SO what is everybody gonna go to now

Started by matthew31179, November 29, 2012, 08:29:40 PM


Well it looks like NCSoft is gonna hold on to everything becuase they know that if they sell the IP address and everything else we are going to stay with OUR Game and OUR Community. So i thought if they wont let us play CoH what game is everybody going to so maybe we can keep our community together.  As for me i think i'm heading to perfect world international for a while.


Well, October marked my 10-year anniversary for EverQuest, and the 18th expansion, Rain of Fear, just went live last night. Once I am done doing all I want in Paragon and drying my tears, same as last year when I saw 'Galaxies off, I went home to Norrath. Norrath is home, it's outlasted nearly everyone.

But also, I run in Age of Conan and Champions Online, where some of the toons I am known by in CoH by have their migrated equivalents there. Also, Star Trek Online, and now that it's free to play as well, I'll be sampling Old Republic.

But let's see how it all plays out; like some have stated previously, sometimes the winds shift in the corporate realm.


I'm playing Star Trek Online with some other CoX refugees and experimenting with Champions.

Champions does have is strong points, mainly freeform power selection, but it lacks the spirit CoX had.


World of Warcraft (a few RL friends play regularly, so that's a plus), Champions, and recently I've gotten into DCUO.

And of course, working on Plan Z.  ;)



Since the news of the shutdown last Labor Day, I've been setting myself up on Champions Online using reboots of my toons I've played on CoX. I've finally gotten into the swing of things but Champs is not City of Heroes. City Of Heroes was like capturing lightning in a bottle, a rarity. Something like that won't happen again for the superhero MMO genre.

I'm on as Alart, Mastermind, Metal Maven, and Baleful Bonnie (who just hit level 40 last weekend!), so if you see any of those toons feel free to drop me a line to say hi.

Event Horizon Man


The Secret World. Eluminaughty on Grim.

Rotten Luck

I'm still shopping for a new MMO.  Even thinking of rezzing my Troll witchdoctor.  I have also returned to Skyrim and got it heavy modded for a new experience.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Just got a 60-day card for SWTOR. Gonna make one of each class on Ebon Hawk server and see if anything moves me. Kinda diggin' my Bounty Hunter, Bruun, so far...

Kaiser Tarantula

I'm going to swear off MMOs for a while.  Maybe resume playing Evil Genius.

Any MMO I play will bring back too many memories of CoH, at least for a while.


IMHO all other super hero MMOs are sorely lacking. I hear how COH was old and needing modernization, but the competition is no better than a game console. 

With that said, I moved over to EVE Online.  It is complex and not nearly has fun as COH, but it is different enough to where I am not reminded of my loss.



FYI, a nice alternate to MMOs:

Minecraft -- I can't recommend this enough. Best sandbox I ever played in.

FTL (Faster Than Light) -- Get this off Steam and kill hours.


I'm keeping my characters alive (mostly, ahaha, spoiler alert) in a novel I'm writing.

(I still need a cover artist wink wink nudge nudge)
If you see me posting here, you need to tell me to stop it and get back to writing.


Quote from: DrBoston on November 30, 2012, 12:08:05 PM
The Secret World. Eluminaughty on Grim.

My characters on The Secret World are Jan-Vic, Jan-Vict, and Kizy from The Cabal on Arcadia. I'm playing that, and I've also been stoked about MechWarrior Online, it's in it's open beta stages now.  I also been planning on playing STWoR, & Planetside 2, I've mainly been playing MWO, APB Reloaded, Left 4 Dead 2 on PC, & I'm thinking about getting a PS3 over the holidays and playing games there in the future.  If you add one of my facebook pages, You'll be able to keep in contact with me better there, and see what I'm up to as far as gaming search /Vencedor.Gamer that's my personal facebook and for friends in CoH, or search for /VencedorGaming that's my everything to do with gaming page.


I am playing Star Trek Online, too.

Matt Miller now works for STO, as does Dr. Aeon. Need I say more?  :)


Quote from: cmgangrel on November 30, 2012, 10:01:29 PM
Posi got a job there? Good to see that he landed on his feet

I think he did. I know Aeon isn't there alone!


I'm....(gonna get flames for this...)...Play Guild Wars 2.

Don't hate me. Some of my very good friends work at ArenaNet. I enjoy the game. And I bought it months before Black Friday. I'm not going to waste my money.

I'm Sithrose.5168 over there on Sanctum of Rall, if you want to look me up. :)
Lore Lead for Plan Z: The Phoenix Project
Secretary of Missing Worlds Media, Inc.


I think after tonight, I'll go out and buy a box of Twinkies. That'll help cheer me up.


Quote from: DKeith2011 on November 29, 2012, 11:07:27 PM
I'm playing Star Trek Online with some other CoX refugees and experimenting with Champions.

Champions does have is strong points, mainly freeform power selection, but it lacks the spirit CoX had.

WE were a big part of the spirit CoH had.  If we go to Champs,  we'll bring some of that with us :)


Going to try out ToR myself, and TSW once I have the money for it. I've heard good things about both.


Game-wise, I'm going to play Sim City if I can get a copy... if not, maybe when the new one comes out next year.  I like the idea of creating my own cities. 

Any other games don't appeal to me the way COH did in the creative aspect.  I liked creating my own characters. 

I am going to try to do some fan art of my characters and of COH in general, if any of it turns out good I might put it on DeviantArt...

Other than that, keep working on the counted cross stitch project I started over ten years ago.  It's about time I finish that.



Quote from: SithRose on December 01, 2012, 12:40:28 AM
I'm....(gonna get flames for this...)...Play Guild Wars 2.


Sorry, couldn't resist....  ;D


I was playing The Secret World before Black Friday, and I still do. It's unique & different enough to keep my interest for a while, plus the influx of CoX players has made my heart warm.

