Author Topic: Stupid things players have said to you.  (Read 33482 times)


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Stupid things players have said to you.
« on: May 27, 2013, 06:27:27 PM »
One I recall very easily is when I had my level 10 or 12 kinetic in Atlas and was running around using my buffs.

Now most kinetic buffs target an enemy and I was using my heal to help a lvl 1 and he sends me a tell:


I love new players. They are sometimes so cute and stupid.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 08:58:38 PM »
*dramatic flashback to Rude Tells thread on the official forums... starts sniffling, then blubbering, then flat out crying* :'(
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 09:25:16 PM »
To my main, whose character concept didn't suit flying, super jumping, super speeding, or teleporting (but would have been the first to get a vehicle travel power if they ever added those):

"You are ****ing STUPID not to have a travel power."


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 09:41:04 PM »

I could go on for days just from COX years alone, let alone the bunch of stuff from other games.

"your opinion doesnt matter."    -And yours does?

"I can solo GMs easy not problem."  Then proceeds to get wiped by a weak generic green conned EB. "The EB cheated. He held me." -Well well, GM slayer. You can defeat GMS no problem but a hold fro ma green conned mob kill you easy?

"I hate PUGs. PUGs are the worse thing in games. People just dont know how to play this game right." -So I asked why not just form your own team with people that fit your style? They reply "Because no one play as good as me."   -O.O well alright then expert. One of those lonely at the top things huh.

"I'm goign AFK for this TF and no one better kick me." -After about about 20 min waiting after waiting for him to come back hoping he wasnt just joking, andn ot being able to go on to next mish because he still in map, I kick him. Two minutes late he just rant rave i ntell saying how he is going to report me and goign to ignore me and etc wit hjust about every cuss word thrown in there for good measure. I simply reply "If you want back in sure. but had to kick you to progress and if you plan on sitting at teh doors the entire time then you will not get back in because one ya dead weight. Two if it's goign to be seven then the seven that put in work should get the spoils. Three go ahead, report me. They will look at the chat log and probably ban you for a while just due to those cuss words and your little rant." With one final F*** U. that was last I heard from him.

"Hey whay are not healing me?" from teammate in a tell. I reply-  "I'm a tank. I'm the guy that keep aggro off of ya so  you can do your thing and kill stuff."  His reply "Well you should go get some heals so you can heal me."   *face to palm*  my reply trying to avoid being  snarky to be snarky. "Well as a regen scrapper you have more access to heals than I do. Invul have no access to heals for others besides the power pool which I have no room for yet." Hi reply "I didnt take my heals. It's not my job to heal myself. It's your job." *face to palm again* "ok man, well not sure what else to tell you. I have no heals you have no heals. Looks like weare in perdicament. Why not ask the empath team memebr to follow you across the map and heal you?" Two minutes later. Guess he actually sent tell to the empath and I get  tell from empath. "That guy is crazy if he thinks I'm going to follow him because he wants to be suicidal. I told him five times in private chat to stay with the team so I can heal him. I'm not dying because of him." Me "Well maybe he's new."  Empath-"Well he's going to learn today."  My reply "Yeah. Apparently he also think tanks are suppose to heal him too."  Empath-"I give up!"

And a few not to me directly but some I found interesting.

PVP zone. Villian. A stalker.

"STOP F***ING DRONING!"   Now otherwise I would understand his frustation but then my memory hits. Five minutes ago, he was droning and someone else said to him the same thing he was yelling. So out of curiosity to find out what his logic was I asked "Hey, wasnt you droning people 5 minutes ago?"   His reply "Yeah and? I'm not droning now and people that drone are stupid fucking trolls that should kill themselves."   I was too busy rolling lauhging to respond. But wanterd to say "so people who drone in your own words, should die by their own hands, but yet, you was droning so does that mean you also should go kill yourself and just called yourself in your words again, a stupiud f***ing troll?" But I thought that would be too much easy picking and left it alone.

"Noob! Keep me alive!" The person he called noob proceeds to TP him into mid air and drop him into a gang of purple mobs once we get outside. Mind you this is the days before the prompt. What followed was basically incoherant cuss filled rants in the broadcast.

