Started by Atlantea, December 06, 2012, 07:22:55 PM


I saw a (presumably) short-lived toon named "Captain Condom" once, running around Atlas..

He was a Force Field Defender, and was passing out "Free protection". Gave me a good chuckle to say the least.


Quote from: Xieveral on January 29, 2013, 05:37:55 AM
I have a screenshot of him in the background dressed as the white ranger, none of his true form though ._.
Don't tell me Bob was a Danger Ranger....?
First tine I  saw old Bob was in the D,of course. He was on standing on the bar...
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


Quote from: blackjak on January 30, 2013, 12:25:13 PM
Don't tell me Bob was a Danger Ranger....?
First tine I  saw old Bob was in the D,of course. He was on standing on the bar...

In nothing but a beard and underpants?



Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


Old Man Bob = Legend.  Didn't matter if I was stuck, bored, angry or tired.  Something about seeing him running around the D just made ya smile.  This is the kinda thing I will always miss.  The things you can explain to other gamers that they will just never really get.  You had to be there.


Interest in this thread seems to be slowing down...which is unfortunate, as I still have many goofy things to post. (I haven't even gotten to Virtue yet.) So you're going to get a bunch right now.

Also, Detective McSleuth is amazing.


Arrogant Worms reference!


Kids these days!

This one isn't funny, but I always liked this bio (even though it could stand a bit of editing.) Fun fact: this was the second incarnation for this character, and I'd planned to erase him and start over when Bio Armor came out (said armor would be tinted pinkish, to make it look like meat.)

Got a lot of comments on this character's name. Mostly that it was terrible.

Nothing like a good dose of alternate history to round things out.


I think the most memorable character I saw on the silly side was a tanker decked out in complete brown with the eye symbol on his chest. His name was The Brown Eye and his bio said simple: "Poke me". It was so juvenile but also hilarious. I never saw him again after that one time but I have never forgotten him lol.


Quote from: eabrace on January 22, 2013, 01:45:36 AM

Heh, trying to get that on a T-Shirt. Was planning on visiting it, it's just a couple hours from here but found out visitors are not allowed anymore since a (serious and professional this time) restoration project is about to start.



Now, I have a measure of regret for always being in a bit of a hurry to get things done while playing. Looks like I missed a lot of stuff.

Sonic Girl Seven was my favorite of those I read.

However, they all remind me of one character that was invited to one of the Dreck farms I was running on Triumph back in '05 or '06. I didn't know the player, and don't think I ever saw them again. I truly wish I had a screen shot, but I think you should be greatful that I do not.

Naked Mole Rat

The player behind the character, well, I didn't know him, so I've no idea if he was into role-playing, or just casually over-used the word chum, referring to anyone he was addressing.

Honorable mention goes to "Panda Poacher" -- a player whose global name escapes me, on Liberty. (I think it was @godman)
@hazygreys had sponsored a Panda costume contest - the character that most resembled a panda bear would win some humongous amount of influence, even by inflated standards. 1 billion or some such.
As the judging was taking place - Panda Poacher just appeared out of nowhere - could have been a teleport, or could have just logged in - it was one heck of an entrance. <sigh> I think you probably had to be there.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


Quote from: ukaserex on February 21, 2013, 02:36:21 AM
However, they all remind me of one character that was invited to one of the Dreck farms I was running on Triumph back in '05 or '06. I didn't know the player, and don't think I ever saw them again. I truly wish I had a screen shot, but I think you should be greatful that I do not.

Naked Mole Rat

The player behind the character, well, I didn't know him, so I've no idea if he was into role-playing, or just casually over-used the word chum, referring to anyone he was addressing.
Always loved teaming with him.  Any time he was in a mission it was like living an episode of The Tick.  Just running around the city and passing by each other by random chance was enough to make me smile.
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov

Lucretia MacEvil

Quote from: ukaserex on February 21, 2013, 02:36:21 AM
Honorable mention goes to "Panda Poacher" -- a player whose global name escapes me, on Liberty. (I think it was @godman)
@hazygreys had sponsored a Panda costume contest - the character that most resembled a panda bear would win some humongous amount of influence, even by inflated standards. 1 billion or some such.
As the judging was taking place - Panda Poacher just appeared out of nowhere - could have been a teleport, or could have just logged in - it was one heck of an entrance. <sigh> I think you probably had to be there.

... I think I can imagine it well enough...

...lemme guess, complete panda-monium? :P


Quote from: DoctorDelaware on February 09, 2013, 02:05:54 AM

Got a lot of comments on this character's name. Mostly that it was terrible.

Ouch. Ow. Pain. Ow. My brain. Ow. Ow. owie... ow...

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

Lucretia MacEvil

Quote from: DoctorDelaware on February 09, 2013, 02:05:54 AM

Got a lot of comments on this character's name. Mostly that it was terrible.

Reminds me of Colin Mochrie from "Whose Line is it Anyway?":

"Famous Playboy Hugh Hefner managed to successfully stop an order of monks from operating a business on his property. The police forced the friars to close down their stall, which was outside the Playboy mansion where they had been selling flowers. Said one friar, well, if it was anyone else we may have gotten away from it, but, unfortunately, only Hugh can prevent florist friars."

Nyx Nought Nothing

Quote from: Lucretia MacEvil on February 22, 2013, 08:40:02 PM
Reminds me of Colin Mochrie from "Whose Line is it Anyway?":

"Famous Playboy Hugh Hefner managed to successfully stop an order of monks from operating a business on his property. The police forced the friars to close down their stall, which was outside the Playboy mansion where they had been selling flowers. Said one friar, well, if it was anyone else we may have gotten away from it, but, unfortunately, only Hugh can prevent florist friars."
Eye keel ewe!
(Seriously, ow.)
So far so good. Onward and upward!


Bubba Crush

The Steakinator
(Sorry no picture)
Classification: Minotaur
Origin: Science Tanker
Powers: Electric Armor / Electric Melee
Level: 6  <<Thank you NCSoft!

Game Bio:
My name is Bos may call me the Steakinator! I hail from an alternate universe we call Pre'Tauria. Timekeepers known as the Menders of Oldenburros warned the heroes of my world of a "Coming Storm". The "Swill of Furries" was the source of most of our incredible powers, and in our world's darkest hour..."The Swill" abandoned my world. As my world's heroes watched their powers fade...we were invaded by a race from an otherworldly dimension. They were called "The Cluckwork". A race of psionically cybernetic chickens hell-bent on ruling the multiverse. Led by the ruthless Cluckwork King, our forces did not stand a chance. My cybernetic augmentations allowed me to break free and travel to your universe. Here I will farm for the great shards of power and then I will return to free my world from the clutches of The Cluckwork.

AE Story:
Never had a chance. I was going to develop this origin into an AE story over the already know the end to our story.
In addition to the Cluckwork...I had developed another villain group..."The Circle Of Horns."  The mages wore the elemental costumes pieces for shoulders and gloves. Magic powers were crystal based. Ah...well...