As I usually play more than one MMO (CoX+something), I'm debating on what my second will be. I have been testing Vanguard off and on for a while, and it hits all the EQ nostalgia notes for me, but I'm not sure if I'll stay there unless I can find a guild or group of people to interact with regularly. I might try Star Trek Online, as I've always been a bit of a Trekkie, and I like hearing that there is a CoX sub-community there as well. I'm not sure about Champions, as I've tried it a couple of times but it's never really sparked for me.

For now, though, I'm a bit to despondent to actively search for another MMO. I can't really fill the CoX-shaped hole in my heart with anything, so I think I've gotta let that heal a bit.   :-\


I will continue playing Lord of the Rings online my other MMO. I play on a RP server there is a good community there and the kinship i am is is a good one.

I will miss COH a lot but Lord of the Rings online will help to ease the pain.


The superhero genre drew me into CoH going on 8 years ago and two accounts.  Staying away from CO and DCUO as they are NOT CoH rebounders.  Started SWTOR using Jedi Covenant server and have other former CoH players there also.


I will be on TSW and SWTOR for a while. I have lifetime in CO so I will keep checking on it time to time. I am tempted to try Vanguard since it looks like it has an interesting system. I am also waiting for Repopulation since it seems to be closest thing to SWG (pre-nge) I will try Wildstar Online just because it looks interesting but not keeping hopes high


Currently running on FFXI, waiting for FFXIV:ARR to be up so I can jump to that once more. If that doesn't work out? I've got nothing, unfortunately.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
"Scrappers might not exist any more, but scrapperlock is forever."   -Kaiser Tarantula



Seriously, I am not a fan of MMOs or even superheroes in general.  But I loved this game.

Oh well, back to prepping to run my Amber game in a few hours.


This weekend I'll be playing some Firefall. After that some SWTOR for the PvE, some Planetside 2 for the PvP. I would like to try TSW but I think I'll wait until it goes f2p.


Me ill be playing CO most likley, having too much fun with the SG i found there.
Ill probably try TSW soon as well, got it during the steam sale.


I have gone back to SW:ToR.  Figured I would give it a real chance this time, after I got over my anger and sadness that came about a week after I reupped my VIP status with CoH.  Community wise, nothing like CoH, but gameplay wise, not bad.  Until Disney buys us, or the Phoenix Rises, thats where I will be. 

Anyway, if anyone is an Imperial on Shadowlands in SW:ToR, look for Rated R., or send us a message at  The community is what we miss most about CoH, no other game has been the same.


Quote from: DrBoston on November 30, 2012, 12:08:05 PM
The Secret World. Eluminaughty on Grim.

I gave Secret World a whirl also, in fact I think I saw you on Grim and sent you a message complimenting the name.  :)  This would be about a month ago.

Secret World is pretty cool and engaging, only problem is the need to purchase and sub to play, but lots of us COX'ers have gone there.

Currently giving Secret World a short break while I try out:

1) Champions Online - looks decent, I would say its got the closest to 'CoX' feel, although as we know it's not going to be close *enough*.

2) World of Tanks - been at this for a year, Free2Play mostly, its not at all a substitute for CoX but it IS great, adrenalin-thumping combat action, so it makes for a good distraction while you are feeling bummed.

3) MechWarrior Online - another combat game, trying to like this one, somehow its not clicking for me yet but it is still in Beta. Can be a lot of fun at times tho!

4) I let my poor LotRO chars languish for too long while playing CoH and WoT, so will fire those back up again and see how the game looks (is it still only gorgeous, or is it now ULTRA-gorgeous?).

I hear Everquest and EQ2 both have F2P options now, I was a huge EQ addict back in the day (2000-2001ish) so I may try and look up the old passwords and give those a try.

As other people have suggested, I will probably get around to giving STO and SW:TOR a try, have read good reviews on them.

(GW2? Not even if you paid me to play and threatened to skin my eyeballs if I didn't.)

Keeping an eye on all the 'resurrect CoH' threads, have sent a couple letters, signed the petition, and looking for other options. Not sure where I will end up so will be watching for new developments.

Hugs to all and good journeys to ya!

Doctor Hugh
(MadBadger on WoT/MWO/some others)


The games I WILL play now, having tested them:

     Champions Online
     Star Wars: The Old Republic

The games I have tried but which don't interest me any more:

     World of Warcraft
     Guild Wars 1 and 2
     The Secret World
     Any NCSoft game
The reason for abandoning WoW and GW is that I'm burnt out on swords & sorcery stuff for a while. Might pick up WoW in the indefinite "later."


Even before the announcement for CoX closing I was looking into other MMOs, and I found Allods Online to be a nice little gem.  I like to say it's "All the WoW flavor without the WoW calories", a nice Russian-made MMO which looks alot like WoW on the surface, but has a whole lot more going on for the end game.  Worth looking into if you are into fantasy with a dash of magitech.  Free to play too.  I'm also messing around with other, single-plyaer games (Borderlands 2, the Assassin's Creed collection, I picked up a copy of Final Fantasy XII even) and some "quickie" multiplayer games (Killing Floor, Team Fortress 2, League of Legends).

But the biggest games I'm looking forward to are on the horizon: Phantasy Star Online 2 and Starbound.  I played PSO religiously before I got into CoX, so it's only fitting that I return to my original obsession, with at least one returning guildmate backing me up.  Though that one seemed to suffer form some serious tech issues when I played the Japanese beta, hopefully it will be improved when it hits the US.  Starbound promises to be awesome too, though probably not going to be a very long experience.  Still, Terraria was one of the best games I've ever played so a spiritual sequel gets my day-one purchase.

