Funniest Thing you ever saw on CoX

Started by corvus1970, December 04, 2012, 01:53:00 AM


Does what it says on the tin :D

I've seen a great many funny things on CoX over the years, many of which revolve around hilarious player-creations. Two spring to mind immediately:

* A character made using the "huge" template, wearing a T-Shirt, short-shorts, and slippers, wearing a plain, white helmet one could describe as "special". His name? "Danger To Self"

* A  whole team of huge, blonde dudes wearing tank-tops, and all sporting one of the MANY names of David Ryder from an episode of MST3K. Their names, Fridge Largemeat, Slake Fistcrunch, Punch Rockgroin, Slate Slabrock, Crunch Buttsteak, and Smoke Beefmuscle. As they gathered in Atlas around Lady Liberty, they began to loudly talk of going off to punch lesser men, VERY heterosexually. I think a newbie or two decided to beat-feet and fled the scene *lol*

I have screen-caps of the second group on the list, should anyone wish to see the spectacle for themselves. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have one for "Danger To Self" :D
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


I get a big chuckle still from the Deth Kiks bio


Fluffy McGiggles. I forget his AT, but he was a Huge body with butterfly wings, in rainbow colors, dancing on one of the corner platforms under the statue of Atlus.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


The billboards and stores.

El Super Mexicano

Up and Away Burger

Cap'n Kraken

All priceless!


The funniest thing?

Seeing "Smokey Robinson" superhero superjumping from the transit station.  Dressed rather nattily as if he was going to go on stage.

He was taking a break from his singing career.


i really loved that bug back in the day when all the council hoverbots and the rikti drones would just keep exploding until they disappeared.
that was one of my fav all time bugs.
i remember getting that one council mission that was all hoverbots and get several of them at a time have fun with it.
man i really do miss that. i used to crack up everytime.
@Eternal Twilight
Now in Paragon


i remember a couple of toons that kinda stuck out. i dont remember what the 1st one looked like, but his toon name was Poop Finger.
the 2nd toon was called Grandpa Man. i laughed when i saw both of them.
@Eternal Twilight
Now in Paragon


I logged out one night up on the spire in Ouro where the marker was to get access to the Ouro portal power.  When I logged in next time a character looking exactly like Frankenstein was standing by me.  Just totally cracked up me.
You may know me as @PricklyDarkness from Triumph


The Rikti soldier falling off the operating table during a "super serious" operation in the Vanguard base.

The zombie support group billboard in Kings Row.


Never saw it first hand, but there was a story I read on the forums about a character named EULA Man, who flew around and called out copyright infringing characters. Great stuff.


A few of them:

One character hanging around under Atlas statue dressed in prison stripes talking incessantly on a cellphone.  Toon name:  Paris Hilton

One character (I can't find the screenshot) was a fire blaster.  His bio said his powers came from eating bean burritos, and advised heroes teaming with him to carry a roll of toilet paper.

The best one:  busty female character costumed in steampunk theme, looking very much like a Wild-West brothel madam.  Toon name:  Westward Ho.


There was Dr. Forrester (from MST3k) right next to the Aeon Bulding in Grandville that was pretty spot on.
There was good old Jenkins from the original Breakout Cov Tutorial...."I'll never give up the name of <your villain name>"
There was the Frostfire bit where one of his cronies parrots him ("yeah!") and Frostfire turns arounds, says "shut up" and ices him.
Possibly the funniest was anything Flambeaux said in the new Twinshot/Shining Stars intro story arc.
@Texarkana - March 5, 2004 - December 1, 2012 -- Imageshack |-| Youtube

You don't know what it's like.... |-| Book One. Chapter one...


One Time as A character I made called Action Bastard..whom looked like Action Bastard from Shin Chan.
Got a Dance Party going with like 13 people at atlus park a month ago.

Kaiser Tarantula

CoH's ragdoll physics.  And their complete lack of any resemblance to real physics.

Case in point:

I once was on a mission against the Family, on a Kin/Electric Brute.  One of the Kin brute's powers is Repulsing Torrent, which is long ranged, a targeted cone, and delivers ridonkulous levels of knockback, especially slotted for additional knockback.  I had fun with it.

One Button Man, he had his back to me, standing around punching his fist.  It was an Office map.  Above me, a balcony.  Ahead, a wall separating the hallway we were in from a breakroom with a vending machine.

I say hello in the form of Repulsing Torrent.  Button Man goes flying, gets stuck in the wall for a moment.  I run over to hit him, but he pops out of the wall, and somehow gets launched about fifteen feet into the air, onto the railing of the balcony, where he lays for a while, doing about 3 barrel rolls in the process.

He finally comes to 'rest' and starts to get up, but the animation of getting up causes him to fall off the balcony.  He lands head-first and gets stuck in the floor, like a cartoon ostrich.

Now, I'm laughing my rear off here, but I have a demonic idea.  I didn't let him get up.  I decided to launch him at the wall again, using Repulsing Torrent.  If you thought it was funny up until now, you haven't heard anything yet.

The Button Man hits the wall and glitches through.  The glitching physics squeeze him like a grapeseed out of the other side of the wall, and he careens head-first into the vending machine, positioned just perfectly so his head looked like it had been jammed into the dispenser slot, with his body slumped behind it.

I cackled so hard that I fell out of my chair, and couldn't get to the screenshot key fast enough to screenie it before the mafioso got up, sadly.

Still, I smacked an overdressed goon through a wall and into a vending machine.  Consider that one written off my bucket list.


Waaaaaaaaay back in 2005 or so I remember meeting a tanker called "nude man," whose only costume piece consisted of a beige speedo.

Dr. Aeon in general.

"I will be ImmortAAAAAGH!"


Funniest things from game content for me have to include cutscenes such as the Clockwork King's plan to protect Penelope Yin from IIRC " ...heroes, villains, boys...  You'll be my little Clockwork Princess forever!"

In-game, lots of funny things, but my fave is still my pal @kavik (maybe on his Capt Kentucky tanker) in a rescue mission telling the NPC in local "Come with us if you want to live!"  and by god it was hilarious when the NPC immediately jumped to it to follow him out.  He'd gotten the timing just right!
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


The Striga Isle Nut Punch.  From the first day I saw it, all the way to the end of the game, it never failed to make me laugh.


Quote from: Kaiser Tarantula on December 04, 2012, 04:56:14 AMCoH's ragdoll physics.  And their complete lack of any resemblance to real physics.

Particularly the occasional effect where (like the clips interspersed in the end credits of the movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer), a defeated mob would lie there twisted up... then spasm into a new position... again... and again, like a movie extra who couldn't stay still as a corpse, until they finally faded out. And I'll have to go back through my screenshots and see if I can dig up some of my old "entertaining corpse position" images.


I remember running into the "Little Old Woman" patrol as I called them. 2 identical toons dressed up as little old ladies, named "Grandma Betsie" and "Grandma Edith"

Loved em so much we named our cat after Edith.


Quote from: Kaiser Tarantula on December 04, 2012, 04:56:14 AM
CoH's ragdoll physics.  And their complete lack of any resemblance to real physics.

Came across a funny ragdoll moment myself years back and screenshotted it. Some NPC got stuck on a map force-field border  :o