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Started by Ironwolf, March 06, 2014, 03:01:32 PM

Kaos Arcanna

I don't hang around in Zone Chat in MC all that much, but I don't recall hearing a lot of COX bashing there. There was more right when COX closed than now, though. And to be fair, I also heard a lot of "CO sucks. Why couldn't it have closed instead of COX?" That has also diminished a lot.


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on December 28, 2014, 08:23:44 PM
I don't hang around in Zone Chat in MC all that much, but I don't recall hearing a lot of COX bashing there. There was more right when COX closed than now, though. And to be fair, I also heard a lot of "CO sucks. Why couldn't it have closed instead of COX?" That has also diminished a lot.

Alot of players have moved on from CO already and even alot of CO players aren't playing CO anymore.  Heck, the rampage overhaul drove alot away as they came to CO to avoid the general "gear grind end game" of other games.  Just the same, many quit over vehicles, but even more quit later when the devs pulled the baiting and switching mentioned in my earlier post.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: LaughingAlex on December 28, 2014, 08:55:28 PM
"gear grind end game"

*shudders*. this reminds me of trying out scarlet blade, I was glad to read the post here regarding it's recent losses. that game was the worst MMO ever, 10 million XP for level 49 to 50? (CoX) Nope try Level 24! - In Beta. I call it "the death by grinding + nudity; so horny players wont notice + sell them basic necessities to get faster nudity for real money + sell them items so their 'girl' wont get their ass kicked (playing on players urges to protect a partner) trying to get XP faster in PVP zones." business model. it's atrocious and I just had to rant.

to tell the truth it's bad games or poor quality game-play like CO and Scarlet blade that drive me to make Project Bane.. I mean if such crappy developers can make games.. and get away with it actually profiting.. Then they better hope I never release Project Bane, reminds me why I named it that in the first place *Troll Face*.
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.


Quote from: Joshex on December 28, 2014, 09:12:07 PM
*shudders*. this reminds me of trying out scarlet blade, I was glad to read the post here regarding it's recent losses. that game was the worst MMO ever, 10 million XP for level 49 to 50? (CoX) Nope try Level 24! - In Beta. I call it "the death by grinding + nudity; so horny players wont notice + sell them basic necessities to get faster nudity for real money + sell them items so their 'girl' wont get their ass kicked (playing on players urges to protect a partner) trying to get XP faster in PVP zones." business model. it's atrocious and I just had to rant.

to tell the truth it's bad games or poor quality game-play like CO and Scarlet blade that drive me to make Project Bane.. I mean if such crappy developers can make games.. and get away with it actually profiting.. Then they better hope I never release Project Bane, reminds me why I named it that in the first place *Troll Face*.

I'd love to see a good deconstruction game bring the many bad mmorpgs to their knees.  Ahem heres an example of what a game could do;

You go through killing 150 guys....

...The game calls you a mass murderer and the npcs in another town attack you for it and your forced to defend yourself......

....which causes the guy who hired you to kill those 150 guys to sever his ties to you for actually doing the deed when he was joking and then THEY try to kill you.

..Then everyone wants you dead as your character turns more and more into a psychopath.

Edit: Oh yeah and the player should totally lose control of the character as said character makes more and more atrocious decisions to justify the killing of so many guys....

....All cause of the joke for an uber item.

Another Edit: Now I want to play goat mmo simulator again cause it takes a less serious shot at mmorpgs with jokes along those lines, just no where near as dark.  (like npc saying "Bring me these mermaid eyes!"  YUou bring her the eyes as she asked "Ew!  You brought me mermaid eyes!?  What kind of sick bastard are you!?  Get out of here!")
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: detour on December 28, 2014, 03:03:34 PM
Suddenly, a wild TripLash appears!   Here's hoping we're shopping together at Woolworth's again in the near future!

Quote from: Triplash on December 28, 2014, 05:43:13 PM
I spy, with my little eye, someone crazy and cool. How the heck are ya, brother! :D

Woolworths has no idea how much they missed our business, man. But we'll remind 'em! Just as soon as we get the chance.

Wentworth's! Woolworth's is the real world (out of business) basis for the name. :)
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: Aggelakis on December 28, 2014, 11:55:25 PM
Wentworth's! Woolworth's is the real world (out of business) basis for the name. :)

Oh we know that. That's what makes it funny! (Well okay... to us anyway. You had to be there ;D )


Quote from: detour on December 28, 2014, 03:02:38 PM
alack, that is ALL is see, whenever CoX is mentioned in Zone Chat over in CO.  It's basically 'we're alive, you're dead, we win, you lose, you mad bro?'   I cannot WAIT for CoX to take its rightful place once again as THE premiere super-hero MMORPG.   

