Titan Icon now has a new installer for Mac: Island Rum for Icon!

Started by Manga, January 03, 2014, 01:38:58 AM


If you pull down the menu (the orange tree icon) and select Manifests, what URL is listed there?


Does that URL load for you in a web browser?  If not you might have something blocking it like parental controls or a firewall.


The URL loads, but it's all code. No parental controls turned on, and the firewall is not blocking this.


Next time you launch Island Rum, send me via PM the log located here:


Use the Go menu in the finder to get there.

Or if PM doesn't allow attachments put it in dropbox or something and send me the link.


Sent you the requested log file. Hopefully it will shed some light on what's going on.

Thanks for all your help.


Maybe you can help me. I'm trying to install Island Rum for Icon. The build is 042820141. I'm installing on a new MacBook Pro, with OSX 10.9.3.

The load seemed to start okay, but then a box pops up with Select File in the top bar. The box is showing the contents of the Application directory and two buttons (Cancel and Select). Neither button worked until I selected a file. Then it gave me: Error With Manifest URL.

Now whenever I start the program, I get Error With Manifest URL. I've tried choosing Rescan and Reset Path. I even selected Options>Download Optional Content, but nothing seems to work.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I really want this to work. 



If you go into Manifests via the menu, make sure the Manifest looks like this:


If it does, you may have just run into a temporary Dropbox outage that'll fix itself eventually.


I've been trying for a couple of days to get this to work, but I'm not having any luck.  ???

After unzipping the initial file, I placed the Island Rum app in the Applications folder. Running the app gives me the Error With Manifest URL message. The Manifest URL is correct.

If I choose Reset Path, where should I point to? I've tried choosing the Island Rum app for the reset path and rescanning. That almost works, but gets stuck on Saving Cache.

If I halt the Saving Cache process, I can see the links for Titan Icon V1.71 and Titan Icon V1.71NPC (I think... it's cut off by the picture). But the links don't do anything.

Any instructions you can give or suggestions you can make would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


You want to choose the City of Heroes application if you have it installed, or a folder where you want to have it installed.


It seems some of the city zones (for me anyway) come up as "all sky", particularly

...Steel Canyon, which is supposed to be:

...and Skyway City, which is supposed to be:

Is anyone else getting this? Any known solutions? Thanks.


If the map actually loads but your character spawns somewhere out of sight of it, you can try the [ or ] key to warp to another spawn point.


Unable to install. Getting error, MD5 Error Downloading islandrum-mac.zip. Not sure what to do. Running Yosemite 10.10.3.

Any thoughts?


Hi!  Just looking for some quick, 'oh duh' advice... the link in this thread brought me an IslandRum build 032820141. The first thing it does on launch is try to update and download islandrum-mac.zip, which then gets a MD5 Error Downloading: and once I click OK, we exit. Relaunch loops this same thing over again.


I changed the link at the top of the page.  If you're having problems, try clicking it and downloading from it again.


I just downloaded it from the link in the first post.  I pick a location, and then it flickers by "downloading mac client" then gets to "installing mac client", and fails with "MD5 Error: Downloading macclient.zip".

Any suggestions?

I just read other entries in this thread.  I downloaded the manifest XML, which was fine, but note that it points to a macclient.zip which returns a 404 instead of a zip file.

The feeds on savecoh.com are also not working, so I can't try and get the client and let Island Rum patch it.

Any suggestions?


Did you try downloading Island Rum again?  You might have failed an update, and the older version is looking for macclient.zip in the wrong place.


It was a clean download as of yesterday at 5:37pm.  Trying again.... The new download has a timestamp of yesterday at 5:18pm.

Exactly the same issue.

The manifest is from http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37952257/tequila/titanicon.xml

If I download that, it says the mac client is at http://powermadsoftware.com/titan/macclient.zip and that is a 404.

Overnight someone seeded the torrent on SaveCOH, so I do have a copy, but Island Rum isn't working for me.



Closer... closer!

It downloads macclient.zip (pretty darn quickly, so maybe it's not all there) and then says "MD5 Downloading macclient.zip"

The Manifest lists that as http://powermadsoftware.com/titan/macclient.zip, which I can download as a 24.7MB file.  That is a valid zip, which expands to "City of Heroes Resurgence.app" which looks like a game.  Small, though.