But even with all these games at my disposal, and many more that I've got lying by the wayside waiting for me to pick them up again, it's never going to fill that gap.  CoX was special, so unique and damn near perfection.  My only remaining hope is that some day the stars align and somebody realizes what a gold mine NCSoft just threw away, and revives the IP for another go.

On that note, there is one thing that I've been wanting to know since the shutdown was announced and haven't been able to find an answer:  Does anyone know what Positron is going to be doing now?  Because frankly, the man has my undying loyalty, and I'll happily jump onto whatever he gets involved with.


I have been playing Age of Conan off and on since 2008, and for the past year and a half or so it probably has been my main MMO.  This had issues at launch, but has matured into a fairly deep and content rich game.  I have several max level characters there: Heraclea, Haboob, Nhutruong, Hippolyte, Turandot, Ursamaior, Grignette.  I belong to an old, established, drama-free, light RP guild there (The Shadow Company) that is looking for new blood; if you are interested sign up and leave a note.   Free to play is not too annoying for a glorified trial there.  After CoH this is my favorite MMO. 

I had just started in on TSW (Heraclea, Illuminati, Arcadia server) and mean to head back there for a bit.  I started shortly after the announcement and played for a while but got bogged down in Blue Mountain.

I also have an active account on SW:TOR, but don't play it there.  May go back and see if they ever fixed the levelling experience for Jedi Knights.  Grignette is my main. 

If somebody comes up with an online game where you can create multiple concept characters on all servers and choose their appearance when made, let me know. 


I've always had my hands in multiple MMOs, even while CoH was up and active: currently TSW, CO, and DCUO will get some of the time CoH was getting.  Beyond that, has a list a half-mile long.

Independently, I will second that Allods Online as an interesting little diversion.  As with most new games, finding a way into the community is the challenging part... after that, the luster of the game becomes more apparent.   If anyone is/has set up a CoH Exiles comm channel in any of these games, here would be a good place to let us know...


Mostly, I'll probably be on SWTOR as I have some RL friends on it, and it's not that bad of a game. Occasionally, I'll hop into CO, DCUO, STO (nice having all these free games), EVE, and/or WoW.


I am also one of those heading over to, or I guess I should say back to STO. I did enjoy the game, but left it after my real life friends stopped playing. I'll be looking up the CoX group that is there to find my fellow heroes and villains.

And I agree that Starbound looks great. When it comes out, maybe we can get up a Titan Network server for us to play together on.


Currently trying out the City of Steam beta.  Browser based but 3D.  Controls are driving me nuts because you only have WASD for forward, backwards and strafing.  To turn you must use the mouse.  I'm so use to using the arrow keys to move and the left-right keys turned you not strafe you from CoH.  No way to assign keys or turn off mouse look.

Some items you pick up when you walk over them, some you must click on.

Crafting panel is not obvious.  Stores aren't marked.  Teaming is mandatory in most missions.  It will cost you an arm and a leg to get better weapons since all the ones I've gotten from drops are actually worse than my starting one.

However there are lots of people running all over the place.  Reminds me of the old days.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


Back to WoW for now, waiting for Final Fantasy XIV to come out or for CoH to return.



I'm still on WoW.  I still have active accounts on CO and TSW but those worlds haven't hooked me.

I am looking forward to EQNext and FF XIV.  I might give Vanguard another try since it's F2P now.


I like that Vanguard idea... been a long while for me on that one, it would be interesting to see what changes they've made (if any...)

I'd just read about City of Steam a couple weeks back, forgot about it in the rush of activity re: CoH.  Gotta give that a whirl, too...

Queen of Eels

Secret World. VelvetDevil on Grim.  :) There's even a global channel for us: #CoH_Refugees


Got dragged into LoTRO last night. We all start in different places so my friend and I wound up on different parts of the world. :( Another friend came and fetched us to another place so now I have no idea where we are.

It's pretty and gave me so idea for houses in Minecraft but it's not CoX. What's the point of having different char types if you all meet a load of the same race when you start! Maybe it'll get better. I was upset at losing CoX and while it's nice having a veteran player to show you around, they can be a bit "go here, go there, do this it's faster" which isn't what I want when starting anew.

Got STO downloaded. Will try that at some point. Maybe CO. Someone mentioned Pardus so might try that. Diablo 3 is on my drive but it's not a patch on D2 which was much better.

Right now I'm thinking no MMO and play offline Minecraft.


I try so many MMOs over the years, but nothing was like City of Heroes so I always come back to this. No I'm homeless and over the years nothing changed so far. Champions Online makes a nice jump forward over the years, but I still not like the game, teaming is horrible there. DC Universe got the same problem, nice to make a little bit solo, but I don't see any teamplay over there too. Then we have all this fantasy crap, always the same game, just with other graphics...

Right now, that's it for me. I spent so many time and money with City of Heroes and all I have now from this game left is this forum with all of the nice people here. I cant' even start this game anymore to play it solo, everything is gone. Thanks to NC-Soft in changing my mind about MMOs. Now I play other games like Dragone Age or I still have some games for the Wii I always wanted to play. The good thing about this is, no one rings on my door and take my game CDs away...

I only see me playing an MMO again when one of this things happen:

- One of the Plan Z projects are playable
- Some friends persuade me in playing game X and it's not from NC-Soft
- City of Heroes re-opens from an other publisher (I don't thing so)


I'm hanging out in Star Wars:  The Old Republic for the time being.  If you see Heleki (Jedi Consular) on Ebon Hawk server, that's me.  I'm also playing a lot of Team Fortress 2

SWTOR pros:  great storylines (IMO even better than CoX), great gameplay, fluid animations
SWTOR cons:  grouping isn't NEARLY as easy as in CoX (HUGE con); an aspect of that is there is no sidekicking or level scaling - if you haven't gotten to the right level for content, tough - if you have outleveled content, tough.

The absolute best part of CoX was the ease of grouping.


