Started by Atlantea, December 06, 2012, 07:22:55 PM


I had a little hobby in-game. I used to watch for interesting costumes and bios. And I screenshotted them if they particularly stood out. I especially did this in locales like Pocket D or Wentworths. Sometimes at the Tram Stations. If I'm just waiting around a bit, I'll start looking for this sort of thing. I was almost never disappointed. ^_^

I especially liked the ones that made me laugh. (Or the ones that made me go "Whiskey Tango FOXTROT?")

So here are some of the wackiest character bios I ever came across in-game -

More in Part Deux!
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost



(Yes - She was a Sonics Defender. >.>;; )

Sniffles kinda makes me go "D'AWWWW!" ^_^

I saw her again a year or so later and snapped another shot - Including both to give you guys a slightly better look at her costume design. Frankly, Kitchen Maid is one of my favorites. :D

I saw Jonni October and my first thought was "How very VERY Tim Burton!"


More in Part Tree!
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Aram:  "Man, just look at all this.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that we get to live surrounded by such wonder."
Gamal:  "We don't live over there." Aram:  "We don't?"
Gamal:  "No.  We live over there." Aram:  "... But it's all on fire."
Gamal:  "Yes it is, Aram.  Yes it is."

Golden Girl

"Heroes and Villains" website -
"Heroes and Villains" on Facebook -
"Heroes and Villains" on Twitter -
"Heroes and Villains" teaser trailer -
Artwork -


Remember way back when, when it seemed as if there were a hundred "Costume Contest Under the Atlas Statue!!!" calls on Broadcast?  And it was so cool, as a lowbie to get a bit of influence from a higher level character for no better reason than I'd spent a bit of time designing a good character/costume combo.

To me, that was fun, but when I got a few levels under me and some extra Inf. in my pocket, I sponsored "Bio Contests."  Same format, only I would read people's bios and reward accordingly.

And this was on Pinnacle, not on RP-ful Virtue.   8)
/em holdtorch


Some of the greatest wisdom in Paragon City...

I happen to know that Corn on Macabre is one of Ascendant's wacky villains. :D

The above guy wound up not actually having a bio, but I had to screenshot him anyway just for the NAME! ^_^

Same with the above - it's basically a take on Team Fortress 2 Engineer, but in the Japanese "tan" style.
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Love Gazebo with the dialog quoted straight out of KoDT


Thanks for sharing these, got some good laughs out of them :)

And kudos to the people who came up with these.


Dude, I teamed with Disposable Hero once!

Pity you didn't grab one of mine, Tannenbaum, the killer christmas tree. "The latest in artificial Christmas Tree technology, Tannenbaum was designed to set itself up while the family was out shopping for Black Friday, even laying out the presents under him, Unfortunately, the prototype unit was accidentally uploaded with assassin droid technology, and went bezerk in the laboratory, destroying the entire Chuckle Holiday, Inc research lab on Cap Au Diable. Now Tannenbaum seeks out its new programming, merging the two routines, and he must grant all holiday cheer by giving... deadly electric blasts!"


You want more? We got more!

I saw Ronald McDonald VERY early on after the release of City of Villains. Certainly the first week. I never saw him again. You know what scares me though? The little ((RPer)) tag...   :o
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


I don't have screenshots of mine, but do have the bios:

Abrakebabra - Fire tank: Amateur stage magician and fast food restaurant owner Stavros Alexandrou came to paragon city after the authorities investigation into how his business cooked kebabs with no gas or electric cooking equipment. It revealed that the cooking was done using the heat coming off his body, and this was ruled unhygenic. Time to skip to Paragon City.

666 man - guy in a labcoat with exposed brain - On 5/6/6, Dr Hans von Schweinpfeffer (a mad scientist as normal as mad scientists get) made one of many poor decisions in his life. He went out to the new GoGo bar with his assistant Igor. This in itself was not a poor decision, but coming back to the lab and continuing work afterwards was. He awoke on the morning of 6/6/6 as you see him now with great power over electricity. You should see what happened to Igor though ...

