How are you handling the loss?

Started by AeternalDreamer, December 03, 2012, 06:51:49 AM


At the moment I'm not. I was actually doing BETTER on the 1st day after than I am now. Started the CO tutorial, immediately bumped into Dragiel, was keeping myself busy with holiday stuff, etc... and it's been slowly going down. Maybe it hit me that no matter what happens, the community is going to be game-split now.  :(


I'm handling it by shooting tings in the face: zombies, draugr, vampires, werewolves, cultists, mummies, revenants, shades, ghouls, mercenaries, Ak'ab, golems, and so The Secret World. It's a flat out wonderful game, immersive and superbly written...but I've only been playing for a few weeks. Obviously that can't compare with over eight years of love and attention focused on my CoH characters. I'm doing fine...but there are plenty of sad, wistful moments.




Sorting my collection of rare math textbooks...

I have other games I play. It's a good thing I have several of them because none of them hold my attention the way CoH did.

Obladi Oblada yeah na na na na life goes on.
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on December 03, 2012, 08:37:38 PM
At the moment I'm not. I was actually doing BETTER on the 1st day after than I am now. Started the CO tutorial, immediately bumped into Dragiel, was keeping myself busy with holiday stuff, etc... and it's been slowly going down. Maybe it hit me that no matter what happens, the community is going to be game-split now.  :(

i think the community is mostly together still due to these forums, with tony wanting to keep the titan forums open then the community would be truly destroyed, but i feel with these forums up there is hope and a feel that the community is still together even while not in the same games


Hey, Sarge. Ex-navy, here. <John Wayne salute>

I can't play CO, but not because it's remotely similar. I have a "tank" called Paragon Crusader, in a decent reproduction of States' costume, but tanking sucks in CO if you can't get used to Block. I have made half a dozen characters (and deleted all but "States"), and I'm sick of the tutorial. Maybe if you didn't have to play the whole damned six levels every time...

I tried STO, and it was OK, but it just didn't hold my interest after about lvl25.

SWTOR is OK, but I'm still under lvl10, so...

WoW is, well, WoW. Their "free to 20" trial isn't worth it.

DDO is nice, but I just don't see it being anything more than an occasional thing.

Anything new? We'll see.

Mostly, I'm throwing myself into school and work, like Fifth.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Last night after posting the Statesman Mickey information, I logged on to SWTOR.  About five minutes in it really started to click how much SWTOR is just another WoW clone.  It's just not the same and got real depressed afterwords.  I'll stick with it, and it should be a lot more fun playing with people rather than soloing a new toon... but its just not the same. *sniff*


I'm handling it by posting here.

And re-watching every episode of Buffy.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Quote from: Graphite on December 03, 2012, 09:05:46 PM
Last night after posting the Statesman Mickey information, I logged on to SWTOR.  About five minutes in it really started to click how much SWTOR is just another WoW clone.  It's just not the same and got real depressed afterwords.  I'll stick with it, and it should be a lot more fun playing with people rather than soloing a new toon... but its just not the same. *sniff*

How does teaming work in SWTOR, compared to CoH, because that's where the multiplayer aspect really falls down, for me. In no other game that I've tried has teaming been so cooperative. For them, it's just, "Oh, you get some experience and maybe some loot, but it doesn't really matter unless you have the mission, too."
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Teaming is a bit clunky compared to what we're used to. It takes a bit of looking to even find how to invite to a team. Once you have that, then it works well enough for outdoor missions but it gets a bit balky for instances.

For example: my wife and I were on last night and we both entered an instanced mission that we both had. It basically gave us two seperate missions. I could not see her character, she could not see mine. I could not effect her mission, she could not effect mine. We appeared on each other's maps but that was about it.

In defense of that, we've only been playing for a day or two so we might have missed something. But it sure feels far stiffer than it needs to be.
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


That's similar to what I was seeing in CO and DCUO. WoW was kinda the reverse, with the outside being "whatever," but the Dungeons being more what we're used to.  Haven't done one of those since Cataclysm, though.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Quote from: JWBullfrog on December 03, 2012, 09:25:53 PM
Teaming is a bit clunky compared to what we're used to. It takes a bit of looking to even find how to invite to a team. Once you have that, then it works well enough for outdoor missions but it gets a bit balky for instances.

For example: my wife and I were on last night and we both entered an instanced mission that we both had. It basically gave us two seperate missions. I could not see her character, she could not see mine. I could not effect her mission, she could not effect mine. We appeared on each other's maps but that was about it.

In defense of that, we've only been playing for a day or two so we might have missed something. But it sure feels far stiffer than it needs to be.

Inviting to a team is easy, I just type /invite suchandsuch.

