Author Topic: Neverwinter  (Read 13255 times)

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2014, 01:21:38 AM »

I got my Halfling Control Wizard up to Level 15. He's done pretty well. Hasn't died once, though he did come close once or twice.

The thing that's bugging me now is that I can't turn in the Wizard Class Mission into the contact so I can move on. When I go back to him I get the same dialogue you get if there's no available missions.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2014, 02:00:15 PM »
The class missions are usually just one mission.

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2014, 12:42:37 AM »
The class missions are usually just one mission.

I abandoned the mission and was able to redo it. (It was short and didn't take long.)

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2014, 02:32:34 AM »
Got the Halfling Wizard up to Level 20 (still without dying) and picked up his mount. (I have the Founder's Pack so all my characters are getting the spider mount.) :D

The style of combat in Neverwinter is quite a bit different from the other MMOs I've played . At least it feels that way to me. In COH you had rooting so there wasn't a lot of dodging to be done. :D

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2014, 02:38:33 AM »
I made it up to 22 without dying. Unfortunately, I did die during Level 22 (now I'm Level 23.)

What killed me was that the mission boss managed to knock me into a wall where I got stuck. I couldn't attack or do anything else because I was in a prone position.

Frustrating, but still 22 levels is more than 1/3 of the way to max level without dying which is pretty good. I don't think I've had to buy any healing potions on my own yet either. :D


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2014, 04:15:49 PM »
When not playing WildStar I've been doing some Domination PvP with my Drow Trickster Rogue. Pretty good fun - especially when you get people who listen and talk on the integrated voice chat.

Didn't feel like doing the PvE again - already did that with my L60 Dwarf Devoted Cleric.

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2014, 02:42:09 AM »
My CW Halfling is up to 44 now.

I love that set a lot, but I've been skipping out on the dungeons this time around except for the one I didn't do on Mitzi the Drow.

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2014, 04:26:23 AM »
Got the Halfling Wizard up to Level 20 (still without dying) and picked up his mount. (I have the Founder's Pack so all my characters are getting the spider mount.) :D

The style of combat in Neverwinter is quite a bit different from the other MMOs I've played . At least it feels that way to me. In COH you had rooting so there wasn't a lot of dodging to be done. :D

CW are great at not dying.  I bet if you hadn't got stuck in the wall you could have gone higher.  I think my Wizzy got to like 43-44 before its first death


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2014, 08:57:02 AM »
CW are great at not dying.  I bet if you hadn't got stuck in the wall you could have gone higher.  I think my Wizzy got to like 43-44 before its first death

If you want fairly dull but indestructible, try a DC with a Galeb Duhr.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2014, 09:55:36 AM »
OK so, the "new" artifact stuff (I say "new", when I really mean "last time I played this didn't exist") - there's an intro mission you technically get at level 20, but since I've been gone so long, my characters were granted it at whatever level they are. The enemies inside are skulls (essentially level-less, like Rikti invasion tech, but on steroids - somewhere between regular content and dungeon guys).

I've gotten through it on two of my (dps) characters. I cannot for the life of me get through it on my cleric. Her first attempt was at level 55, she's tried twice during level 56, and last night I attempted once after she dinged 57. I just cannot put out enough damage, and they whittle me down slowly through my heals. I got past the first "pedestal" once, but the other three times I couldn't even get past the first one. I've tried with all types of companion (dps, tank, heal, control). I've tried it with a bunch of buff potions. The only thing I haven't tried is with a team, because I can't ever find anyone willing to help when I ask in CoX (no one seems to play NW at the same time I do - ya'll are always in STO!).

I think something is wonky because I got the mission so late in the leveling curve. Something's gotta be out of whack. These guys are ridiculous. I can't imagine trying to fight the fire/lava monster golem thing. (Loved fighting that one on my ranger; regular shot, debuff-runspeed shot, roll; regular shot, debuff-runspeed shot, roll; repeat until he falls down. I barely took a scratch once I killed his buddies.)

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Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2014, 12:00:12 PM »
OK so, the "new" artifact stuff (I say "new", when I really mean "last time I played this didn't exist") - there's an intro mission you technically get at level 20, but since I've been gone so long, my characters were granted it at whatever level they are. The enemies inside are skulls (essentially level-less, like Rikti invasion tech, but on steroids - somewhere between regular content and dungeon guys).

I've gotten through it on two of my (dps) characters. I cannot for the life of me get through it on my cleric. Her first attempt was at level 55, she's tried twice during level 56, and last night I attempted once after she dinged 57. I just cannot put out enough damage, and they whittle me down slowly through my heals. I got past the first "pedestal" once, but the other three times I couldn't even get past the first one. I've tried with all types of companion (dps, tank, heal, control). I've tried it with a bunch of buff potions. The only thing I haven't tried is with a team, because I can't ever find anyone willing to help when I ask in CoX (no one seems to play NW at the same time I do - ya'll are always in STO!).