"People suck in this game in WoW people did this. IN WoW people did that. In WoW people had mroe respect. In WoW the gameplay is better. This game is too easy, in WoW it wasa challenge." and so on.  Until people told him to STFU. That was issue 8 time period Steel Canyon Virtue around 9pm or so in July early. Only reason I remembered is that is the day a transformer on the block blew and lost all power shortly after that WoW rant. Sadly, from some of the same people that told that guy to STFU and to go back to WoW did the same thing shortly after Nov 30th. for a few days in CO abotu CO and how it's not COX and etc. Man, hypocritical behavior.

"Anyone else notice that some of the servers are getting empty?" "STFU you noob!." "Go troll somewhere else." "The population is just fine." "Oh great, another doom sayer."  "Dont feed the trolls." "Take your DOOOM!!! SOmewhere else, Noob."  "TROLL!"  Original poster- "Geesh, my bad for hitting a nerve. I guess this game will have one less person to worry about."   More replies to it. "WAAAAAHHHH! GTFO and go cry somewhere else."   --my thoughts- Wow so much for friendly community I9 Sept. time period. Victory server Victory chat channel.

"Get over it! Its just a game."
"Dont force your view on us we're grieving." *but we are going to force our grief on you and everyoen else.* "Dont like seeng people grief, then leave." -which could be taken for bot hends. dont like seeing people not greive, then leave.-  End of days on the forum when both sides tried to play rooster with it as if their side, grieving vs people that not grieving, had sole rights to express their view but the other side had no right to. Both side accuse each other of forcing their view on the other and telling them if they dont like their view then the other side should leave all the while forcing their point of view on the other IN A PUBLIC FORUM Where people from both sides played for years and of course where people will not feel the exact same in reaction to the exact same event some will grieve some will not but it was more about "I feel this way and want to express my view but if you dont feel my way then you ahve no right to express your view." And out of all the dumb things I heard said to me and said to other the end of days stuff took the cake. That was the only time I actually felt sad and felt slightly ashamed to go aroudn telling people, "hey join the save coh cause because we are friendly bunch and everyoen point of view is respect" when the behavior from both sides showed the exact oppsite. Made me look like a plain fool in the face of those I recommended to join to and check us out. While that type of crazy behavior was going on FROM BOTH SIDES Asking for a point of view to be respected but not havign the decency to respect other points of view and instead did exacty what the other side was asked not to do everything from asking them to respect the view grieving or not but having no respect for those that are grieiving or not. Asking them to not force their view grieving or not but still forcing the view onto other grieving or not.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 09:52:32 PM »
Awww, the Rude Tells thread... by the time I got there that thing was already its own legend, so I was reading it a bit at a time to catch up. I only ever got to page 60. Sadface.

One story does spring to mind though. It was from the first time I ever tried out redside, way before the Mercy revamp; I was giving Brutes a shot. There I was happily smacking away on a pair of level threes or fours or something like that. I've got the group about halfway done, when suddenly one of the mobs goes down much faster than it should've. I'm thinking, "Wow... Brutes huh? Nice." But then I see what really happened... a ranged guy had come along and jumped in on my spawn. Whatever, I think, it's a little rude but not worth getting upset over. Normally I would've just left quietly and found a new spot. ....But not with this guy. No no, this guy deserved just a liiittle bit more.

See, once the mobs were dealt with, this jewel of social ettiquette started cussing me out for stealing his kills. Me stealing his kills. Now this was back when I was still pretty new both to City and to online gaming in general, and I hadn't yet learned any real skills. So there had been plenty of time for him to have started first. Which he hadn't.

After trying to hold my patience for a few exchanges, I finally asked him if he was seriously in such dire need of that 14 inf I had just gotten that he would stand and argue with someone about it. Well apparently he was sentimentally attached to those particular two mobs, because he insisted that he did in fact need it. That he had rightfully earned it, and I had no right to come along and steal it. So I opened up a trade window and I gave him that 14 inf, plus about a hundred or so more that I had collected up until then, and a couple of L2 TOs to boot. His cup overrunneth. Then I told him that he might have a more pleasant time playing the game if he just found his own enemies to attack, rather than waiting for someone else to fight half the battle for him.

And then I put him on global ignore.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2013, 10:05:04 PM »
Awww, the Rude Tells thread... by the time I got there that thing was already its own legend, so I was reading it a bit at a time to catch up. I only ever got to page 60. Sadface.