I was already playing Champions and Star Trek Online off and on in addition to City of Heroes. So I will continue there as well. I have added a few new characters to my CO roster though in the form of my main and most beloved characters from City of Heroes. Currently that's Cyberman 8, Kara Skye, Lily the Diamond and Sassinak, but there may be others added as well.

Also I occasionally dabble in DCUO for fun. I don't try and convert characters to that system, but I have some good ones.

Lastly, because of friends who pre-ordered Guild Wars 2 and who aren't going to be in any other game for the foreseeable future, I'll be joining them there as well. (Though I have made a solemn vow that I will NEVER pay real world money for gems, since that money also goes to NCSoft.)


In the words of Buckaroo Banzai -

"No matter where you go, there you are."

Or perhaps a little less 'zen' and a little more jauntily heroic -

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do!"
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost

Thunder Glove

Well, I was planning on spending the weekend playing CO (during their double XP weekend), but I spent yesterday double-checking my CoH backup files (as much as I hope for CoH's resurrection, I really needed the 11 GB of hard drive space, so I copied the client and beta client to an external drive), and spent today trying to get it installed on a Mac.  It was installing veeeerrrry slowly, got to 50% before I had to restart the computer, and instead of resuming, the install started over at 0%, and it's currently at 14%. (Edit: 20% now... so, if my math is right, it should be done in approximately another 4 and a half hours, but that'll be after 4 am and I'll be unconscious already)

So no double XP for me, it appears.

On the other hand, Kingdom of Loathing is having their annual Crimbo event, so I'm going to be there a lot this month.  (This year, it appears that ol' Uncle Crimbo has fired his elves - again - and replaced them with "animelfs".  Odds are we won't get to see those until the 15th-ish, but we can fight his out-of-work elves, who are now gainfully employed by a fast food taco restaurant.  Yes, it's that sort of game)


FB is saying don't run the launcher - delete it and keep the rest. I can't confirm it but reports that the launcher self uninstalls removing all your screenies.

Peregrine Falcon

Quote from: CapaDevans on December 02, 2012, 11:48:41 PMFB is saying don't run the launcher - delete it and keep the rest. I can't confirm it but reports that the launcher self uninstalls removing all your screenies.
I ran the launcher just a few minutes ago. It did nothing but open to the launcher page as normal. It didn't break anything. And City of Heroes is the only NCSoft game on my machine.

So much for panicky rumors.

Not saying that can't change, but that isn't currently the case.
Paragon City refugee - "We're heroes, it's what we do."


Quote from: Atlantea on December 02, 2012, 09:24:52 PM
I was already playing Champions and Star Trek Online off and on in addition to City of Heroes. So I will continue there as well. I have added a few new characters to my CO roster though in the form of my main and most beloved characters from City of Heroes. Currently that's Cyberman 8, Kara Skye, Lily the Diamond and Sassinak, but there may be others added as well.

Same here. I've had an account with CO since December 09, but hardly played it (which is why my main just dinged 30 earlier today). Eventually, I'll get my villains transferred over, as well.



Golden Owl


Texas'Star/Texas Star


I'm hacked into CO on my mac as of today. A bit wonky and weird, but I  can play something heroic at least. Feel free to catch me ingame anytime as Blackjak @dynamojr.
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


I have an apartment move to get done here but beyond that I'll be fully settling into Champions Online, which I've been playing for a while. I have four characters total so far, two of which are "descendants" (so to speak!) of City alts.

I have DCUO for the PlayStation as well, but I'm not a big fan of console play with only a controller... because of my heavy roleplaying background. I piddle around with the combat on my NAT/BRL on rainy days.

I am eagerly awaiting the β for Final Fantasy XIV-2, though, since I've been waiting for the PS3 ver. since applying when XIII came out-- :/


Look for me on Phantasy Star Online 2 when that hits US shores. For now, I'll be giving CO another shot as Wattwatt


I'm in CO, too. On my City of Heroes characters.

It doesn't feel..right. I still feel a bit like I'm cheating on my soulmate, but I'm taking solace in the fact that it's money that's going nowhere near NC Soft and the fact that I feel like I managed to 'save' my characters by whisking them to a new location, and that NC Soft couldn't just take them away from me.

If anyone knew me in COH, I was Unseen Scarlet/Vandellia/Burning Bright.

My global there is @nessatremaine - feel free to add me, if you knew me. But say who you are first, because I keep getting randoms trying to friend me (because I clearly look friendly) and I'm declining people I don't recognise (because, clearly, I'm not as friendly as I apparently look.)
Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

Twitter: @Skybloopink

Rotten Luck

Just turned my account to full.  I got a Rotten Luck but I don't think I use him.  Why Rotten on City of Heroes had a full afterlife?  Anyway If I'm starting over it's with a new character...

I introduce you to PEST a mutant who seems more Rat then human.  Runaway he lives on the streets can eat almost anything dig into almost any surface and attacks with claws.  Picture coming soon as Champions finished downloading onto this computer.  or when I awaken when again.

P.S. My new global is @RottenLuck13
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Btw, for those playing CO, I recommend using a gamepad if you have one. For me, at least, it make the game much more playable and fun.

Siberian Spring

Just did the tutorial and first mission on STO last night. Could be fun, but don't know that it will hold me. We'll see.

Tatyana Korsakova@SiberianSpring


Convinced my wife to get back into MMOs and we're currently enjoying LOTRO and SW:TOR.
Apart from that, WoT (really nice for a quick game once in a while), STO (got a lifetime there - but playing not that often as I wish).
I have also tried TSW but have cancelled my subscription so I can play more with my wife. Also, a bit of CO once in a while. Made an account when it went live, but, well, it isn't CoX  :-\


I had been tempering my need for a Zelda and Pokemon fix before the shutdown, so that's probably what I'll do for a while (after finals week).  At least no one can take those games away from me.

