Call for testers: Paragon Chat Prerelease Testing Program

Started by Codewalker, March 17, 2016, 04:44:23 PM


The pre-alpha for Paragon Chat 1.0 is just about ready for initial testing. There is still some work to be done before it's feature-complete, however due to the sweeping architectural changes, I'd like to have some people stress testing it in real-world situations.

So, to that end, I'm looking for people to join the Paragon Chat Prerelease Testing Program. This is a semi-public alpha program. By that I mean that anyone can join (so long as they adhere to the general Titan rules of conduct). It has a private forum in order to post testing reports and host discussions without outside distractions, but the information discussed is not considered secret and members are free to talk about it.

Who I am looking for:
  • People who are legitimately interested in Paragon Chat as a platform to build on, and who are willing to do some extra testing and contribute constructive feedback to help out.

  • People who have a forum account and are comfortable with participating in discussions on the closed testing forum.

  • People with attention to detail, who can post useful information about situations they run into with a minimum of having to go back and ask for more.

  • People with at least some technical expertise are preferred, but not required. The development branch that you'll be running is rougher cut, with frequent updates and changes. It may be broken at any given time, and I can't afford to spend just a whole lot of time troubleshooting local issues that aren't a bug in the program itself.

Who I am NOT looking for:
  • People who just want early access to new shinies. The first version that will be tested in this program intentionally does not include any new features, but is just a test of the new architecture.

  • People who can't be bothered to submit a bug report after encountering an issue, or who don't respond to requests for more information to help track it down.

  • People who will cry if the development branch is broken because of work in progress. :D

What you get for your trouble:
  • The satisfaction of knowing that you're helping to build something for the community.

  • Early access to development builds that may include partially-complete new features (but not at first! See the item above).

  • Cool and unique version numbers that show up when other people look at your player info.

If you're interested in joining, either reply to this post to shoot me a PM. I'm still getting everything set up, so it may be a day or two before I get it all sorted out.


CW:  Please count me in!  I have no programming expertise, nor do I want any, but I do know how to test software from a user prospective (I was a SW tester for BellSouth many years ago, now retired).  As mentioned, I am retired, so, when I'm not in my basement fooling around with my trains, I am upstairs on my computer.  Do you require system info on the testing PC?


Tom G.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


I'm going to make it work with the Mac client somehow if it kills me.  It probably will.


Quote from: Styrj on March 17, 2016, 05:39:39 PM
CW:  Please count me in!

Will do! Be on the lookout for a new section to appear once I get everything set up.

Quote from: Styrj on March 17, 2016, 05:39:39 PM
Do you require system info on the testing PC?

Not out of the gate. Potentially if you run into problems that may be system-specific, but we'll handle things like that on a case by case basis.


I would love to help. I also have coding experience (30+ years), but mostly do Java. I've had to do C++ and C# for recent coloege courses, so I can help out there if you need something specific. But I'm prefectly happy to test as well. My pc has Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (dual boot to Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit), AMD A4-7300 CPU/APU, 8GB Ram, GeForce GTX 960 graphics card, dual monitors (22", usually left turned off and 24" main).


No programming/technical background, but have beta tested so many games in my lifetime. I'd love to help where I can and give a bit back to this community.


Quote from: Codewalker on March 17, 2016, 06:45:00 PM
Will do! Be on the lookout for a new section to appear once I get everything set up.

Not out of the gate. Potentially if you run into problems that may be system-specific, but we'll handle things like that on a case by case basis.

Can't wait!  Should be tons of fun!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


count me in. i was with coh from beta to end.. so i should be of assistance..


Did you say you needed someone to break things?*

*when I can find time
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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Everyone who posted/PM'd so far, as well as a few others I drafted, should now have access to the testing subforum.

Golden Aurora

I'll help out as well. I'm a consultant who does software development primarily in c# Java js and tsql. I understand intimately how useful beta testers and qa are. Let me know if you could use a hand.


Quote from: chuckv3 on March 17, 2016, 07:10:54 PM
I've had to do C++ and C# for recent coloege courses, so I can help out there if you need something specific.

