What was your reaction upon hitting level 50 the first time

Started by artbunker, July 23, 2014, 11:10:35 PM


I hit 50 around Issue 3 with my main. My initial reaction was, "Hallelujah! No more debt!"

I do believe I probably worked off enough debt to level three blasters to 50.
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti amen


I'm surprised nobody else posted this yet.

Then again, I couldn't find one guy doing it.


Optimus Dex

My first 50 was after I had played 4 years. My son and daughter in law both played and teased me that I would never have a 50 because I was an altaholic and the master of the under 20 game. So I made a claws / reflex scrapper and ran him to 50.  That convinced me to make a PB - then I decided to get a villain to 50 so I could get a Soldier or Widow. I felt a sense of satisifaction that they could no longer tease me on my altaholic  behavior.

Apex Viper

In the end, we all are heroes, even the Villains; fighting to save a city that we all love.


I almost quit the game after I dinged my first 50.  I had no alts and figured I saw what the game had to offer.  Luckily, I decided to start up a new toon, and eight years later I was still dinging 50s;)
I cannot wait to get back to Paragon City.


was happy I got my blaster to 50 that i rushed into DA and died
Nahar 50 Energy/Energy Blaster
DraconicSins 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Chaotic Princess 50 Robotics/Thermal Radiation MM
Kugari 50 Titan Weapon/Super Reflex Brute


I took me 7+ years to hit my first level 50.  My main character P E A C E M A K E R on virtue.  After hearing of City of Heroes closing I made the grind to 50.  I was so excited and spent most of my time from then on exploring the incarnate stuff.  But after finally reaching level 50 and years of rerolling my main character I knew I wanted to commemorate that moment so the first thing I did was commission Brandon McKinney, artist on the Blue King Studios run of City of Heroes comics for the picture you see in my avatar.  I had my second hero character A R C H E T Y P E ding 50 shortly after.  I was well on the way to a third 50 with my character Z E N a hero who made his way through the Praetorian resistance missions.  I wish I would have ran a villain to 50 but I think my villains only made it to levels 20-30.


At the time there was no endgame, so when I got my first hero to 50 I went, "Meh, new character."

After the VEATS debuted I decided to take a serious stab at leveling a villain...an elec / elec brute who was pretty goldurned fun to play.  When I got him to 50 I went, "Yahoo!  New character!" and rolled my first widow.  Oh, widows, how I miss ya.

Finally, when the incarnate stuff hit, I blew the dust off of my collection of 50's and started playing them again.  Endgame, at last!


I think my first level 50 was early on in the CoH timeline.  I promptly put him away and played alts for years.  Getting to 50 when there was little to no endgame was sort of a let down for me.

I had always had the goal to get at least 1 level 50 from each of the 10 base archs (sadly I only ended up with 7 archs completed before closure) and some of the newer powersets were so fun I just took the characters all the way to 50 without even feeling like I was grinding.

When Incarnate content came out I was playing all my level 50s for the incarnate powers.  I loved BAF!  Not sure why that one never got old for me like most of the other incarnate trials did.  If the game comes back I want to finish what I started and get all 10 base archs to 50!


"Now people can't tell me to go level while we're sitting in Atlas Plaza."

I was incredibly excited seeing as I believe I was 12 or 13 at the time.


Relief. :-[   I began suffering from altitis almost immediately.  It probably took me 18 months to get my first 50 partly due to not teaming much in the beginning.  I eventually got the hang of things and ended with numerous 50's of every AT, except fot a Peacebringer and Widow.


For me, it was a sigh of relief that I made it to 50; mainly because it was such a grind from 40 to 50 that I literally burnt myself out of the game for two years before coming back.


Well, considering you've earned half the total XP you need to get to 50 at something like Lvl 45.1...


Well, at the time, I only had a bare bones background for the character (FF/Eng defender). When I decided to come back, I made the effort to flesh out that background and the personality of that character (and all subsequent characters). All that effort paid off in spades because I enjoyed playing each and every character and the grind to 50 wasn't as arduous as that first time.


Quote from: Matt Treck on July 30, 2014, 08:24:19 PM
"Now people can't tell me to go level while we're sitting in Atlas Plaza."

LOL. Atlas Park Bums FTW!
First time I dinged 50 I spent the next 5 years trying to get that 1XP to make it to 51.



A little bit of "finally", a little bit of "yes, Kheldians!" and a lot of "Woooooohooooo!!!!" I tended to play with lots of alts, and casually, so I ended up sweeping the Portal Corp. parking lot one day when I got close. Possessed Scientist for the ding!

I immediately went to Atlas and threw a celebratory costume contest with a 1 million inf prize (this was before the market, and while 1 million wasn't huge huge, it was quite a bit, as I recall).
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lore_AMA/Sorted Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


About time.

Actually because of a bad case of altitis I only got my namesake to Level 50 and it took me years because I rarely ran him once he got to PI.
Tempus unum hominem manet

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