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Paragon Chat Bug thread

Started by ArachnosCommander, July 08, 2015, 08:04:03 PM


Reporting a...kind of bizarre bug.  I was playing around earlier and no matter where I was, I could see Tiger White from @FloatingFatMan's local and emotes.  To give an idea, I was in Faultline while she was at the Pocket D blueside bar.  She came in loud and clear.

I got in close to her and left the vicinity again, sent Fatman a few tells, and the issue seemed to spontaneously clear up, but until then it persisted through multiple relogs.  I'll update this if it happens again, but it seems to be gone for now.


At about the same time, a friend of mine, Fea, was experiencing major chat lag. No text in PD for 4 minutes, then suddenly it all streamed in at once. Wall of text!


Time stamp for Feas error was 20.27 GMT, judging by her expletive when it all came in.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.* FFM: I think you're mostly wise in this instance, apart from one part.


Quote from: Aggelakis on July 10, 2015, 02:00:42 AM
Is he using the same name (including upper/lowercase) on the City of Heroes login screen (not the Paragon Chat login)? Characters are stored per username there, but they still belong to the same XMPP account, so they still have to be unique per XMPP account.

He has tried every way he can think of to spell his name and nothing works .....he did say after he logged out the first time paragon chat tequila and all files related to them vanished from his computer forcing him to redownload everything .....that's when his issue with his missing toons started


Very minor visual bug. After using /em magiccards, if you stand still for several seconds, another burst of cards will fly out of your character. This appears to continue happening until you move. Not sure if other people in the client see the extra card flurries.


Quote from: BluArcher on July 13, 2015, 09:34:56 PM

He has tried every way he can think of to spell his name and nothing works .....he did say after he logged out the first time paragon chat tequila and all files related to them vanished from his computer forcing him to redownload everything .....that's when his issue with his missing toons started

If you look in your coh folder if your friend had walked around and looked at people he may notice a folder with his username  it contains a text file for character notes... I may be wrong but the name of that folder since its auto generated should have the correct  capitalization.


Quote from: Fireheart on July 13, 2015, 06:39:27 PM
Every time I change zones/maps, my keybinds revert to default and I have to reload them from my keybinds file.  Also, my chat channels get reset, so that I lose 'focus' on the one that I'm using at the time and have to re-select it.

Every time I load/switch characters, I have to reload my keybinds and UI from the Options menu/window.

Be Well!
Known. On the roadmap.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Small bug, not Chat breaking but still present: Rita Mayfair the Praetorian tailor is missing. Probably just on vacation, though. Or maybe she evacuated because of the impending Hamipocalypse.


Quote from: Valtyr on July 14, 2015, 07:55:27 AM
Small bug, not Chat breaking but still present: Rita Mayfair the Praetorian tailor is missing. Probably just on vacation, though. Or maybe she evacuated because of the impending Hamipocalypse.
They aren't important without a game, but Annah, Granny Beldam, and whoever is the Halloween contact in Imperial City are also gone.
Jack Wolfe is present, but the red and gold contacts to turn respecs in are missing.


Quote from: Valtyr on July 14, 2015, 07:55:27 AM
Small bug, not Chat breaking but still present: Rita Mayfair the Praetorian tailor is missing. Probably just on vacation, though. Or maybe she evacuated because of the impending Hamipocalypse.

Most likely their names are missing from the client translations. We're actually kind of lucky that the client included as many NPC names as it did, since it doesn't really need to have them locally.

Paragon Chat does not spawn NPCs that are missing a translation. They show up in Icon with names like P751975138.

I think Leandro is working on a script to scan the map files and look for NPCs whose name needs to be filled in, probably in an external .cfg file.


That probably explains the missing bartender from the upper level blue bar in Pocket D...


Quote from: Codewalker on July 14, 2015, 01:00:02 PM
Most likely their names are missing from the client translations. We're actually kind of lucky that the client included as many NPC names as it did, since it doesn't really need to have them locally.

Paragon Chat does not spawn NPCs that are missing a translation. They show up in Icon with names like P751975138.

I think Leandro is working on a script to scan the map files and look for NPCs whose name needs to be filled in, probably in an external .cfg file.

Thanks for the info. I only listed this one because there's an Icon attached to the entity. On The Listâ„¢ of things to do, it's not very high since most folk simply spawn in Atlas. And that's not the only MIA-NPC I figured it was something weird.


Small bug, but occasionally bios for some players will be infinitely stuck on "Retrieving." I couldn't reliably reproduce it, but logging to character select and back in fixed it.


As of .97f I cannot log into paragonchat, today is the first time ive had issues
im runing Windows 7
and the version is .97f

paragonchat.exe seems to load fine it lets me log in and select the character
then when the character loads up and the helper prompt pops up The paragonchat log in box errors out and closes leaving me mapserver disconnected

Ive reloaded a few times, Verified files, tryed to load paragonchat.exe as admin, tried rebooting
just to make sure no extra paragon chats were floating around. Its not a firewall issue. made sure my password was updated. I have been searching these forums for other ideas.

i can connect fine via pidgin or phone Jabber clients. and noone else I know is having issues  so i figured I better report this. If i find a solution ill report back.


Did you try different characters? Try renaming the %APPDATA%\Paragon Chat\Database directory to something else, and if that fixes the problem, zip the folder and send it our way so we can check if the database is OK. Might also want to delete any custom config from %APPDATA%\Paragon Chat\Config


yes i did try all 3 characters and made a new one as soon as it hit AP  bewm 
before i wrote my first post I did try renaming the database no help, tried renaming config also... no change. because these were suggested in forums to others.  and I wanted to be sure the answer was not one of the "Easy fixes" before posting.
i also removed the data folder in the coh directory... because I was worried popmenu or keybinds files may be to blame.


so in app data i renamed config/database (i also renamed the ncsoft folder to NcOld)
in the coh file i renamed Data(with pop window info) to Databkup i tossed all bind/opton saves in the Databkup file as well to be safe.

(i also tried loading with firewall off no luck)

I tried reloading the paragonchat exe and
using /xmpp_set_jid... ect and /xmppconnect
(i had typoed my password once hence error)

and then it connected then promptly crashed paragonchat.ext.

Picture of crash:

((as a side note i actually rather like troubleshhoting wierd errors so im not overly distressed as long as this end up being helpful to development. If anyone has ideas i can try feel free.


When I installed 0.966, I created a Mastermind (Mercs + Pain Dom).  When it came to weapons, i had a slew of options to choose from (i chose dual weapons). 

with 0.97F, i only  have ~10 weapons to choose from, dual weapons not among them (this is at the character creation at the beginning and I haven't checked tailor).   

edit:  ack sorry..should have put this in the costume thread.


ok  on a hunch i went and made a NEW coh titan account  no caps no numbers
and i can login with the new one but not with Vr2LRose.

I didn't  want to delete or  change my Vr2lrose Account in case it  didn't work but I might swap to the new global one in the future if it will prevent buggyness. Im keeping the old account for now in case leandro or codewalker need to look at it,

Soo if your game crashes for no reason. Making a new account or changing your global may work.

today i couldn't login to the new account  either  so i deleted and remade it  exactly as it was.
and was able to get in  the  vr2lrose account still cannot get in. but this proves its not the number
its the account that is  somehow getting corrupt.

I have the same settings binds chats files the ONLY difference i can see is  my global friend list
cause remaking reset that.  Hopefully this  will help trouble shoot this odd bug.


On the Manticore's Mansion map, the dark opening at the end of the map where there is no door when you click on it the game freezes up for about 10 second and then it goes back to normal instead of a door "you can't enter" type message coming up.