Author Topic: Stupid things players have said to you.  (Read 33484 times)

General Idiot

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #80 on: June 09, 2013, 02:47:04 PM »
But if you are a tank that always thinks you will die - then quite frankly you must suck.

Or they were a newish player who came from some other MMO and wasn't used to the fact that you could fight more than a few guys at once in CoH without it being a death sentence. I wish more MMOs did that. Notably, TOR is especially bad with it because almost literally every cutscene in the class quests has this big thing about how outnumbered you are or whatever, and then it's the same three guys because if they actually threw the whole armies the game's so fond of going on about at you it'd be unwinnable.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #81 on: June 09, 2013, 04:02:10 PM »
The grief I took pvp'n on my stalker and widow for using overload/elude and sometimes even hide was always fun.....way too many "curse out" tells to post here.  The funny thing was that these peeps were using regen powers and sometimes pop'n like junkies.  Hey, I used up a lot of inf to trick out those OL and Elude slots so I'm gonna use em!!  Hypocrisy = Fun times!! 


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #82 on: June 10, 2013, 01:17:54 AM »
The grief I took pvp'n on my stalker and widow for using overload/elude and sometimes even hide was always fun.....way too many "curse out" tells to post here.  The funny thing was that these peeps were using regen powers and sometimes pop'n like junkies.  Hey, I used up a lot of inf to trick out those OL and Elude slots so I'm gonna use em!!  Hypocrisy = Fun times!!

I always got that on my EA Stalker. My EA was insanely effective inside, and out of, Overload, thus I was one of the VERY few toons who was a regular in RV and didn't have Hiber or Phase. Not to mention my one travel power to the "normal" SS/SJ Combo.

My obvious rebuttal would always be "Better fall back on a build and power that needs to be properly slotted rather than one that's a "Get Out of Jail for Free" card.

The amount of stupid things said in the PvP World could fill this thread to capacity in no time ;)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #83 on: June 10, 2013, 01:30:23 AM »

Also known as GIFT. Link below if you'd like to read a bit more about it.
I have that on a teeshirt I got at PAX in 2010. It's one of my very favorites. :D
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #84 on: June 11, 2013, 03:41:31 AM »
Why are you even a Defender if you don't have heals?
I am a defender and so can you.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #85 on: June 11, 2013, 05:01:22 AM »
I used to love making a new toon...skipping outbreak and hitting Atlas as a lvl 1.  More times than I can count a lvl 2 from outbreak would zone in and ask me to PL them  :o.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #86 on: June 11, 2013, 01:07:19 PM »
Why are you even a Defender if you don't have heals?

Why are you a tank if you dont take taunt?


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #87 on: June 13, 2013, 11:04:05 AM »
Why are you a tank if you dont take taunt?

I had ( is still my toon) a lvl 50 tank WP/BA that was made to solo.  I wanted 1-50 alone.  I was bothered relentlessly by a team to tank even AFTER I told them I was on a 1-50 SOLO run.  I finally agree and they get upset I don't have taunt and kick me.  Maybe I should have named him SOLO ONLY  >:(
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #88 on: June 13, 2013, 01:16:22 PM »
Maybe I should have named him SOLO ONLY
That or "DIDN'T TAKE TAUNT".  :)
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #89 on: June 13, 2013, 01:37:43 PM »
This thread is hilarious/sad, but one thing (so far) has jumped out at me big-time:

"LOL! Kheldians! XD" (I don't care what anyone says, I loved my Peacebringer, and my Warshade as well, even though I never got her to 50... Built properly, they could be tons of fun, they just required more planning to setup that way than standard ATs.)

Anyone who ever said that never saw a MFing Warshade in action, let alone built one.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2013, 01:54:32 PM »
I just remembered something that a few of us did at the end on Virtue that was technically on the opposite side of this conversation, but it was extremely liberating and a long time in coming. Spamming goldspammers!

Not long after the announcement and the subsequent loss of GM's either being online or just not caring to stop some things (like IP infringement), the goldspammers were still showing up in AP hocking their spam. A group of us spontaneously decided, since this person was obviously a moron and didn't care to look at the chat he was spamming to figure out that the game was being closed down, that we were going to get rid of these guys. We spammed his spam not in chat, where it would bother everyone else, but instead we found the idiot and proceeded to visually spam him to call attention to him. We hit him with AOE's, heals, bubbles and generally jumped on his head for a good 10 minutes before he logged.
I have to say I don't feel bad about that... ;D

I did something that I found out was truly banhammer-worthy afterward:  There was a spammer in AP WW on Virtue.  He had either an attack aura on, or some PBAoE attack set to auto, so I managed-- with lots and lots of trial and error-- to stun, then TP enemies that were yellow right next to his lvl 1 spammy self.  I eventually killed him.  ;D
Warshades don't take Alphas.  They give Alphas.