Kuriositys Kat

Quote from: Atlantea on December 02, 2012, 09:24:52 PM
I was already playing Champions and Star Trek Online off and on in addition to City of Heroes. So I will continue there as well. I have added a few new characters to my CO roster though in the form of my main and most beloved characters from City of Heroes. Currently that's Cyberman 8, Kara Skye, Lily the Diamond and Sassinak, but there may be others added as well.

Also I occasionally dabble in DCUO for fun. I don't try and convert characters to that system, but I have some good ones.

Lastly, because of friends who pre-ordered Guild Wars 2 and who aren't going to be in any other game for the foreseeable future, I'll be joining them there as well. (Though I have made a solemn vow that I will NEVER pay real world money for gems, since that money also goes to NCSoft.)


In the words of Buckaroo Banzai -

"No matter where you go, there you are."

Or perhaps a little less 'zen' and a little more jauntily heroic -

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do!"

You can never go wrong quoting BB.
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do!" - The Doctor


My Friends want to go to Star Trek online but I dont like that much.
DCU seems ok and the Super speed power is MUCH Better than anything we had in Paragon City! You can run on walls and stuff and that is what makes it so good!

There is also Ragnarok online but I played that to death on the rebirth server.

Diablo 3 blows.

Borderlands 2 can only keep me so busy....maybe Planetside 2?


I had considered TOR, gameplay was enjoyable, but I found the teaming system absolutely prohibitive.  Nothing is up to the CoX standard there.  Looks like I'll slum around in CO when I need a fix (@0nehanklap if you want to add me).  Reactivated my old account, but I know the old SG mates from there are long gone, would welcome a new SG with other CoH refugees (especially Justicites).


Quote from: Vasarto on December 04, 2012, 01:29:55 AM
My Friends want to go to Star Trek online but I dont like that much.
DCU seems ok and the Super speed power is MUCH Better than anything we had in Paragon City! You can run on walls and stuff and that is what makes it so good!

There is also Ragnarok online but I played that to death on the rebirth server.

Diablo 3 blows.

Borderlands 2 can only keep me so busy....maybe Planetside 2?

I tried DCUO immediately after the shutdown.  It's actually pretty fun, but it feels INCREDIBLY limited.  There aren't very many powers, there's no power customization and a lot of the costume pieces look similar.  It is good fun for a few hours/days, but ultimately gets repetitive and boring.


Quote from: Night-Hawk07 on December 03, 2012, 04:52:00 AM
Same here. I've had an account with CO since December 09, but hardly played it (which is why my main just dinged 30 earlier today). Eventually, I'll get my villains transferred over, as well.



Golden Owl


Texas'Star/Texas Star

Thank you, I really like seeing these side-by-side CoH and CO character concepts. (As well as the ones above yours)

Although looking at them, I can't help but think that CoX's oft-mentioned 'dated graphics' hold up pretty well against newer games (CO -which isn't *that* new - as well as others)


I'm mostly playing TSW (Irys "StraightRed" Cavendish on Arcadia), which to be honest would have displaced CoH as my "main," anyway, although I'd have certainly kept up my CoH sub since I still enjoyed it very much. It is in many ways the MMO of my dreams, particularly in terms of setting/lore, immersion factor, the "no levels, no classes" horizontal progression, and breathtakingly good writing. The combat system is decent (but not brilliant).

I also still play Guild Wars 1, and still enjoy it. However, I've decided not to buy anything more in the cash shop (and have elected not to get int GW2) as a way of "voting with my wallet" on my feelings about NCSoft. If GW1 does another expansion (which I consider unlikely(), I'll pass on it.

I'm not actually all that much of a fan of the comic book superhero genre, despite playing CoH from two weeks after go-Live until the Long Dark. I like the genre,'s just not really one of the draws for me. I loved how CoH allowed you to make characters that were miles from the usual comic archetype. But because the superhero thing isn't a priority for me, I haven't been tempted much by DCUO or the new Marvel game...and CO never quite worked for me. It's a good game, don't get me just never managed to "grab" me the way CoH did (and TSW does).


Normaly I wanted to do a break, but now I'm testing Champions anyway. Some things are a little bit complicated, but then I see some other things and I'm thinking "Damn, why we never had this..."

I have to play a little bit, to say more. I rebuild Roxy Foxy, something easy for the start and feel free in searching for me over there, maybe I'm not the only noob there then ^^


Quote from: Technerdoc on December 04, 2012, 11:12:31 PM
Normaly I wanted to do a break, but now I'm testing Champions anyway. Some things are a little bit complicated, but then I see some other things and I'm thinking "Damn, why we never had this..."

I have to play a little bit, to say more. I rebuild Roxy Foxy, something easy for the start and feel free in searching for me over there, maybe I'm not the only noob there then ^^

That was a nice replica. Their tails are DARN nice. Also, they have gloves and boots similar to the ones you had in CoH but seem to be locked behind something, not sure if they are paid but available for Gold members (VIPs)

@Atlantea, I love your Champions version of 8-Man... I mean... Cyberman 8  ;)
For the sake of the community: please stop the cultural "research" in your attempt to put blame on the game's cancelation.

It's sickening to see the community sink that low. It's worse to see the community does not get it.

I'm signing off and taking a break, blindly hope things change.


They also had a wolf tail I used in City of Heroes, but this one looks in Champions just ugly, same with the boots. They also had this boots I used in City of Heroes, but they are not looking so nice...

...but then there are nice other things, it's ok I think. But to made a nice character you just need this gold membership - to much is locked without it like the tails...


Quote from: Technerdoc on December 05, 2012, 01:48:51 PM
They also had a wolf tail I used in City of Heroes, but this one looks in Champions just ugly, same with the boots. They also had this boots I used in City of Heroes, but they are not looking so nice...

