CIT New and Old Functionality!

Started by Steiner, April 12, 2009, 10:19:43 PM


Ok, I'm a bit in over my head with all these new ideas going on behind the scenes and right in front of everyone's faces.

SOOO, I have a 'free moment' coming up soon, if it should even be called that... I need you wonderful, awesome and ultimately inspirational users to help me out!

There are a series of features and functionality (both new and simple Quality of Life related) that have been stated in multiple places on the forum... however I'm currently working on a small project and really don't have the time to search them all out.

So what I was hoping was for anyone to help me out and compile a list here so when my 'free moment' comes up, I will be able to just dive in!

If you can, search them out and post them here. (New ones are welcome as well!)
Keep comments to a minimum, just the idea and how you think it could be implemented... if you don't know how it could be implemented than the idea by itself is just fine.

I remember something about a new version of checklist off the top of my head... just to start the juices flowing.

I will reply with a structured list of what is possible and what isn't and get them worked into the running version of CIT.

Thanks again for your patronage to the Titan Network!


  • Auto-verify parent / prereq badges
  • Auto-verify account-wide badges



Pretty please with sugar on top: bring back the stats page.

It was one of my favourite features of this website and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that.
Being able to see who on your server is near your own badge count and being able to compair between them and your chars... It really added a nice competition like dimension to the site.


Quote from: antartic on April 13, 2009, 02:23:38 AM
Pretty please with sugar on top: bring back the stats page.

It was one of my favourite features of this website and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that.
Being able to see who on your server is near your own badge count and being able to compair between them and your chars... It really added a nice competition like dimension to the site.

Two reasons why those stats probably won't be re-implemented.
1.) I have no idea what they listed, I was around back then but I can't remember for the life of me.
2.) Believe it or not... running stats of any sort of that level is pretty resource intensive. So much to the point the stats on the home page of CIT... SuckerPunch had create cronological jobs for them (jobs that run like once every few hours, or like once a day)

I'll look into what can be done, maybe if I tweak the databases I might be able to get stats together. ALSO realize that one of the major reasons we're kind of steering away from public stats is that we were getting told that spammers were just grabbing user's names and flooding them with emails and tells. So for one it will have to be only if you're logged in visible and there might have to be an account check... meaning email validation so spammers just don't go making an account and grabbing the names.

Lol, I'm so long winded, like I said I'll look into it.


It'd be awesome if the badge details popup for badges with pre-reqs would list out those badges and whether the current character (if you're looking at someone in particular) had them.  Was nice to use to see what you were missing for Accolades, etc.

\m/  (^.^)  \m/


I could have mentioned the Shorts compact badge checklist I guess, but I don't think I will.  ;)

Instead I'd like to offer a brand-spanking-new idea (alright, new-ish then  :P). An XML-version of the badge checklist, or even better a ready made /settitle file with only the missing badges from the toon in question. The latter has been suggested numerous times before, so I won't take credit for that.
Excreta ergo sum.


Quote from: Steiner on April 13, 2009, 02:03:51 PM
Two reasons why those stats probably won't be re-implemented.
1.) I have no idea what they listed, I was around back then but I can't remember for the life of me.
2.) Believe it or not... running stats of any sort of that level is pretty resource intensive. So much to the point the stats on the home page of CIT... SuckerPunch had create cronological jobs for them (jobs that run like once every few hours, or like once a day)

When Sean and I were going to re-implement the stats pages, we were going to have summary tables powered by cron jobs so as not to over-burden the data tables.  I don't remember how far along we got it with that but I'll touch base with Sean and see.


Quote from: Shorts on April 13, 2009, 03:32:47 PM
I could have mentioned the Shorts compact badge checklist I guess, but I don't think I will.  ;)

Instead I'd like to offer a brand-spanking-new idea (alright, new-ish then  :P). An XML-version of the badge checklist, or even better a ready made /settitle file with only the missing badges from the toon in question. The latter has been suggested numerous times before, so I won't take credit for that.

