CIT New and Old Functionality!

Started by Steiner, April 12, 2009, 10:19:43 PM

Snow Globe

Quote from: SaintNicster on May 10, 2009, 04:02:46 AM
Screenie to verify, please?
No, I don't have Passport, but for some reason "Snow Globe" on Triumph had it. I took it off because it was an error. However, it is in the Events tab in CIT's database (which is an error).


We moved it to when it was first realized that Bug Hunter and Passport were in the active badges. It's been about 2-3 months since the move. (Though your character having it through error does make a little sense regarding past issues, and moving it to the inactive list doesn't strip it off you character...)

Snow Globe

Okay, I'm not being clear enough again it seems.

CIT has Passport (inactive) as an Event badge. Badge Hunter, Paragonwiki, and all other sources I've been able to track down has the badge in the Accolade category.

Which is correct?


Quote from: Snow Globe on May 11, 2009, 02:22:28 AM
Okay, I'm not being clear enough again it seems.

CIT has Passport (inactive) as an Event badge. Badge Hunter, Paragonwiki, and all other sources I've been able to track down has the badge in the Accolade category.

Which is correct?
*shrugs* That's why I was asking for a pic, since it seemed like you had it.  I've moved it to accolades for now.

Snow Globe

Sorry, I'm on a US-only account. I can give you at least one character that is being tracked on CIT that has it:


Believe it or not, there is a staggering 129 characters that have this badge... (granted from what I've read it's an account wide badge, so math is going to bias to all the characters on a single account...).

We'll SaintNicster and I have a bit of a tackle over the situation and it was decided that he's going to run with his ideas and make changes for the betterment of CIT as a whole.

He's been a busy fella literally years of pent-up wants and needs being (finally) implemented into CIT, lol. If you guys ever need to know what's going on, don't be afraid to make a new thread or PM us directly.

Also, there was talk about having an open-forum meeting with some of users (using Skype). Could be fun, I'll fill ya in better when I know more.

Snow Globe

I really look forward to see what the Titan Team will do.


Quote from: Shorts on April 13, 2009, 03:32:47 PM
I could have mentioned the Shorts compact badge checklist I guess, but I don't think I will.  ;)

"Unobtained badges" category added to the bottom of the Character Profile page.

This will only show up if you are logged in and viewing one of your own characters.


Quote from: SaintNicster on May 11, 2009, 07:27:57 PM
"Unobtained badges" category added to the bottom of the Character Profile page.

This will only show up if you are logged in and viewing one of your own characters.
Nice. Not quite the same as the Compact Badge Checklist but useful none the less.  ;D
Excreta ergo sum.


Quote from: Shorts on May 14, 2009, 04:21:27 PM
Nice. Not quite the same as the Compact Badge Checklist but useful none the less.  ;D

Err, I'm not remembering what the 'compact badge checklist' looked like.  Any hints as to the contents/layout?

Also, the specific missing badges via settitles mentioned earlier is on my list of things.


From what I've read about "Short's Compact Checklist" in prior threads, it just a script to allow users to select which section of badges and have an option to group and sort History and Exploration badges by Zone/Map for the the printable badge list. 

I've attempted it a few times, but I went overboard trying to make it a PDF print out. Because I'm green and why use one column when you can use 3 and save paper.


Quote from: SaintNicster on May 14, 2009, 05:24:34 PM
Err, I'm not remembering what the 'compact badge checklist' looked like.  Any hints as to the contents/layout?

Also, the specific missing badges via settitles mentioned earlier is on my list of things.

It was dubbed the "Shorts" version for 2 3 reasons:

- It was shorter.

- Shorts presented the idea and demo.

- We like misspelling things for no good reason. Amirite?


Quote from: Cath on May 14, 2009, 07:56:35 PM
It was dubbed the "Shorts" version for 2 3 reasons:

- It was shorter.

- Shorts presented the idea and demo.