One story does spring to mind though. It was from the first time I ever tried out redside, way before the Mercy revamp; I was giving Brutes a shot. There I was happily smacking away on a pair of level threes or fours or something like that. I've got the group about halfway done, when suddenly one of the mobs goes down much faster than it should've. I'm thinking, "Wow... Brutes huh? Nice." But then I see what really happened... a ranged guy had come along and jumped in on my spawn. Whatever, I think, it's a little rude but not worth getting upset over. Normally I would've just left quietly and found a new spot. ....But not with this guy. No no, this guy deserved just a liiittle bit more.

See, once the mobs were dealt with, this jewel of social ettiquette started cussing me out for stealing his kills. Me stealing his kills. Now this was back when I was still pretty new both to City and to online gaming in general, and I hadn't yet learned any real skills. So there had been plenty of time for him to have started first. Which he hadn't.

After trying to hold my patience for a few exchanges, I finally asked him if he was seriously in such dire need of that 14 inf I had just gotten that he would stand and argue with someone about it. Well apparently he was sentimentally attached to those particular two mobs, because he insisted that he did in fact need it. That he had rightfully earned it, and I had no right to come along and steal it. So I opened up a trade window and I gave him that 14 inf, plus about a hundred or so more that I had collected up until then, and a couple of L2 TOs to boot. His cup overrunneth. Then I told him that he might have a more pleasant time playing the game if he just found his own enemies to attack, rather than waiting for someone else to fight half the battle for him.

And then I put him on global ignore.

I call those types "vultures". Too weak to survive on their own and too cowardly to simply ask for help or join a team and rather let someone else do the work for them and pick off some xp/inf.

No, of course it's probably not against the rules sure. So one day this partuclar vulture that made is very obvious in CO I just simply asked about his behavior. His reply "It's not against the rules." Ok, he was right. So I went vehicle mode and murdered everything in any direction he ran into. Eventually he sent a tell saying "stop that." I replied smuggly "It's not against the rules. But you see, soemtimes even if it's not officially against the rules, that doesnt mean a person should do it."

Now I was expecting soem tirade about how he can do it but no one betetr do it to hi crap but no...he replied with something that frankly caught me off guard. "My bad, I didnt realize that it was THAT annoying. I'll try to be careful in the future."
And that was that. We had a few more laughs, and even added the chap to my friend list.

See sometimes a vulture is a bloke who dont understand because no one done it to them and they are right, it's not against the rules. I felt bad that I had to do that but sometimes people dont have the capablity to feel anything someone else feel if they never was on the recieving end. To them well it's not against the rules so they should be upset about it until you do it to them and they get upset. Then many times they understand. Of course you have those blokes that are simply in the mindset of "I can do it to you but you better not do it to me." mindset and there is plenty a lot of them. But cant do nothing much for those people.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 12:06:06 AM »
"You took that power? Why?" Now I know that some powers may have been wasted or didn't seem to fit in the build, but if it was my decision, why would it matter?  That was one of the many things said that bothered me.  Who was the abitrary decider on who takes what power and why it was bad? I agree that some of the powers people took did seem a little off... ...but I certainly didn't harrass them about it or question it.  Sometimes it was just to fit the build for RPing or a specific characters story.

One of the other things that bothered me, not really what was said, but more of an action was someone who sent you a blind invite, you hit decline, maybe even send a tell saying you were busy, then the user still spammed you with invites.
Patiently lurking from the shadows...


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 03:04:31 AM »
I had more positive experiences than not. I do remember, though, that a person on a pug team I was leading with a few friends up and had the nerve to say "Yeah I've g2g. I'll stay on the map. Kick me if you need to"


So, after a few minutes of wondering if this random person, who just joined our team, really actually expected to stay idled on the map, soaking up the xp .... I was like "Uhm, yeah, no" /kick


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 03:07:51 AM »
A leader with a rad, a kin, and a storm on the team telling me on my empath I couldn't leave even though I had a migraine because he needed a healer.
I mean well, I swear.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 03:09:25 AM »
Oh ... there is this other story ...

*Playing on 3 person pug farm. My empath, a tank, and can't remember the 3rd person who was actually leader/owner of said farm*

Me: *notices lack of that taunting sound going off*

Me: *notices my aura heals are drawing aggro off the tank* (tank is level 44 or something mind you)

Me: *to the tank* Do you not have taunt?

Tank: No

Me: Uhm ... why?

Tank: I 'm built for herding.



