Author Topic: Stupid things players have said to you.  (Read 33478 times)

Mazz vs The World

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #60 on: June 05, 2013, 06:09:33 PM »
Haha Mazz, that was because of a couple things.

1) You were a daily PvPer
2) PvP community is small, which means everyone knows everyone and wants to know their business (Small-town esque)
3) You've been on teamspeak with some people (Including me) and they could tell by your strong accent, and then apparently that got around
4) It's the PvP community, they'll find something about you and rip on you about it for a good long time

You're just as guilty as all of us for the last one of course. Nobody left CoH PvP clean. Anyway, that explains the question.

LOL, hey yes I was known to be all up in PVP but.....I was asked this question during PVE alot and this is what I was speaking about. I would be on a team and all of a sudden someone would ask me my race. So I thought that was interesting it was probably because I used slang when I chatted amongst the team I guess????


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #61 on: June 05, 2013, 08:27:50 PM »
I wouldn't say this was stupid but because of my toon's name, Older'n Dirt, I'd always get the, "Bet you're not older than me." remark. In my 60's. I'd usually reply, "I'm probably old enough to be your father or grandfather," and usually win that conversation. I did lose twice though, once to a lady, who after my usual "I'm probably old enough to be your father or grandfather," reply said, "Then you must really be Older than dirt, I'm 75"  and then again to a man who said he was 70. My answer to both those people was, "WOW, I now have someone to look up to!" I had a good laugh, and I'm sure both of them did too, on those two occasions

My mother-in-law played almost as much as myself, my wife and my son.  She was in her 70s.  She would still be playing if it was available.  :)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #62 on: June 05, 2013, 09:50:51 PM »
My mother-in-law played almost as much as myself, my wife and my son.  She was in her 70s.  She would still be playing if it was available.  :)
I had a  friend that played a character Old Bat.

That toon was based on her grandmother.

She was brisk until the end. lol. Kind of like a second grandma to me in my adult life. And as she said, "I'm not dying until I'm good and ready to and if death comes early he's going to have to sit down and wait until I'm ready." She lasted two and half more years and kicked 89 in her sleep. When she was good and ready to go I guess.

And that old lady didnt give a crap, she spoke her mind. If something was pancaked she'll say so, and dont care who you are family or not.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 10:00:00 PM by JaguarX »


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2013, 01:31:31 PM »
The amount of stupid I was witness to over the 8 years of playing can not be told in one post. 

Lets just say it was never so much the single thing someone would say, but it was seriously noticable at certain server events like a weekend hami-raid, or nightly Incarnate trials, never mind the endless levels of stupid that would happen when certain groups of people would gather together.  If it was just one or two, most of the rest of us could deal with it...but there seemed to be gremlin eating after midnight that would drive the stupid into the epic levels when a critical mass was reached.  Then the tards would overwhelm the rest of us....


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2013, 03:16:27 PM »
there seemed to be gremlin eating after midnight
I believe that gremiln has a name: alcohol.  ;)
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #65 on: June 06, 2013, 03:43:18 PM »
I believe that gremiln has a name: alcohol.  ;)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #66 on: June 06, 2013, 08:09:56 PM »
If it was only alcohol, that would be at least entertaining....I think that some people special.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2013, 11:05:33 PM »
If it was only alcohol, that would be at least entertaining....I think that some people special.

Some people have a tendency to turn into...gremlins online because A) they can get away with it. B) who is goign to find out?   C) Not like anyone going to to do aything about it much. D)BEcause they can. E) Some people are just truely that way  F) They get bullied in real life and this is their oly chance to have any sort of power to make up their helplessness feeling in person. G)They can be a bad ass and no one can call their bluff.

Alcohol induced people, usually are merely entertaining, even the drunk angry ones and rarely doing it just it just to do it to get on someone nerves.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2013, 12:03:42 AM »
Some people have a tendency to turn into...gremlins online because A) they can get away with it. B) who is goign to find out?   C) Not like anyone going to to do aything about it much. D)BEcause they can. E) Some people are just truely that way  F) They get bullied in real life and this is their oly chance to have any sort of power to make up their helplessness feeling in person. G)They can be a bad ass and no one can call their bluff.