- We like misspelling things for no good reason. Amirite?

I'm all for redoing it, I just need to know what it looked like / had on it @_@


Quote from: Steiner on May 14, 2009, 05:36:57 PM
From what I've read about "Short's Compact Checklist" in prior threads, it just a script to allow users to select which section of badges and have an option to group and sort History and Exploration badges by Zone/Map for the the printable badge list.
I made the suggestion back on the old forums before the crash and subsequent merger with City Info Terminal and the rest of Titan Network. The original post is gone unless someone bothered to keep the old forum database. I found a reference to the thread "Printer Friendly Checklist" where I made my initial suggestion here: (Woah! October 2007! Was it really that long ago?)

No it was not a script (at least not to the end user, I'm sure there was some behind the scene) but a more compact version of the printable checklist. Back on the old site you could choose some of the amount of detail for the checklist (Edit: Maybe this was the script you referred to?), you could even print a checklist from the entire badge listing. What I proposed then was to actually use better categories (which later was implemented using what Red Tomax already had) but also compact the information so it would fit on one line per badge.

The point of categories is moot now that CoX implemented it themselves and Titan followed suit. Subcategories for the exploration badges could still be useful (all exploration badges for King's Row under one heading for instance). The compactation (is that a valid word :P) would also still be good.

To give you an idea what I had in mind. Consider this:

Quote Freedom's Defender (362)
     Requirements: -4254.5, 0.3, 1129.5
     Tip: Found in the Steel Canyon Safeguard Mission map.
     Zone(s): Steel Canyon (Safeguard) Honorable Captain (363)
     Requirements: -1947.9 0.3 -3172.9
     Tip: Found in the Independence Port Safeguard Mission map.
     Zone(s): Independence Port (Safeguard) Gatekeeper (367)
     Requirements: -635.4, 0.0, -2868.8
     Tip: Found in the Peregrine Island Safeguard Map.
     Zone(s): Peregrine Island (Safeguard) Head of the Hydra (1051)
     Requirements: 0, -695, 15
     Tip: N/A
     Zone(s): Abandoned Sewer Network

And then this...

Quote Freedom's Defender (362) - Steel Canyon (Safeguard) [-4254.5, 0.3, 1129.5] Honorable Captain (363) - Independence Port (Safeguard) [-1947.9 0.3 -3172.9] Gatekeeper (367) - Peregrine Island (Safeguard) [-635.4, 0.0, -2868.8] Head of the Hydra (1051) - Abandoned Sewer Network [0, -695, 15]

Same information, much less screen real estate or space on paper.

What I wanted (and actually was realized if only for the entire badgelist and not to my missing badges) was a checklist with one line per badge with the neccessary information that could be fitted. I wasn't, and still isn't, interested in a checklist with only the badge name. Since I can't remember all the requirements for all the badges and I didn't want to have to alt-tab out of the game to check the website or print 40-pages worth of check list I though of the compact idea.

Since then I have added a second monitor to my rig and use windowed mode while I play so keeping the website up all the time is not that much of a hassle any more for me. But I would still welcome it if it ever was implemented for my missing badges and I'm sure someone else might find it useful too.  :)
Excreta ergo sum.


Quote from: Shorts on May 14, 2009, 08:43:45 PM
I made the suggestion back on the old forums before the crash and subsequent merger with City Info Terminal and the rest of Titan Network. The original post is gone unless someone bothered to keep the old forum database. I found a reference to the thread "Printer Friendly Checklist" where I made my initial suggestion here: (Woah! October 2007! Was it really that long ago?)

No it was not a script (at least not to the end user, I'm sure there was some behind the scene) but a more compact version of the printable checklist. Back on the old site you could choose some of the amount of detail for the checklist (Edit: Maybe this was the script you referred to?), you could even print a checklist from the entire badge listing. What I proposed then was to actually use better categories (which later was implemented using what Red Tomax already had) but also compact the information so it would fit on one line per badge.