Stone Daemon

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2013, 03:23:48 PM »
where to start.

I can't remember but I know I've heard some stupid stuff.

oh yeah, some people who know me on protector will know who I'm talking about, and it may not be the stupidest of things but it's definitely the most memorable (I lost a few globals due to it)

let me set the stage, I have a friend who likes to play CoH, (who doesn't?) but thier friends like them to ALSO spend time writing replies to posts in forums. ok are we clear on the conflict now?

Good, so this friend had a few weeks of AFK TFing under thier belt, and alot of people were getting a bit ticked off and rightfully so. I had planned a Dr. Quarterfield and we were low on participants so I got my friend online "Are you possitive that you will not AFK?" "yes"
"Are you absolutely sure you wont AFK?" "yes, just get on with it already"

Team in tells "awww not her! she'll go AFK" me "she says she wont, as her friend I'll believe her" team "are you sure about this? you do know this TF is 6 hours long right?"

I agreed.

Spoiler for Hidden:
so we got through the Shadow Shard missions fast enough and moved onto the crey stuff
my friend had just camped out at the door, I get flustered as I had put my reputation online "hey ___ are you there?" I say in a tell "yeah" they say. "why aren't you helping the team?" they say: "I'm not much help I'll just die anyways"

I face palm and keep encouraging them to play in between each enemy group I face, finally I see motion on the map and go to ease. but we were just completeing the mission. everyone exits and we wait.

team "___ is afk, they didn't exit"

"nah I saw her moving before we exited" nearly a minute or 2 later after a short break;

____ "huh? oh sorry I didn't know we should exit yet."

so then it's every mission after that the same stuff happens and the team starts complaining to me. finally my friend says "Yumi just came online and sent me a tell she demands I stop playing and post on the forums, I'm going AFK try to cover for me"

so I try to cover for them, then they D/C and I just keep the team moving.

2nd to last mission 6 hours under our belts the team had not mentioned my friends absence.

then miraculously my connection redflags DUE TO WINDOWS UPDATE SCREW YOU MICROSOFT. sorry rant asside, after the mandatory auto reboot I log in to find my friend had just logged back in, there was now a very heated argument with some nasty words being directed at my friend, i was no longer team leader and team lead kicked my friend from the team.

now my friend gives me the old guilt trip "you continue, I deserved this" *goes to cry*

I remember thinking "OH F#$%... eitherway I make someone mad, my friend obviously wants me to quit but wont say it, and even if they don;t and I continue they'll be mad at me later... just what I need Fem agro after my first Dr. Q TF.."

so I told the team they could finish alone knowing if I stayed on for long enough to explain I would get the super fem agro hammer.

so yeah.. 6 hours wasted and some decent friends now block me.. I miss my globals.

Haha, I was unfortunately on this TF, and you are slanting it just a bit to make your friend look less like a troll. I have screenshots of that person saying they only came back at the end to snipe the badge.

I'd post them, but I don't really see a point anymore. Also, the mods might not like it.  ;)

Edit: didn't tell us to continue on alone. You called us arseholes, told us you're putting us on ignore, and threatened to report us. How did that work out for you, incidentally?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 03:30:55 PM by Stone Daemon »


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #92 on: June 13, 2013, 03:39:48 PM »
I had ( is still my toon) a lvl 50 tank WP/BA that was made to solo.  I wanted 1-50 alone.  I was bothered relentlessly by a team to tank even AFTER I told them I was on a 1-50 SOLO run.  I finally agree and they get upset I don't have taunt and kick me.  Maybe I should have named him SOLO ONLY  >:(
Yeah by the time WP came about I was mostly solo and one time on this team.

I get random invite, I decline and send PM, "Hey I'm a solo tank so I dont have taunt". They throw invite again anyways so I accept.

By the third mob, mind you not many has died, holding aggro pretty well so far when the blaster didnt get knockback crazy as I usually just hop in first anyways. Then I get tell fro mteam leader, the same one that sent me invite, "You dont have taunt?"  I reply "No." His reply" Why are you a tank if you dont take taunt?" "No need for it for my primary playing style."