Alcohol induced people, usually are merely entertaining, even the drunk angry ones and rarely doing it just it just to do it to get on someone nerves.

Also known as GIFT. Link below if you'd like to read a bit more about it.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2013, 12:23:43 AM »

Also known as GIFT. Link below if you'd like to read a bit more about it.
ah yes, that basically describes it quite well.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2013, 02:15:49 AM »
I just remembered something that a few of us did at the end on Virtue that was technically on the opposite side of this conversation, but it was extremely liberating and a long time in coming. Spamming goldspammers!

Not long after the announcement and the subsequent loss of GM's either being online or just not caring to stop some things (like IP infringement), the goldspammers were still showing up in AP hocking their spam. A group of us spontaneously decided, since this person was obviously a moron and didn't care to look at the chat he was spamming to figure out that the game was being closed down, that we were going to get rid of these guys. We spammed his spam not in chat, where it would bother everyone else, but instead we found the idiot and proceeded to visually spam him to call attention to him. We hit him with AOE's, heals, bubbles and generally jumped on his head for a good 10 minutes before he logged.
I have to say I don't feel bad about that... ;D
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2013, 02:27:33 AM »
I just remembered something that a few of us did at the end on Virtue that was technically on the opposite side of this conversation, but it was extremely liberating and a long time in coming. Spamming goldspammers!

Not long after the announcement and the subsequent loss of GM's either being online or just not caring to stop some things (like IP infringement), the goldspammers were still showing up in AP hocking their spam. A group of us spontaneously decided, since this person was obviously a moron and didn't care to look at the chat he was spamming to figure out that the game was being closed down, that we were going to get rid of these guys. We spammed his spam not in chat, where it would bother everyone else, but instead we found the idiot and proceeded to visually spam him to call attention to him. We hit him with AOE's, heals, bubbles and generally jumped on his head for a good 10 minutes before he logged.
I have to say I don't feel bad about that... ;D

hmm wished I thought of that way before the game closed, when the gold spammers first started.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2013, 03:41:27 AM »
It's funny but I actually felt at first like a banhammer was looming over me as I harassed him even though he didn't react visibly or in his spam texts. I guess years of being in the community and never having a problem other than a few annoying people buzzing around killing immersion or disrupting RP made even messing with a spammer feel like you were breaking a "law" of the city.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2013, 08:23:36 PM »
I remember this one team I was with the leader got frustrated and wanted to restarted the mission so he tells the entire team to log off. Everyone else, realizing that you don't need to log off to reset missions, stays online. A couple minutes pass and logs back on and realizes we didn't log off. He curses at on the broadcast for not following his orders and the team decides to go on without him.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #74 on: June 08, 2013, 08:44:16 PM »
I once had a long, very intelligent chat with someone I was teaming with. Must have been about 10-15 mins, about all kind of things.

Found out a little later he was only 11 years old! I was like - wow - we had such a great chat I couldn't believe he was that young. And I was 49 at the time!

Also one time I was teaming and a lot of us on the team had teamed like 1,000 times before. So were were chatting back and forth in team chat, cussing like sailors. and making all kinds of rude remarks when one of the toons that was quiet chimed in and said basically that her son plays this toon and he is only 6 and could we please not chat so rudely or at least do private chats. We all got very quiet after that out of embarrassment lol.

I think I was on that team... Or had the same thing happen to me.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #75 on: June 08, 2013, 08:47:23 PM »
I had a  friend that played a character Old Bat.

That toon was based on her grandmother.

She was brisk until the end. lol. Kind of like a second grandma to me in my adult life. And as she said, "I'm not dying until I'm good and ready to and if death comes early he's going to have to sit down and wait until I'm ready." She lasted two and half more years and kicked 89 in her sleep. When she was good and ready to go I guess.

And that old lady didnt give a crap, she spoke her mind. If something was pancaked she'll say so, and dont care who you are family or not.

I had a toon named Abe Vigoda.  I'm surprised it never got nerfed.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #76 on: June 08, 2013, 10:19:48 PM »
I had a toon named Abe Vigoda.  I'm surprised it never got nerfed.