...but then there are nice other things, it's ok I think. But to made a nice character you just need this gold membership - to much is locked without it like the tails...

Atlantea cleared up a bit in another thread:

There are a LOT of costume pieces that are locked at first. You have to level up a character to level 10 to unlock these pieces. Once unlocked, they become available account wide. You can either create a new character with all these unlocked, modify the character  you already  have, or even delete your character and remake it with all already unlocked.

Why they do this? No clue. Its a silly reward for getting your first lvl 10 character, and it seems may only disapoint players with a bad first impression. Get to 10 and then visit the tailor again, you will get a BUNCH new set of options that don't require IAP.

BTW, the options I'm talking about are entirely hidden until you are 10, you cant buy them nor even look at them until you get a character to 10.
For the sake of the community: please stop the cultural "research" in your attempt to put blame on the game's cancelation.

It's sickening to see the community sink that low. It's worse to see the community does not get it.

I'm signing off and taking a break, blindly hope things change.


I'm alternating between CO and the Japanese release of PSO2. The English patches for that game help out a ton and there's a pretty sizable English speaking community there.


Downloaded Champions Online and Star Trek Online for me and my wife to try. Probably going to try Star Wars: The Old Republic too.... maybe dabble into The Secret World after Christmas or so.

Whichever game my wife likes best we'll subscribe to.

If City comes back we'll jump back SO FAST. and I want to try Otherland when it comes out.
The final line of a post  by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."


Currently playing Aion (and I really don't care that it's an ncsoft title) and enjoying myself. I had played Aion for the first 9 months when it originally came out then came back when it went f2p not too long ago. They made some AMAZING improvements to the game, removing the horrid grindyness of the game and making good loot much more accessible. On the other hand they nerfed the difficulty of most dungeons way too much (in combination of getting loot easier just makes most dungeons face roll), there is also essentially no faction balance which makes faction vs faction pvp not so much fun, but smaller scale instanced pvp like dredgions and arenas are still enjoyable and something to gear up for. The game is also infested with Brazillians that don't know how to play and most of which can't communicate with english speakers meaning pugging can be a terrible experience. Nonetheless, it can still be fun, and it's a nice way to pass the time and have things to work towards.


Quote from: Starsman on December 05, 2012, 03:53:05 PM
Atlantea cleared up a bit in another thread:

There are a LOT of costume pieces that are locked at first. You have to level up a character to level 10 to unlock these pieces. Once unlocked, they become available account wide. You can either create a new character with all these unlocked, modify the character  you already  have, or even delete your character and remake it with all already unlocked.

Why they do this? No clue. Its a silly reward for getting your first lvl 10 character, and it seems may only disapoint players with a bad first impression. Get to 10 and then visit the tailor again, you will get a BUNCH new set of options that don't require IAP.

BTW, the options I'm talking about are entirely hidden until you are 10, you cant buy them nor even look at them until you get a character to 10.
And leveling seems insanely easy. I just looked into my second slot and had the other pieces unlocked after only playing the tutorial and starting the first mission. Kinda dumb, but now I  can make some COH analogues, which makes me more happy.
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


As I've said elsewhere - don't judge Champions by the tutorial. Slog through it to get past it and then go play the REAL Champions. Which is a much better game. (Though still far from the standard of COH. But then - what is?)

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


I received an e-mail from STO/PW today inviting me back to the game to see the new content.  As a bonus, they gave me a code for a free set of Enterprise costume bits (the blue jumpsuits from the Jonathan Archer Enterprise).  I already have the Enterprise outfits from when they first were available, so if anyone wants the coupon code from my e-mail, let me know.


Hmm.  My first experience with Champions was UGLY, but that screenshot doesn't look too bad, so I might reinstall it on my computer.

I tried WOW last night, free, pretty.  But EVERYONE looked like me.   And I don't even recall how I got slotted into a priest.  Got up to 3 and STILL everyone looked like me, same peace staff, same wine-stained cloak, same candle-dripped robe.  That we had to LOOT for.  Not so heroic.

The Perfect World drove me insane.  I couldn't move right with the wasd keys, I hated seeing my character toward me, and I got completely stuck in what I think was a room, but couldn't see enough to get out.  I asked  for help and was ignored.  And there is something extremely disturbing about the splash screen with the face of a six year old and breasts of a full grown woman.

I am now trying AION FREE so I will soak up ncsoft equipment/time and buy NOTHING.  I think my character's name will be Freeloader.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


This has been a nightmare for me; COH was my first "real" MMO, and I love love loved it.  I just can't seem to like anything else as much.  Or at all.  I've tried CO, and I find it clunky and inelegant compared to COH.  Everything about it just seems so . . . cartoonish.  I know, I know, COH was a superhero game, but it was . . . elegant, beautiful.  The interface lovely and intuitive.  By comparison, CO seems so . . . amateurish. I just can't stand it.  I've tried, and I have to say that I like it far better than SWTOR or LOTR, but I just feel so lost, really.  I WANT a game that I love to play, but I just can't find one. 

I guess that Secret World is the closest thing to being engaging like COH was (only in totally different ways, apples meet oranges), but even there, I'm just not "into it" like I was with COH.  I can, however, appreciate it and love much about it.  It's by far the best alternative out there as far as I'm concerned.  I'm not crazy about much of it, though.  I find the skill wheel/tree/rose by any other name a bit tedious, and I hate allotting "skill" points that way (really, can't we move past ancient Diablo skill point allotment?  Oh wait, we did, and it was great in COH.).  The crafting thing is a mess in Secret World, so much simpler to just have recipes and invention tables.  The cut scenes which seem to have become so popular in MMOs are annoying (hated them in COH, too, and was very much behind the changes to stop running them if everyone on a team had seen them); if I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a movie.  When I want to play a game, I want to PLAY a game, not sit there through cut scene after cut scene.  Team play in the Secret World is a pain with all the required solo missions (another thing that COH started doing and that I disliked, but at least with COH you could skip it).  Sigh.  I think I'll never get over losing COH.  I didn't like that they started modeling the game after those others, but at least it was still, at root, COH.  "Those others," as it turns out, can't keep my interest and frequently just irritate me. 

