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Paragon Chat Bug thread

Started by ArachnosCommander, July 08, 2015, 08:04:03 PM


Just wanted to see if there was an "official" thread for bug with the Paragon Chat in conjunction with the CoH client.

What I'm noticing is that the Elemental Order costume set is not being accepted when importing a character. I'm getting the same issue with the CoV Collectors edition cape. The cape is coming up as a purchase item in the defunct store.


EDIT: No costume bugs so far, I believe, that I've found


Quote from: ArachnosCommander on July 08, 2015, 08:04:03 PM
Just wanted to see if there was an "official" thread for bug with the Paragon Chat in conjunction with the CoH client.
There is now!
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Bug -

Custom channel Guardian spontaneously reset me to operator (so far as we know), and bounced the guy who is SUPPOSED to be the operator. So far we've not been able to pass the star back. I've tried both the graphic interface, and the old /chan_user_mode <channel name> <username> +operator.

Kinda suspect that if I had an XMPP client it would be simple, and it is entirely possible that Pepsi somehow switched Op accidentally. Either way, worth pointing this out, because whether operator error or a real bug, it may happen again and need to be fixed.

(edit) - I just spent a little time looking around at all the custom channels I had joined. Looks like I am now the operator of at least half of them. Not sure what's up with that, may be WAI, but since I've already had one (former) chanop send me a tell and ask for the star back, and not been able to figure out how to make it happen, figure it is worth mention.


Some things I've noticed. I'm not sure how many of these are bugs and how many are simply "it's early going yet".

* Only part of the Retro-SF costume set is working: the boots and the skirt. The gloves are missing from the list of available pieces. (I'm guessing the Elemental Order set is one of those that hasn't been implemented yet?)

* Most of the invisibility problems have gone away, but not all. I had a character who was invisible to everyone no matter what I did, both using the Retro-SF boots and skirt and using pure "stock" pieces.

* Some UI customizations stick, some do not. Text size and profanity filter settings stay, but keymapping changes do not, for example.

* The door to the Tiki Lounge works only in one direction, going in. Coming back out, it sticks me into the wall and I have to mapmove out and back into the D.


Tells are currently going through, but you'll also get a 'unknown command:' variable in your chatbox even if it sends.

I'll edit with the full thing later, as I don't have an immediete tell in my chatbox's scroll length


Quote from: AudreyWinter on July 09, 2015, 10:32:30 AM
* The door to the Tiki Lounge works only in one direction, going in. Coming back out, it sticks me into the wall and I have to mapmove out and back into the D.

You can also just type /stuck to get ported to the Pocket D entrance.


I noticed that whenever I /mapmove x (source & destination don't matter), my powers, insp., salvage, etc. trays collapse from three (my usual setup) to a single tray. Don't really know if this is a bug or normal behavior (for now hopefully).  FYI, in Icon, I could go from map to map without my trays collapsing to a single tray.  In either case Thank You (CW & Team) for this.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


Quote from: The-Hunter-JLJ on July 09, 2015, 07:13:47 AM
Custom channel Guardian spontaneously reset me to operator (so far as we know), and bounced the guy who is SUPPOSED to be the operator. So far we've not been able to pass the star back. I've tried both the graphic interface, and the old /chan_user_mode <channel name> <username> +operator.

Not really a bug, more an implementation detail.

When you /chanjoin a channel that doesn't exist, Paragon Chat automatically creates the corresponding XMPP chatroom. It uses the room configuration interface to request that this room be created as non-persistent. That means when the last person leaves the room, the room ceases to exist and no longer retains information about who originally created it.

This is by design, as otherwise every time somebody typed /chanjoin on a lark, a permanent chatroom would be created that would hang around forever, even if the owner immediately left the room. That's due to some quirks of how XMPP handles room ownership that make it impossible to duplicate the traditional COH behavior exactly.