Bit of a tangent that you reminded me of -- I've had a lot of PMs and such from people who want to help out, and it is very appreciated, though most of what's going on right now requires a very specialized skillset (C [not C++!], x86-32 machine language, reverse engineering large pieces of software without always having reference points, and intimate familiarity with internal COH data structures).

I'm trying to avoid situations where I spend more time helping people figure out exactly what they can do than actually getting stuff done. That's something nemerle has had trouble with on SEGS, lots of people who are enthusiastic at first but vanish once they start trying to work with the actual code.

I do have some components in mind for later on that won't require that level of prior experience, so to anyone who does have coding skills, keep an eye out! I especially am on the lookout for self-starters who already have ideas of how they can contribute and don't need a lot of handholding to get started.

Doc Artz

I would be more than happy to participate in any testing. I'll bring any/all my toons you need: Healer, fire and/or electric tank,  warshade, ranged fire corrupter, and/or  controller. All were level 50 +2 when COH closed.
Doc Artz


Added Doc Artz and Golden Aurora. You should be able to see the testing forum, be sure to read through the threads there for instructions, caveats to watch out for, and the areas that need the most testing. Feel free to post additional threads with bug reports or feedback, the existing ones are just the focus areas.


I would be glad to help.  I am currently working as a technical consultant dealing with infrastructure and enterprise application upgrades. I have 15 years of Project Management experience, and have 20+ years of coding experience. I would be glad to provide technical and aesthetic feedback, and document bugs, anomalies, and things that go right too!
Karma is real


Is this solo testing or interaction testing with other players?  If with other players, what time of the day would you be targeting?

I've been on during my work day, from 1200 to 1700 Central time, and I haven't seen hardly anyone on line.


Codewalker, I dropped you a PM, but to reiterate here and to the rest of the group I would love to help out in any way I can. I have a strong programming background, love this game, and am eager to help this project move forward. Cheers, and thank you.
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream is gone from me."


Sure I'll give it a go! I usually find tonnes of bugs on games and am usually the one reporting them! :'D I'm sad, but efficient. It'll be nice to feel important :)


If you are still recruiting testers I would like to serve. :)

Scrapperlock in ten... nine...

Jeff Anderson

I am happy to help out. I have a bunch of programming background, but only in the business application background like C Sharp, Java, Python, Ruby, etc.

I've been coding a bunch of extensions on top of Titan icon, to turn it into a virtual RPG desktop, and would love to move those efforts on to paragon chat. So count me in for testing as I am passionate about helping move the project along!



Added the last few.

Quote from: Jeff Anderson on March 19, 2016, 08:01:02 PM
I've been coding a bunch of extensions on top of Titan icon, to turn it into a virtual RPG desktop, and would love to move those efforts on to paragon chat. So count me in for testing as I am passionate about helping move the project along

That's something I've been following with interest, and I'd be more than happy to have you participate. Creating hooks for things like that are something that's on my wish-list, and once you see the new architecture in action and think about how it's being accomplished, I think you'll see why I'm excited about the potential of this line of development.


I'll glady help if you'll have me.

I do not have tons of experience with programming but I'll still try to help if possible :D


Hello Codewalker,

I think opening Paragon Chat to Alpha testing is a good thing.  It may speed up bug testing and adding features to the platform.  It also adds to the community tradition of CoH and involving them in the 'rebirth.'

I'm offering to help.

Also, I'm intrigued by your excitement regarding the new architectural improvements.  Sounds like you're laying the groundwork for bigger things to come...  ;)



Quote from: saipaman on March 19, 2016, 02:07:58 AM
Is this solo testing or interaction testing with other players?  If with other players, what time of the day would you be targeting?

Either/both. Mostly it's stability testing, since there are a ton of internal changes. So while it's useful to test interaction with other players, it's not the only thing I'm testing.


I can certainly provide a group of machines to for installation testing.   I could help you with the stability testing -- either free form or scripted.


How could I refuse? Let me know what you need and I'll screw my courage!
"Yer 'bout ta find out why they call me 'The Melee Blaster'!!!..."