Anyway, I guess I'm just still sad and mourning for COH, but that doesn't change the fact that no other game I've tried has come close to measuring up in important ways.  I miss, always, the elegance and ease of COH (neither of which I fully appreciated, I think).  I loved everything about the game, and what I didn't love, I could "options" out of or just not do.  In every other game, it seems that all the things that I hated about COH and either opted out of or tolerated because everything else was so amazing are the actual main parts of the game.  Ugh! 


Quote from: Risha on December 09, 2012, 02:02:56 AM
Hmm.  My first experience with Champions was UGLY, but that screenshot doesn't look too bad, so I might reinstall it on my computer.

I tried WOW last night, free, pretty.  But EVERYONE looked like me.   And I don't even recall how I got slotted into a priest.  Got up to 3 and STILL everyone looked like me, same peace staff, same wine-stained cloak, same candle-dripped robe.  That we had to LOOT for.  Not so heroic.

The Perfect World drove me insane.  I couldn't move right with the wasd keys, I hated seeing my character toward me, and I got completely stuck in what I think was a room, but couldn't see enough to get out.  I asked  for help and was ignored.  And there is something extremely disturbing about the splash screen with the face of a six year old and breasts of a full grown woman.

I am now trying AION FREE so I will soak up ncsoft equipment/time and buy NOTHING.  I think my character's name will be Freeloader.

Ha! I so didn't like Champions, either. Not sure that any screenshot can change that. :P  WoW, I can't even imagine trying, and with the Secret World, you can change the movement settings to mirror COH's arrow key movement (I do that on every game that lets me; I hate using wasd to move).  I would have helped you if I'd been online at the time; as a COHer, I don't ever ignore requests for help :D   And yes, those sexualized avatars are not at all family-friendly, another thing I miss like crazy about COH. 

I'm having the same trouble finding another game to play.  I can't find one that holds my interest for more than a couple hours (and that's not always interest; sometimes, it's just sticking with it to see if it gets better), though Secret World did come closest. 


Quote from: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 03:44:18 PM
As I've said elsewhere - don't judge Champions by the tutorial. Slog through it to get past it and then go play the REAL Champions. Which is a much better game. (Though still far from the standard of COH. But then - what is?)

I admit that I can't make it past the tutorial section, but what is it that gets better?  The things that bug me about it are so fundamental that I can't see it improving.  I've tried every visual setting they offer, and I still have a horrible nightmare of massive boxes all over my screen (I loved that I could make everything teensy in COH and arrange it as I wanted on the screen); my toon (and I'd never run anything that ugly and horrible in COH but the costume design thingy is icky in CO) makes me crazy with her stance (yes, I can change it, but they are all awful); and I just can't get over how BIG and cartoonish everything looks.  It's like the knock-off, bargain-basement version of COH.  All that said, I really want a new game to love, so what is it that gets better after the tutorial?


Quote from: Tahliah on December 09, 2012, 10:19:47 AM
I admit that I can't make it past the tutorial section, but what is it that gets better?  The things that bug me about it are so fundamental that I can't see it improving.  I've tried every visual setting they offer, and I still have a horrible nightmare of massive boxes all over my screen (I loved that I could make everything teensy in COH and arrange it as I wanted on the screen); my toon (and I'd never run anything that ugly and horrible in COH but the costume design thingy is icky in CO) makes me crazy with her stance (yes, I can change it, but they are all awful); and I just can't get over how BIG and cartoonish everything looks.  It's like the knock-off, bargain-basement version of COH.  All that said, I really want a new game to love, so what is it that gets better after the tutorial?

I don't know if this will help - but you CAN rearrange the UI in Champions. You can also change the overall scale of everything.

Here - step by step -

First - here's the unmodified HUD/UI.

Hit your "F12" key to access the HUD/UI alteration interface. This is what it looks like initially after hitting F12.

Each of those green boxes can be moved individually. Here - I've moved the powers tray from the bottom of the screen off to the right.

Additionally, most of them can be individually re-scaled like you can with windows boxes (place pointer at edge until you get a double-arrow and the pull in the direction you want). Here below I've changed the scale of the two mini-map boxes in the upper right hand corner.

And here's the end result -

You can also change the overall scale of the HUD/UI. Hit "ESC" to get this menu.

Then choose options. On the very first tab labeled "Basic" look at the bottom. There's a "Interface Scale" Meter. Change it to taste.

For our example here, let's ramp it down to 65% and see what it looks like.

Okay, that gets a lot of stuff out of the way, but leaves our chat box and type setting a little small to see.

No worries, you can directly drag and re-size this window, then right-click on the chat tabs and go to the "Options" tab. There's a "Font-Size" slider. Ramp it up until it suits you.


So using a combination of all of those, you can modify the UI a lot. I don't think you can change the COLOR of the UI unfortunately.

As for characters, costumes and faces, might I offer a guide I posted on this very subject? It has templates and visual guides for the faces. These are directly based off of the basic proportion templates from COH and are intended to help establish proportions more close to what we are used to. There's also a few observations and tips about general differences between the games that might help.,6970.0.html

I hope this helps everyone out!