It is not implemented yet, but the current plan is for Paragon Chat to convert the temporary room into a persistent room the first time you do something substantial to the channel, such as promoting someone else to operator status or setting the room to private.

For now, if you want the channel to stick around and retain its ownership and moderator list, you'll need to create the chatroom using a standard XMPP client and then join it from Paragon Chat using /chanjoin.


I'm not sure if this is strictly a "bug" or if there is a setting I can adjust - While I'm in Paragon Chat, my client "lags" about every three seconds. In the real game, it would be rubber-banding. Here, it just stops for a second or so then runs smoothly for three seconds, then lags again, ad inifinitum.

Any ideas/suggestions?


Having tried Icon for the first time I'm finding that I have a similar "lag" problem there also. That seems to indicate that it's a problem in my system or configuration somewhere.


Codewalker said in chat that Paragon Chat was supposed to be sending the authorization bits for body/scale alterations to the client. All of the Cosmetic Surgeons I visited while running 0.96 or 0.965 had the Body tab disabled in the tailor window.


For some reason, the full sized Veteran Reward wings (which were available back when Paragon Chat first went live) are now considered an invalid costume piece.

Odds are I could get them back if I did a DB edit (like some people are doing for the npc pieces) but I figured I might as well post this up here as an FYI.


I have a friend who made 2 heroes and logged out of the game only to return and  both heroes are gone and when he makes them again it tells him the names are taken


Is he using the same name (including upper/lowercase) on the City of Heroes login screen (not the Paragon Chat login)? Characters are stored per username there, but they still belong to the same XMPP account, so they still have to be unique per XMPP account.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



*Deleted, all ready answered. *


Also certain costume pieces (the Trenchcoat is the main culprit so far) are perfectly fine and selectable in the character creator, but aren't available in Icon.

I also seem to have a character that crashed on entering, and is now unselectable. Fairly sure it's related to some costume pieces, but is there any way of finding out which ones short of trial and error?

The Fifth Horseman

It seems some component of paragon Chat does not like localized characters in your %APPDATA% path (in my case, "ł" ).
Quote from: The Fifth Horseman on July 08, 2015, 07:44:16 PM"Failed to initialize the database. Your ParagonChat.db file may be corrupt".
Using -pcdir command line option as described here to change the path to my CoH directory (or anything that does not contain localized characters) fixes that problem immediately.
We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


Global Friending someone who's offline will cause their Global Friends list to display your name oddly, and the client may get stuck in a loop and keep re-sending them the same request every time they log in, even after they accepted. DON'T BE THAT GUY. Only send Global Friend Requests to people who are currently online with you.

However, If you do send them one while they're offline and they eventually accept, DO THIS: wait until you are both online at the same time, un-global them, and send them another request.

If they decline this time, well, that's a separate issue, Donald Trump.  ;D

CW knows about this issue but it's not a priority because it has an easy in-game fix.
Below I document exactly what happened to me and how we fixed it, just for reference.

Spoiler for Hidden:
My buddy was logged in. I was logged out. My buddy invited me to be global friends by manually typing in my global name to the global friend request. Then he logged out.
Later on, I logged in and immediately recieved his global friend request popup. I accepted and in my Global Friends window he was highlighted as though he was online, but he wasn't, and his status was "Pending...".
The next day we were both logged in and to him my handle & status were "Floride" & "Floride" respectively, but he still showed up in my Global Friends as "(my buddy's name)" & "Pending...".
The issue was fixed by him un-global-friending me and re-inviting me to be global friends, this time while we were both online.
History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of men


Not sure if this is a bug, or something wrong or what but I cannot see local or emotes at all period. I have tryed everything under the sun and nothing seems to work.


Every time I change zones/maps, my keybinds revert to default and I have to reload them from my keybinds file.  Also, my chat channels get reset, so that I lose 'focus' on the one that I'm using at the time and have to re-select it.

Every time I load/switch characters, I have to reload my keybinds and UI from the Options menu/window.

Be Well!