I think something is wonky because I got the mission so late in the leveling curve. Something's gotta be out of whack. These guys are ridiculous. I can't imagine trying to fight the fire/lava monster golem thing. (Loved fighting that one on my ranger; regular shot, debuff-runspeed shot, roll; regular shot, debuff-runspeed shot, roll; repeat until he falls down. I barely took a scratch once I killed his buddies.)


I tried that mission in the 20s on my Hunter Ranger, and it was so darn hard that I thought I had inadvertently tried to solo a Dungeon. Never did finish it on her. (Think I may have dropped it.)

My CW managed to complete it in the early 20s. Believe me, it's awfully hard no matter when you pick it up.

I'd be willing to give you a hand if it can be shared. Especially on Mitzi my HR as she doesn't have it yet.

My Cryptic game handle is @simonmccoy.

Does anyone know if you can, in fact, SHARE that mission? Or bring in help 'cause that mission is brutal IMO.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2014, 12:11:17 PM »
I tried that mission in the 20s on my Hunter Ranger, and it was so darn hard that I thought I had inadvertently tried to solo a Dungeon. Never did finish it on her. (Think I may have dropped it.)

My CW managed to complete it in the early 20s. Believe me, it's awfully hard no matter when you pick it up.

I'd be willing to give you a hand if it can be shared. Especially on Mitzi my HR as she doesn't have it yet.

My Cryptic game handle is @simonmccoy.

Does anyone know if you can, in fact, SHARE that mission? Or bring in help 'cause that mission is brutal IMO.

It comes in at level 21 I think. I've done it on all classes at varying levels although most were 60, it was tough but doable on a low 20s ranger. I believe it's sharable. The important thing for soloing it is to have decent gear for your level. If you get to 60, buy some decent blue gear off the AH, the bits cost less than 1000 ADs each, you will be fine. I'm @minotaur2857 there if you want some help, but not sure if you can share it with characters that have already done it and all mine have.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2014, 12:16:56 PM »
I've finished it on my other characters that have it; a ranger, a rogue, and a GWF. I had very little trouble at all with the rogue and GWF, the ranger is a bit squishier so it was touch and go occasionally (LOTS of health potions used!!). They were all approximately lv 24-27 when I came back and picked up the mission. My DC was level 55, and like I said before, I've tried completing it four times now at the following levels, and failed so miserably I don't even talk about it with my husband. -_-;

My name is @kellzilla over there. I have literally never grouped except through the queue, so I have no idea how questing works with groups, sharing or "sidekicking" or whatever.
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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2014, 01:38:25 PM »
I did manage to solo it on a DC at roughly that level (I think she might have been 53, but I'm not positive), but it was awfully tough. Are you using a companion? If you have a tanky companion that will help.

My handle is @sophronisba, and if you happen to be on when I'm on I'll help you out with my L60 Guardian Fighter.

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2014, 02:07:38 AM »

I soloed the Rime Hound on my Halfing CW. He had a few close moments, but he did it without dying once. :D

The one thing that I do have in terms of a complaint about the boss fights in Neverwinter is they are always the same ... boss summons minions to help him out after he loses
so much health. Sort of adds a sameness to the content.

But I am enjoying the heck out of a CW. :D


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2014, 01:27:05 AM »
I started playing shortly before the end of the "beta" and have been really enjoying the game. I gotten a DC(my main), TR, CW, and HR all to 60 and now working on a GF. Still alt like I'm playing CoH. I would love to play with some paragon people again, the thing i've found most lacking in Neverwinter is a sense of community. Its hard to find teams with people that will even talk let alone actually be social.

Feel free to find me my handle there is @genesis314
@brokengoddess from Champion

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2014, 10:15:40 PM »

My Halfling CW is now 56. Once he's 60, I'm either going to work getting him some good gear or go back to seeing about gearing up my Drow. Either way, I'd like to check out some of the Foundry stories ... maybe even write one sometime. :D

I'm wanting to make a Half-Orc Cleric because I have a concept for one but I'm not sure it'd do well enough to stick with it.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2014, 12:58:28 AM »
Another patch, another fiasco.

Let's put a desirable item into the game that a few people can claim, but they can claim it as many times as they like, shouldn't matter if it's not BoP

/e facepalm

Kaos Arcanna

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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2014, 02:00:29 AM »
Another patch, another fiasco.

Let's put a desirable item into the game that a few people can claim, but they can claim it as many times as they like, shouldn't matter if it's not BoP

/e facepalm

What item is that? I'm taking a few days off Neverwinter because my wrist was feeling the combat from leveling my CW to 60.


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Re: Neverwinter
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2014, 07:25:37 AM »
What item is that? I'm taking a few days off Neverwinter because my wrist was feeling the combat from leveling my CW to 60.

The ioun stone that you got for buying zen a week or so ago. People were selling thousands of them, chat was spammed full of people doing it, they just fixed it with another patch.