Yep, still alive.
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Mistress Urd

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #77 on: June 08, 2013, 10:37:48 PM »
Was on a team and we were blowing stuff away quickly then the leader playing a blaster said "Something is wrong, we can be doing this better, don't do anything until I tell you do to so"

(Blaster runs into large group and goes spat)

"Why didn't you do anything?"

me: You didn't tell us to attack.

".....well do something!"

me: ok (rez the blaster and he goes spat again)

"why didn't you come save me?"

me: you didn't tell us to

(blaster quits)

So we finished the mission and had a good laugh.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #78 on: June 08, 2013, 11:14:19 PM »
where to start.

I can't remember but I know I've heard some stupid stuff.

oh yeah, some people who know me on protector will know who I'm talking about, and it may not be the stupidest of things but it's definitely the most memorable (I lost a few globals due to it)

let me set the stage, I have a friend who likes to play CoH, (who doesn't?) but thier friends like them to ALSO spend time writing replies to posts in forums. ok are we clear on the conflict now?

Good, so this friend had a few weeks of AFK TFing under thier belt, and alot of people were getting a bit ticked off and rightfully so. I had planned a Dr. Quarterfield and we were low on participants so I got my friend online "Are you possitive that you will not AFK?" "yes"
"Are you absolutely sure you wont AFK?" "yes, just get on with it already"

Team in tells "awww not her! she'll go AFK" me "she says she wont, as her friend I'll believe her" team "are you sure about this? you do know this TF is 6 hours long right?"

I agreed.

Spoiler for Hidden:
so we got through the Shadow Shard missions fast enough and moved onto the crey stuff
my friend had just camped out at the door, I get flustered as I had put my reputation online "hey ___ are you there?" I say in a tell "yeah" they say. "why aren't you helping the team?" they say: "I'm not much help I'll just die anyways"

I face palm and keep encouraging them to play in between each enemy group I face, finally I see motion on the map and go to ease. but we were just completeing the mission. everyone exits and we wait.

team "___ is afk, they didn't exit"

"nah I saw her moving before we exited" nearly a minute or 2 later after a short break;

____ "huh? oh sorry I didn't know we should exit yet."

so then it's every mission after that the same stuff happens and the team starts complaining to me. finally my friend says "Yumi just came online and sent me a tell she demands I stop playing and post on the forums, I'm going AFK try to cover for me"

so I try to cover for them, then they D/C and I just keep the team moving.

2nd to last mission 6 hours under our belts the team had not mentioned my friends absence.

then miraculously my connection redflags DUE TO WINDOWS UPDATE SCREW YOU MICROSOFT. sorry rant asside, after the mandatory auto reboot I log in to find my friend had just logged back in, there was now a very heated argument with some nasty words being directed at my friend, i was no longer team leader and team lead kicked my friend from the team.

now my friend gives me the old guilt trip "you continue, I deserved this" *goes to cry*

I remember thinking "OH F#$%... eitherway I make someone mad, my friend obviously wants me to quit but wont say it, and even if they don;t and I continue they'll be mad at me later... just what I need Fem agro after my first Dr. Q TF.."

so I told the team they could finish alone knowing if I stayed on for long enough to explain I would get the super fem agro hammer.

so yeah.. 6 hours wasted and some decent friends now block me.. I miss my globals.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #79 on: June 08, 2013, 11:59:41 PM »
Was on a team and we were blowing stuff away quickly then the leader playing a blaster said "Something is wrong, we can be doing this better, don't do anything until I tell you do to so"

(Blaster runs into large group and goes spat)

"Why didn't you do anything?"

me: You didn't tell us to attack.

".....well do something!"

me: ok (rez the blaster and he goes spat again)

"why didn't you come save me?"

me: you didn't tell us to

(blaster quits)

So we finished the mission and had a good laugh.

I loved teamed with people like that.

Go running into a huge mob like +2 or 3 to them, get their ass kicked and then blame everyone else.

I did team once on a TF with a TANK that refused to go first and get agro because he was afraid to die and "I don't want debt".

First off - that's a tanks job. The first 4 years I tried tanks but never was any good. then the last few years I had finally gotten the hang of tanking and got pretty darn good at it.

But if you are a tank that always thinks you will die - then quite frankly you must suck.

After like one or two mission the leader just kicked him of for being basically useless as a tank.