Author Topic: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill  (Read 19202 times)

Golden Girl

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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #80 on: July 11, 2013, 04:00:03 AM »
disagreeing with you does not make me evil

It's not the disagreement that makes you evil - it's the denial of full equality to your fellow human beings.
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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #81 on: July 11, 2013, 04:20:35 AM »
It's not the disagreement that makes you evil - it's the denial of full equality to your fellow human beings.
I've responded to that. I'm not going to again. To do so would be simply to repeat myself. Please do re-read my points; I think long and hard about them. I do not deny anybody full equality. In fact, my argument is that anybody who supports dismembering babies in the womb denies full equality to the most helpless and innocent of our fellow human beings. I think most do not consider the ramifications of their position; I refuse to believe so many are truly evil. I would appreciate a similar consideration of humanity from those who disagree with me.

I know some have commented that they're "concerned" about the Phoenix Project because of my political beliefs. It may interest you to know that many others in the leadership are polar opposites to me in them. We are not united in a political way. Our politics are our own, as they should be. I won't say who has what beliefs; that's their business. Reasonable people can disagree, even fervently, and still work towards a common noble goal. The Phoenix Project, when it raises funds, will use them to support creating and running the MMO. We are not a political organization, and at this stage it's highly unlikely we could agree on a political cause to which to donate funds even if we wanted to. That CoH could bring together such diverse views and cause them to dedicate themselves to making a spiritual successor shows how strongly the concept of heroism resonates with the soul of man.

Golden Girl

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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #82 on: July 11, 2013, 04:35:03 AM »
I've responded to that. I'm not going to again. To do so would be simply to repeat myself. Please do re-read my points; I think long and hard about them. I do not deny anybody full equality. In fact, my argument is that anybody who supports dismembering babies in the womb denies full equality to the most helpless and innocent of our fellow human beings. I think most do not consider the ramifications of their position; I refuse to believe so many are truly evil. I would appreciate a similar consideration of humanity from those who disagree with me.

Men can't control our bodies - their ours to control 100%
And I'm not sure if the knuckle-draggers who try to control our bodies realize it or not, but passing laws against abortion doesn't stop abortion - they're just done more discreetly instead.
Almost every woman knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who can help out with "special problems" - and midwives and most female doctors have always been available for "extra services" - women have been doing this kind of discreet networking for centuries - so while being "tough" on abortion is good political grandstanding to impress the cavemen, on a practical level, the number of abortions doesn't actually change very much.

I know some have commented that they're "concerned" about the Phoenix Project because of my political beliefs. It may interest you to know that many others in the leadership are polar opposites to me in them. We are not united in a political way. Our politics are our own, as they should be. I won't say who has what beliefs; that's their business. Reasonable people can disagree, even fervently, and still work towards a common noble goal. The Phoenix Project, when it raises funds, will use them to support creating and running the MMO. We are not a political organization, and at this stage it's highly unlikely we could agree on a political cause to which to donate funds even if we wanted to. That CoH could bring together such diverse views and cause them to dedicate themselves to making a spiritual successor shows how strongly the concept of heroism resonates with the soul of man.

CoH was one of the most inclusive and gay-friendly games around - having a project that claims to be wanting to make spiritual successor to it being headed up by an anti-gay and anti-female activist doesn't make it sound too good.
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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #83 on: July 11, 2013, 04:39:23 AM »
Yep. That's what I was waiting for. Thanks, guys, for taking so long to get there. Most of you have been pretty civil. I was actually enjoying the discussion, rather than reading with my finger on the lock button. However, once we start calling each other names, there's only one way the thread can go: down.

Closing up shop.
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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #84 on: July 11, 2013, 05:08:04 AM »
how quickly this thread has steered away from immigration. (was intended for the immigration thread but was locked as I was typing.)

People, I'm not going to sit on some high chair and tell people what to do. All I'll do is state the raw facts of life weather you wish to accept them or not.