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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 03:32:59 AM »
In WoW:

- I had joined a dungeon team and the leader hadnt bothered to invite a tank.  So, I was very carefully trying not to draw too much aggro
with my hunter, after I was informed I couldnt use my pet.    The leader then exlaims "OMG, only XXXX DPS, how can anyone be that low?"  Then kicks me.   I almost sent a tell saying "learn to build a team, you might get more DPS", but figured it wasnt worth it.


- I was standing in the middle of a zone, when some guy stops and examines my armor.  "OMG, all your armor is green and it has the wrong stats.  Lol."
Me:  "Yeah.... I wear what I get in drops."
Him:  "Noob"
I guess he couldnt conceive of anyone new to the game who didnt have a rich max level character to finance outfitting his alternates.

In CoH:

I joined an ITF, and the leader, who is a /Fire tank proceeds to tell the rest of us how awesome he is,and about his uber purple build.
He then proceeds to continually die throughout the TF.
I guess someone forgot to tell him that buying an account with a tricked out character isnt sufficient - it helps to know how to play that character.
--- Hercules - Freedom Server ---


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2013, 11:27:25 AM »
The infamous line given to me comes to mind:

"You're a defender, so you're the team's healer."

*Has completely ignored the fact that my powersets are debuff powers.*

"I'm not a healer."

"Well you're a useless defender."


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2013, 01:10:41 PM »
If that's truly what he thought, really he was doing you a favor by kicking you off that team in that you no longer had to put up with him. :p


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2013, 01:40:52 PM »
I used to build characters for extreme duty at times and I was testing a mid 30ish fire tank in Brickstown once herding huge grous and getting the feel for what my limits were. I had an empath start healing me. I was very polite and said please don't heal me.

He was quite offended and wanted to know why?

I explained I was testing the character and I needed to get the feel of what his limits were. I said give me 10 more minutes and I would be glad to team with you and run any missions you want but let me just get used to where I am with my build. He watched me until I was done and then he joined me for the next 2 hours running his missions!

I guess it wasn't as much stupid as just uninformed on what highend build can do and how to test them.

Stone Daemon

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2013, 05:30:06 PM »
I used to build characters for extreme duty at times and I was testing a mid 30ish fire tank in Brickstown once herding huge grous and getting the feel for what my limits were. I had an empath start healing me. I was very polite and said please don't heal me.

He was quite offended and wanted to know why?

I explained I was testing the character and I needed to get the feel of what his limits were. I said give me 10 more minutes and I would be glad to team with you and run any missions you want but let me just get used to where I am with my build. He watched me until I was done and then he joined me for the next 2 hours running his missions!

I guess it wasn't as much stupid as just uninformed on what highend build can do and how to test them.

Look at it from his point of view. From what you've said, he was trying to be nice, and you shut him down (albeit politely). It sounds like he was curious and somewhat put off that his non-killstealy assistance was unwanted. You explained, and all was good. So why is this in the stupid people thread, again? The player wasn't psychic, he couldn't be expected to know what you were doing. (unless he was an empath/psi, of course  ;D)

Stone Daemon

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 05:37:03 PM »
I have a contribution to this thread as well, though it's not really something that was said. As a matter of fact, we didn't exchange words at all. It was still pretty funny, though.

*paints the picture*
I'm killing mobs in Faultline. I can't recall why--it wasn't a lost hunt, perhaps I was just street sweeping on the way to a mission. Who knows. Anyway, I notice some blaster hitting my mobs with AoEs from about 20ft behind my character, real inconspicuous like.  :roll:

I figure the guy happened upon the mob the same time as me, and we just didn't see eachother. So I continue in a different direction than I was heading, and sure enough the guy hits my mob again. And again on the next mob. So it turns out he's a vulture. Ok, I can play that game.

The next mob I run towards, I first disable all the aggro auras on my scrapper, leaving only the defensive ones, and then hop directly in the middle of the mob. I wait. Within seconds, the guy attacks my mob, and I quickly hop out of the fight. These enemies swarm the blaster and kill him in seconds. I don't see him again.  ;)

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2013, 08:04:47 PM »
Started a rad/rad defender blueside a long time ago (before Faultline revamp but after the radio introduction. Was right after I discovered that applying a City of Heroes trial code to a paying City of Villain account gave full version of City of Heroes, indefinitely)

Teaming with a blaster and a scrapper needing support in the Hollows, I get to the mission (not unscathed, hollows-newb I was, but in good enough condition after healing) and find the scrapper repeatedly attacking my debuffs anchors. To which I proceed to explain he should target something else because it's debuffing the others. To which the blaster replies that I shouldn't talk like that to the scrapper (I forgot his name), because he has a lvl 50, and the scrapper trashtalks me.