"well the blaster is sending me angry PMs abotu you not holding aggro and him dying/ He says he is about to quit."

"Well tell him I said one if have concerns with me, PM me and two tell him to stop scattering the enemy everywhere. Even if I had taunt he was dead in the water doing that because I wont or rather wouldnt be able to taunt every single scattered mob in time enough to save his hide."

Blaster quits this time after running ahead too far and kicking bucket.

About four minutes later, his (the blaster) spot is replaced with another tank. We decide to wait for this tank to get here. When he does in team chat, team leader says. "****** is lead tank. He has taunt" Ok, we go with that. Sad to say he had taunt alright, but seem to think that tanks only should be good for taunt and nothing else, judging form the mistell that seemed directed at the team leader. "I'm not supposed to be killing things. I'm supposed ot hold aggro and I could if you let me herd the room." the controller pips up, "Well we would have no problem with you herding if you could manage one group of mob. They are all over the place!" The team leader, "Alright, Crypt (me) will be lead tank now." New tank: I thought you said he didnt have taunt? How can they tank?" Leader-"Look. Take it or leave it." The tank stayed but nothing more on that team was said about the lack of taunt.

But yeah got plenty of those Why do you play a tank but not take taunt.

My replies vary.

"It wasnt inherent so I assumed that means it was a choice for me to make. If you want a tank with taunt, go make one."

"I'm a solo tank. Dont need taunt solo. Told you that before I joined."

"I'm not a prick to the mobs. I dont taunt them. I just kill them"

"Why would I taunt them? I'm a robot that is programmed to take hits and dish out hits" (robot themes toon)

"I'll taunt them after they are dead. Do you prefer a tea bag or the good old middle finger?"

"I dont taunt. I SMASH!!!"

« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 04:05:33 PM by JaguarX »


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #93 on: June 13, 2013, 04:02:14 PM »
"I'll taunt them after they are dead. Do you prefer a tea bag or the good old middle finger?"
Best reply of the bunch, right there.
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Sonic Moonbeam

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #94 on: June 14, 2013, 06:17:29 AM »
"You should respec, those powers are useless!"
"Listen to my Light~~~~~~~"

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #95 on: June 14, 2013, 08:56:12 AM »
I thought you said he didnt have taunt? How can they tank?"

A lot of the tank moves actually taunted anyway, taunt was really more just of something you did from time to time in a power rotation to keep the aggro at its max in case for some crazy reason your attacks weren't capping it alone.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #96 on: June 14, 2013, 01:02:08 PM »
A lot of the tank moves actually taunted anyway, taunt was really more just of something you did from time to time in a power rotation to keep the aggro at its max in case for some crazy reason your attacks weren't capping it alone.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #97 on: June 14, 2013, 01:55:32 PM »
In my regular group, we had a standing policy of putting Taunt on autofire, because our ranged players had a habit of either blasting the mob with a cone or AoE with wicked knockback or just drawing the aggro.

BTW, I don't really have any good lines to add to this thread, because I was usually the one saying the stupid things. They're best left to the sands of time. :)
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Super Firebug

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #98 on: June 14, 2013, 11:21:19 PM »
I can't begin to guess how many times some player would flat-out TELL me to give him influence, or to team with him to help him level, especially as my toons reached higher levels. That kind of player repeatedly made me glad for the HIDE function.

As has been mentioned before, this reminds me, too, of the Rude Tells thread on the CoH forums. I had totally intended to save that particularly-epic piece of Coh-community history, but never got around to doing it, more's the pity. If anyone saved the Rude Tells thread, would you be a hero and post a link to wher we can enjoy it again, please?

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #99 on: June 15, 2013, 06:00:26 AM »
The grief I took pvp'n on my stalker and widow for using overload/elude and sometimes even hide was always fun.....way too many "curse out" tells to post here.  The funny thing was that these peeps were using regen powers and sometimes pop'n like junkies.  Hey, I used up a lot of inf to trick out those OL and Elude slots so I'm gonna use em!!  Hypocrisy = Fun times!!

Here's one for you.  I had a toon named "Scaredy Cat" who made it to lvl 25 without ever fighting anything.  He'd keep joining teams, and when they would encounter a group of enemies, he'd run and hide. I got cussed and kicked quite a few times, but some teams loved the joke and kept him around.  I mean, it said in his intro that 1) I was going to roleplay the character, and B) when confronted with any danger whatsoever he would run and hide... So none of it should have been any kind of surprise.