Quote from: Codewalker on March 18, 2016, 05:50:51 PM
Bit of a tangent that you reminded me of -- I've had a lot of PMs and such from people who want to help out, and it is very appreciated, though most of what's going on right now requires a very specialized skillset (C [not C++!], x86-32 machine language, reverse engineering large pieces of software without always having reference points, and intimate familiarity with internal COH data structures).

I'm trying to avoid situations where I spend more time helping people figure out exactly what they can do than actually getting stuff done. That's something nemerle has had trouble with on SEGS, lots of people who are enthusiastic at first but vanish once they start trying to work with the actual code.

I do have some components in mind for later on that won't require that level of prior experience, so to anyone who does have coding skills, keep an eye out! I especially am on the lookout for self-starters who already have ideas of how they can contribute and don't need a lot of handholding to get started.

Understood! I have 30+ years of experience, have done C and various assemblers (x86, PICS, Scenix, 68000, Z80), but I'm definitely unfamiliar with CoH data structures, and have only minimal experience reverse-engineering x86 compiled code. Just curious if you can see any compiler tags in there to know what the original programming language or compiler might have been (2004 I would suspect Borland C or an earlier Microsoft C). Also, I did 3 different 400-level 3d courses recently as part of my Bachelor of Computer Science (one using jMonkey [Java], another in C++ using OpenGL [glut] and another for Android [Java]), but it seems like that wouldn't necessarily be relevant to your efforts.


Quote from: chuckv3 on March 22, 2016, 09:44:50 PM
Just curious if you can see any compiler tags in there to know what the original programming language or compiler might have been (2004 I would suspect Borland C or an earlier Microsoft C).

Not really tags, but based on the features in use and some other fingerprints, I'm fairly confident that it's MS Visual C 2005, with an upgraded Platform SDK from sometime in 2007 or 2008. The vast majority (98%) of the code is almost certainly C. I've identified a few spots that use C++ calling conventions, but all of them are in places that have to do with talking to the authentication server. We know the auth protocol is a variant of Lineage II's (and later used for Tabula Rasa), so the C++ code most likely came from NCSoft rather than Cryptic's codebase.

Whole-program optimization and link time code generation were turned on for the I23 and I24 client builds (they turned this on sometime around Issue 18 or 19 along with duplicate string elimination), which makes reverse engineering fun. By fun I mean "fun", since LTCG lets the compiler make up whatever calling conventions it wants and inline things across module boundaries. Most functions calls are not cdecl or stdcall or even fastcall, but use whatever random combination of registers and stack the compiler decided was best for that function. I ended up writing some automatic analysis tools to identify and categorize these so that interface adapters could be generated.

There are a number of debugging messages left in the executable, and a couple instances I've concluded must have been debug call wrapper macros that got missed and included __FILE__ and __LINE__ arguments. Those have given me quite a collection of source file names, so I have a fairly good idea of what the build tree looked like. It's not a complete picture, but a decent overview.


I *think* I've added everyone who's expressed interest up to this point. Just check for the 'Prerelease Testing' board under Paragon Chat and see if you can see the topics there.


I'd be happy to help out if you're still looking for assistance here.


Me please, Codewalker!  I did beta for Wildstar & have a twenty-five+ year technical background.



3 more added, check out the testing board for instructions, etc etc.

I did mention that it's open to anyone who wants to participate and understands what's involved, right? You don't have to impress me with your résumé. :D


Count me in too if you still would like more stress testers...
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


I am willing to help.
Done many beta tests and currently do testing for the software company I work at.

I dabble in code too but manly C#. I have very little C and C++ knowledge but I'd love to learn more.


If you are still taking test volunteers, I'd like to be added.  21 year software development engineer with several years of QA/Diagnostic test tool development.

Thanks again for making Paragon Chat!

Bustem Up


I can test whatever you need.  I'm in the Chat everyday and currently an Alpha tester for another MMORPG.


I'd love to join the efforts. I'm a skillful player, ex-video game tester too. :)


Ah, perfect! I needed one or two more who haven't installed any of the test versions yet, as some fixes were made to the upgrade process that need to be checked from a clean start.

You should be able to see the testing forum now; there are instructions in the threads there.


