Author Topic: You're gonna wear it out!  (Read 9552 times)


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You're gonna wear it out!
« on: July 26, 2013, 01:49:07 AM »
Everyone has their own playstyle. Some people are bold tanks who liked to lead from the front. Others are brazen scrappers, hanging out in the thick of the mob. Still others love their pets, or are the pious monks of Atlas, the support players.

So, who were you? which archetype did you bang on most frequently?

In the early days, I was a tank... Fugh Li my giant green ice/axe tank. I lived for wading into the mobs and letting the team follow on behind me as I slowed and disoriented. Even later I loved tanks and brutes with thier defensive-oriented fighting abilities.

But when I rejoined the game in the freedom era and when all archetypes were availabe to both sides, I quickly found a new love, the claw-stalker. the stealth strikes and the combo attacks became my weapon of choice (I also loved dual blade scrappers, but the claw stalkers were my faves)
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Lucretia MacEvil

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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 02:45:23 AM »
I dabbled in various archtypes for a while, mostly corruptors, controllers, dominators, and masterminds. 

Then I tried an elec/WP brute.  I was hooked, and brutes were my favorite ever since.  For me, they're a nice mix of toughness and damage output that lets me feel really, well, super.

 :'(  I miss our game...


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 03:58:42 AM »
I loved blasters. I loved melee. Mix and it is heaven! 

I/o sets that grant defense, Steadfast protection, glad armor, tough and weave, slotted with LotG and Reactive armor. And some mid size purples. Let's dance baby!
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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2013, 06:36:01 AM »
While I did occasionally enjoy playing melee, a lot of the time it got too chaotic and confused - all those bad guys, and all that action, right at the camera. My preference was dealing death from a distance. I started out loving blasters - especially my Rifle/Devices - and then they made dominators available blueside. That was a great fit for me. The controller-type holds allowed me to make sure my opponents kept a respectful distance (most of the time, anyway), and the blaster-type attacks gave me the DPS that controllers lacked (in my experience). Some like the toe-to-toe brawling; my style is to stand off and smite with a wave of my hand. It just seems more ... civilized.
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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2013, 08:15:44 AM »
I was an Arachnos Soldier.  Sure, I moonlighted as a Brute (often) and as a Controller or Mastermind (occasionally), but most of the time, either I was viciously beating fools over the head with a club that doubled as an energy cannon, or I was unleashing four-legged hell upon heroes with my Crab Spider pack.  That, plus being able to call down a gaggle of arachnobots whenever the situation called for it, made for lots of fun times on the Rogue Isles.

I honestly had a lot more fun on the Epic Archetypes than on standard ones.  Sure, they're generalists with kooky mechanics and are a bit harder to build because of it, but they're so satisfying once you've got a good set of enhancements on them.  Especially Arachnos Soldier - an average, ordinary, everyday Arachnos grunt who's just so well-armed and gotten so damn good at his job that even superheroes are terrified of him.  It just really felt great to beat the tar out of the likes of Positron or Miss Liberty, Back Alley Brawler or Synapse with an ordinary Arachnos chump with some distinctly extra-ordinary ambitions.

Also, running Army of Me with x8 the clones was great, and the badge was worth it.  "You're not sure how, but you're equal to or greater than eight of yourself."


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2013, 09:09:37 AM »
I had various archtypes, but I felt most "at home" with Controllers and Dominators.
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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2013, 12:07:15 PM »
I was always mostly a fan of melee (Usually brutes) here, but I played everything. Except kheldians, could never really get into them though I had a couple at fairly high level anyway.


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 02:50:19 PM »
I played at least one of pretty much anything, and I enjoyed the vast majority.  My two particular favorites, though (and the ones I thought I came to be fairly effective with) were D3s (Dark/Dark Defenders) and a few permutations of Stalkers.

The former would take a dedicated thread for me to elaborate on the reasons I loved 'em. Stalkers, though, became my overwhelming favorite Redside AT from pretty much the launch of CoV. I tended to build them to "stick around and scrap" rather than in-and-out one trick pony Assassin Strike users. The /Ninjitsu secondary was a godsend for that approach: very good self-heal and lots of aggro management tools...  In at least one case (an Electric Melee/Ninjitsu build that ended up more-or-less fully Incarnated), Assassin Strike was relegated to a backup "Placate-and-AS" way to finish off a Boss. Why lead with AS when you have a Superior damage AoE with knockdown that auto-crits out of Hide?   :P

Damn, I miss those characters...


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2013, 03:24:55 PM »
FCM used to joke that I "always played the Tank... even when I wasn't". I thought he was overstating things a little there, but I will cop to picking fights and almost always jumping right into the middle of things no matter what AT I was on. (I had at least one of everything-) Anyone who ever ran with my Nemissary (Mister "crazy death mage" Dark Defender), or Hanano (my Ninja/FF Mastermind, who was a big believer in "leading from the front"-) can attest to that much.  It was really just my scraps and stalkers who all thought they were tanks, though. ;D

Stalkers were my most numerous AT... followed closely by the Tanks, the Scraps and the Defenders.

Fearless... or just plain nuts.
(Nemissary the Dark Defender, in his native habitat. That is to say, standing right in the middle of a fight in the Underground trial, between Paul and Paragon, the league's two tanks.  8))
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 03:58:02 AM by Brightfires »
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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2013, 03:33:00 PM »
The character I was on when the game died was a claws/energy aura stalker.