Toxic Texan - Red/white/blue cowboy outfit with a large dubya on his chest - Brain the size of a peanut .... no planet .... hell I dunno dammit

Pink Patrol - Paragon police uniform, bright pink - After the unfortunate incident where it was revealed that he was using his uniform to moonlight as a strippagram, Calvin had to quit town fast. How was he supposed to know the police chief's wife kept her own surname. Fortunately he still had his technologically augmented riot shield and muscles, and so he headed for the Rogue Isles. Not wanting to be done for impersonating a police officer, and now able to reval his true personality, he dyed his uniform pink and Pink Patrol was born

Pom poms o'doom - cheerleader outfit, EM stalker whos AS was a double handed punch to the groin usually - Buffy O'Rourke was thrilled when she made it to the cheerleading squad. She was less thrilled when she found out some time later that this made her the property of the football team for the evening after a game. After a particularly inept piece of heavy petting, she punched one of the jocks so hard that his voice went up 3 octaves and won't be coming down any time soon. Disgraced (but having earned some secret respect from the other girls), she headed for the rogue isles

Your ex from hell - She was smart, blonde, gorgeous and you two timed her with that bimbo from the typing pool. Baaaaad mistake loser, now she and demon kitty here will torch your car, tell the entire internet how bad you were in bed and rip you limb from limb if she ever sees you again. Be afraid, be very afraid

Dr Schadenfreude - /pain MM - Ooh that's gotta hurt, shall I heal you ? not till you're about to be hit again mwahahahaha

Intravenous de Milo - The cybernetics/robotics class at Paragon City university were a wacky bunch and also had a talented sculptor among their number. He cast a replica Venus de Milo, which the guys then articulated and animated. Cybernetic limbs were made and linked in, voice amplification technology added. To demonstrate fine control, they gave her a bow. They were students however, so she was named after their favourite Spinal Tap album, and made topless like the statue, so almost the first thing she did was to see Ganymede and DJ Zero to get a toga.

Johannes van Wijk - tiny and in pink strappy leather costume - Dr Malodorous sent Igor out with a shopping list. S ink, SM genome, I gas etc. Igor not being the sharpest tool in the box got the spell ink and inert gas, but came back with an S&M gnome (anybody's guess where from). While Dr M was kicking Igor's sorry backside all round the lab, said gnome managed to escape, and is now intent on getting out of Praetoria and to Paragon city as fast as possible

Airhead Heiress - Rich, spoilt and very very stupid, she could have any toys she wanted, which from a very early age were mainly guns. After a couple of accidents, daddy realised that stupidity and heavy weaponry didn't really mix, and paid for some experimental implants which doubled her IQ to nearly normal levels. What does she make for dinner ? Reservations


You know the best part about this is, sometimes I'd fill that whole thing out with a storyline, plus in some cases a link to my corresponding website page for complete profile etc, and wondered...........I wonder if anybody ever actually reads these profiles and my effort to fill these out is truly worth it.

Apparently it was!!!!!   :)


Thanks for this thread!  There is a *lot* of creativity out there!

Need smelly, spurty, and nasty?  Meet my bio armor brute from Beta, Rued Rude Rudy.

BIO: RR Rudy can modify his DNA at a molecular level, offering him powerful abilities, both protective and offensive.  It comes at a price, however.  The changes cause a stench described as worse than a skunk, as well as rude sounds and emissions of bodily fluids from all sorts of spots.
(Wow, I may need to lighten that up.) The link above has more pics and info if anyone interested.
-- Rich

Bovine Avenger

Milk Tank, why did we never get to meet?!

Here was mine, as seen in some videos recently...


I should have added my cow Agent of Muuuu whose costume was very similar to Bovine Avenger's with the bio:

Well, what can I say, there was this ritual under the stars with a group of CoT, me the descendant of Mu, and a Texas longhorn that wandered through at the wrong moment.

Kaiser Tarantula

Regarding Engie-Tan... that particular incarnation is from NerfNow!.


And of course...
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


I swear to you, I could hear her narrating that bio.

And then this guy... Mc Archvillain- the first crazy costume I encountered as a baby ninja back when I was on Guardian (no bio but still wacky)

By the way... Time Cube's chest emblem is tripping me out... how in the world did he get three colors???


Glass Goblin

There have always been some great, goofy characters out there. Time Cube is hysterical, but it's even funnier because the person in chat doesn't know it's a real thing! (WIth a bonus reference on the same page to the Dero!)

I had some pun names, but they weren't the quality of these. Perhaps the goofiest would be the mystic spirit who spent thirty years trapped in a Beefeater bottle, Djinn Antonik.