We were pretty nice, until a lot of smacktalk happened within the game, and zone chat got filled with shilling for plan z projects. It's reasonable; for people playing CO to want to actually be playing CO, and if they don't want to , then bye.

And the CoH memorial events haven't exactly been too respectful of CO players' enjoyment of the game. I recall a few things said in MC City Hall in 2013(2014 was more peaceful) that made me wonder why people even put forth the effort to create an account and sign on. The defacto response is always defensive in MC zone chat because not shutting it down at the start brings unwelcome advertizement of other projects and wistful recounts of CoH moments when players really want to know who wants to do Nemesis Confrontation or do private queues or trades. Truthfully, much of the people playing actually want to play, and take non-stop discussion about other products in a public channel as an attack.

I really don't think people in CoH would have appreciated  if CO fans kept polluting AP broadcast about their judgements about their game, or DCUO fans doing something similar. I just can't understand why it should surprise former CoH players that CO players aren't agreeing that "their game sucks."



Quote from: Brou on December 29, 2014, 04:56:52 AM
We were pretty nice, until a lot of smacktalk happened within the game, and zone chat got filled with shilling for plan z projects. It's reasonable; for people playing CO to want to actually be playing CO, and if they don't want to , then bye.

And the CoH memorial events haven't exactly been too respectful of CO players' enjoyment of the game. I recall a few things said in MC City Hall in 2013(2014 was more peaceful) that made me wonder why people even put forth the effort to create an account and sign on. The defacto response is always defensive in MC zone chat because not shutting it down at the start brings unwelcome advertizement of other projects and wistful recounts of CoH moments when players really want to know who wants to do Nemesis Confrontation or do private queues or trades. Truthfully, much of the people playing actually want to play, and take non-stop discussion about other products in a public channel as an attack.

I really don't think people in CoH would have appreciated  if CO fans kept polluting AP broadcast about their judgements about their game, or DCUO fans doing something similar. I just can't understand why it should surprise former CoH players that CO players aren't agreeing that "their game sucks."

What bothers me most isn't the attitude of either side in those arguements but the general prejudice we've seen since the earlier days when the more rotten apples of the CoX community had tarnished any chances of any decent level of respect between the two parties.  Alot of CO players assume that if it's from a CoX player, it must be a bad idea, just cause it's from a CoX player.  Like we became sub-human to them.

I understand the problem behind those who went into CO to say CO sucked.  But then instantly assuming every single CoX player is a nostalgia-addled old fart is both prejudiced and very demeaning to us.  But we also remember how at times even before the shutdown of CoX there are players in the CO community who had a pressing need to compare there game to others in a very insecure fashion of why "Co is better" even when it's not even brought up.  Yeah....
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


I never got all the hate CO players get.

It's perfectly fine to love an inferior game.

Kaos Arcanna

Quote from: Waffles on December 29, 2014, 06:55:43 AM
I never got all the hate CO players get.

It's perfectly fine to love an inferior game.

And then you'd wonder why people in Zone Chat would start making smart remarks about COX... ;-)

Honestly, there are lots of things that CO did head and shoulders better than COX.

Travel powers, for example. You can choose one to complement your powerset if you like. A tech character could use a flying platform, metal retractable wings, rocket boots, jump boots, or an energy sphere if he wanted a theme-compliant means of locomotion. There are electric travel powers, fire travel powers, ice travel powers, etc.

The character creator does take some getting used to, but you can do things with it that you'd never be able to accomplish in COX. The faces may not vary as much as those in COX's, but you can mess with body proportions in ways you couldn't dream of in COX. You can do credible-looking gorillas, headless characters ... things that look like they popped out of some whacked out cartoon or anime. My most favorite character in CO right now, Robot Rex the Cowboy, has a cowboy hat on top of his metallic head. In COX, I would not have been able to give him a cowboy hat without also having to give him hair.

In terms of powers, it has some interesting ones ... though not nearly as many as COX had. Several powers have a growth factor ... meaning your character can grow in size during battle. The Sorcery powers are visually interesting. The Bestial Supernatural powers were fun to me in a way that Claws never were in COX.

That's not to say it's perfect. Controls are virtually useless and non existent compared to what we had in COX. Flavored melee powers-- dark, electric, fire-- aren't really there in CO. The pets aren't nearly as good as what we had in COX.

And CO badly needs more content than it's gotten since I've been playing the last two years.

But there are lots of things I enjoy about CO, and I don't consider it inferior to COX. Just different, and sadly neglected.