Just joined the movement tonight, I've kept up to date some the past few years but haven't done much but follow. That being said, I was feeling particularly nostalgic and thought I'd pitch in what I could.

Limited C++ programming, but good with math and figuring out algorithms too, anybody familiar with Shadowbane Emulator, I helped a lot getting their EXP function fine tuned to where they wanted.

Barring that, I am GREAT at logging on and stress testing. :D

Mister Hassenpheffer

If you still need help testing things please sign me up.


Added the last 3.

There's nothing currently being tested at the moment, but some of the things tying up my free time are about to be done for a while, so with any luck I'll have something for you beat on up soonish.


I'd gladly help test what you are working on! I have a few years of payed game testing as well as QA (quality assurance) for varied developers and I'd gladly put forth my experience and effort into helping out such an awesome project as this. Please let me know how and when I can help out. I'm also more than proficient in Maya 3D modeling / unreal engine blue print, and particle effects.
Thanks for your great work! Keep it up.


I've added you to the testers group; you should be able to see the forum now. I just started a new test series a couple weeks ago and am looking to get a few more people using that version so I can test some new features before they get rolled out.

Please check out the link here for instructions on how to get the latest test build.


I have a bunch of free time for the next couple months if you need more testers.


Added you, irvfrost.

Be sure to check out the Testing board. Instructions for how to get started are here, and the notes for the current version being tested, that I just posted about 5 minutes ago, are here.


Hey there, could I get added to the testing group? Work in gamedev, would love to help out if I can.


This game was my childhood I'd be honored to be apart its it "recreation". You can count me in to help. I have no coding experience but have a keen eye and am a quick learner.


I'm open for testing if you still need peeps. I can be responsive a little during the week, but plenty on the weekends. I have plenty of  development and debugging experience if that matters. Data Engines and exposing data via multiple languages and services as well.


Added the last few. We can always use a few extra eyes looking for bugs and shaking out the unfinished stuff.


If you're adding more I'd really like to join in on this. I've mostly been a lurker, but I'd love to help with the development of Paragon Chat in any way I can.



Gee, thanks. (If MM3Squints wnds up breaking Paragon Chat, that means I'm fired now. O.o )
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: Tahquitz on September 30, 2016, 04:16:21 AM
Gee, thanks. (If MM3Squints wnds up breaking Paragon Chat, that means I'm fired now. O.o )

It's not like I will Yamcha'd the game.


:D I haven't seen DragonBall Z, so I'm not going to lie.  I Googled that.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds disappointing.


I would like to be a Stress Tester.

A.  I am legitimately interested in Paragon Chat as a platform to build on. I'm willing to do some extra testing and I do good with contributing constructive feedback to help out.

B.  Since I enjoy writing and dabbling in desktop publishing, I am good at paying attention to detail. and I can post useful information about situations that I run into.

C.  I have a forum account and I am comfortable in discussions on the closed testing forum.

D. I have limited technical expertise, (basic forum coding, 3D rendering with 3rd Party software with 2nd Life and Landmark; retired from texturing "the Sims")

Tahquitz directed me to this forum.

P.S.  I'm very interested in one of the current tasks, working on Super Base. 


Well, head on over to the Prerelease Testing forum that you now have access to and take a look!

Things have been a little busy with $dayjob spilling over into personal time lately, so there hasn't been an update there in a while, but there is still plenty to check out. Hopefully should get some more free time soon.


Ravynwind just brought this to my attention. For programming experience, I once wrote a number guessing program in BASIC on my Commodore 128... I can sense the envy following ;)
I've never been an alpha tester, but I've been a beta tester for several mmorpgs. I do have rather expansive base building knowledge, though I did manage to fall through the floor into the grid once. Was rather amusing though, hiding outside the walls and stabbing at people through them. But that should be an example, is there's a way to break something, I can usually find it.
I am also a morale booster. People look at me, and instantly feel better about themselves. And lastly, I give really good hugs :)

Though I also am a manager for online retail, so holiday season is pretty much insanity for the next 2 months.


I'd really be happy to help test out the features and give any feedback on bugs/glitches/etc. I could try to record and send but otherwise, if not, I can write down what I do. I don't have any coding background or anything, but if there's a feature that needs testing, I'll spend the time trying to find ways to break it to help find things to polish up.