Except for very rare occasions, I had to play her as a claws scrapper whenever I teamed.  She was tons of fun.

Lucretia MacEvil

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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2013, 04:59:59 PM »

This thread is really hard for me to read.  So much love lost....

I feel like crying right now.


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2013, 05:38:03 PM »
back in the day, i would play on three accounts. my favorite was no doubt the robotics mastermind, with either dark, ff, or sonic( i played with all three at the same time). with just those three, i have taken down GMs, finished off recluse from half health and no pylons, and i even took down kronos with them. but the one thing i was known for when playing was killing noobies who wanted to join me at like lvl 10 or below, even when they played a tank, and they would go through an endless cycle of dye and lvl rez, over and over again. my favorite thing to do with those was to go into recluses victory and dominate any tanks who thought they could take my solo with 3 of the paragon big bots+21 henchmen+ultimate defence and resistance from the buffs on the masterminds and pets. it was a lot of fun ;D


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2013, 05:53:19 PM »
I tried every archetype at least thrice, many never made it past level 10. (For the record, I was an abysmal Controller. Needed much more practice there.)
My first fave and first 50 was a Dark/Regen Scrapper. Then there was the newly unlocked Khelidans, my highest, a peacebringer at 14. Then along came Dual Wield. Ding ding ding, three 50s and what a blast! And speaking of Blast(ers) I squeezed in an En/En and an Archery Blaster in between, though I wasn't all blue side. I took a Mastermind and her zombies up to 50 also although only got one of my Fire/Fire Brutes up to 34 before lights-out.
Yes, it took me all 8 years to do only that, but I loved every second of it.

Fond memories, great fun and looking forward to doing it again--not necessarily in Paragon City, but in one of the shiny new cities we have coming our way. :)


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2013, 06:34:29 PM »
I counted mine once. Out of about 40 characters, a third were scrappers, a third were blasters, and the other third were one or two of each other AT. Except M&Ms. Er, I mean MMs. My style is more "jump in and punch stuff"; the whole "stand back and assign duties" thing was just lost on me. That and I suck at multi tasking. (For a scrapper, multi tasking amounts to taking turns punching a bunch of faces, as opposed to just punching one face over and over till it goes away.) So I figured, instead of trying to keep track of every single mob in the room, I'll just build up enough armor to ignore everybody else while I take out the biggest threats one at a time. That makes sense, right? Hoo-ah!

And I pretty much played my blasters like they were scrappers with punches I could shoot at people, so yeah. Actually with a little focused building, my controller and one of my defenders played just like they were blasters. And my tankers were slow scrappers... and my brutes were.....  Man, I really didn't switch things up much, did I? Huh.

Loved it though!

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*sighs* Good times! ;D


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2013, 11:51:06 PM »

Scrappers all the way ... I had by far more scrappers to 50 than any other archtype.

Loved just wading into the enemy and thinking BRING IT ON!!!!

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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2013, 12:13:04 AM »
I can't say I had a favorite archetype or power.  They were all quite good if handled properly, contextually understood their roles.  Heck, even a worthless as a solo character could be leveled up to 50 and still be worth having around for heals/buffs (Rad/Ice 'Fender of mine was that, called "Total Dependent".  Mostly Ice buffs and leadership.).  Although I am a fan of Brutes and /WP ones especially, I would play anything because I was making the character too (in a semi-role-playing way), not just playing the powersets themselves.

But yeah, if I have to be something, Brutes... or 'Trollers.  Both were equally awesome for me to play wif.


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2013, 12:14:29 AM »
Scrappers ruled!!  To me they were the most exciting toons to run.  I did all the ats, but I always had the most fun with the melee characters.


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2013, 04:53:43 AM »
I honestly played a pretty strong balance of styles myself. Oh sure, I went through phases of being fond of one over the others but I like to think I had a pretty earnest appreciation for the game in all its possible playstyles. I never did get a mastermind or stalker to 50, nor any of the EATS, but I had at least one 50 of all the others. I could melee pretty darn well (Once tanked 3 spawns of 50+ Knives for 10 minutes straight, completely on my own while the rest of my team had been wiped and gave them enough time to all revive, return and mop up the stragglers on a Staff/Inv scrapper), and I was a MASTER of ranged combat (cut my teeth on an energy/energy blaster and thus I became a master of using knockback advantageously from the very start), but I honestly think I had the strongest preference for controllers. Dominators never quite worked for me, always tried to play them too much like combo trollers/blasters and ending up bottoming out on end before I could wipe out two minions. Controllers, though, that was where I could shine. I could deal some amazing damage given the proper power combo, and still support my team.

So tl;dr, I guess I used trollers the most.


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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2013, 07:57:50 AM »
Blapper, all the way. Definitely not 'optimal', but damned if I didn't enjoy myself. I made sure I didn't hold back the team, of course.
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Re: You're gonna wear it out!
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2013, 05:27:54 PM »
My gut would tell me that I love blasters and brutes -- but when I tallied up all my 50's, I actually had as many controllers as I had blasters, edging out brutes by one.

My favorite was the ill/rad, the only character who wasn't built for any defense, just recharge for perma PA. His name was Imperious Rex, and I confess it irked me some that another aggro magnet in Cimerora was named Imperious as well - but without the Rex. My Imperious Rex was created in issue 4, well before the arrival of Cimerora. But, them's the breaks. Not a big deal at all, really.
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