That being said, even if COX comes back I don't see myself totally abandoning the Cryptic games I'm playing now. I will never let one game be my sole focus after what happened to COX.

rebel 1812

Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on December 29, 2014, 11:51:24 AM

And then you'd wonder why people in Zone Chat would start making smart remarks about COX... ;-)

Honestly, there are lots of things that CO did head and shoulders better than COX.

Travel powers, for example. You can choose one to complement your powerset if you like. A tech character could use a flying platform, metal retractable wings, rocket boots, jump boots, or an energy sphere if he wanted a theme-compliant means of locomotion. There are electric travel powers, fire travel powers, ice travel powers, etc.

The character creator does take some getting used to, but you can do things with it that you'd never be able to accomplish in COX. The faces may not vary as much as those in COX's, but you can mess with body proportions in ways you couldn't dream of in COX. You can do credible-looking gorillas, headless characters ... things that look like they popped out of some whacked out cartoon or anime. My most favorite character in CO right now, Robot Rex the Cowboy, has a cowboy hat on top of his metallic head. In COX, I would not have been able to give him a cowboy hat without also having to give him hair.

In terms of powers, it has some interesting ones ... though not nearly as many as COX had. Several powers have a growth factor ... meaning your character can grow in size during battle. The Sorcery powers are visually interesting. The Bestial Supernatural powers were fun to me in a way that Claws never were in COX.

That's not to say it's perfect. Controls are virtually useless and non existent compared to what we had in COX. Flavored melee powers-- dark, electric, fire-- aren't really there in CO. The pets aren't nearly as good as what we had in COX.

And CO badly needs more content than it's gotten since I've been playing the last two years.

But there are lots of things I enjoy about CO, and I don't consider it inferior to COX. Just different, and sadly neglected.

That being said, even if COX comes back I don't see myself totally abandoning the Cryptic games I'm playing now. I will never let one game be my sole focus after what happened to COX.

I agree with alot of what you said.  CO does allow alot more custom customization then COX.  The powers kind of suck.  There is no inherent disadvantage to ranged heros in CO to offset the inherent ability to kite melee heros.  This means ranged tanks are possible and broken.  And if you do go dps, why not make it ranged; since ranged will always be better.  I concur there isn't enough new content.  I have played since 2011 and the one year I played COX; COX had more content.


Quote from: rebel_1812 on December 29, 2014, 05:04:21 PM
I agree with alot of what you said.  CO does allow alot more custom customization then COX.  The powers kind of suck.  There is no inherent disadvantage to ranged heros in CO to offset the inherent ability to kite melee heros.  This means ranged tanks are possible and broken.  And if you do go dps, why not make it ranged; since ranged will always be better.  I concur there isn't enough new content.  I have played since 2011 and the one year I played COX; COX had more content.

Not to mention support in CO is pretty much limited exclusively to healing anymore, due to how weak crowd control is and how lacking the game has been in buffs and debuffs :S.

Edit: I'll just say right here; that sore lack of support is exactly one of the main reasons I say the game lacks depth, not to mention the sheer imbalance between comparable powers in the game generally screaming "build it this way, with this power because this power does x far better than all the other powers that do x.".  Which, kind of limits and contradicts the freedom of the freeform system :S.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


I just don't see why we concern ourselves with what CO players think of us, if all they need to form an opinion about us in general is a few ass-hats from Freedumb being trolls.

They could call CoX a bad game, I mean, they would be wrong, and I would be tempted to laugh in their face while pointing out every single flaw CO has, but I don't because I don't care.

It's like some guy laughing at you because your Corvette got wrecked, when he drives a mini-van that's so damaged from previous, numerous accidents that you're surprised the thing still runs.

Angel Phoenix77

Quote from: Waffles on December 29, 2014, 06:07:43 PM
I just don't see why we concern ourselves with what CO players think of us, if all they need to form an opinion about us in general is a few ass-hats from Freedumb being trolls.

They could call CoX a bad game, I mean, they would be wrong, and I would laugh in their face while pointing out every single flaw CO has for hours on end.

It's like some guy laughing at you because your Corvette got wrecked, when he drives a mini-van that's so damaged from previous, numerous accidents that you're surprised the thing still runs.
how do you know they were from freedom? I am from freedom and I am no asshat nor anyone that I talked into playing co. By and large those who bad mouth co needs to vent, yes I heard a few "people from city of" talking trash but I am not going to call them from a server you do not like.
Co got its bad reputation from its own actions and that includes the actions of the devs and companies to owned it.
So in the end do not generalize the actions of a few people you do not know which server they played on. There are those who claimed to play city of. and bad mouth co. I asked them general questions anyone who played city of. they were unable to answer any of them. People are just people.
One day the Phoenix will rise again.


