SO what is everybody gonna go to now

Started by matthew31179, November 29, 2012, 08:29:40 PM


Quote from: Starsman on December 05, 2012, 02:05:29 AM

@Atlantea, I love your Champions version of 8-Man... I mean... Cyberman 8  ;)

Thanks. :D

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


trying out CO, if any of u have an sg we running to to stay together let me know the name and how to connact it.
took Athalwolf there also so i Should be easy to find if not let me know how to contact u.


I've previously tried DCUO a few times, just couldn't get into the game. Played Champions Online a lot at launch, but when I've tried to get back into it I've got bored very quickly. In fact the majority of MMOs out there don't seem to be doing anything to want me to keep playing them. Just bought The Secret World and while I'm having some fun it feels more like a single player game. I do miss my superheroing action though and hope that delivers some (its a diablo style game, but currently in closed beta)


So, I've DLed the top 3 .. CO, TSW, and DCUO, hoping one of them would peak my interests enough to get into. But alas, there's just nothing like the way CoH felt. It felt like home..

CO: I can't stand it ... I don't like it. I tried turning off the comic shading, and it only made it looks like a blurry comic book. I don't like the character models. The tutorial makes me wanna yoink out my innards, and it fails to really teach you anything. The announcement pop ups can't be closed without clicking through them. The power trays remind me of WoW >.< I have no attachment to the game whatsoever. I don't like how it looks. I don't like how options for things are in imbedded menus that you have to dig out. The descriptions of powersets and powers leaves a -lot- to be desired. And I think they try to pack too much stuff in event wise... I also despise the char creator. 8 color pallets? Really? I spent an eternity in a cossie creator in City ... I got absolutely LOST in CO. Which took away all my inspiration for backstory & RP which is really my main reason for playing any game :(

TSW: Kind of liking the gameplay so far. I like the simplicity yet variety of the cossie creator. I like the look and feel. I'm not really a fan of the beginning of it really being all about zombies and the undead. I hope that changes into getting into the other zones. Oh! I hate that clicking a power doesn't automatically turn you towards your target like it did in City. For an MMO, there's no real teaming community, unless you already know players in the game. The LFG channel is the quietest I've seen, outside of a few dungeon run calls. And I cannot stand their crafting system... it confuses the heck outta me

DCUO: I despise the 3 part color pallet slider o.o ... K.I.S.S.!!! But I do like the look and feel of the game and char creator itself. I like the powers. I don't like the combos, and their way of fail in teaching you the combos in the tutorial. And I dislike the lore. I feel like my character is trying to wedge a name for themselves in a world already owned by Superman, Batman & WW. Why MUST my character start out on Brainiac's ship? Why MUST it be that my character's powers came from Brainiac's nanites. Why MUST the city be metropolis or gotham? Why MUST I choose one of them as a mentor? They're too iconic for me :/ ... I haven't tried out their crafting system just yet.

Overall, I miss City. Yeah there were some things about City that needed improvement. But, to me, its awesomeness far outweighed the competition. I'll probably be in TSW most often, followed by some dabbling in DCUO. I tried liking CO. I really did. I just can't stand to look at it.


I'm only in CO(on a Mac and there is a hack for it). 2 reasons only: it is superheroes and there are actually quite a few COXers o  it. I am also involved i  Project Phoenix though ;)
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


Quote from: DBadger on December 17, 2012, 09:54:54 AM
I do miss my superheroing action though and hope that delivers some (its a diablo style game, but currently in closed beta)

If you are eager to play as Cap, or Spidey, or Wolvie, etc, etc, then you might like it.

If you want to create your own character, you'll be out of luck.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Found CO to work out very well for me. Kind of wished I started playing it earlier but cant change the past only the future.


Glad you like it. Doesn't really do it for me.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Quote from: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 06:45:44 PM
Glad you like it. Doesn't really do it for me.

yeah it isnt for everyone. Then again what game is?


Quote from: JaguarX on December 17, 2012, 10:49:33 PM
yeah it isnt for everyone. Then again what game is?

Some games come a heck of a lot closer than others.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


Quote from: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 11:05:27 PM
Some games come a heck of a lot closer than others.

yeah. The population of a game is a tell tell sign.


I have Never been able to log into my CO account, so I dropped it. DCUO, the Chat is Atrocious. TSW and I are friends for the time being.

My radar is still open to a CoX Revival or Replacement. I liked playing Superhero with all of you.

I am not a Fleet Officer, an Elf, an Angel, or a Foot Soldier. I AM a Superhero, or if you catch me on a bad day, a Supervillain.


CO, I bought a month but will drop it.  Not only does it remain ugly, but I have to hold down my mouse to turn in place, which, I realize is probably what I needed to do with that other game.  I've given Aion a shot.  Pretty.  Pretty boring, again, I am NOT buying anything so the costumes are boring, I'm dying too much and it is too far when resurrected.

I don't like having unique costumes a whole lot more than not having unique character faces, which surprised me, because I used the character faces in my work, getting an idea for my books, and sending them to my editors. (and, yes, I am behind deadline so I should not be doing anything).  I could always take a 1 mission break with COH.  That's not working now.  Very sad.

I am really stuck for a game and can't believe COH is gone, sign me up for Phoenix, and January would be good.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Quote from: Risha on December 18, 2012, 01:32:47 AM
CO, I bought a month but will drop it.  Not only does it remain ugly, but I have to hold down my mouse to turn in place,

I always change the buttons to the arrow buttons to do that and that take care of that problem. But is moot because the art style is a turn off for you.


Well, I downloaded League of Legends, should have looked at it first, I solo a lot and PvP isn't my thing.  So off it went, **sigh**, now I'm trying out DCU online, movement is iffy, the attacks/defenses are odd, it's a little buggy, but overall, I like the looks of it, and at least you can change the colors of your costumes...anyway it's pleasing me as a stopgap game, though I've just gotten out of the tutorial.  I like the lore and always loved DC comics, and they promise good stories, which is important.  We'll see, at least it lasted for longer than it took to download for me. :)
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance