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Paragon Chat 0.99i Beta!

Started by Codewalker, July 08, 2015, 01:03:30 AM


Nice work CW & team, it was great to pop online this morning for a quick test!

1 problem which I've not seen reported but was being talked about plenty, there seemed to be a "presence" issue. ie: I was in PocketD and there were several people chatting that said they were in the blue bar, but I could not see them at all. Some could see me, some could not, some could see some but not all others etc.  It could only be fixed by a disconnect/reconnect.

I presume this is a known issue?


Yes, The invisability bug here is what you can do

What seems to work best is run away from all people
then completely log out and back in.
people who logged out to near the group by the bar seemed to remain invis.
then when back run around a bit it may take a few to appear
people in motion seemed to appear faster.

Other things people who were still invis after logging tried was changing costumes
making sure they had no illegal parts on said costume. (of course this could have dimply been from moving around)

by the time we were done we had 8 visable people by the bar. though there was a few instances where one or 2 that could see them before stopped being able to see them.


^ Quite a lot of rigamarole...


followed by


should do the job fine.


It's the same issue with the hash of the costume received not matching the hash of the costume that is advertised in the presence for whatever reason. I've fixed it twice before during development, but it's rearing its ugly head again. Last time it was the alpha channel (which is unused) for the costume colors being randomly changed by the game client after login.

Since it's tied to the costume, simply disconnecting and reconnecting won't be especially effective. Changing costumes to a different one is your best bet until I can get it nailed down.


I've said it before, I'll say it again, HUGE thanks to CW and his dedicated team for bringing Paragon City back to us.  It was so unbelievably heartwarming to stand again under the Atlas statue and gather in Pocket D with DJ Shecky, Cape Radio, and with so many other players, all rejoicing in finally being home again in Paragon City.  Dreams really do come true, and my hat is off to all of you for making this possible.


Before I forget my manners- what few of them I have - I'd like to thank everyone who had a hand or even a pinky in getting things going.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


So great to log into this and see other people chatting and running about. Must have involved so much hard work! Thank you to all involved in this project, you all rock :D


Quote from: Codewalker on July 08, 2015, 01:17:54 PM
It's the same issue with the hash of the costume received not matching the hash of the costume that is advertised in the presence for whatever reason. I've fixed it twice before during development, but it's rearing its ugly head again. Last time it was the alpha channel (which is unused) for the costume colors being randomly changed by the game client after login.

Since it's tied to the costume, simply disconnecting and reconnecting won't be especially effective. Changing costumes to a different one is your best bet until I can get it nailed down.
if it's in the alpha, is it possible that costumes with transparent portions such as the vanguard weapons and the clockwork bodyparts may be contributing?  just a thought

Also, a thought I had, wuld it be possible to change the Helper/need help" flags to "RPer/Not RPer"?
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
-Lex Luthor

The Fifth Horseman

"Failed to initialize the database. Your ParagonChat.db file may be corrupt".  :(

This is on my desktop, system, which is currently running 64-bit Win 7 Professional. Starting Paragon Chat with administrator privileges does not affect the issue.
We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


The original post has been updated with a link to 0.96 beta.

Download Link

The only change in this version is that hopefully the invisible player bug is fixed. Anyone with 0.96 should be visible to all players.


Three things:


2. Is there a bug reporting thread?

3. As I can only use an on-screen keyboard now-a-days (long story), I can't enter my password at i24 login screen. I click there, see the flashing '|', but it goes away when I start typing. Win8.1 64-bit 16GB RAM NVIDIA GTX970


Quote from: Janlee on July 08, 2015, 08:24:38 PM
Three things:


2. Is there a bug reporting thread?

3. As I can only use an on-screen keyboard now-a-days (long story), I can't enter my password at i24 login screen. I click there, see the flashing '|', but it goes away when I start typing. Win8.1 64-bit 16GB RAM NVIDIA GTX970

Because clicking the on screen keyboard is probably stealing focus somehow.  Try this: type anything into a notepad document like "abc", then copy that text, and then click on the password field and hit CTRL-V on the screen keyboard.  That should paste that text into the password blank.  It doesn't matter what the password is so long as there is one (the client won't let you log in with blank password as you've discovered), so it can be any silly string in the clipboard buffer.


Quote from: The Fifth Horseman on July 08, 2015, 07:44:16 PM
"Failed to initialize the database. Your ParagonChat.db file may be corrupt".  :(

This is on my desktop, system, which is currently running 64-bit Win 7 Professional. Starting Paragon Chat with administrator privileges does not affect the issue.

Go to %APPDATA%\Paragon Chat\Database in Windows Explorer and delete all the files in there, then try again.


I have created a quick start guide:,10977.msg186547.html#msg186547
and a common questions and problems guide:,10977.msg186581.html#msg186581

both in the Paragon Chat FAQ thread.  I will try to keep them updated as new information arises.


Quote from: Codewalker on July 08, 2015, 01:52:05 AM
Hehe, don't spoil them all yet Arcana. :D

Text based gaming coming soon?


Quote from: duane on July 08, 2015, 11:26:32 PM
Text based gaming coming soon?

You are in an underground sewer of twisty passages, all alike.


when are we gonna get the rest of the basegame costume parts? things like boxing gear, patrician toga, helenic sandals, victory laurel, amongst others, are unavailable

also, when will we be able to have costumes of different genders?
hat extraordinare


Quote from: Arcana on July 08, 2015, 09:17:31 PM
Because clicking the on screen keyboard is probably stealing focus somehow.  Try this: type anything into a notepad document like "abc", then copy that text, and then click on the password field and hit CTRL-V on the screen keyboard.  That should paste that text into the password blank.  It doesn't matter what the password is so long as there is one (the client won't let you log in with blank password as you've discovered), so it can be any silly string in the clipboard buffer.

had to "dock" the keyboard


Quote from: Arcana on July 08, 2015, 11:56:05 PM
You are in an underground sewer of twisty passages, all alike.

I will grab my analgesic and belly button lint and meet you on zork!


Quote from: ikes on July 09, 2015, 12:25:57 AM
when are we gonna get the rest of the basegame costume parts? things like boxing gear, patrician toga, helenic sandals, victory laurel, amongst others, are unavailable

None of those are base game costume parts, they all require an in-game badge unlock or vet reward.

Stuff requiring non-Paragon Market unlocks is known as not working yet and will be fixed when we figure out a way to fix it, which involves implementing some parts of the protocol that are not implemented yet. So, sometime.

Quotealso, when will we be able to have costumes of different genders?