Also complained that he couldn't see my debuffs, so I quit, saying that being 50 apparently doesn't provide good eyesight nor manners.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2013, 08:12:59 PM »
By and large, I didn't really consider anything "stupid" - mainly because I asked so many stupid questions myself and everyone was always kind about answering them. There was one guy who kept hanging out in an AE farm with us and wasn't getting anything because he was F2P, and the only thing that annoyed me about him was that we had to keep answering that same question over and over again. He just wasn't listening/reading, and that was annoying.

There was one player shortly after I rejoined (when the game went F2P) who decided to preach to me about how to play my Empathy defender. She was wrong about all of it, by the way. I sent her a global friend request, which she accepted, and then I always knew when she was online so I didn't accidentally end up on a team with her again.

I preferred to play with people who were fun, not people who were min/maxed. So far, I haven't found people like that on other MMOs.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2013, 09:09:09 PM »
Paraphrasing, because I saw these types of logic many times from the less informed players who came from such cookie-cutter team setups as WoW, and typically the ones who were arrogant enough to be force everyone to let them lead (particularly the first few)...

"We need a Healer!" (Loved that CoH was designed so efficiently that you didn't always need to have a "healer" or tank to accompany you on missions, and often times when you did have them, they kind of had nothing to do if the team co-operated effectively enough.)

"You're a Force Field Defender? Pfft, you can't even heal, what good are you?" (As I usually was playing my SR scrapper, I loved me some bubbles!)

"You're an empathy defender, why are you using attacks!" (Because standing around and following the group with nothing to do except when the scrapper runs off and aggros three extra groups gets boring. Deal with it!)

"Stop using your knock-back powers!" (Every enemy I knock onto his bum, is one less enemy that's hitting you. I'm doing you a favor, so quit complaining...)

"Without a Radiation Defender/Troller, this is impossible!" (Right after the AV change way back when AVs were suddenly hard as heck to kill because of their regeneration rates. It wasn't just a matter of needing debuffs, it was a matter of needing to hit them harder too, which means not being stingy with inspirations and buffs to the team. Radiation helped, but wasn't always needed specifically. Sometimes more damage in general sufficed.)

"LOL! Kheldians! XD" (I don't care what anyone says, I loved my Peacebringer, and my Warshade as well, even though I never got her to 50... Built properly, they could be tons of fun, they just required more planning to setup that way than standard ATs.)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2013, 09:44:24 PM »
Started a rad/rad defender blueside a long time ago (before Faultline revamp but after the radio introduction. Was right after I discovered that applying a City of Heroes trial code to a paying City of Villain account gave full version of City of Heroes, indefinitely)

Teaming with a blaster and a scrapper needing support in the Hollows, I get to the mission (not unscathed, hollows-newb I was, but in good enough condition after healing) and find the scrapper repeatedly attacking my debuffs anchors. To which I proceed to explain he should target something else because it's debuffing the others. To which the blaster replies that I shouldn't talk like that to the scrapper (I forgot his name), because he has a lvl 50, and the scrapper trashtalks me.

Also complained that he couldn't see my debuffs, so I quit, saying that being 50 apparently doesn't provide good eyesight nor manners.

yeah on the manners part.

But with the visual part, depends on the settings of their computers. Some settings actually caused the effects of buffs and stuff sometimes fiddling with the particle count caused that stuff to not be visible.

Realized that when I got a new computer and did a reinstall and everything went to wacky setting where buffs and auras was not visible. First I thought it was a bug, then remembered I did reset all my options and setting from the last machine and after a little tweaking, raising the bar from performance to high graphic setting solved that.

Then with invention of colored powers some buffs especially anchors in a crowd can be hard to see and tell which is anchor and which is merely debuffed, on my old computer with medium settings (and that computer was no slouch.). So it might not been such of a case of eyesight and could be he was telling the truth and couldnt see the buffs. But still, I noticed it's pretty common for alort of COX players to get snippy over the smallest things in game.