Quote from: Angel Phoenix77 on December 29, 2014, 06:58:48 PM
how do you know they were from freedom? I am from freedom and I am no asshat

Freedom had a bad rep in Virtue, not all players were jackasses over there, but that's basically where all the try-hards congregated to.

Angel Phoenix77

Quote from: Waffles on December 29, 2014, 07:06:47 PM
Freedom had a bad rep in Virtue, not all players were jackasses over there, but that's basically where all the try-hards congregated to.
couldn't that be said of any server? I remember hearing bad things about all the servers. I chose freedom after doing a lot of research it had the biggest player base. I agree there were a few bad players, however, this is indicative of everyone on freedom. In fact there were more then a few that would help other regardless if they had something to do or not. I can say I enjoyed my time there. :) the only time I did not play on was if the server was down or I was on a break.   
One day the Phoenix will rise again.


Quote from: Waffles on December 29, 2014, 06:07:43 PM
I just don't see why we concern ourselves with what CO players think of us, if all they need to form an opinion about us in general is a few ass-hats from Freedumb being trolls.

They could call CoX a bad game, I mean, they would be wrong, and I would laugh in their face while pointing out every single flaw CO has for hours on end, so who cares what they think?

Thats kind of my thought about it.  If the CO community had to form the opinion they had of us from just a few bad apples, it kind of tells me what the CO community is really like.  Especially if they can rub salt in the wound of others even their own community when a change invalidates 500+ actual dollars spent.

Which is why I am still upset with them, and was even more-so over the past few months.  It's one thing to troll someone over a nerf but to rub salt in the wound on someone who had lost a ton of money in the way people did really left me physically sick.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: LaughingAlex on December 28, 2014, 05:37:46 PM
Basically I believe our game will come back, but regardless of when that happens CO will eventually face a lawsuit due to whats been happening there.  When it does, it WILL face it's shutdown, and it won't have any chance of getting started back up.

Lawsuit? More like LOLsuit.

Look, I'm not saying that PWE/Cryptic hasn't been ultra-crummy with CO, especially lately, but as an online game all of the content is subject to change.  They've done nothing illegal.

CO will shut down when and only when it stops making money (or there are shenanigans involving the shuttering of the studio, although I can't think of any examples of this happening off the top of my head), because that's pretty much all PWE cares about.


Quote from: darkgob on December 29, 2014, 07:19:59 PM
Lawsuit? More like LOLsuit.

Look, I'm not saying that PWE/Cryptic hasn't been ultra-crummy with CO, especially lately, but as an online game all of the content is subject to change.  They've done nothing illegal.

CO will shut down when and only when it stops making money (or there are shenanigans involving the shuttering of the studio, although I can't think of any examples of this happening off the top of my head), because that's pretty much all PWE cares about.

There change had invalidated a lot of actual money spent on the cash shop.  Tons of it.  There WERE lawsuits over crap like this to for other games that did this kind of crap and people had told me said lawsuits SUCCEEDED.

Thing is, vehicles cannot ever in CO be obtained through any means other than with actual money, even the only "free" vehicle for it to be remotely useable required you to spend actual real life money to make it useable.  If not you then someone else somewhere did.

And this trend here shows they are releasing overpowered items that can only be obtained with actual money and then nerfing them and releasing some other overpowered item.  It's almost as if it's intentional.

That constitutes bait and switch.  It's not stuff you "earn" in the game it's stuff you pay for.  CO's shop has always been "Pay to win" in this way.

Even if you get all your zen with questionite, likewise, someone STILL actually bought that questionite with real life money.

Edit: Even if a lawsuit doesn't occur it's still driving a lot of people away.  Tons of them.  The CO zones are practically 'dead' as it was, usually less than 300 people are in MC though I wouldn't be surprised if these days it's less than 200.  People are not happy with cryptic north and some are even very angry with it's community(myself included).

Another Edit:;wap2 refers to the actual case, I am still trying to locate it.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: Waffles on December 29, 2014, 07:06:47 PM
Freedom had a bad rep in Virtue, not all players were jackasses over there, but that's basically where all the try-hards congregated to.

I played Infinity and Freedom, both servers looked pretty much the same to me. there was always a lot of freedom hate but I felt it was unjustified. rp'ers were a bigger problem, had some tell me I couldnt hunt vazlocks in the north part of faultline because they were having a pool party. they didnt want me blasting zombies