There are many things wrong with this world, and just like a worn-out car; the more people mess with it to try and add new features and make it more acclimadated for everyone the worse the world will get. And that is whether you actually spend time trying to repair the worn out car or not, adding extra luxuries will create excess strain on the vehicle causing no repairs to ever be enough and the car is eventually unfixable unless you happen to own a multi-million dollar mold making factory. The same is true for Society, only for society it becomes a multi-trillion dollar problem.

when do people bitch? generally people bring up extra stuff under 2 conditions;

1: when they are too comfortable. - everything is working right and fine, it is human's nature to try and add extra things to that equilibrium, like a sandwich thats stacked too high eventually it all falls appart when you try to eat it, it's rather disappointing.

2: when those who idolize power itself and thirst after the sound of every last crumpled bill and every last sound of a coin dropping into thier hands, when these people need to gain public approval they play on the Human Nature to want extra luxuries. -it's a better strategy than saying "hey I'll fix it and make it all work" to instead say "hey how would you all like $5000 and a peice of candy?"

seriously if the above two messages were used at a presidential debate the $5000 and candy would win every time.

so, we need to ask ourselves, are we too content with general life? is our government really pushing us to get riled up on certain topics on thier whim?

the answer is Yes.

When you are too content with general life you become uncontent about the small meaningless stuff, it breeds insanity, carelessness, idiocy and perversion.

And it's never enough "TREAT ME SPECIAL I WANT SPECIAL RIGHTS BECAUSE I'M SPECIAL AND THIS IS HOW I FEEL" and they get it, then what? it's never enough so they always push for more. like spoiled children we can never have enough toys, candy, games and entertainment.

finally I must end with this; and it is the most solid scientific fact that can ever relate to human beings with 100% accuracy:

What are feelings? feelings occur when the body releases chemicals and hormones to the various organs and muscles and of course most specifically; emotional feelings occur when these chemicals are introduced into the brain.

thats it, that aspect that hollywood plays on in every superhero movie "our feelings and heart is what makes us superior and human"

that thing that makes us special is no more than a chemical imballence, and it's different for everyone. Further more as a very profound psychiatrist once said "everyone is crazy, because there is no normal, because everyone is different." but does that mean we should just accept peoples differences? No, we must without a shadow of a doubt and no bias come to the conclusion that a certain person's difference (chemical imballence) is not in anyway harmful to others in society and does not create a problem for the human race in general. We must also accept our humanity, we were born as human beings we were born with the sole goal of surviving, yes we can die, and yes the world may be overpopulated now, but in a sudden catastrophy that can all change. We were born as what we are and we should use it with-in reason, those born with untraditional chemical imballences are considdered "handicapped" mentally or otherwise they are people who should seek medical or psychiatric help.

so next time you decide to go with your inner feelings which have spawned your decision making process and go against the way humans physically are, remember, it's just chemicals, yeah you made some life decisions because of the chemical influence, but it doesn't mean you should be treated special or given accomodation. - should stoners be given free munchies and paid time off work because of thier weed induced chemical imballence? should a mentally ill person with a severe anger problem be given special treatment and acceptance in our society because thier particular chemical imballence makes them 'special' ? what if they are a compulsive murderer because of a chemical imballence? I suppose in that respect when we acclimadate and accept and accomodate all chemical imballences and the life decisions they spawn our society will unravel into chaos.

and it is in that chaos that people ARE currently slowly coming to the realization that they are not content with general life any more, and some day they are gonna wake up and thier subconscious is gonna release the chemical and hormone combinations that make them realize that all this other extra stuff wasn't really that important and doesn't matter anywhere nearly as much as personal well-being and survival.

And then, we will get a revolution. and millions of people will die unecessarily for the sake of progress. for a time there will be no special treatment or special groups. but as the world goes in a cycle it will all happen again due to human's inability to learn from history. We always have to figure out whats wrong with a particular thing through our own perspective, we can never just take the wise words of our ancestors and accept them without question for the fear of bringing chaos back to the world. No, man is destined to die needlessly. And when man dies needlessly, Evil man will always find some way to springboard off the dead to gain higher standing.

that is life.

now how meaningless does it all seem?

will you be part of the domino effect that kills millions of people? or will you finally wake up and gain sentience above your own base desires? will you fight the chemicals with your sentience and be part of the solution?
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.


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Re: Immigration reform - Amnesty bill
« Reply #85 on: July 11, 2013, 05:10:22 AM »
Merged Joshex's reply into this thread so name-calling doesn't continue where we've already locked it.
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