Once the Settitle generator is fixed to allow multiple settitles, this would be very handy. ;D


Quote from: SuckerPunch on April 13, 2009, 03:58:14 PM
When Sean and I were going to re-implement the stats pages, we were going to have summary tables powered by cron jobs so as not to over-burden the data tables.  I don't remember how far along we got it with that but I'll touch base with Sean and see.
That would be quite awesome of you and Sean... you guys remember what the users want/need. And I'm a bit shady with the crontab and how it works without something like cPanel helping me... lol us dang .net children; we're just so used to having everything automated for us. :D


Quote from: antartic on April 13, 2009, 02:23:38 AM
Pretty please with sugar on top: bring back the stats page.

It was one of my favourite features of this website and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that.
Being able to see who on your server is near your own badge count and being able to compair between them and your chars... It really added a nice competition like dimension to the site.


Seems like such a waste to have such a useful database and not being able to mine it. 

Fallen Angel Eyes

One thing that I mentioned way back here was the reimplementation of an RSS/Atom feed for the news on the site. I find feeds to be a very simple and handy way to keep track of news in one place.

Thirding or fourthing the return of the stats page.

Please bring back individual character listing of what badges you need for accolades! I miss that incredibly!

Would love to be able to see my total influence blueside and redside in one place again, seeing as that's tracked by the stats, and also be able to see it privately. Still hoping for a fix soon for this bug.

I'm hoping this post doesn't look like I complain a lot, but I really do enjoy this site and consider it a staple to my CoX playing experience. <3 CIT!


Quote from: Jayyde on April 13, 2009, 03:08:37 PM
It'd be awesome if the badge details popup for badges with pre-reqs would list out those badges and whether the current character (if you're looking at someone in particular) had them.  Was nice to use to see what you were missing for Accolades, etc.

This used to be incredibly useful, especially when you were working on the Accolade badges.  All the information you required was on a single page, rather than now where you have to note down what the pre-reqs are and then go hunting through your profile to see which you have and which you still need.


One old page that I miss is the page that shows recently acquired badges. They have a 'Most Recent' page in game now, but of course you can only see the one you are logged into. I used to use that page in conjunction with the 'Low Hanging Fruit' pages a lot. If you can get the Acquired Date from the badge chat info that would be brilliant. But just having it by Verified Date is also nice. One use for the page is as a shortcut to verifying the Verification of new badges. Badges from multiple categories just appear in order.

Snow Globe


Quote from: Snow Globe on May 05, 2009, 07:22:50 AM
Unverified badge list please.

How's this?

Not linked from the nav bar yet, but what do ya say?

Minor thing really, and prolly not real feasable. But if your uploading an image, and it's like 198x198, or basically only a pixel or 2 off either dimension, does it have to error out on you? Can;t it just add a line of black where needed? I had to go back and redo 4 icons today cause I was off by a single pixel in one dimension. Understandable if this is silly and not really possible.


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Quote from: BlindFaith on April 29, 2009, 06:39:44 PM
One old page that I miss is the page that shows recently acquired badges. They have a 'Most Recent' page in game now, but of course you can only see the one you are logged into. I used to use that page in conjunction with the 'Low Hanging Fruit' pages a lot. If you can get the Acquired Date from the badge chat info that would be brilliant. But just having it by Verified Date is also nice. One use for the page is as a shortcut to verifying the Verification of new badges. Badges from multiple categories just appear in order.

link added to the Edit Characters page.

Snow Globe

Quote from: SaintNicster on May 07, 2009, 07:38:48 PM
How's this?

Not linked from the nav bar yet, but what do ya say?
I like that layout. However if passport was the unverified badge that is appearing on some of my characters, then something is broken ;D

Edit: changed now ;) but added a badge that should have appeared on my character (Early bird is supposed to be global, but that is the game's fault.)

Also, Passport is an Accolade, not an Event badge (it is listed in the wrong category.)


Quote from: Snow Globe on May 10, 2009, 01:04:50 AM
I like that layout. However if passport was the unverified badge that is appearing on some of my characters, then something is broken ;D

Edit: changed now ;) but added a badge that should have appeared on my character (Early bird is supposed to be global, but that is the game's fault.)

Also, Passport is an Accolade, not an Event badge (it is listed in the wrong category.)
Screenie to verify, please?