Like this one guy, I didnt care for speed boost but at the same time generally didnt mind it if it came my way but my friend despised speed boost especially. It wasnt that her computer didnt handle it or what not or hated kins, it was just that speed boost was just one of those powers that she didnt like. To her the end gain, which since she mostly played solo and solved her own end problems wasnt worth the unwanted speed boost the buff provided. So any ways it was me, my friend and two others and this kin we picked up abotu to run some good old missions, random missions arc missions papers we didnt care what ever came up. So like most kins trying to be helpful, he started to speed boost everyone, of course without asking and depending on view that could be bad ettiquette in itself but hey, it's only a buff in my eyes no big deal. But my friend pipes up in as friendly manner as possible, which is sometimes unusual for her as she is usually direct which can come off as plain brash in text form, "Hi. I understand your willingness to buff but I do not care for Speed Boost and would like to kindly ask you from speed boosting me. Now I have a kin myself and I know sometimes it's slips, but I prefer to not have that boost." Ok, so immediately the Kin speed boosts her again. She sends tell to me "I guess that guy didnt understand me the first time." So we get to the mission and she again pipes up. "Alright, again, I guess the first time somethign was missed or forgotten. It's ok, but remember I do not want speed boost." So again without saying a word the Kin as if on que speed boost her again. Again she send s tell to me "Ok I think this guy is trying to be an ass. I'm about done being nice." So before it gets turned into a big thing I figured, let me have a go at it. So in private text I send the kin a message first just asking about general stuff, like how does he like the kin build and stuff and how long he been playing and how the kin is a great assett to any team then I laid it on him "Look, I know you're trying to contribute but not everyone like the speed boost buff. I know you probably dont mean anythign bt it but to prevent uneeded conflict just simply skip *her*." He replies back. "She will take the buff whether she likes it or not. If she dont like it, tough." And again hits her with another speed boost. Well, my first instinct was to say ok and let the result I knew was coming take it's course, but I calmly said again, "hey now, as I said, to prevent issues, just skip her. I have no idea why she dont like speed boost I dont care why she dont like speed boost but for what ever reason she dont. And just like anyone here, and as I assume you dont like people telling you how to play your toon, dont force something on someone else. But I hate to remind you it was you that ask us to join this team. Although I dont have the star, and guess you missed it but the person that is requesting to not to be speed boosted is team leader. I'm sure you probably wouldnt mind being kicked but hey, again to avoid conflict, knock it off or just do yourself a favor and leave."

No more replies but he stayed. So he speed boost my friend once more and while she was moving, and thus ended up aggroing the nearest group and two more. I think maybe half on purpose and half on accident but either way she started to beeline towards the kin, the rest of the team killing as many as they can, and of course her beign a tank the damage is miniscule, of course the kin seeing this tank with about three mobs worth of group coming at him bolts. So my friend stops, gather up all mob she can in a corner and tp friend this poor chap into the middle of the mob tp herself out and before he realized what just happened he was face planted. Eventually after the dust cleared and everyone is standing around except the kin, he eventually ask for an awake. The other two team mates said they was fresh out and rest of team continue on. I had an awake but hesitated, as on one hand it did serve him right but on the other hand...I gave him the awake. He eventually catches up to the group and again speed boosts her. He is then kicked from the team and knowing her, she probably placed him ignore. Guess the poor chap needed to vent so he start sending tells to me ranting how my friend that he kepted speed boosting against her wishes was b****, and how she sucked, immature, and etc like he opened a book of insults and just threw them all in there. I think I gave in to the urge of snark with my next reply. "I find it ironic you are angry that someone just basically chose whether or not you will be part of this team against your wishes but had no qualms about enforcing your powers on them against their wishes. Not to be mean or anythign but maybe now you know their frustration. I think in this situation every should be happy. She dont have to worry about speed boost and you can speed boost people to heart content but unfortunatley not as part of this team by the decision of the the team leader."

TLDR- In short some people were plain pushy and rude with their powers and buff. I played buffers and it wasnt hard at all to skip a person who wished to not be speed boosted or whatever. How every "Stupid" their reason is, it's their character their choice and I dont think anyone else had any right to force a power especially one such as speed boost upon them. One of the things I noticed that was rampant in COH, people getting jollies on speed boosting people from the looks over it, becasue they simply enjoyed haveing power over how someone else character moved and the ability to do it and not much the player can do about it. Luckily null the gull came along and I noticed there were a lot less kins running around. I guess it was no fun in griefing people when they can simply cancel it. Those people gave kins a very bad name.