Call for testers: Paragon Chat Prerelease Testing Program

Started by Codewalker, March 17, 2016, 04:44:23 PM


The pre-alpha for Paragon Chat 1.0 is just about ready for initial testing. There is still some work to be done before it's feature-complete, however due to the sweeping architectural changes, I'd like to have some people stress testing it in real-world situations.

So, to that end, I'm looking for people to join the Paragon Chat Prerelease Testing Program. This is a semi-public alpha program. By that I mean that anyone can join (so long as they adhere to the general Titan rules of conduct). It has a private forum in order to post testing reports and host discussions without outside distractions, but the information discussed is not considered secret and members are free to talk about it.

Who I am looking for:
  • People who are legitimately interested in Paragon Chat as a platform to build on, and who are willing to do some extra testing and contribute constructive feedback to help out.

  • People who have a forum account and are comfortable with participating in discussions on the closed testing forum.

  • People with attention to detail, who can post useful information about situations they run into with a minimum of having to go back and ask for more.

  • People with at least some technical expertise are preferred, but not required. The development branch that you'll be running is rougher cut, with frequent updates and changes. It may be broken at any given time, and I can't afford to spend just a whole lot of time troubleshooting local issues that aren't a bug in the program itself.

Who I am NOT looking for:
  • People who just want early access to new shinies. The first version that will be tested in this program intentionally does not include any new features, but is just a test of the new architecture.

  • People who can't be bothered to submit a bug report after encountering an issue, or who don't respond to requests for more information to help track it down.

  • People who will cry if the development branch is broken because of work in progress. :D

What you get for your trouble:
  • The satisfaction of knowing that you're helping to build something for the community.

  • Early access to development builds that may include partially-complete new features (but not at first! See the item above).

  • Cool and unique version numbers that show up when other people look at your player info.

If you're interested in joining, either reply to this post to shoot me a PM. I'm still getting everything set up, so it may be a day or two before I get it all sorted out.


CW:  Please count me in!  I have no programming expertise, nor do I want any, but I do know how to test software from a user prospective (I was a SW tester for BellSouth many years ago, now retired).  As mentioned, I am retired, so, when I'm not in my basement fooling around with my trains, I am upstairs on my computer.  Do you require system info on the testing PC?


Tom G.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


I'm going to make it work with the Mac client somehow if it kills me.  It probably will.


Quote from: Styrj on March 17, 2016, 05:39:39 PM
CW:  Please count me in!

Will do! Be on the lookout for a new section to appear once I get everything set up.

Quote from: Styrj on March 17, 2016, 05:39:39 PM
Do you require system info on the testing PC?

Not out of the gate. Potentially if you run into problems that may be system-specific, but we'll handle things like that on a case by case basis.


I would love to help. I also have coding experience (30+ years), but mostly do Java. I've had to do C++ and C# for recent coloege courses, so I can help out there if you need something specific. But I'm prefectly happy to test as well. My pc has Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (dual boot to Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit), AMD A4-7300 CPU/APU, 8GB Ram, GeForce GTX 960 graphics card, dual monitors (22", usually left turned off and 24" main).


No programming/technical background, but have beta tested so many games in my lifetime. I'd love to help where I can and give a bit back to this community.


Quote from: Codewalker on March 17, 2016, 06:45:00 PM
Will do! Be on the lookout for a new section to appear once I get everything set up.

Not out of the gate. Potentially if you run into problems that may be system-specific, but we'll handle things like that on a case by case basis.

Can't wait!  Should be tons of fun!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


count me in. i was with coh from beta to end.. so i should be of assistance..


Did you say you needed someone to break things?*

*when I can find time
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Everyone who posted/PM'd so far, as well as a few others I drafted, should now have access to the testing subforum.

Golden Aurora

I'll help out as well. I'm a consultant who does software development primarily in c# Java js and tsql. I understand intimately how useful beta testers and qa are. Let me know if you could use a hand.


Quote from: chuckv3 on March 17, 2016, 07:10:54 PM
I've had to do C++ and C# for recent coloege courses, so I can help out there if you need something specific.

Bit of a tangent that you reminded me of -- I've had a lot of PMs and such from people who want to help out, and it is very appreciated, though most of what's going on right now requires a very specialized skillset (C [not C++!], x86-32 machine language, reverse engineering large pieces of software without always having reference points, and intimate familiarity with internal COH data structures).

I'm trying to avoid situations where I spend more time helping people figure out exactly what they can do than actually getting stuff done. That's something nemerle has had trouble with on SEGS, lots of people who are enthusiastic at first but vanish once they start trying to work with the actual code.

I do have some components in mind for later on that won't require that level of prior experience, so to anyone who does have coding skills, keep an eye out! I especially am on the lookout for self-starters who already have ideas of how they can contribute and don't need a lot of handholding to get started.

Doc Artz

I would be more than happy to participate in any testing. I'll bring any/all my toons you need: Healer, fire and/or electric tank,  warshade, ranged fire corrupter, and/or  controller. All were level 50 +2 when COH closed.
Doc Artz


Added Doc Artz and Golden Aurora. You should be able to see the testing forum, be sure to read through the threads there for instructions, caveats to watch out for, and the areas that need the most testing. Feel free to post additional threads with bug reports or feedback, the existing ones are just the focus areas.


I would be glad to help.  I am currently working as a technical consultant dealing with infrastructure and enterprise application upgrades. I have 15 years of Project Management experience, and have 20+ years of coding experience. I would be glad to provide technical and aesthetic feedback, and document bugs, anomalies, and things that go right too!
Karma is real


Is this solo testing or interaction testing with other players?  If with other players, what time of the day would you be targeting?

I've been on during my work day, from 1200 to 1700 Central time, and I haven't seen hardly anyone on line.


Codewalker, I dropped you a PM, but to reiterate here and to the rest of the group I would love to help out in any way I can. I have a strong programming background, love this game, and am eager to help this project move forward. Cheers, and thank you.
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream is gone from me."


Sure I'll give it a go! I usually find tonnes of bugs on games and am usually the one reporting them! :'D I'm sad, but efficient. It'll be nice to feel important :)


If you are still recruiting testers I would like to serve. :)

Scrapperlock in ten... nine...

Jeff Anderson

I am happy to help out. I have a bunch of programming background, but only in the business application background like C Sharp, Java, Python, Ruby, etc.

I've been coding a bunch of extensions on top of Titan icon, to turn it into a virtual RPG desktop, and would love to move those efforts on to paragon chat. So count me in for testing as I am passionate about helping move the project along!