The point of categories is moot now that CoX implemented it themselves and Titan followed suit. Subcategories for the exploration badges could still be useful (all exploration badges for King's Row under one heading for instance). The compactation (is that a valid word :P) would also still be good.

To give you an idea what I had in mind. Consider this:

And then this...

Same information, much less screen real estate or space on paper.

What I wanted (and actually was realized if only for the entire badgelist and not to my missing badges) was a checklist with one line per badge with the neccessary information that could be fitted. I wasn't, and still isn't, interested in a checklist with only the badge name. Since I can't remember all the requirements for all the badges and I didn't want to have to alt-tab out of the game to check the website or print 40-pages worth of check list I though of the compact idea.

Since then I have added a second monitor to my rig and use windowed mode while I play so keeping the website up all the time is not that much of a hassle any more for me. But I would still welcome it if it ever was implemented for my missing badges and I'm sure someone else might find it useful too.  :)

Ok, This is what I was looking for :P  I'll put this on my list.


o.o if your still using this to consolidate suggestions for stuffs, I suggested a while back that souvenir tracking be added. I know there's no way to verify if one has them or not, but a savable checklist for which character has what here would be great.

>.> paragonwiki should have all the souvs up (should, a villain one or two might be missing) if text is needed, or just somewhere to link to.
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!

o.o reachable at: My Paragonwiki Page

Judgement Dave

Quote from: Steiner on April 13, 2009, 02:03:51 PM
Two reasons why those stats probably won't be re-implemented.
1.) I have no idea what they listed, I was around back then but I can't remember for the life of me.
2.) Believe it or not... running stats of any sort of that level is pretty resource intensive. So much to the point the stats on the home page of CIT... SuckerPunch had create cronological jobs for them (jobs that run like once every few hours, or like once a day)

I'll look into what can be done, maybe if I tweak the databases I might be able to get stats together. ALSO realize that one of the major reasons we're kind of steering away from public stats is that we were getting told that spammers were just grabbing user's names and flooding them with emails and tells. So for one it will have to be only if you're logged in visible and there might have to be an account check... meaning email validation so spammers just don't go making an account and grabbing the names.

Lol, I'm so long winded, like I said I'll look into it.
I never even realised that there used to be a facility to see who was near you on your server - and I can see that being too intensive if used much.

But any chance of bringing back the overall stats for breakdown of characters by AT/origin/powersets/server etc? It was always good to see how things like AT usage compared, and as these stats were about groupings:
* no individual character/player-specific information was shown;
* it's fairly slow changing, so a cron a day probably works fine for it.

It was just interesting to see and something I miss.


That was my worried and paranoid post.

There will most likely be some stats, as Nicster has listed it on his "Wish List" page.

How he plans to attack it is a mystery to me... but he is aware of the impending spammers seeing globals and other info to spam you in-game and most likely plans to handle it in a respectable manner.


Quote from: Shorts on April 13, 2009, 03:32:47 PM
I could have mentioned the Shorts compact badge checklist I guess, but I don't think I will.  ;)

Instead I'd like to offer a brand-spanking-new idea (alright, new-ish then  :P). An XML-version of the badge checklist, or even better a ready made /settitle file with only the missing badges from the toon in question. The latter has been suggested numerous times before, so I won't take credit for that.

A note:  These have now all been implemented.


Quote from: Suzumebachi on April 27, 2009, 08:26:21 AM

Quote from: Jayyde on April 13, 2009, 03:08:37 PM
It'd be awesome if the badge details popup for badges with pre-reqs would list out those badges and whether the current character (if you're looking at someone in particular) had them.  Was nice to use to see what you were missing for Accolades, etc.
This used to be incredibly useful, especially when you were working on the Accolade badges.  All the information you required was on a single page, rather than now where you have to note down what the pre-reqs are and then go hunting through your profile to see which you have and which you still need.

As an fyi, these have been added back in :)