I like to join your team, how do I get the prerelease version, to start testing base building?


I'd be up for testing things, usually have Thursday and/or Friday free.

I have Windows 10 and Windows XP virtual machines that I use regularly, if testing on certain platforms is useful or if you need someone to multi box. I think my Windows 8 VM backup also still works, just needs a couple years worth of updates. So, I could be, like, three testers in one.


I am not a coder but I am in. I started with the Alpha, I am used to reporting issues, and I love CoH.


I would love to be a part of moving things forward and input.

I am a coh issue 1 player.

So i have been through the wringer a few times.


I'd like to be added, I'm really interested in base building and would love to test it for bugs etc, I use to beta test landmark during its initial development before sunset

Doc Artz

Quote from: Codewalker on October 28, 2016, 03:04:34 AM
Well, head on over to the Prerelease Testing forum that you now have access to and take a look!
Things have been a little busy with $dayjob spilling over into personal time lately, so there hasn't been an update there in a while, but there is still plenty to check out. Hopefully should get some more free time soon.
I've already been able to create a new account and  log on as  "Paragon Chat (Dev)." I've even started modifying my old SG base. What else or how else may I contribute to keep the development team on schedule? 
Thank you CW for all you have done, Doc Artz  8)

Doc Artz


sorry for the dumb question, what is the stress test for, and how do i help out ...... if i can. tnx again

Mew Mew Supercat

Mew Mew reporting in for a hand! I'll help out  :) just tell me how to get started ;).


Bump, for great justice.

I *think* I got everybody who asked about this added to the group. If I missed you, let me know.

There hadn't been any serious testing of big features lately. That changed today: we have a fresh build up and could really use anyone who has some spare time to give it a whirl and kick the tires.


Oooh, new shinies?  (Shineys?  It's hard to pluralize adjectives we've nounified.)  I'm in!


Sure. I definitely have some time to kill if needed.


Added the two of you. Check out the Prerelease Testing board just below this one in the list. The two important threads are the sticky with the instructions for where to get the installer for the dev branch, and the latest post with the things to know about the current build.


I am a defender and so can you.

Mew Mew Supercat


Is coding knowledge needed?  I don't have that, but I've built my share of bases, back in the day, if that's any help in testing.


Nope, none at all. If you managed to install the regular paragon chat, that's all the knowledge you need to install the test branch.

Mew I already added you yesterday, you should see the prerelease testing forum which has instructions for getting started.


If you'd add me as well, then, I'll check out the pre-testing info and take a look at everything this weekend.  Thanks!



*raises hand and wails like Dory on Finding Nemo* Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick ME! :D
"You're about to find out why they call me 'The Melee Blaster'!!!..."




If you still need more peeps for stress testing, I'd be willing to throw in my hat :) Figured more people able to multibox means more testing for how stable the bases are to a large group of characters


So far, I haven't managed to break anything, although I did mapserve once partway through the process on Saturday.  I was glad to see, when I logged back in, that all the changes up to the mapserve had remained, nothing lost in effort.

I'm amazed at how fast the base-building tool skills have come back, wow!  My project, a pub, isn't as ambitious as a lot of the bases folks are working on, but I'm using millions of bookcases to build walls, and getting fancy with "clipping" items together and submerging things into the floor, for things like the fireplace.  (Bless that SHIFT key!)


Hi, ho.

Since it seems that you're still looking for testers, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I need something low impact to offset all of the Diablo 3 I've been playing recently, heh.

Not to mention that I've once again got the bot programming bug (I found some interesting Python-based neural network projects recently that I think could help solve the "path-finding without a pre-determined path" issues) and it would be useful to see what's in the future of Paragon Chat that might affect that.


Still looking for more stress testers?  I'd be happy to see what kind of things I can break.



I would love to test out the base building as well!


"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Locking this thread because we're done with intensive testing for a while and will go back to smaller incremental updates.

The next time a big update is in the works I'll re-sticky it and put out a fresh call for testers. Current testers will stay in the group so you don't have to post again.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out for this round!