Call for testers: Paragon Chat Prerelease Testing Program

Started by Codewalker, March 17, 2016, 04:44:23 PM


If you'd add me as well, then, I'll check out the pre-testing info and take a look at everything this weekend.  Thanks!



*raises hand and wails like Dory on Finding Nemo* Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick ME! :D
"You're about to find out why they call me 'The Melee Blaster'!!!..."




If you still need more peeps for stress testing, I'd be willing to throw in my hat :) Figured more people able to multibox means more testing for how stable the bases are to a large group of characters


So far, I haven't managed to break anything, although I did mapserve once partway through the process on Saturday.  I was glad to see, when I logged back in, that all the changes up to the mapserve had remained, nothing lost in effort.

I'm amazed at how fast the base-building tool skills have come back, wow!  My project, a pub, isn't as ambitious as a lot of the bases folks are working on, but I'm using millions of bookcases to build walls, and getting fancy with "clipping" items together and submerging things into the floor, for things like the fireplace.  (Bless that SHIFT key!)


Hi, ho.

Since it seems that you're still looking for testers, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I need something low impact to offset all of the Diablo 3 I've been playing recently, heh.

Not to mention that I've once again got the bot programming bug (I found some interesting Python-based neural network projects recently that I think could help solve the "path-finding without a pre-determined path" issues) and it would be useful to see what's in the future of Paragon Chat that might affect that.


Still looking for more stress testers?  I'd be happy to see what kind of things I can break.



I would love to test out the base building as well!


"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Locking this thread because we're done with intensive testing for a while and will go back to smaller incremental updates.

The next time a big update is in the works I'll re-sticky it and put out a fresh call for testers. Current testers will stay in the group so you don't have to post again.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out for this round!