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Quote from: Starsman on December 05, 2012, 02:05:29 AM

@Atlantea, I love your Champions version of 8-Man... I mean... Cyberman 8  ;)

Thanks. :D

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


trying out CO, if any of u have an sg we running to to stay together let me know the name and how to connact it.
took Athalwolf there also so i Should be easy to find if not let me know how to contact u.


I've previously tried DCUO a few times, just couldn't get into the game. Played Champions Online a lot at launch, but when I've tried to get back into it I've got bored very quickly. In fact the majority of MMOs out there don't seem to be doing anything to want me to keep playing them. Just bought The Secret World and while I'm having some fun it feels more like a single player game. I do miss my superheroing action though and hope that delivers some (its a diablo style game, but currently in closed beta)


So, I've DLed the top 3 .. CO, TSW, and DCUO, hoping one of them would peak my interests enough to get into. But alas, there's just nothing like the way CoH felt. It felt like home..

CO: I can't stand it ... I don't like it. I tried turning off the comic shading, and it only made it looks like a blurry comic book. I don't like the character models. The tutorial makes me wanna yoink out my innards, and it fails to really teach you anything. The announcement pop ups can't be closed without clicking through them. The power trays remind me of WoW >.< I have no attachment to the game whatsoever. I don't like how it looks. I don't like how options for things are in imbedded menus that you have to dig out. The descriptions of powersets and powers leaves a -lot- to be desired. And I think they try to pack too much stuff in event wise... I also despise the char creator. 8 color pallets? Really? I spent an eternity in a cossie creator in City ... I got absolutely LOST in CO. Which took away all my inspiration for backstory & RP which is really my main reason for playing any game :(

TSW: Kind of liking the gameplay so far. I like the simplicity yet variety of the cossie creator. I like the look and feel. I'm not really a fan of the beginning of it really being all about zombies and the undead. I hope that changes into getting into the other zones. Oh! I hate that clicking a power doesn't automatically turn you towards your target like it did in City. For an MMO, there's no real teaming community, unless you already know players in the game. The LFG channel is the quietest I've seen, outside of a few dungeon run calls. And I cannot stand their crafting system... it confuses the heck outta me

DCUO: I despise the 3 part color pallet slider o.o ... K.I.S.S.!!! But I do like the look and feel of the game and char creator itself. I like the powers. I don't like the combos, and their way of fail in teaching you the combos in the tutorial. And I dislike the lore. I feel like my character is trying to wedge a name for themselves in a world already owned by Superman, Batman & WW. Why MUST my character start out on Brainiac's ship? Why MUST it be that my character's powers came from Brainiac's nanites. Why MUST the city be metropolis or gotham? Why MUST I choose one of them as a mentor? They're too iconic for me :/ ... I haven't tried out their crafting system just yet.

Overall, I miss City. Yeah there were some things about City that needed improvement. But, to me, its awesomeness far outweighed the competition. I'll probably be in TSW most often, followed by some dabbling in DCUO. I tried liking CO. I really did. I just can't stand to look at it.


I'm only in CO(on a Mac and there is a hack for it). 2 reasons only: it is superheroes and there are actually quite a few COXers o  it. I am also involved i  Project Phoenix though ;)
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


Quote from: DBadger on December 17, 2012, 09:54:54 AM
I do miss my superheroing action though and hope that delivers some (its a diablo style game, but currently in closed beta)

If you are eager to play as Cap, or Spidey, or Wolvie, etc, etc, then you might like it.

If you want to create your own character, you'll be out of luck.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Found CO to work out very well for me. Kind of wished I started playing it earlier but cant change the past only the future.


Glad you like it. Doesn't really do it for me.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Quote from: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 06:45:44 PM
Glad you like it. Doesn't really do it for me.

yeah it isnt for everyone. Then again what game is?


Quote from: JaguarX on December 17, 2012, 10:49:33 PM
yeah it isnt for everyone. Then again what game is?

Some games come a heck of a lot closer than others.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Quote from: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 11:05:27 PM
Some games come a heck of a lot closer than others.

yeah. The population of a game is a tell tell sign.


I have Never been able to log into my CO account, so I dropped it. DCUO, the Chat is Atrocious. TSW and I are friends for the time being.

My radar is still open to a CoX Revival or Replacement. I liked playing Superhero with all of you.

I am not a Fleet Officer, an Elf, an Angel, or a Foot Soldier. I AM a Superhero, or if you catch me on a bad day, a Supervillain.


CO, I bought a month but will drop it.  Not only does it remain ugly, but I have to hold down my mouse to turn in place, which, I realize is probably what I needed to do with that other game.  I've given Aion a shot.  Pretty.  Pretty boring, again, I am NOT buying anything so the costumes are boring, I'm dying too much and it is too far when resurrected.

I don't like having unique costumes a whole lot more than not having unique character faces, which surprised me, because I used the character faces in my work, getting an idea for my books, and sending them to my editors. (and, yes, I am behind deadline so I should not be doing anything).  I could always take a 1 mission break with COH.  That's not working now.  Very sad.

I am really stuck for a game and can't believe COH is gone, sign me up for Phoenix, and January would be good.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Quote from: Risha on December 18, 2012, 01:32:47 AM
CO, I bought a month but will drop it.  Not only does it remain ugly, but I have to hold down my mouse to turn in place,

I always change the buttons to the arrow buttons to do that and that take care of that problem. But is moot because the art style is a turn off for you.


Well, I downloaded League of Legends, should have looked at it first, I solo a lot and PvP isn't my thing.  So off it went, **sigh**, now I'm trying out DCU online, movement is iffy, the attacks/defenses are odd, it's a little buggy, but overall, I like the looks of it, and at least you can change the colors of your costumes...anyway it's pleasing me as a stopgap game, though I've just gotten out of the tutorial.  I like the lore and always loved DC comics, and they promise good stories, which is important.  We'll see, at least it lasted for longer than it took to download for me. :)
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance