Titan Icon now has a new installer for Mac: Island Rum for Icon!

Started by Manga, January 03, 2014, 01:38:58 AM



Standby, I have to find the person who maintains the file manifest for Icon.


Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.  I can offer some hosting if needed, but it won't be as stable as the clouds you're using.  (It's good, but not that good.)


Mac user here as well.

I have it on my Windows Boot Camp partition.  So I can just download the chat client when available.  But...I'll want to use the Mac version at some point to take advantage of...well the serenity of being on a Mac plus my Fusion drive will load it much quicker too.



The file manifest has been updated, there should be no more errors.


It's happily installing files now!  So far so good.  I'm going to crash and let it run overnight, but I suspect you've got it sorted.

Thank you so much for your attention and determination in getting this working for us!  We really appreciate it.


I left it running when I went to bed.  When I got up this morning, the Mac had gone to sleep and Island Rum didn't recover.  I killed it and started over.

When it finished - yaaay! - there was a play button - the blue arrow - in the lower right corner.  I clicked that.  Nothing happened.

I went to the directory I'd asked it to create.  It contains an "Titan Icon" and a "City of Heroes Resurgence".  The "Titan Icon" app shows as a broken icon, and double-clicking it gets a message from the Mac saying "You can't open the application "Titan Icon" because it may be damaged or incomplete.".

I deleted the "Titan Icon" and re-ran Island Rum, which downloaded it again.  I haven't been able to get through a download without TR freezing, and having to be killed with "Force Quit".

Any suggestions, or am I just unlucky?


I've also run into the issue of Island Rum freezing on patching/downloading.

It will grab 3-4 files and then freeze on downloading.  If I close it and then restart it again around 30 mins later, it will get a few more files and freeze again.  Note, the app is still functional, it just no longer progresses on downloading that particular file and therefore is stuck.

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I may move to the windows version, if everyone else is downloading fine.


I'm having the same issue, I've been following these announcements the past few weeks (after playing on and off since 2006 and coming back recently to see what had become of CoH) and I'm really excited to get back in and chatting - but Island Rum keeps freezing during the client download. I don't have a Windows PC anymore and I was really hoping I could run Paragon Chat natively on my Mac.

I'd really appreciate any help.


I'm not entirely sure what's causing these problems, I did a lot of testing with it.  The only thing I can do at this point is get everyone with problems to send me a copy of the log, located here:



Hi, first time poster here. I'm trying to download this on my Mac using Island Rum, but once it finishes "Installing" a window pops up saying "Error Unzipping macclient.zip"
I really want to fix this and be ready for Paragon Chat to join my friends, but I don't know what is wrong with this? Help?


Just an update - this is completely unscientific and probably not repeatable but for what it's worth I managed to successfully download everything. Earlier today I removed Island Rum and the associated files, re-downloaded it from the link in the original post and set it running, it crashed a couple of times but eventually downloaded all of the files.

Unfortunately I'm now receiving an error telling me that the application "Couldn't write process memory" when I click the launch button, which has me stumped. If anyone has run into this and has any ideas for me I'd love to hear them.



Quote from: Manga on July 07, 2015, 03:53:10 AM
I've never seen that error before.  Is that on a Mac?

Are you referring to my problem or OMCS?


Quote from: Rabgix on July 07, 2015, 04:32:00 AM
Are you referring to my problem or OMCS?


And incidentally, I'm going to post some new instructions today on how to prepare Island Rum for Mac for Paragon Chat.  It has to be done a different way, because Paragon Chat isn't compatible with the old Cider client.


Yes, all of this is on my Mac (running Yosemite if that makes any difference). I did think it was strange, I even had a look around in the Icon source code to see where the error was coming from but that didn't really help. I was thinking it might have been caused by the fact I already have wine installed via homebrew for other things. I think the best thing for me to do is wait for those new instructions and then try again from scratch when they're ready.

Thanks for chiming in Manga, much appreciated.  :)


I'm getting a manifest error too.

On the "Prepare your account..." thread they said to use http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml with Tequila. Is it different for Island Rum? Because I tried it and it's downloading again.


Important info for Mac players:

The Cider client WILL NOT RUN Paragon Chat.  I therefore changed Island Rum to support Wine.  Follow these steps:

1. Install Homebrew by visiting http://brew.sh/ and following the instructions.

2.  Once that's installed, type "brew install wine" and wait for it to install.  It may ask you to install a couple of other things before it will complete its installation, but it will tell you what commands to use or where to download it from.

3.  Next, type "brew install winetricks".

4.  Finally, type "winetricks d3dx9 vcrun2008 msls31 winhttp".

After that, you'll have all the pieces you need to make Island Rum work with Wine (it will auto-detect it).

NOTE:  Island Rum may also try to install homebrew and wine on its own.  It's *supposed* to, but I've gotten mixed reports on whether it actually does.  So it's safer to start with installing it yourself.  If Wine is already installed, Island Rum won't try to install it again.


Anyone successfully logged in to Paragon Chat via mac?

Having trouble here.  I think I updated everything correctly and installed brew, wine, wine tricks, etc.  I can launch and run Island Rum.  It updates and checks files.  Paragon Chat is selected.  Then I click on the big blue arrow, it gets a big green checkmark.  Then Island Rum closes, and nothing.  I wait and still nothing.  Then I launch my copy of old CoH beta (same as I do to access Icon) and it's still just Icon.

Did I miss a step?  Is there something fundamental that I did not do?  Should Island Rum or Paragon Chat be in a specific folder together or separate?  Island Rum is just in the Applications folder.  So is CoH/Icon.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
