counts when i'm the one living inside my head

So no, I'm not handling it well. not well at all. especially not coming up on the one year anniversary of the death warrant being signed.
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
-Lex Luthor


Icon is indeed a ghost town but somehow an occasional log in calms me a little. I still have afew more costumes to recreate..... this game was my main source of stress relief and I'm trying to deal with that being gone

So I log into st martial and make it night one more time. Depending on the character I go say hi to my girl Verandi. Then I go perch on a rooftop in The Flop and look at the lights for a while.

It beats nothing. For sure.

Phoenix project is about to Kickstart. While I am not certain I would do that without at least their version of Icon to show off - its their decision..... and maybe one day not too far away we can see the evening lights sparkle somewhere else.


You know what I truly miss? now having tried the other flavours of MMO out there in a desperate attempt to fill the gap?

How truly versatile the City of Heroes was.
-You could play it as a single person, linear story game, and still never play the same story twice, and get all the way through it each time. (minus incarnate task forces of course)
-You could play it as a real time strategy game. calling out tactics and formations and spotting for your buddy in every task force from DFB to Incarnate and just simple sweep-the-streets runs.
-You could play it as an old school rpg game, seeking out all the drops and all the side quests and all the rare gear you could get before you leveled out of an area.
-You could play it as a old skool MMORPG in the veins of Evercrack and UO, raiding with your guild (supergroup) against your arch enemies in the other faction.
-You could run the tables in the auction house and invention system and play it like monopoly or tycoon and amass insane amounts of in-game currency (often tanking parts of the economy in the process)
-you could be a programing maestro in the AE system, and write your own twisted little stories
-You could play it as a modern first-to-the-top MMO just racing to get the best stats.
-You could even, to an extent, play it as a MOBA in the arena system and the PVP.

Best of all, you weren't locked in. So many other MMOs say, "this is your class, these are your abilities, and this is your stat rate." In City of Heroes you could do or be anything! a tank didn't have to be just a tank, it could be a heavily armored healer, or it could be  a crowd control fixture with all manner of secondary buffs. An archer didn't just have to be a sniper, it could be something akin to an oldschool D&D Monk with healing and combat abilities mixed together. Every class and every powerset counted for something, and you were encouraged to mix and match.

I once questioned the wisdom of making a high profile tank with flight as its secondary because... how are you going to lure and hold when you're ten feet up. Then someone said "just what do you think Superman is?" The kind of thought that went into this game's over-arching mechanics was and is just mind-hurtling, and unparalleled in any other game. Which is why I suppose, I find all the rest unsatisfying-to-irritating.
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
-Lex Luthor

General Idiot

I still laugh at being able to make Superman in CoH but not being able to make him in DCUO.