What was your reaction upon hitting level 50 the first time

Started by artbunker, July 23, 2014, 11:10:35 PM


This question might ahve been asked in here before , but I was wondering how did you feel getting your first toon to 50?

I was in debt when mines hit 50 back in i5 days. I was on a mission with a group of eight. I think it was Adamanster (if not him definatly a stage like his).  I jumped for joy after I hit 50. I sat there for like 2 minutes eyes glued to the screen saying over and over again I finally done it. I finally done it . Man it was a awsome moment.

I stil get the  giddy moment when I hit 50 with other toons, but that first 50 felt earned and a feeling I would never froget. Although I'm Virtue forever, props to the folks in Liberty back then for helping me meet my goal.

So everyone what was your reaction upon getting your first 50?

Angel Phoenix77

I was elated with my first 50, because it proved I could go all the way to 50. :) It also showed that blasters didn't fit my play style. It also gave me inf to fund my second character, after which lead to my 3rd and so on.
One day the Phoenix will rise again.

Charged Mastermind

I felt the same. But I was jumping all over the place, probably because I was 11 at the time



As I was a Mind/Emp controller, and couldn't play as much as my SG mates, and CoV had come out and they were into THAT...

So yeah.  It was a big deal, but more of a relief to finally have gotten there.  No jumping, just went to visit Ms. Liberty to Celetrain (as I took to calling it) to the 50th level.  All my characters went back to their first trainer (Liberty or Kalinda, or in the case of one, Dominatrix) to put their final level on.  Just a thing I did. :)



the first time.. and 38 plus other times..



"Sweet! Peacebringer! Mine!" :P

(Back when Kheldians were still new-ish and shiney-ish, and not widely known to have their... Issues......)

Paragon Avenger

I felt like OK what next.
I had hoped for a boat load of enhance slots.
They didn't come and my toon seemed only half complete.


My first 50 was my emp/elec. We were fighting an AV - and I was pretty busy healing and buffing - the team was pretty weak, so I didn't have much time to blast a bit, but I did use my Tesla cage on a baddie or two. The mission completed finally, and when we exited, I started getting the "Grats" and all that. Because my system was a dinosaur and I was always one of the last to load in or out of a mission map, I think I leveled from the mission completion bonus, but I never heard it or saw the effects. I didn't even realize it until my team told me, lol.

Once I realized it, I shelfed the emp and didn't play him again until the incarnate stuff came out. Respec'd him more than once, and realized that I only thought I was a good emp. There were a lot of lousy emps, sure. But there were also a lot of empath players that made me look really slow and clumsy. I think rolling a tank for my second character was also a mistake, even though it had the fire primary. Burn was a thing of awe and wonder. It made me reluctant to team because I didn't need buffs. Or to think. All I had to do was run through a mob, run to the next mob, taunt a bit and jump in a dumpster and mash burn and a couple of other attacks while I waited for burn to recharge.

The third 50 was a blaster. This was where soloing was exciting and encouraged me to use tactics and develop strategies - like ice patch in the doorway, pull, hide behind the door, and wait for them to slip and fall and pick them off as needed. A very real character I could get behind and enjoy - whether teaming or soloing.

And the rest...well, I guess that's for another post.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


My reaction was embarrassment.  ;D

I was an altaholic and I also always managed to die a lot. And as this was back in the days before patrol XP I was pretty much constantly in debt so it took a LONG time for me to hit my first 50.

I was on a team of 3 nearing the mark when what happens? I was killed yet again. As I didn't have a wakie on me and my teammates couldn't get to me and didn't want me to go to the hospital because the fight was almost over I laid there, face down, waiting. So, I'm laying there watching the fight and the next thing I know I'm dinging 50. Man, did I get ragged about that. My one friend I always duoed with still teases me about it.
Imagination is the seed of intelligence. Nourish it and watch it grow.


Killed a big Purple Zeus Titan, then went to see Back Alley Brawler.  Drank some truly fine single malt, then made an Ice Tank.


I delayed it a month until I3 came out. After I leveled those last five levels to 50, I was happy to spend the next six weeks teaming with friends and SG-mates while they leveled through to 50 as well.


In the beginning, I was afraid I would be locked out of running missions with other players,
until I remembered I could exemp down.

I liked being able to use even more powers with incarnate.
I could rez people incredibly fast, heal great distances, clear minds, etc.

There were so many possibilities we hadn't tried yet before NCsoft shut us down.


first 50. thought- good stufff now...oh hell no more levels. well time to build another toon and get this other one to 50.


At * last, Take that DEBT! (it was my AR/Energy blaster who had spent the majority of the 30s/40s in debt, when debt actually meant something)


I recall the map and mission that I was on when I dinged 50 on Pointsphere, who was then Wylde-Fire (the first character I ever created on my account).

It was this one!  The whole mission I was staring at that last bar or so of XP and trying to figure out if I would make it in that mission or not.  I was so close, that it was tantalizing!  As we moved through the mission I became positive that this would be the mission to push me to needing 1 XP for 51.  We were the majority of the way through the damned blue cave, and I dinged.  It was the most exciting moment of my playing CoH thus far (perhaps only surpassed by the epicness of "earning" Avoids the Green Stuff through some sort of odd glitch in which an Oblit Beam NEVER appeared in the entire AM fight!!!!).  I got to fight Battle Maiden as a 50 (at least in combat level).

That final level up at Castle, I was far too excited to wait to go anywhere else than PI, was a bit anticlimactic though.  Slot assignment isn't exactly the most spine-tingling event.  But, I took a moment to record the date in my character's bio, it was: 4/25/08.  (Some nine months after I had started playing.)

Von Krieger

I first hit level 50 on my Spines/Regen Scrapper, right before the last room on the last mission of the Dark Watcher's arc, the mission objective reads "Save the World."

Nemesis shows up and I'm fighting him with all the Inspiration bonuses from my very last level up. He's down before they fade.

Hit level 50. Defeated Nemesis. Saved the world.


Quote from: Hellkat on July 25, 2014, 07:33:59 AMHit level 50. Defeated Nemesis. Saved the world.
That is pretty durn epic!

Unfortunately, I hit 50 for the first time before the inspirations got cast on the character (only missed it by a month though, I guess it was a feature of i12, along with Insp Conversion).

Mistress Urd

I was like finally! I was able to mark off tanker on the list of ATs to 50 and I rolled a Peacebringer 1 hour later. The PB ended up being my 2nd 50. When I think about it, I think my tank got the tough badge in the late 40s, I think the PB got it by low teens and had died more times by level 10 than the tank did 1-50. I find it amusing that my last heroside AT to 50 was a scrapper.


I was slightly disappointed because I unexpectedly leveled midway through a flying kick and didn't manage to hit the screenshot button quick enough to catch it. ;) It would have been an epic shot.
Guns don't kill people, meerkats do.