Also, you may have been in different world maps for your mishes not to affect each other, if you click on their portrait in team then it should let you jump to their world map, going into map can do the same thing I think. Teaming in TOR isn't actually that bad, I think, though I try to have friends that I play with regularly.

EDIT: I didn't ever care for WoW, to me it was just a game I hated that took a lot of friends I enjoyed playing with away. CO .. I tried getting into that but I don't care for the gameplay and it's so.. subpar compared to COH, DCUO isn't enjoyable to me at all, I'll never play Marvel as it's just a diablo-esque style of game, and I hated combat in TSW. I actually am really enjoying TOR again, the best selling point for it is the story, the missions for your character.


I've been putting all my CoH stuff together like the old map that came with my game back when I bought it in Japan and the art book my best friend got for me at CapeCon.  I've also been getting all the music from the game and putting it on my iTunes so I can listen to it whenever I want.  It's a relief to have at least that. 

I've also been making fan art of my characters and those of my sisters and friends.  I've done a few already.  If I knew how to put images up here I'd show them off but I don't.  *shrug*  It keeps me sane I suppose. ^^;


Well I slept the first day as I did a rather long time playing CoH before the end. I ran out of tears after the first 3 hour since have been trying to keep my self busy with hanging X-mas decor and such as it seems Chrismas is coming. I played no games till last night and that was a solo game.
I'm keeping up with the Triumph community and CoHTitan just hoping a whisper of a come back appears in the next few days.


I am reading the Titanforums and twitter feeds. In between I learn myself to demo edit the few demorecords I made in the last days o the game. Just can't say Goodbye and continu to the next game.

I am an old dog. Can't learn a new trick that easy/
Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo.


Quote from: NecrotechMaster on December 03, 2012, 06:55:57 AM
i still have hope that coh will be revived in some way, either through acquisition of the IP by another company or by whats being done with the phoenix project here

Hey... If Hellgate: London can get bought and revived, City of Heroes DEFINITELY can.
"What COH did was to show [developers of other] MMOs what they could be like if they gave up on controlling everything in the game, and just made it something great to play."  - Johnny Joy Bringer

Thunder Glove

Quote from: dwturducken on December 03, 2012, 09:04:55 PMI can't play CO, but not because it's remotely similar. I have a "tank" called Paragon Crusader, in a decent reproduction of States' costume, but tanking sucks in CO if you can't get used to Block. I have made half a dozen characters (and deleted all but "States"), and I'm sick of the tutorial. Maybe if you didn't have to play the whole damned six levels every time...

You don't have to play the tutorial every time. Only the first-ever character has to play the Tutorial.  There's a "Skip The Tutorial" button (at the bottom, below the big flashy "I'm Done" button, between the "Save" and "Load" buttons) for your second and subsequent characters, and skipping the Tutorial starts you at level 6.

There's no doubt that tanks just aren't as survivable in CO without some heavy min-maxing, though.  Lower damage reduction and no Status protection (except managing to PERFECTLY time a block in between your own character's attack animations).  A perfectly-built Tank in CO seems to be about as durable as my not-exactly-optimal Brute build in CoH.


I appreciate that you're trying to help, but it's a bit like all the articles that came out the week before Windows 8 dropped that basically were, "How to Make Windows 8 Not Annoying/Suck." I skipped Vista, I can skip Win8, and I can find something else to devote my time to, while I'm taking breaks from what I can do, here. Thank you, though.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Quote from: cmgangrel on December 03, 2012, 11:13:45 PM
There is also an option that you can set (I believe it is actually set to disabled though), so that people can enter your class quest instances and help you out. I always have this enabled incase I am teamed up with my GF.  And whilst they don't get the reward, they still get XP and drops. This is for "story/Class" instance missions. And to be fair, you generally *dont* need extra help, although as they don't scale, you can go and bring someone else in to help bust it.

Now, if it was a "normal" instance (ie a non story/class quest), then the whole group should have been able to go into it with no problems (unless of course, you were in different "world map" instances...

That is if i am remembering correctly.

One other thing to keep in mind in SWTOR is the team size.  Teams are normally limited to four characters.

And there is no form of sidekicking.  Since the majority of your stats are based on gear, if two characters running together are very far apart in level, you'll either end up with one character getting repeatedly flattened by even the lowest ranking enemy, or one character single-handedly clearing the map before the other character can say, "Hey, wait up!"
Titan Twitter broadcasting at 5.000 mWh and growing.
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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov

Victoria Victrix








Never played an Invul, so I don't know how to be invulnerable. 
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


I've played one. In fact, she was my last level 50.

Believe me, it doesn't help :(
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."